InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Darkness Howls ❯ Werewolf Nature ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I own the Inuyasha characters and storyline.
White Tiger Princess- Thanks for thinking that my story is cool. There are many reasons that I decided to make Inuyasha a werewolf. The first reason is because Inuyasha has been everything else but a werewolf. I'm not saying that I haven't read a fanfic with Inuyasha being a werewolf, because I have, but there isn't a lot and I wanted to explore that advantage. The next reason is because the story's main focus is about werewolves. So, in making Inuyasha a werewolf himself, it helps bring him deeper into the story. Oh, and also, yes, this will diffidently be an Inuyasha and Kagome story…as you will soon find out for a fact. And yes. Other Inuyasha characters will come in the story.
Amycool- Thank you very much for your compliment! Especially the part about it being beautifully written. Of course I'll write a next chapter, and here it is.
“We have doomed the Wolf not for what it is, but for what we have deliberately and mistakenly perceived it to be. The mythologized epitome of a savage, ruthless killer... which is, in reality no more than a reflected image of ourselves."
Farely Mowat
Kagome lay in her bed on her back, staring at the ceiling above her.
They had all decided to come to her house for a nights rest because hers was closer. Everyone was really worn out with the battle and needed a good rest. She narrowed her eyes at nothing in particular. She still hadn't told the rest of her crew about the werewolf talking to her…well…she kind of told Miroku, but she didn't elaborate with everyone being exhausted from the battle, she just didn't feel like keeping them up longer than needed.
But it was important and she needed to tell them. But the problem was…would they believe her? They have worked with creatures that-just by looking at them-could cause you to vomit and make your eyes bulge. But the point was, the ones that could talk did, and the ones that couldn't talk-that, including werewolves, didn't talk. But to suddenly have something that couldn't even move its jaws, be able to speak human language to you was terrifying.
She would tell them in the morning, when they were all gathered at Head Quarters. That way, she'd get the cat out of the bag and get to tell everyone at the same time. She sniffed and rolled her eyes. She could already see it. As soon as she finished telling them what happened they'd probably grab her up and start asking her all of these questions and then start investigating the werewolf. They would probably think it was a new mutation of some kind. She knew her information would change everything in the Head Quarters.
The heavy weight that covered half of her body shifted over her. She looked down and made eye contact with a pair of twitching black ears. She rolled her eyes. Inuyasha. The man never gave her break. She sighed and brought her hand up to rub one of his silky ears. A soft growl rose from his throat and his head, which was cradled into her shoulder, started to nuzzle.
Her eyes shifted to his face and she couldn't help but smile. In his slumber, he looked peaceful, like he had no worries.
She stroked his ear softly and he continued to growl. He always did this. Every full moon, he would somehow end up in her bed with her. Like earlier tonight. As soon as they came home, everyone got comfy, ready for bed. All except for Inuyasha. All he did was pace around the room and fidget around until she had to yell at him to go and take a run. The full moon still had him acting up.
She shifted under him, trying to get some personal space. But the clawed hand that was wrapped securely around her waist only tightened with her movements.
“Inuyasha…” she whispered to him. “Inuyasha, get the hell off of me.”
Still, he shifted and tightened his arms around her. This time, though, he wrapped a leg over her thigh and covered her body intimately with his own. He snuggled closer to her, his head moving up to her neck to nuzzle her skin. She could feel her heart beat begin to speed up for the second time that night, and she wasn't in the mood for it. She really did hate it when he didn't even have to try, and yet her body responded to him as if they were doing…certain activities. With that thought in mind, she started to struggle even more, but yet gentle enough not to wake him. Even though the fool got on her nerves, he deserved his rest as much as every one else, and she didn't want to wake him just because she couldn't sleep.
She finally got herself loose from his hold and slipped out of bed. Inuyasha stirred slightly and she made a quick getaway; tiptoeing to the door and silently closing it. She walked down the dark hall passing Miroku and Sango's rooms on the way. Her guest rooms really did come in handy. She crept down the stairs and into the kitchen where she put water on the stove to boil. While she waited, she sat in one of the kitchen chairs and rested her head on her hands.
She would look completely crappy in the morning when they had to go to Head Quarters, due to her lack of sleep. She narrowed her eyes slightly when her thoughts drifted back to the battle she just endured previously. She sighed. That was one hell of a battle; she's never been knocked out so easily in her entire life! It was a hard and quick kick to her ego as well as her pride to be taken down so easily by a trivial werewolf. But the thing about the matter was: That was no normal werewolf. It had talked to her and that reached way past normal limits.
Her forehead crinkled in concentration as she tried to remember what the creature had said to her…
“You…you can…talk…” she gasped out, her lungs burning.
“Yes,” it growled. It leaned closer, “I've been waiting for you two…” Then it swung its huge head around and inone big sweep, swung its hand behind it and sent Inuyasha flying into a tree. It snapped intwo and Inuyasha slumped down to the floor, knocked out. Kagome's eyes widened in terror when she saw that the top of the tree crackedfully and landed on top of Inuyasha.
“No!” she choked out, before the pressure on her chest was intensified.
“Yes…!” the creature growled again. “Master has waited so long for this. I'll bring you first, then him.” He said, referring to Inuyasha. “The little half-breed will be no trouble coming with me.”
“How…can you talk…?”
“Something I've picked up…now, Master awaits my return.”
End Flashback…
Kagome's eyes widened. Master! A master, he wanted to take them to its master…but why? Kagome continued to contemplate this new information. When the creature was on top of her, she wasn't in her right mind. With her pain and hurting limbs, all she did was yell back at the creature that held her captive, not mindful of her words. `So…Inuyasha was right, it was waiting for us. To attack us. But not to kill us…But what would its master want with us? And the creature said it's been waiting for us…how long has it been waiting, exactly? Has it been watching us unknowingly?' Kagome scrunched up her nose in disgust at the thought being watched by such a vile creature.
She would diffidently have to talk to the group about this. This went beyond the werewolf talking to her. Now, there was some new evil out there that they would have to quickly destroy. Anger boiled up inside of her at just the thought. She wasn't in the mood. She was already on beck and call to fight the everyday creatures that caused havoc on the streets, and now, she's been beaten to a pulp, can't sleep, and what's more, all of the things she's killed is gathering together for some evil plot that she has no idea about.
She was so angry, in fact, that she didn't even notice the soft rumbling noise that was starting in her chest, rising up to her throat before it came out in a loud growl. Her hands were clenched on the table and she was glaring. A smooth, sleepy voice, one that also held amusement, severed her thoughts.
“That growl isn't so bad, for a human, that is.”
Kagome nearly jumped out of her chair. She placed a hand over her racing heart and cursed herself for being so lost in her thoughts that she completely allowed her guard to be let down.
“You know, that growl makes you sexier,” the voice said again.
Kagome didn't even know that she had still been growling, but she immediately cut it off with a choked cough. She sobered up quickly and tuned to give Inuyasha a quick glare over her shoulder before she turned back. She tuned back very quickly when she realized that he was half naked, only wearing his black jeans. She didn't realize he was without a shirt when they were in bed together. He must have taken it off before he came out to bother her.
“Why'd you leave the bed?” he asked, as he walked up behind her. Kagome stiffened, feeling how close he was.
“I left because you were all over me when I was trying to get some sleep,” she answered curtly. She stood up when the whistling of the kettle signaled her hot water was ready. She quickly made her tea and sat back down, quickly doing her best to ignore Inuyasha's presence. She sipped her tea, glaring at her cup. She saw Inuyasha sit in the seat across from her from the corner of her eye. Even without looking at him, she could feel his powerful gaze on her. After a while of his staring, Kagome shifted in her seat, looked at him and snapped, “What the hell are you looking at?”
Inuyasha blinked at her. He slowly crossed his hands over his muscled chest and continued to stare at her. Kagome held his gaze, stubborn as she was. She wasn't going to allow Inuyasha to get the best of her, not even when he didn't have a shirt on. But she found it slightly hard to keep her gaze on his face when his whole chest was in her sight. She noticed his eyes flash with what she new for a fact was amusement. She could feel a soft flush creeping up her neck as she kept her gaze locked with him. The stupid ass knew just what was going on with her.
“You know,” he said breaking the silence, “my nose is very sensitive.”
Kagome's eyes widened a fraction at what he was implying. `Figures his nasty mind would allow him to say something disgusting like that!' She blew out a frustrated breath. “Why don't you take your nasty mind, along with your inflated ego and go back to sleep.”
“Can't. Not without you by my side, Baby.”
Kagome's eyes flashed. “I'm not your `Baby'! I'm not your anything!” She sipped her cup of tea, and glared behind him. When she spared him a glance, she saw that he had leaned in, hovering over the table, his arms still crossed and a deep scowl on his face. She huffed and looked away again. “If you think your petty scowl will allow you to get your way, your wrong, so fuck off.” Another sip of tea. “By the way, I'm tired of waking up and finding you all over me. How's a girl supposed to get some sleep with you latched onto me with a vengeance. I can barely turn around without you breathing down my neck. I want you to stop.” Again with the glare behind him.
She looked at him when she could make out a growl; a growl that was slowly growing in volume. She couldn't help it when a smirk appeared on her face. She made him angry. `Good, he deserved it for interrupting my thoughts.' She frowned, her mind slipping back into what she was thinking about before Inuyasha's growl once again broke through her thoughts.
She sighed. “Yes, but not yours.”
She saw his eyes flash golden just for a second, and she froze, a small amount of fear gathered within her but she clamped it down. She wouldn't allow it to show, he would only try to dominate her quickly.
“What…did you say to me?” His voice was rough, just like it was when he was fighting the werewolf earlier.
Kagome thought whether she should reply with a sarcastic remark, or not reply at all. “Inuyasha, leave me and mind your business. I'm not in the mood right now.” She heard him drag his claws on her kitchen table, doing his best to contain his rising anger. Kagome winced and glared at him. He was going to pay to fix that…
“Whatever is wrong with my Bitch is my problem.” Again with the `My Bitch' talk.
Kagome gripped her tea cup so hard, a thin crack, not wider than a strand of hair, appeared from the top to the bottom of her mug. She was lucky most of her tea was gone, or else it would have leaked out. “I….am not and never will be…your Bitch….” When she spoke, this time her voice was a growl-literally. It was low and so dangerously quiet, that it had Inuyasha's heart beating faster and the hair raising on the back of his neck standing on end with the need to throw her over his knee and spank some sense into her, or smash her against the wall and fuck her senseless, making her know who she belonged to.
When his eyes flashed, this time however, they stayed golden, glowing with such intensity that it would have had the strongest night creature crying at his feet. But Kagome was so beyond gone that she barely noticed. She rose from her seat, slowly, taking deliberate slow steps, never taking her eyes off of him. She knew if she stayed, she wouldn't be able to get the peace and quiet she needed to think about what happened with the werewolf.
Inuyasha watched her with deadly silence. His posture was stiff and tense. His fists were clenched so hard that he could feel his claws digging into his skin. But still he didn't move. He was beyond anger…he wanted to fucking rip her apart for denying who she belonged to. He wanted to take her so completely that she had no doubts that she was his Bitch. His eyes stared, stared with the look only a hunter could have. So acute and aware of only her…
Kagome made it to the kitchen door, knowing that Inuyasha was watching her. And although she was pissed at him her body couldn't help but react to its fullest. She couldn't deny it; Inuyasha was a handsome man, the most handsome man she's ever seen, in fact. His whole presence just screamed sexuality and it was enough to have any girl lying at his feet in a puddle of lust. Even she had to sometimes be careful around him, because his whole being was so dominating that it sometimes had her frightened-especially when they were alone.
She knew that Inuyasha was the type of man that ran only on instinct-it was his nature, his werewolf nature. It might sound so strange, her working with a werewolf and it might sound ridiculous to have one after you, but for her, it was all in her schedule. So when she saw him watching her with such calculation and his golden eyes growing darker by the minute, she-even in her angered state, she knew she had to move slowly-no sudden movements.
She stopped suddenly and took a good look at him. From top to bottom. She saw his black ears that stood so stiff and were directed at her. She observed his long midnight hair-the same color of his ears- that reached his waist. Her eyes moved down to his face and met his golden eyes that sent a shock of electricity through her whole body. She saw his perfect features, from his perfect forehead to his straight nose, to his plush, kissable lips that were in a silent snarl, allowing her to see his fangs. Those same fangs that she remembered so clearly were running along her body only two months ago.
Her eyes moved on to his well muscled, tanned chest. By only looking, she could make out all of his muscles. Smooth skin played over his body perfectly that her hands almost reached out to touch him. Her eyes played over his tensed, clenched hands that had his biceps bulging in his anger. She nearly groaned out loud. That was her first mistake. There must have been a change in her scent because Inuyasha growled loudly, viscously as if his prey was right where he wanted it to be. Ready for an attack. Inuyasha's nose flared, taking in the scent of her arousal. It nearly undid him.
The sound snapped her back to reality. She was angry at him. Not wanting him. Angry, angry…. “Stop sniffing me…” she hissed at him. She quickly turned her back on him. “Go sniff up somebody else's ass.”
Mistake number two.
Inuyasha moved so fast, so smooth she didn't even sense him coming. At once, her front was smashed against the kitchen wall with such force that the air was knocked out of her lungs. Inuyasha's chest was pressed so tightly against her back; she could feel every muscle of his body. Every dip and movement he made behind her. Inuyasha had both of her wrist held tightly in one of his hands. He pressed her bundled wrist above her head. His other had was fisted in her long raven locks, pulling back hard, causing her neck to be pulled back which exposed her throat to him. She had no choice but to arch against the wall with the position he held her in.
She could feel his ragged, warm breath on her neck that made her shiver. She bucked against him when the air returned to her lungs. “What are you doing?!” she screamed at him. She bucked against him again, trying to get way from him with such anger. Her only answer was a hard tug on her hair and a low growl. “You fucking asshole! Let me go!”
Inuyasha pushed against her roughly, letting her know without words that she wasn't going anywhere. She suddenly started to struggle harshly; bucking roughly and trying to get her hands free from his hold. “I hate you!” she yelled at him, still struggling. A sudden hard bite to her neck had her stopping in her tracks. The sudden memories of what happened two months ago between them flashed before her eyes and she would have collapsed at the memory if Inuyasha wasn't pressed against her so tightly.
With his fangs pressing against her neck and his rock hard body molded against hers she couldn't help but remember.
It was only two months ago, another full moon that he took her. As usual he was antsy and she yelled at him to go for a run. But she just didn't understand it. She didn't understand what was so different that night from all of the other full moons. So, of course she didn't understand when he crawled on top of her sleeping body, his glowing eyes demanding that she accept him, and began to softly nip and bite at her neck. And she didn't understand why she had groaned when he kissed her, primal need growing in her body, and wrapped her legs around his waist. Ever since that night, he has been after her, trying to make her his. It isn't that he wasn't already after her, but after that, he was after her with no mercy.
Every chance he got he was all over her. And one of those things was sleeping in her bed. She moaned pitifully when the pressure of his fangs increased on her neck. “Whose Bitch are you?” he growled in her ear. She shivered violently when his hot breath caressed her neck and face.
“Not…yours.” She gasped out.
With that, she sealed her fate.
He yanked her hair once, causing her to cry out. He turned her around quickly and slammed her back against the wall having her face him now. Again, he pressed his body against hers and still held onto her wrist. With his other hand, he grabbed her chin roughly and brought his face so close to hers, the only thing she could see were his blazing, gold eyes. A whining nose escaped her throat when she saw a slow, sinister smile cross his face, showing off his pointed fangs. “Let me show you whose Bitch you are….”
Kagome's eyes widened when she was suddenly over his shoulder. She didn't get a chance to utter a word before she was suddenly thrown flat on her back. She blinked before she realized that she was back in her room. She sat up quickly and said, “Inuyasha, you fucking-” Something pushed her back roughly to the bed. She fell on her back silently. She immediately tried to get up when a sudden heavy pressure was on top of her. She knew what it was. “Inuyasha! Get off of me!” Her heart pounded in her chest so hard she thought her ribcage would burst. The last time he acted like this was two months ago…
She struggled underneath him, trying to push him off. But before she could say anything, his lips crashed down on hers violently. The kiss was violent, bruising almost. His lips were on hers with so much intensity she thought she would melt into the bed. When he nipped at her bottom lip, she couldn't help but groan and Inuyasha immediately took the advantage and dived his tongue into her mouth. When his hot tongue touched hers, it was then that Kagome actually realized what was going on. Her eyes widened, and she realized she could only see darkness.
She jerked her head to the side, ending the kiss, but that seemed to be okay for Inuyasha because he continued to kiss down her jaw line to her throat. Kagome brought her hands up and pushed him away. He must have been too occupied because he actually rolled off. Kagome immediately jumped up and made a line straight to the door but she was abruptly snatched back. Inuyasha lifted her up by her waist and slammed her back against the wall. Kagome bit back the cry of pain that wanted to escape her.
“You're my Bitch and I'm going to show you that…for the rest of the fucking night,” he growled loudly in her ear. He pressed his body against hers, settling between her legs and pushing her against the wall harder.
“Inuyasha, get off of me!” Kagome yelled. She pushed him as hard as she could, but that did no good. Her hand went for his hair and she yanked his hair, never letting go but pulling as hard as she could. He growled loudly and she looked at him. She bit her lip when the only think she could see in the darkness was his glowing golden eyes, filled with nothing but lust. She yanked is hair again, and again, he growled, threatening her. “Fuck off, Inuyasha.” She yanked again. His golden eyes narrowed and before she knew it, her shirt was gone and Inuyasha pressed his naked chest against hers, and she couldn't help but groan at the feeling of skin against skin.
She should have worn a bra.
Inuyasha leaned in and, in one slow, long stroke, licked the side of her face from her chin to her forehead. Kagome shuddered violently in his arms. Her body instantly went slack. Inuyasha brought his lips to her ear and whispered, “Say my name.”
Kagome ignored him. Placing her hands on his chest for a futile chance of getting away from him. But her hands were already too weak to do any good, anyway, and when he gave her face another stroke, she found her hands that were once placed against his chest, running along his shoulders, then down the length of his arms, almost as if they had a mind of their own. Inuyasha pushed his chest closer to her hands, desperate to feel her touch. “Say. My. Name.” Though Kagome was now lost, she knew that she would not succumb to him so easily, so of course, she shook her head in a silent “No.”
Inuyasha growled. “Fine. But you'll be screaming it all night, anyway.” Kagome whimpered as Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her once again to the bed. He laid her down on her back and was quickly on top of her, his chest pressing tightly on her chest. The feeling of her soft, hot skin and her hard nipples rubbing against his chest caused something like a whine, something like a growl to be ripped from his mouth. And Kagome's wondering hands weren't helping any.
Inuyasha placed persistent, open mouth kisses along her neck. He stopped and nipped at her pulse point, causing Kagome to gasp and arch into him. He continued, his kisses becoming more urgent and needy as he harshly bit her pulse point, causing a droplet of blood to come out. He licked up the red liquid and continued down her neck, to her shoulder, all the while never stopping his licks and nips and sucks as he came closer to her breast. When he reached them, he didn't hesitate to take one pert nipple into his mouth and begin to suck. Kagome's eyes flew open and with a loud moan, she tangled her hands in Inuyasha's hair, pushing him down harder against her chest, making sure his hot mouth didn't leave her breast.
Inuyasha let go of that breast when he was finished and moved on to the next. Leaving a trail of hot, burning kisses on the way. He took the other nipple in his mouth and bit down hard. “Oh!” Kagome cried out in bliss. Inuyasha's ears perked up at the sound. He opened his mouth further, taking in as much flesh as possible. Kagome trembled beneath him, whimpering for more. He left her breast and continued down, his clawed hands running along Kagome's sides, eliciting moans and shudders from her.
“Are you going to say my name, yet?” he growled out while dipping his tongue into her navel. No answer. He nuzzled her stomach, placing nips and bites on her skin. When he reached the top of her pajama pants he growled. “I hate these things…” With one long flick of his claws, the pants fell apart to reveal her creamy legs. Inuyasha never thought he's seen longer legs than hers. His golden eyes searched her legs, from her slim waist to her creamy thighs, to her smooth calves and all the way down. He instantly went between her thighs, nuzzling her legs apart. His golden eyes searched for something and he nearly howled in triumph when he saw it. There, on her inner left thigh was his mark. It was nothing more than two small dots where he had sunk his fangs, but it held significance. If he bit her there two more times, she would be completely his…
He shuddered at the thought of her only belonging to him.
He nuzzled the mark, growling loudly when a violent shudder went through Kagome's body. “Inu-Inuyasha…” Kagome sighed. He nuzzled the mark again and nearly bit her when Kagome pressed her thigh against his mouth, almost as if it was an offering. His tongue darted out and licked the mark, and his erection only grew at the sudden spike in Kagome's scent. “Inuyasha!” she screamed.
He ignored her, moving from the mark to the space between her legs, her sacred place. He nuzzled her through her panties and gave an arrogant chuckle when Kagome bucked against him. He held her hips down and continued his ministrations. “Inuyasha…please?” Kagome asked him in a cracked voice.
“Please what?” he asked back.
She growled in frustration. Inuyasha chuckled again. He quickly rid himself of his pants and boxes, hovering over her in all of his naked glory. He sliced Kagome's panties away. Kagome nearly cried when she felt the cool air against her private parts. `Finally', her clouded mind thought. Inuyasha stalked up her body like the predator he was. He positioned himself between her legs with a soft hiss of pleasure. Kagome instantly bucked her hips against his, ready for more. Her blood temperature was off the charts. At this point, she didn't care what was going on, just as long as he was the one to stop the painful aching in her lower stomach. She could feel it, a knot that was being tied tighter and tighter. She needed this release. She needed him to be the one to do it.
She writhed pathetically beneath him, desperately to feel him inside of her like two months ago. This would only be their second time together and she was already so desperate to feel his touch. She ground her hips against his, and nearly died when he held her hips still. “What?!” she cried out. Hadn't he tortured her long enough? She squeezed her eyes shut.
“Open your eyes, Kagome.” Inuyasha growled.
Kagome could only whimper at his hot breath flowed over her face. She couldn't open her eyes, it was too hard. “Open your fucking eyes!”
His tone had her pulse jumping. And she knew he felt it, too. Slowly, painfully, she opened her eyes and was met with a pair of dark golden eyes that blazed with a million fires. She shivered under him. He brought his face close to hers, his lips millimeters from hers. “This is the second time…” he bit out. She could tell he was holding back, wanting to say what was needed to be said before he took her. But she didn't want him to hold back. She wrapped one of her long, silky legs around his waist to pull him closer to her. She also brought her hands to his shoulders, rubbing and raking her nails against his skin. He bucked wildly against her body, and Kagome savored in the feeling of having him so close.
But he suddenly bit down on her bottom lip, drawing blood. “Let me fucking finish…” he growled out. “This is the second time, Kagome. So soon, you will be mine, you understand? No one else's.” He rocked his hips against hers, making her feel how much he wanted her. Kagome threw her head back and moaned. “Do you understand?” She nodded, her lust filled mind not understanding what he was talking about. As soon as she nodded, he entered her, swift and hard, tearing a loud “Yes!” from his lover.
He pumped into her, hard, fast and ruthless. All he wanted was her. All he needed was her. The intense heat that engulfed him when he entered her was enough to make him feel like there were a thousand full moons in the sky. It was enough to make him howl at the endless dark sky for what he was taking, for what was his. Kagome was his Bitch. No one else's, and as he pumped into her, harder, faster, he made sure she knew that, whether she would follow it or not, he was making sure that she was his.
His hands never stayed still, running along her sides, raking his claws over her smooth flesh and kneading her breast. His only focus was her. His ears stayed strained on her every breath, her every whimper that escaped her wonderful lips. All of those sounds only lit the fuel of need he had for her. For him, two months had been to long. It felt like years-centuries, even. And he was going to make up for all of the lost time he could have had with her if it weren't for her stubbornness.
“Inuyasha…” she moaned his name.
He licked her lips. “Say it again.” It was a command.
“Inuyasha.” Louder this time.
“What?” he growled out. Her head rolled back when he gave a hard thrust.
He growled savagely at her. He grabbed the back of her knees and pulled her against him roughly. The position allowed him to enter her deeper and harder. Kagome arched up to him. “Oh, God, Inuyasha!” she screamed. He kissed her, holding nothing back. He kissed her with ruthless desire, the desire to bring her over the edge of sanity and beyond. Kagome grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer to her lips. He demanded her lips responded, and she was ever so eager. His tongue launched itself into her mouth and caressed her tongue with fire. Kagome whimpered into the kiss when his fangs nipped her bottom lip and he began to suck it. He broke away suddenly, never missing the whimper from her when his lips were no longer over hers. He began to attack her neck with just as much force as he did her mouth.
“One more time, Kagome,” he muttered against her neck. “One more time and you'll be all mine.”
Kagome arched herself against him, meeting his thrust. “One…more time…?” her muffle brain gasped out.
“Yes…one more bite…”
Her brain registered it slowly. But she finally understood, it was already too late. “One more bite…”
Inuyasha bit her neck.
“Inuyasha…it's like last time,” she gasped out. “T-two months ago…this is the second time…”
He licked her pulse point and gave a hard thrust.
“No…” she gasped. “No…”
“Fuck, yes,” Inuyasha muttered against her neck. His hands grabbed her thighs again bringing her closer if possible. He rolled his hips into hers, entering her hard. His hands roamed her legs, his claws flexing against her skin. “Fuck, yes. My Kagome…mine…”
“No,” Kagome chocked, her eyes closed tight. Some part of her brain was shouting at her. Shouting at her for allowing this to happen. She knew after he took her, he would bite her again. That would be the second bite. And only one more would be left before…how could she have allowed this to happen? She tried to pull away, she really did, but her body didn't move an inch away from him. It felt too good, to right to leave, to not accept him. He was the one she wanted right now. He was the one her body craved for-craved for something she didn't understand. “No, no, no, no.”
But even as she said this, her hands were sensually running up and down his shoulders, down his arms where she squeezed his muscle. She felt his muscles tighten under her hand. Felt his shudder at her touch. “No…” But her legs were wrapping tightly around his waist, pulling him closer. Her body was arching towards him, needing him to ignore her negatives and continue to explore her body. Her arms traveled to his back, her fingers roaming that mysterious dent that ran from his shoulder blades to his hips, feeling his muscles move and twitch. She dug her fingers into his skin, telling him she needed more, arching her body to his, she told him to take her over completely…
And Inuyasha understood. He was nuzzling her neck, growling loudly. He reached behind her and, with his large calloused hands, cupped her bottom, lifting her off of the bed slightly, closer to him, closer to his thrust. Kagome moaned with pleasure. The only thing she could do was run her hand over his hot, sweat slicked skin and wrap her legs tighter around him. The only thing she could do was moan his name and burry her face in the crook of his neck, taking in his wild scent, which was mixed with sweat and sex.-it made her want to explode. The only thing she could do was scream, her eyes shut, screaming his name out loud when she came, her inner walls clenching around him almost painfully. The only thing she could do was give herself to him.
And for the second time in her life, Kagome gave herself over to a semi-werewolf. A werewolf named Inuyasha Lan'dure.
End When the Darkness Howls (For now.)
Next chapter is in the works, people.