InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Darkness Howls ❯ Full Moon ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I own the Inuyasha characters and storyline.
The night was still.
The trees rustled with the light wind as they softly passed through their leaves and the air smelled of sweet sap, mingled with the scent of slightly wet trees. The air was sweet and fresh, perfect for a nice stroll in the park with a loved one or with a close friend. And, to be honest, many were already doing that. The community park which was right at the end of the forest was filled with late night partners, relaxing on the park's bench and strolling quietly on the path that lead to the dense forest.
The moon was sitting quietly in the sky, full and gleaming with all of its glory and calling to all of its watchers. Though beautiful it was, it was also very dangerous. The full gleaming brightness of the moon called to the vilest and darkness creatures there were. They were what made simple things like the moon hated and feared. The creatures came out on time like this; it was their favorite night.
It wasn't the only night they came out. But it was the night when they were hungry for fresh flesh, hungry to taste and feel the sweetness of hot blood to the extreme. They savored in the glory of how quickly they could tear apart a human beings body; liked the fact that they held all the power when they chased their prey. But it was foolish and naïve citizens that made it so easy for them to kill and kill so easily and effortlessly.
That was why they needed to be protected. They unknowingly put themselves right into the hands of the enemy and they had no way of knowing. That's why they were there, running silently through the forest at night, their weapons fastened securely in their hands and by their sides. They were there to protect them-the innocents. Because if they didn't, who else would?
They ran through the forests, being as quiet as possible, making their way to the park. Upon coming closer, they could make out a cute couple, cuddling and kissing as if the world were about to end. They slowed their running, eying the couple as they crept closer, hidden by the huge oak tree a couple yards away. There were two of them, a male and a female, and skillfully, they prepared their weapons, ready for the battle that was about to commence.
They continued to watch the couple, and the male made a sound of disgust when the man slowly crept his hand down his girlfriends' blouse. The female, who was watching intently, crept her hand to his shoulder and lightly dug her nails into his skin, a silent command. `Shut up.' The male understood but was quite pissed that she was giving orders, but he made no other sound. But yet, with the full moon so bright in the sky, he couldn't help but began to fidget a couple of seconds later.
He could feel it. That raging feeling that pumped through his blood every time there was a full moon. He needed to move, to run free and allow the warm wind to whip his hair. His legs were tense, ready for the battle but crying out to be able to sprint away and howl up to its God which was the moon. He brought his hand up to his head and drew his clawed hand through his dark long hair.
Moments later, he shifted so most of his weight was on the balls of his feet. Then, he was shifting again, his hands resting on the dirt ground, his knees digging into it as well; he was on all fours, as if he was a dog himself. The women next to him noticed this and rolled her eyes in annoyance. If he kept this up, he was bound to make a sound and ruin everything.
She knew what was wrong with him, but if he jeopardized this hunt…she would kill him. Her thoughts were cut short when she felt his clawed hand rest on her thigh and then slowly begin to caress. At first, she ignored him; used to his behavior, she was sure he would stop soon when he got no response, just like he usually did. But, because it was the full moon, and because that instinctive feeling was pulsing through his veins, he didn't stop.
In fact, his hand raised higher, stopping at the juncture where her upper thigh and hip met. She couldn't help it when her breath hitched in her throat, and her heart sped up. She heard him take a deep breath, and, even in the darkness, she could see him smile. Her hand instantly went over his to stop it from moving any further and she dug her nails into his skin, leaving scrapes of torn flesh, she hoped.
His hand jerked away and she had to suppress a smirk. Good. He deserved it, acting in such a manner when they were on a mission. But when a couple of minutes passed, even she was begging to get tired of waiting. They've been in hiding for nearly a half a hour and still, nothing! She turned to her partner and silently and slowly, reached over and tapped his nose.
It was quite funny actually, but it was the only way to state her question. `Was their enemy still there?' He took her hand from his face and gently squeezed it, giving her a silent `Yes'. If it was still there, why was it taking so long to come out?
Her partner's mind was going about the same lines. If it was there, ready and hungry, why wasn't it attacking? He knew where it was, silently sitting back and watching from the huge amount of bushes behind the bench where the couple once was. He took a deep breath, he was tired of waiting. As soon as the couple made it clear out of the park, he was attacking.
His eyes glanced at the retreating couple. Almost…his body tensed, ready to sprint, while his hand moved silently to his belt, unfastening his gun. The safety was already off; he wasn't the kind of man to have accidents in battle. With his weapon held firmly in his hand, he raised it slightly, ready to attack. He knew that the creature was ready too.
It knew they were there, just ready to kill it. But it would not allow them to stop its bloodlust. He paused when he heard his partner take a deep breath. Is ears swung to the direction of their enemy, and his eyes widened in shock, then narrowed in reorganization that the battle was about to start when he saw that bushes were rustling and was emitting a loud growl.
Then everything went quiet. He sensed his partner tense, and in a second, she had her weapon in her hand. He would have smiled at how quick she was beautiful; one of the reasons she was his partner, but he didn't have time for this, the battle he waited for almost an hour to begin was starting, and he was ready for it. He felt the rush of anticipation gush through his veins.
No one but him could understand the power he felt when there was a full moon and he was out there, right under it with a weapon in his hands. No one could feel what it felt like to have that rush of power and need to be free, run so violently through your veins that you would think you were going to burst. And right then, with the sweet smell of his partner drifting into his nose, a fully loaded weapon in his hands and a creature of the darkness ready to be slain, his body was shaking so badly with the will and need to do something. Either to kill or run or have sex-something. But right now, that one creature was available and he couldn't hold it in any longer.
He attacked.
The exchange of understanding between himself and the creature was so quick, that as soon as he lunged, ready for battle, so did it. He lunged at an inhuman speed, his gun held right in front of him. And so did the creature, leaping from behind the bushes with great strength it was almost frightening. It jumped, in one great leap towards him, its claws extended from its grand paws, sharp and wanting to tear some flesh apart.
Its wide long mouth was open wide in a snarl, hot, dripping saliva was oozing from his mouth, so baldy wanting to taste flesh. This, this is what the full moon could do. The man jerked out of the way before the huge creature could make contact with him. It landed with a loud `Thud' when its massive paws hit the ground. It snarled viciously when it realized its prey had escaped him.
His female partner ran over from their hiding place for the first time. She stood next to him, her face determined and her gun ready to shoot. The creature stood about a yard away from them, snarling and stalking on all fours, its saliva dripping on the floor, making a soft hissing noise. The female spoke to her partner, never taking her eyes off of the great beast in front of her. “Why the hell didn't you tell me you were going to attack?”
“You're a smart girl, you would have figured it out,” he replied. He was also stalking, as was the creature. He couldn't help it; already the kill was taking too long for him. He glowered at the creature, daring it to come near him. And, of course, it did, in a couple of big steps, it was all over them. The partners had to quickly split up, one going left, the other, right.
They quickly regained their bearings and turned to the creature once again, barely, dodging another attack. She turned her gun to the creature and took two shots quickly. She missed both.
“Great shooting!” her partner mocked at her.
“Kiss off, Inuyasha, I don't have time for this!” she screamed, once again shooting at the creature. It was so fast!
Inuyasha shot at it and it turned its attention from her to him, growling before it started to run towards him. Inuyasha stayed calm, pointing his gun right at the creature. When she saw this, she stared to run towards it…it was really a shame that it turned its back to her. She ran and at the same time, took some shots, one missed; the other went right in its back.
The creature staggered and turned its huge head to her so fast that she saw spit flying everywhere. “Come on!” she coaxed it. “Come get me if you want me!”
She locked eyes with the creature, its black cold depths focusing on her and only her. She took the time to shoot at its moment of stupor. But, to her irritation, it quickly dodged, jumping to the side and bouncing off tree trunks, using that as momentum to launch itself at her. But she was ready with her gun. She watched as it leapt towards her, its whole body outstretched in the air, about the size of a small school bus.
She waited for it; as soon as it came close to her she would take out her sword and smash it into its stomach before it even had a clue. But, over its shoulder she could see Inuyasha running towards it, his mouth open in a snarl and his eyes blazing. “Kagome, you stupid bitch! Move!”
Goodness, she hated the full moon. If he came any closer, he would ruin her plan. “Inuyasha, don't! I have everything under-Aghack!”
With her millisecond of defenselessness, that was all the creature needed. He pounced on her, his massive paws, as big as a television coming down on her small shoulders and pinning her to the ground, her gun being flung from her hands. She hit the ground with the massive creature hovering over her. Her breath was knocked from her body, leaving her dazed and her eyes blurry.
The great beast hovered over her, it's stank, hot breath blowing all over her face so hard, her bangs flew up. Its saliva dripped from its still open mouth onto the ground on the side of her head. She was so thankful that it didn't touch her face. She looked up at it, her still blurry vision making out something huge over her. `Why hasn't it killed me yet?'
Suddenly, the loud sound of bullets went blasting through her head and the beast over hear suddenly ducked, its black, thick fur brushing against her face and body, causing her to shiver in disgust. Suddenly, she was snatched up by massive paws, her body being pressed up against a hairy body. Her eyes made out some trees, then the sky. She could feel her feet dangling and realized, to her horror, she was moving pretty fast, and with the vile creature.
Her head was killing her and the fur that brushed against her face made her sneeze. `Goodness! It's carrying me!' With her vision still blurry, she tried desperately too reach into her holster and get her extra gun, or even retrieve her short steel blade. But every time she tried to move her arms, blinding white pain shot through her body and pulsed through her head.
“Kagome! Baby, are you okay!? Kagome, get out your fucking gun!”
`Was that Inuyasha? Doesn't he know I'm trying to get my gun, the fucking idiot! But…but I can't…'
Suddenly, she felt her whole body jerk, along with the creature that was holding her. She heard it growl loudly, and heard another in return. `Was that Inuyasha?' Then she was on the ground, she could feel the cool earth beneath her back. She blinked and opened her eyes, focusing them on the creature above her. It stared back at her, growling. It shifted slightly, giving her a chance to see behind it
And there, she saw Inuyasha pick himself up from the floor and start to run towards her. “Inuyasha…” she still couldn't see well, but she could make him out perfectly. And the thing that scared her the most was his eyes. They weren't the normal midnight black, but a startling gold that held so much rage it made her shiver. They were so bright and so…scary. It was the only thing she could see…that gold that held raging fire. “Inuyasha…don't…”
Inuyasha ran towards them. One thing on his mind. Kill. To kill, to kill, kill, kill…kill. He saw gold, and he felt his claws twist and grow longer and he felt the beams of the moon beat down on his back. He growled a loud growl that rumbled through the creature. He would kill it for even daring to touch his Kagome. He would slaughter it, tear it to little pieces and throw it away.
The creature watched, as if unconcerned by the raging Inuyasha, making his way towards him with such speed. He looked down at the human girl below him. Kagome looked up at him. And then, the most horrifying thing in her life happened. The creature talked to her….
“I want to kill you, but those are not my orders,” it growled, its lips not being able to move properly with the words, but the jaw itself moved, sending spittle flying everywhere. Kagome's eyes widened. Suddenly, every bit of pain in her body became intensified, and she cried out in pain when she realized his massive paws were on her chest, cutting off her breathing. She couldn't even get it off because of the disability of her hands.
“You…you can…talk…” she gasped out, her lungs burning.
“Yes,” it growled. It leaned closer, “I've been waiting for you two…” then it swung its huge head around and in one big sweep, swung its hand behind it and sent Inuyasha flying into a tree. It snapped in two and Inuyasha slumped down to the floor, knocked out. Kagome's eyes widened in terror when she saw that the top of the tree cracked fully and landed on top of Inuyasha.
“No!” she choked out, before the pressure on her chest was intensified.
“Yes…!” the creature growled again. “Master has waited so long for this. I'll bring you first, then him.” He said, referring to Inuyasha. “The littlie half-breed will be no trouble coming with me.”
“How…can you talk…?”
“Something I've picked up…now, Master awaits my return.”
Kagome blinked. “Well…if you…think you're going….to bring me…to your Master…you've got another…thing coming…you fucking hairy ass werewolf!” And with great strength, she raised her feet and stomped it on the floor, causing her small metal knife to stick out the heel of her boot. Then, with a cry of pain, she wrapped her leg around its huge waist and brought the heel of her foot down into its side.
The creature instantly jerked away from her, rolling and hissing in pain “Silver,” she muttered. “Never lets you down.” But, in the process, its claws scratched along her stomach, piercing her skin... She wasted no time rolling away from it the greatest distance possible. From the corner of her eye, she could make out the tree over Inuyasha moving slightly. Good. He could do the rest.
“Inuyasha,” she screamed. “Inuyasha! Get your stupid ass up. Now! It's-” she rolled away quickly when the werewolf tried to leap on her. She looked around frantically for her gun. But what would be the use; her arms were hurting to much to hold it. “Inuyasha!” She looked over and saw that the tree was still over him. “Shit.” She needed something to protect her but with her body in so much pain… “Uggh!” she screamed when the creature landed on top of her again.
“My…you're a hard one to keep. Now I know why Master wants you so much.” It said to her.
“Let. Me. Go.”
The sudden crack of wood caught both of their attention, and they both looked up. But saw nothing. The werewolf growled and turned its attention back to her, big mistake. Inuyasha attacked. The move was unexpected, even to the werewolf. So when it was suddenly lifted into the air, and thrown thirty feet away, it was quite surprised.
Kagome gasped when she felt the air being sucked back into her lungs. She felt breathing on her face and looked up into bright golden eyes. “Inuyasha…?” He growled at her, a growl she understood, before everything went black.
The feeling of something soft and wet on her neck brought Kagome to the land of consciousness.
She couldn't help but turn her head towards the feeling of that wet something that made her feel so good. She suddenly felt a presence hovering over her. And she tensed, thinking she was still in some type of danger, she tried to roll over but something grabbed her shoulders to keep her in place. She immediately hissed in pain. The hands instantly left her, followed by a small whining noise and a lick to her ear.
Her body relaxed, knowing the being was familiar. After a pause, she felt the soothing comfort of the wet thing on her neck. She swallowed a moan of pleasure and tilted her head towards the feeling, hearing a soft growl of approval.
“Inuyasha…?” Her answer was a soft bite to her ear. She sighed a breath of relief when she realized it was him and he was still alive and safe. And then, pulsing anger at what happened. With all of her strength, she rolled away from him. “You idiot!” she seethed. She opened her eyes fully, ignoring the pain she still had in her arms and stomach. She angled her head to look at him and saw that he was simply staring at her openly, his head cocked to the side and his eyes flickering between amber gold and midnight black with his ears flickering with every small sound.
“What?” His voice was low, husky, and a soft growl all in one.
“What? What?! Is that all you can say?” she yelled at him. She saw both of his ears flatten against his head. Good, he deserved this. “I tell you that I have everything under control and what do you do, cause me to lose my attention towards the damn werewolf. Result: two dislocated shoulders and some mean scratches on my fucking stomach! Boy, you better be glad that I can't move my arms or I'd-”
“Bitch, shut the fuck up!”
His voice came so loud and so close to her ear that she couldn't help but jump at the sudden sound. She blinked and looked up at him and her heart beat faster in slight fear when she saw the gold bleeding into his eyes fully. Great, she got him angry. But what did she expect to happen? For him not to yell back? But she didn't care, it was true what she just said and she was tired of him always taking the entire rap in battles. She was tired of being saved. He wasn't the only best slayer in the Dark Slayer Organization, and she was tired of everyone treating him like he was.
Who else was out there every night fighting and risking their lives for people they didn't even know? It was her, Sango, Miroku and him. Not Inuyasha by himself. Just because he could smell a couple miles away, had ears on top of his head and had claws, it made him no more important than the rest of them. And she was not going to let him yell at her like that, dislocated arm or not, golden eyes or not.
“Don't call me bitch, you fucking asshole! You have some nerve even talking to me after what you did. First you just up and attack without telling me! Me! Your partner! Then you distract me-”
She was cut off when Inuyasha suddenly was crouched on his hunches over her. He suddenly grabbed hold of both of her shoulders, and in one swift and smooth movement, jerked her shoulders up, snapping it back in place. Kagome's whole body became ridge, her eyes getting wide, then, she led out a blood curling scream that was cut short by Inuyasha's hand slamming down on her mouth.
Kagome chose to bite his hand as hard as she could, sending his arm jerking away.
“Bitch!” Inuyasha cursed as he slapped his injured hand to his chest. “What was that for?”
“For almost jeopardizing the fucking mission, that's what!” Kagome yelled at him. She slowly eased herself up off of the ground with wobbly movements and turned to face his cold amber/midnight gaze. She rolled her shoulders, not even wincing at the dull pain that was coming from her shoulder.
“What do you mean by jeopardizing the mission? If I recall, I saved your ass from being slaughtered!”
“If you hadn't distracted me, then that wouldn't have happened! Goodness, always trying to take all the glory…” She muttered the last part under her breath. But, of course with Inuyasha having his ears, he heard every bit of it and was in front of her in an instant, his clawed hands holding her wrist in a vice grip. She tried to tug away from him but he only held her tighter, turning the grip almost painful.
His face was close to hers, his nose almost brushing hers and his eyes full amber, blazing with pure anger. When he spoke, she was actually, quite pissed off that it managed to send a shiver of slight fear down her back…as well as pleasure. She hated when he was this close. It always seemed to have some unwanted effect on her, which she had no control of. She could feel her heart rate suddenly explode in rabid beats and her breath was coming out in ragged breaths and she could feel the blood rush to her face.
She had to control herself or else he would know. And she couldn't let that happen. Not on the full moon, he would probably jump her, what with all of his feelings and acts intensified on this night. She looked him square in the eyes when he spoke, his voice low and a deep growl that showed how angry he really was.
“You fucking bitch, if you think that I'm in this shit, risking my life for people who can burn in hell for all I care, just to get credit for something I don't want, you are sadly mistaken. I don't do this for glory, I don't do it for money, I do it because I want to do it and I don't want you or any other fucking person telling me why I do what I do. Understand?”
He spoke calm and that's what scared her the most, but she would be damned before she showed it, even just a little, which would diffidently boost his ego. “Let go!” she commanded, trying to get out of his grip.
His grip tightened. “Understand?”
She purposely didn't answer his question and brought her knee up to his groin, hard. He jerked away from her, howling in pain. Kagome immediately stumbled away from him and took out her phone from her pocket, wincing when her hand brushed against her stomach. She quickly dialed Miroku's number. She waited through three rings before he picked up.
“Hello?” his voice said into the phone.
“It's Kagome," she said breathlessly.
“Did you guys take care of the werewolf? Sango and I just took out a vampyer a couple hours ago. It's taking you rather long to get the job done this time. Is everything going well?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, Miroku, I'm tired as hell, was almost killed, had a werewolf talk to me and I've got scratches all over me probably dripping blood, and an Inuyasha yelling and lusting after me. Get your ass down here and bring the clean up crew and the `flash', just in case.”
“Wait! Kagome! What was that about the werewolf tal-?”
She hung up on him. And almost immediately, she was tackled from the back. She landed on her stomach with Inuyasha on her back.
“Fuck, get off, Inuyasha, I'm not in the mood for this!” she yelled at him, the side of her face in the dirt.
“That was very naughty of you, Kagome, kicking me like that…” his breath brushed against her neck and ear and she shivered. “I think I'll have to get you back for that.” His head dipped down and licked the shell of her ear. He growled approvingly when he noticed her scent spiked. He pressed against her harder, allowing her to feel just how …happy he was. He heard her quick intake of breath and smirked against her neck. “You know…maybe if you were always this submissive, you would already be my bitch.” He licked her ear again.
Suddenly, he was on his back, Kagome standing over him and glaring. “Why do you try to turn our bickering into a make out session?!”
“Why do you always enjoy it?!” he shot back
She turned away, desperate to hide her blush and ignored him. But then, realization hit her: the werewolf. She turned around and bumped right into his chest. She tried to stumble back but his powerful arms went around her waist and slammed her against his rock hard chest. She winced because of her wounded stomach and Inuyasha instantly noticed.
His quickly let her go and brought his arms to her shoulders, holding her still when she tried to move away. “You're hurt,” was all he said. Kagome was slightly taken back by how soft and concerned his vice became. But she shrugged it off, as well as him.
“I'm fine,” she muttered as she stepped back and looked into his face. “Inuyasha, something important and, quite impossible happened tonight.” He frowned at her, but made no move to interrupt. She continued, “Okay, when the werewolf would was on top of me…” Inuyasha growled loudly. “Shut up and have your little hissy fit after I'm finished talking. Anyway, when it was on top of me, right before it slammed you into a tree…it…”
Inuyasha's ear twitched. “Sango and Miroku are here.” Kagome sighed but looked down the dark path to see Miroku and Sango coming up, along with a couple of men by their sides. “Good, they brought the clean-up crew. I hope they brought a lot of plastic bags…there're going to need it.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “How many pieces did you chop this one in?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “Not a lot.”
“Where is it, anyway, Inuyasha?”
He pointed up. “In the tree right above you…most of it, anyway.”
Kagome looked at him in shock. “The tree! How the hell did you get it up there?”
“Damn thing followed me up there, so I killed it up there.”
Kagome just shook her head and began walking over to the rest of her team that were now closer. When she reached them, Miroku was the first to speak.
“Kagome, I need to know if what you said on the phone was a joke or not.” Kagome rolled her eyes. Of course what she said was the truth. Why the fuck would she lie about something like that? But…knowing Miroku, he just wanted to make sure before he rushed into things…he was cautious when needed and that's what Kagome liked about him.
He was a handsome man, and her best friend. He was tall, and with his sweet smile that showed his pearly whites and with his charms and womanizing skills, he was the man of any women's dreams. His hair that was black and short, reaching a couple of inches away from his shoulders, was always worn in a small pony-tail at the nape of his neck, leaving his bangs free to hang in his violet hued eye as they often did.
“Miroku, of course it wasn't a joke, you ass!”
He whistled, shifting his gun at his waist. “Someone had a bad fight,” he said, hinting.
Kagome glanced at Inuyasha who was pacing under the same tree the werewolf was in. “You don't know the half of it.”
Kagome waved a hand in the air. “I'll tell you when we pack up everything. One thing at a time...”
Miroku nodded, but gave Kagome a concerned look when she held a hand to her stomach. “You okay, Kags?”
Kagome smirked up at him when he used her old nickname that only he used. She stepped forward and ruffled his already messy hair. “I'm okay, Roku. Don't worry about me,” she said tenderly. He nodded, but still gave worried looks to her stomach.
“We'll have that cleaned up when we reach home.”
Kagome could only nod. He offered her his hand and together they walked over to the rest of the crew, just in time to see the big werewolf that was stuck in the tree to fall out, rattling the ground. Everyone gathered around it, observing it. And, as usual, the clean up crew started to take pictures of it to go to the lab. Sango was the first to speak. “God! It's huge! I don't think I've seen one this big before.”
“Look at its teeth. There're as big as a size 14 pair of sneakers,” Miroku commented.
Its mouth was still wide open, drool leaking to the floor beneath it, along with all of the blood that was oozing out of its deep wounds.
“Goodness, Inuyasha. You really did a number on this one,” Sango said.
“It almost got Kagome,” Inuyasha said as if that would explain everything. And to the crew, it did.
“This is the biggest I've ever seen,” Kagome commented. “Faster, too. When I tried to shoot it, it dodged before I had a chance. It would have killed me if it weren't for Inuyasha and that blade hidden in my foot.” As soon as those words were said, Kagome felt guilty. She already cussed him out for distracting her, when he saved her life. Even though he distracted her, he did it because he was worried about her. She glanced at him across the group and looked at him with his arms crossed over his chest and looking intently at the dead werewolf. She also noticed that he was shifting from one foot to another. He was fidgety, again.
“I told you that switch blade in your heel would help you out,” Sango said with pride.
“Let's go, the clean up crew needs to do their job,” Inuyasha said, stepping away from the creature. The rest did as well, because it was starting to emit smells.
“You know,” Sango started.
But then Inuyasha's ear twitched and he cursed. “Someone's coming.”
Miroku took a small metal devise out of his pocket. It was small, circular shaped with four buttons running along its sides. He also took out a pair of black sunglasses and waited for the person to come up the path. “I got this,” Miroku said as he patiently waited.
“I hope they don't run away,” Kagome commented. “Thank goodness I told you to bring the `flash'.”
Sango nodded. “It only makes it that much harder.”
Then a man emerged from around the bend of the path and began to walk towards them with a bag in his hand. He slowed down causally when he noticed the group. He continued to walk further but then his eyes traveled to the creature on the floor and he stopped dead. His eyes first showed confusion, then shock. As he gazed longer at it, his mouth wide open, he dropped his bag and took a step back. His bag fell from his hands without a sound.
“Oh…my…god…! What the hell is…Jesus…!” he took another step back.
“Please don't run, please don't run…” Miroku chanted quietly, as everyone else, including the clean up crew, watched the man with curiosity. They always liked to see the different reactions of people when they came across the creatures.
He ran.
“I hate when they run,” Miroku commented. Then he was running at full speed to the man. When the man saw he was being chased, he sped up. But he was no match for the slayer, Miroku, when he was tackled to the ground, not far from the spot where he dropped his bag. Miroku quickly straddled his legs and adjusted his glasses. He quickly positioned the devise in front of the man's eyes, and with one quick switch, he pressed the yellow button and a bright light flashed in the man's face. And that's why it was called the `flash'. The man was instantly frozen.
Miroku got off of him and stood up and dusted his shirt off. “Okay,” he said, looking down to the man. “You left your house a while back and decided to go to a friend's house for a late movie. You got to the park and then…then…” Miroku faded off, having no story to tell the man. He looked to the rest of his crew, but they just shrugged. Miroku looked around before his eyes landed on the man's bag. He quickly opened it and saw a container of ice-cream. “Ice cream?” Miroku questioned. He opened it up and saw it was vanilla. He made a face. He turned back to the man. “You got to the park and then realized you forgot to bring the ice cream with you.”
“He already has ice cream, dim-wit,” Inuyasha pointed out.
Miroku glared and then dumped the whole container of vanilla ice-cream on the floor. “Strawberry. You were going to buy strawberry ice cream and then go to your friend's house.” He walked over to the man, lifted him up with a few grunts, and turned him to the direction of the way he just came. Miroku quickly pressed the black button, and another flashed happened. The man then began to walk stiffly back down the path, never looking up.
Miroku walked up to his crew, a smile on his face and his glasses still on. “Why do I feel like I'm Will Smith in that movie, Men in Black?”
The crew rolled their eyes.
“What? I like strawberry ice cream.”
They were almost finished packaging the creature, ready to throw it in the back of their truck and bring it to the lab.
“What took so long to kill it?” Sango asked Inuyasha and Kagome. “It never takes this long.”
Kagome shrugged. “For some reason, it didn't go after the bait. It just sat there for a while and didn't attack until we did. Weird.”
“Why would it wait that long when it could have attempted to have the bait so quickly?” Miroku asked.
“Because it was after us,” Inuyasha said.
Every one looked at him. The expression on his face, so pissed and determined, and a hint of confusion. But no one said anything. His voice was definite and they didn't think to question him right now on the matter. They would do it later-tomorrow, when they were all rested. Kagome looked at Inuyasha who was still staring at the creature being carried away.
It wasn't because he was their best slayer that they didn't question him. It was because he simply knew. It was a simple understanding to him. He usually was able to do that-determine the creatures' motives, whether it was a vampyer, zombie, harpy-but mostly a werewolf. He could understand those the best. And once you knew him, it was very sensible. No one knew how he understood or how he could do it, or how he…analyzed the situation. Only that he did it and that was good enough. Besides, the crew trusted him, even though he was a jerk sometimes. But he had that connection with the creatures of the night and they would use that to their advantage. No one knew how he could understand them. But they all knew why.
Inuyasha was after all, part werewolf.