InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Darkness Howls ❯ Blood Red Eyes ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, nor do I own the Inuyasha characters and storyline.
Amycool- Oh, thanks about the quote. It actually took me a while to find some good quotes. The internet kept bringing me to all of these unnecessary links. Thanks for the compliment.
Chibi-Inu13- Thank you. That's a compliment to say that my story is one of the few who can portray supernatural fics. I am a fan of supernatural fics, too, so I also look for the best. As for Kagome accepting to become Inuyasha's `Bitch'…it won't be easy, but I can guarantee that it will happen…eventually…in the distant future…
Scherezade- …Whoa…what a long review. Thank you for taking the time. I also only give all fics with an Inu/Kag pairing a chance. I have to be descriptive in this story, if I didn't, I don't think that it would allow the reader to understand the story fully. Some things must be explained to allow a visual for the readers. Sorry, can't tell you who's the `Master' and what he wants with Inuyasha and Kagome. That, you will just have to find out. Oh, and my dominant Inuyasha…well, I just couldn't resist! I had to do it; I thought it fits his character perfectly. His skills are needed with him being a slayer. And I too am also tired of Kagome being portrayed in that sweet innocent way. That's why in all of my stories on, I don't portray her that way. The relation between Kagome and Inuyasha is somewhat complicated. All answers will be answered soon, as the story continues.
Son Lila- I'm sorry for stringing you along like that, but I just noticed some mistakes I just had to fix. I couldn't help it. Really, really, sorry. Well, this time there really is a new chapter up, and here it is.
W_J, Laura-chan, and Arienishieand Reader1- Thank you for reviewing my story!
“Wolves are not our brothers; they are not our subordinates, either. They are another nation, caught up just like us in the complex web of time and life.”
~ Henry Beston
The persistent light that was fluttering through her blinds was the cause for Kagome to stir in her sleep. She shifted, her sleepy mind trying to ignore the dull stinging pain at the inner of her left thigh. When she tried and tried again, but couldn't block out the light, she grumpily opened her eyes. She immediately closed her them, enjoying the darkness that came with it. `Why the hell is it so bright in here?' Kagome thought sleepily. She moved her head slightly, attempting to once again open her eyes. She did, this time slowly, taking precaution. When she finally got them open wide enough, they were still the size of slits, but good enough to get a good look around her room.
And the first thing she saw was the bright red numbers of her clock, currently telling her that it was 12: 18. She blinked, and then blinked again, still looking at the clock. Something about it was trying to tell her something that her still sleepy mind just couldn't figure out. She looked away from it, turning her head towards the left in the direction of her big bedroom window. The cause of her waking up. `I should have closed my blinds last night, before I went to bed.' She closed her eyes again, for some reason feeling lightheaded.
“I really don't feel like getting up right now,” she muttered out loud, rolling on her stomach, still trying to block out the unusually bright light that was still bothering her. But the action brought a sting of pain that had her instantly alerted. She froze, confusion written all over her face. She rolled back onto her back and tried to sit up, ready to investigate the pain coming from her thigh. She winced again when she felt the pain. Resting her head back on her head bored, she brought her hand in front of her and ripped the blankets away from her legs-and froze in terror.
She was naked.
Completely and utterly naked. Flesh-meeting-the-bed- naked. She didn't understand, she went to bed last night with close on…she remembered…she woke up to get some tea…she started to think about the werewolf and then…!
Her eyes widened and a hand came up to cover her mouth. “Oh…my…fucking…GOODNESS!” she screamed out loud into her room. Her action, surprisingly, caused her hands to cover her ears. Her own voice was hurting her. Her eyes were hurting her-why? Her hands slowly made their way away from her ears, dropping lifelessly by her side. She remembered. She could recall everything. Last nights events seemed to flash before her very eyes, quicker than lightning. She had once again given herself to him, allowed him to take her body as his own.
Slowly, as if she didn't even want to see it herself, she moved her legs further apart to see the second mark that Inuyasha had left on her after their passionate night. She didn't want to see it, but she did- there, right under the first mark he had given her, was the second. The two holes were still tender and red from her skin being punctured. She gently, slowly, with a shaking hand, rubbed her thumb over the sensitive skin. The sensation was so overwhelming, that she fell back on the bed, dazed.
It suddenly felt like he was still there. Still lying right next to her on the bed. She extended her hand to the right, the place where he always slept, every time he came into her bed. She could see him now. Shirtless and asleep, his dark hair resting gently on his face, neck and shoulders, running all the way to his back. She could see his dark midnight eyes, opening and gazing into hers with…with so much want it seemed to make her whimper. She could see him, reaching over the bed spread; reaching for her to draw her closer to him…The image seemed to go as quickly as it came. It snapped out of her head like a picture already gone.
She snapped up, her hand going to her head before she leaned down slowly. Maybe she should get some sleep…she would kill Inuyasha later. No, she wouldn't kill him, she would slaughter him, destroy him. But she needed to rest now. Her eyes were hurting her still; her ears were pounding her like hell. She curled into a ball, ignoring the now known mark that was from Inuyasha and pulled the blanket over her head. She would rest now, rest until everything came back into focus again. But that couldn't be, because something began to nag at her.
She ignored it, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to go back into her dream land where she knew nothing but darkness. But the inner thought was persistent, not leaving her alone. She sighed, giving up and opened her eyes. She stared straight ahead in a daze. Slowly, her fingers brushed against her knew mark again, on their own accord. She winced slightly, even when her fingers brushed against the delicate skin with a feather light touch. She sighed again, this time deeply, allowing her emotions to be rushed out as well. “Oh, Inuyasha…” Her voice was so soft in the quiet room. “Why did you do it…why did I let you do it…?” Her voice cracked at the end. Her throat burned.
As quickly as possible she gathered herself together. Her hand came up to cover her eyes again, and took a deep breath. `Never again, Inuyasha, you'll never get me that close to you again.' She should never have allowed him to touch her. She clenched her fist tight. But it was also her fault, too, wasn't it? She should have been stronger. She should have been able to resist him. But she couldn't; she didn't. She allowed him to touch her, to mark her and now she was only one step closer to becoming his. One bite mark and it would be over.
She rolled on her stomach, stuffing her face deep into her pillow. She sighed as the coolness engulfed her face. She was too close to him now…way to close…she couldn't stand it. Her fist clenched the pillowcase tightly, so hard her knuckles turned white. She would be dammed before she allowed him to touch her like that again. She wouldn't lose herself to him. She couldn't.
She shifted her head so her cheek rested against the pillow. Her eyes came upon the bright red numbers of her digital clock that was resting on her nightstand. She blinked at it a couple of times, trying to figure out what it was trying to tell her. 12:27 was what it read. Her eyebrows crinkled with thought. Wasn't she supposed to be somewhere? She was sure she was, but where? Her eyes widened. Work. Oh, shit, she was supposed to be at work. She rolled out of bed, quicker than lightning and staggered to the bathroom.
“Shit…” she cursed, when she entered the bathroom and switched on the light. The brightness stung her eyes immediately. “Why do my freaking eyes hurt?” she asked herself out loud. She leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom, her head pressed against the smooth, cool wood. When her eyes dulled slightly, she sighed and stood straight. She reached for the sink and staggered over to it. When she reached, she took a good look at herself in the mirror that hung above the sink. Her black hair was disarrayed and tangled. Her eyes looked tired and droopy. She leaned in closer. Nothing looked different from usual. Had she expected to see something different about herself?
She opened her mouth to see her teeth. Some knew fangs, maybe? She took at glance at her fingers. Or maybe even some claws, slowly starting to grow. But, no, nothing of the sort had happened. Her stormy blue eyes were still the same, showing no signs of a flashing gold color in their depths or a midnight black. Her teeth were short and stubby as usual, no sign of protruding fangs. And thank god, no claws. She sighed a breath of relief and ran her clawless hands through her tangled hair. “Inuyasha, I swear when I see you, I'm going to fucking wring your neck…” she muttered.
With a final glance down at the mark on her thigh, she stepped into the shower and turned the water heat up as much as possible.
Less than an hour later, Kagome was dressed and ready to head to work. Fumbling through her bedroom until she found her gym bag, she walked swiftly through the house and grabbed her car keys from the kitchen table when she passed. She reached her front door and flung it open widely, the summer heat rushing in. But the blinding light of the summer sun reached her eyes with a ferocity that caused her to drop her gym bag and curse loudly.
She quickly stepped back into the house, her hands in front of her face, shielding it from the light. When she once again reached the safeness of her house, she removed her hands from her face and blinked the black spots away from her vision. “Sunglasses,” she said, running back to her room and looking in her draws. When she returned to the door, she had a pair of thick black sunglasses on her face, covering her eyes. They looked ridiculous, but they would have to do. Picking up her gym bag, she walked out the door.
When Kagome pulled into a big parking lot, in front of a bank, she stopped the car. Adjusting her glasses before she stepped put, she exited the car and started to walk towards the entrance of the bank. Walking past automatic doors, she stepped into the bank and appeared in the small waiting room. She glanced around quickly through her thick, black glasses. She was slightly surprised that the bank wasn't crowded like it always was. But only a couple of people stood in line, waiting to speak to the people behind the desk.
She walked past the number of desks and approached a door that was to the far corner of the big room. Above the door, read a sign that said, in thick red letters, “Employees Only.” Where the door knob should have been, was a tiny device that accept an identification card; that being the only way to enter. Kagome frowned down at the door. Setting down her gym bag, she ruffled threw it until she found her card, crowded between a pair of socks. Snatching it up, she entered it into the slit in the door. It made a small beeping noise. She then entered her ID number into the small number patch that was stuck to the wall next to the door. When the door clicked open, and her ID card flipped out of the slit, she walked through the door and down a long amount of stairs.
When she reached the bottom, she was greeted with a man leaning against a wall with a locked elevator next to him. The man looked bored as he leaned against the wall, his short, brown hair was tied in a low pony-tail and his arms were crossed against his chest. He wore black pants, a gun in its holster at his hip and a crisp white shirt. When Kagome approached, he glanced up and smirked at her-showing fangs. Kagome rolled her eyes behind her glasses.
“Well, well, well,” he chided. “Kagome finally makes it to work…” He glanced at his watch. “…Two hours late.”
“Shove it, Reko,” Kagome muttered as she approached the elevator door. “Let me in. I don't need to be later than I already am.”
“Someone's in a bitchy mood. I wonder why.” He took a deep breath. He paused, a horrible smirk coming to his face. “Oh, that's why. Inuyasha jumped your bones again, huh? You know, if you ever need some help containing him, just give me a call. I'm not a security guard for nothing, you know.”
Kagome could feel the blush from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. “Damn cat demons…” she muttered as she approached the elevator. She ignored Reko's snickers. Reaching the elevator, she dropped her gym bag and stared at the blank wall next to the elevator. When nothing happened as it should have, she raised her black glasses from her face and glared at Reko. “Well?” she demanded.
“What?” Reko asked innocently.
“Activate the damn thing!”
“Oh, yeah,” he said sheepishly. He dug into his pocket and came back out with a small metal device. Pressing the small red button with his claw, Kagome turned in front of her in time to see the once blank wall next to the elevator, start to peel off, the cement covering, moving up to reveal a section of the wall that was once covered, to now be gel. Kagome made a face before digging her hand into the gel, placing her hands with the palms flat, until the gel touched her wrist.
“Ew…” she commented. After a pause, the elevator doors opened and Kagome retracted her hands immediately. A yellow cloth appeared in front of her face and she took it, wiping the sticky substance from her hands. “You're good for something, Reko.”
The demon scowled. “Just wait until Myoga gets you, Kagome. He'll give you extra training for being late.”
“I can handle Myoga,” she said dryly.
“Hey, what's with the glasses?”
Kagome shifted the glasses on her head, and then brought them back over her eyes. “My eyes are killing me,” she said, blinking, trying to re-accustom her eyes. “They weren't hurting like this last night.”
Reko snorted. “That's because Inuyasha wasn't behaving himself, last night.”
Kagome glared at him and snatched up her bag. She stepped into the elevator and pressed the only button that was there. As an after thought, Kagome stuck her head out of the elevator and said, “And if you ever bring Inuyasha and me up again, I'll personally snap your neck.” Then she threw the cloth that was messy with the gel on his face, ignoring the surprised “Hey” that he yelled as the elevator doors closed and started to descend.
Kagome stepped out of the elevator and right into Head Quarters. She usually went to the locker room first, but she didn't have time. She wasn't sure if the meeting was over or if they were all still inside of the meeting room. But she would go straight there, not wanting to take any chances-especially with Myoga. Her steps quickened at the thought. It wasn't that's she was afraid of him, it's just that he was very stern when it came to things like this and he tended to punish the rest of the group for one person's mistakes.
She passed by the locker rooms and the gym doors. When she reached the end of the hall, and the only thing there was there was a pair of large wooden doors, she knew she reached the meeting room. She approached it slowly, half hoping that the meeting would already be over so she wouldn't have to sit there. The meetings were sometimes hours, sometimes without breaks and she wasn't in the mood to sit there. She was surprised that she could hear the faint murmur of voices. The wooden door was very thick.
With a sigh, she opened the door, trying to be as discreet as possible. When she slowly stuck her head in, her sunglasses slipping to the tip of her nose. She nearly groaned out loud when she saw that everyone was seated around the long table. With a quick scan, she noticed that Miroku and Sango were seated quietly on the left of the table. She looked closer and saw that Miroku was peeping at some nasty magazines under the table. She snickered quietly, her sunglasses bouncing. He was her best friend, but a terrible pervert.
“Ms. Higurashi, it seems you've decided to join us.”
Apparently, she hadn't snickered quietly enough.
Kagome felt like she was back in high school, sneaking in the back of the class when she was late. She blushed softly and straightened her sunglasses over her face. She stepped into the room, glad her thick glasses were blocking half of the blush that was rising on her face when she noticed that everyone was staring at her in the room. Including Miroku and Sango.
“Please, take a seat, Kagome.”
Kagome turned a glare at Myoga, who was standing in front of everyone at the end of the table, a couple of papers scattered in front of him. Kagome carelessly dropped her gym bag at the door and walked closer to the big table. “Sorry I'm late. Had a few…problems.” She told him, raising the glasses to the top of her head. Her eyes did a quick scan of the room. She found no Inuyasha. Big surprise….
She hurriedly found a seat next to Miroku and sunk down in the chair. She crossed her arms over her chest and scowled at Myoga as he drifted on with his speech. He was a short stubby man, with huge, dark brown eyes. His hair was short and cut old fashioned. Some of his hair was already graying, too. His old whiskers were spiked out of his cheeks and sometimes they moved slightly when he talked. Kagome shifted in her seat. Should she have been glad that Inuyasha wasn't there? She knew she should have. He would probably infuriate her to the point she'd just have to get up and slap his ass in front of everyone.
She could see it now. Him just leaning back in his chair, that conceited smirk on his face as he stared at her with knowing eyes. She bet he would make some kind of caustic remark about her being late, just to embarrass her, like he always did. Her scowled deepened. Yeah, she should be glad that he wasn't here. `He better not cross my path today, or he'll be in for it.'
As the meeting ended, and everyone filed out of the meeting room, Sango and Miroku thought it be best to play the game `21 Questions' with Kagome, who wasn't in the mood.
“Will you two just shut up?” she asked annoyingly, as she grabbed her gym bag by the door and walked out. She was going to the gym, maybe that way she would be able to filter some of her anger she held inside.
“So, Kagome,” Miroku started as he toddled behind her. “Care to explain why you came late…although, we already know.”
Kagome stopped and turned a glare at Miroku over her shoulder. “Sango, he's my best friend, but your pervert. Unless you want him dead, I suggest you get him the hell away from me.”
“He's not my pervert. He's just a pervert,” Sango exclaimed, glaring at Miroku's hands as they came dangerously close to her behind.
“Oh, Sango,” Miroku said, sounding so formal. “I am deeply hurt that you would accuse me of being a pervert. And you, Kagome! My best friend. Have I ever touched you in such a manner before?”
“Yes!” both Kagome and Sango yelled at the same time as they reached the gym doors. Kagome pushed against the doors and stomped into the gym. The light shinning through the tall windows caused her to replace her glasses over her eyes with a wince. “I'm going to the locker room,” she mumbled.
Both Miroku and Sango watched her with worried eyes. “Maybe I should talk to her,” Miroku voiced, as he started to approach the locker room. Sango grabbed his shoulder and jerked him back roughly.
“The hell you will. I'll go talk to her. In the mean time, you go start you exercise like you're supposes to be doing now.”
Miroku shrugged innocently as he walked away. Sango watched him with unreadable eyes until she saw him disappear into the men's locker room. She shook her head slowly with a sigh. “I swear…that man will be the death of me one day.” She turned her eyes towards the locker room. “Now for Kagome.” When Sango reached inside of the locker room, she found Kagome sitting on the bench, jamming her foot into her gym sneakers.
“Hey, Kagome.” Sango greeted as she walked to her own locker and opened it up. She took out her workout outfit and slung it over her shoulder and made herself comfortable on the bench next to Kagome. Kagome's answer to her greeting was a sound in the back of her throat. Sango took that as a “Hello.” Stripping off her blue shirt, Sango slipped on her black tank top that stopped right above her bellybutton. “So, why'd you come late today,” she asked, trying to get Kagome to respond.
“Tsk. Why the hell do you think?” Kagome countered as she tied her laces.
Sango sighed. “What did Inuyasha do this time?”
“That bastard crept up on me last night!” Kagome suddenly yelled, seething on the bench. She winced when her voice echoed off of the locker room walls and met her ears.
Sango's eyes softened with worry. “Are you okay?”
Kagome nodded, a small grimace on her face. “Yeah, just peachy…”
Sango frowned. “What's with your eye glasses? You look ridiculous!”
Kagome offered Sango a small smile, some of her anger forgotten. “I don't know. I just woke up this morning and my eyes were killing me. I had to put these ugly things on.”
Sango put on her spandex. “Why do you have those things anyway? They're hideous.”
Kagome glared at her. “I don't even remember when or where I bought them.” She sighed as she took them off and held them in her hand. “My ears hurt, too.”
“Your ears?” Sango asked, as she too, slipped on her sneakers. “What the hell is wrong with you today?”
“I have no idea,” she sighed. “Hey, tell me what Myoga said at the meeting this morning. Was it important?” Kagome rubbed her eyes gently with the back of her hand as she talked to Sango.
Sango paused, her eyes taking on a weird light. “It's strange,” she said softly. “He said that there have been an increased number of attacks in the city. More than even the slayers can handle.”
Kagome's eyebrows rose in surprise, and slight fear. That night suddenly flashed through her head. The night a creature of the darkness had talked to her. She shook her head, trying to shake the image away. She would think about that later, not now. She focused her thoughts on what Sango was saying.
“They say the werewolves are getting bigger, too.” Sango was saying. “Maybe that's why the one you killed last night was so big.” She shrugged. “Myoga thinks something's happening, but no one knows for sure. He's ordered us to be vigilant on our hunts-making sure everything is as it should be.”
“Oh…” Kagome said, her brain shifting into a daze.
“So, I guess you had fun last night?”
“What?” Kagome asked Sango, not quite understanding what she said.
A glint of mischief entered Sango's eyes. “You know what I'm talking about,” she said with a smirk. “That's why you came late today. You shouldn't have so much fun when you have work the next morning.”
Kagome narrowed her eyes, fighting the blush that was entering her face. “You don't know anything,” she snapped. Then she paused. “You really know?”
Sango shrugged, a smirk present on her face. “Is it supposed to be some big mystery? Everyone in the whole unit knows that Inuyasha has claimed you, and that you like him, too.”
“I don't like him!” Kagome yelled, standing up, the sunglasses still in her hands. She stuffed them into her hair. “I hate the basterd. He better not even approach me today. I swear to God, if he does, he'll be the one they're inspecting at the lab!”
Sango frowned. “Please. Inuyasha growled at any male that even glances your way. Remember what happened last time that man approached you? Inuyasha had to be peeled off of him. The boy had a broken nose and a smashed face.”
“Shut up, Sango.”
“I have a right to talk trash, Kagome. You kept me up all night last night with sounds that I'd rather not hear.”
This time, Kagome did blush. `Were Inuyasha and I that loud last night?'
“You heard us?” Kagome asked, in embarrassment.
Sango rolled her eyes. “Of course I did, who didn't?” She paused. “Actually, everyone within a ten mile radius could have heard you two.”
“Oh, fuck!” Kagome snapped as she stomped out of the locker room, a scowl on her face. She stomped right into the gym area. The area was big, holding different sections. To the left, was the workout area, filtered with exercise machines and weights bunked together. To the right, a whole section of the floor was wood, and right over the wooden floor, was a wall filled with various weapons. The weapons ranged from short daggers, to a massive boomerang, which Sango sometimes used on her hunts. There was also a long golden staff, made out of pure gold with hanging rings on the end. No one really used that except for Miroku. To use it properly, one had to have enough spiritual energy. With Miroku coming from a long line of monks, he was able to use it to his advantage. But he didn't use it often, referring to engage in combat with his hands and guns.
In the center of the large room, was a floor covered with mats. This section was used for physical combat practice, such as fighting. The punching bags hung from the ceiling and that's what Kagome went for. She walked up to it quickly, raising her hand to get ready to punch. Her fists collided with the punching bag so hard, it swung back. Before it even got close to her again, Kagome landed a swift kick to it, sending it swinging away again.
With every punch, every kick she landed, a swell of anger was brought out with it. But instead of filtering her anger as was her first attention, the anger continued to build, replacing the previously lost emotion. Her attacks were strong, letting lose small grunts and shallow breaths as she quickly tired herself out with the punching bag. But every time she thought she should stop, his face seemed to appear and she would start her attacks all over again, with more vigor. With one loud cry of anger, drawing the attention of the other slayers in the gym, Kagome landed a swift kick to the punching bag. The thick leather that was the punching bag, somehow burst, spilling sand all over the gym floor.
“What did the punching bag ever do to her?” Miroku wondered as he sat in the exercise section of the gym, watching as Kagome moved on to the next punching bag that was lined up. He turned to Sango who was on one of the exercise machines. “Weren't you supposed to talk to her?”
Sango shrugged, never stopping her exercise. “I tried; I guess I just made the situation worst.”
Miroku nodded, placing his Playboy magazine in his lap. “Damn right you made it worst. The last time I saw Kagome that mad was in college; when that girl started spreading rumors about her.” Miroku turned his attention from Sango and Kagome when he saw someone enter the gym. He groaned out loud. It was Inuyasha. “Excuse me for a moment,” Miroku said, as he quickly got up, his magazine miraculously forgotten as he hurried over to Inuyasha who was still by the door. He was glancing around, and a smirk grew on his face when he noticed Kagome.
Miroku reached him before he could continue his advances. “Inuyasha,” Miroku warned as he came closer “Don't you dare.”
Inuyasha cast a bored glance at Miroku. “Hey, pervert. How was the meeting this morning?”
Miroku narrowed his eyes. “You would have known, had you been there.”
Inuyasha shrugged indifferently. “I'm not the type of person who's able to sit for so long.”
“I've noticed.”
Inuyasha glared. “In case you didn't know, I have business to attend to.” He walked around Miroku; intent on going over to Kagome who still hadn't noticed his arrival. He stopped suddenly, his face going into shock and confusion as he witnessed Kagome as she destroyed another punching bag. “What the hell is she doing?”
Miroku walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder with a sigh, as he shook his head back and forth. “If you value your life, you wouldn't approach her.”
“Why the hell is she doing that? Damn, somebody must have pissed her off.”
Miroku stared at him as if he was inept. “It was you, you jack ass. You pissed her off.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “She's always pissed at me, no matter what I do. What the hell did I do this time?”
“I have no idea, but I wouldn't approach her. She's pissed enough without your…further meddling…”
Inuyasha shrugged. “I know just the way to turn that angry energy into useful energy.”
Miroku's hand slipped from Inuyasha's shoulder as the semi-werewolf made his way to his prey. Miroku shook his head. “They say I'm a perv…” Miroku turned on his heel and walked across the gym to the exercise section with Sango. He slumped into his chair, picking up his dirty magazine and resumed his reading.
“Well?” Sango asked, as she finally stepped off of the machine, patting her chest dry from all of her perspiration with a small white towel. “Did you talk to Inuyasha? I saw you go over to him.”
Miroku kept his eyes on his reading. “Yes, I spoke to the fool.”
“Do you think we should cremate him, or burry him so everyone will get to visit him at once?” Miroku asked, as he allowed the magazine to fall back in his lap.
“That bad?”
“Worse,” Miroku concluded.
“She just might kill him. She was dead pissed when I talked to her in the locker room. She's pissed that he...well, you know…took her again last night…” Sango finished off with a blush.
Miroku's sly, lecherous grin crept upon his face. He was up in one swift motion; his arms circling around Sango's waist from behind, his hands resting on the naked skin of her stomach. He dipped his mouth until his lips brushed against the tender skin of her collarbone, his hot breath rushing over her skin in a heated rush. “Now, Sango,” he whispered huskily against her skin, “We could…possible continue what Inuyasha and Kagome did last night, if that's what you're suggesting?”
Sango stiffened, a blush coloring her seething face. Miroku watched with pleasure as the blush crept from her face to her neck. “Get off of me, you God damn pervert!” Sango grabbed his hands, which were still located on her stomach, gripped them and flung herself away from him, her blush still apparent. She turned on her heel to face him, and, not even missing a beat, her palm collided with the side of his face, the collision causng her hand to sting and turn red. “You better be glad that I didn't get my boomerang on you. Consider yourself lucky I didn't put a bullet in your ass.” She whispered to him, her voice harsh. She turned, her back to him, and stomped off to the center of the gym where Kagome was located.
Miroku watched her walk away, his cheek still stinging with the hit. He sighed deeply as his eyes wandered to her retrieving backside. He rubbed his cheek which was still red. He couldn't help himself around her. Just the thought of her-a woman being able to inflict pain on him was…exciting. He'd never met someone like her before, someone with so much soul and sprit that he couldn't resist but to draw that passion out of her. His eyes sparkled as other ways to draw her passion out came to mind.
He sighed blissfully. “Fuck, what a woman…”
Inuyasha approached Kagome from behind, still watching curiously as she attacked each punching bag. He approached her, his eyes roaming her back. When he was close enough, his large hands gripped her small waist, stopping her actions immediately. “Hey, Baby. What are you-?” A delicate elbow found its way to his stomach, cutting him off efficiently. His hands dropped form her hips in surprised, a small grunt passing from his lips. Kagome quickly spun on her heel, glaring at Inuyasha as he held his stomach and looked at her in confusion.
“What the fuck, Bitch!” he exclaimed. He blinked, taking in her face. Here beautiful blue eyes were narrowed, her chest heaving as ragged breaths were pushed out her lungs. “Bitch, what's wrong with you?”
With a sudden cry of frustration, Kagome lunged at Inuyasha. “I'm not your fucking Bitch!” Her blow caught him by surprised. Having no time to defend himself, or even jump out of the way to avoid her blow, her punch connected with his jaw, his head whipping to the side. Inuyasha's eyes widened as his brain progressed what just happened. In astonishment, his hand slowly came up to touch his jaw. He had no time to do anything else when another blow hit him, this time his chest. He staggered back, shaken out of his surprised state just in time to avoid Kagome's next blow. His fierce eyes locked with hers, when he found his ground. “Did you just hit me?” he growled at her.
Kagome came at him again, and again, Inuyasha moved, this time snatching her and slamming her back against his hard chest. When she began to struggle, he only tightened his hold on her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He could feel her anger rolling off of her. The amount alone was staggering. What had he done to cause so much anger from her? “Kagome!” She hadn't given up on her struggling, trying retrieve her arms that were pressed against her sides by his rock hard grip around her upper body. She let loose a sound of frustration when she couldn't get loose. A sound that sounded almost like a growl. Inuyasha bite his lip to keep himself from groaning.
She sagged suddenly, out of breath when she realized she couldn't win this battle. But her body was tense, trying to have as less bodily contact as possible, even in this position. “Let me go,” she snapped, her breath tired.
His grip instinctively tightened. “I will, if you try to not murder me.”
“Fine.” Her voice was soft, defeated.
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, but his grip loosened slightly. “Why do I get the impression that I don't believe you?”
She shrugged as best as she could in the position. “You can kick my ass anyway. Are you afraid of me?”
Inuyasha snorted loudly, finally releasing her. “I'm not afraid of you, Bitch.” He gripped her shoulders, turning her to face him. Her head was dipped down, hiding her face from his view. She looked up slowly, a small smirk on her face. Inuyasha was instantly suspicious. But when she suddenly pressed against him, her soft curves pressing against his body, all coherent thoughts were thrown from his head. She tucked her head neatly under his chin, making sure her warm breath rushed on the skin of his neck. “I'm sorry…” she murmured against his skin. She allowed a hand to snake around his waist, her slender fingers finding the bottom of his shirt and lifting it up to caress the skin of his back.
Inuyasha knew he shouldn't trust her, that much was obvious. But when her fingers touched him, his body felt enflamed, his breath turning just a bit shallow. His strong arm twisted around her waist. “It's…it's okay,” he chocked out, his eyes half closed in pleasure.
“It's just,” Kagome started again, “I'm pissed is all…” Her knee suddenly rammed into his front. A sudden déjà vu flashed through Inuyasha's eyes as he fell, flat on his back on the ground of Kagome's feet. “Really, really pissed!” she yelled, bringing her heel down to his chest.
Inuyasha's quick reflexes allowed him to catch her foot. With a rough yank, Kagome was also on her back…with Inuyasha on top of her.
“You sneaky wench!” he hissed, his eyes flashing gold.
Before she managed to spit out a retort, a yell caught both of their attention.
“Kagome, Inuyasha! I see you guys are having fun, huh?”
Inuyasha growled, angry for being interrupted. His semi-golden gaze left the female beneath him, to glance up. “Reko…” he growled. “What the fuck do you want? You're supposed to be upstairs with security-guarding the elevator.”
Reko frowned. He patted his gun at his hip. “Oh, yeah, that. It's all taken care of.” His eyes took in his position and he sighed. “Damn it, Inuyasha. Give the girl a break before you jump her bones again, will you? You already have her pissed as hell at you.”
As if on cue, Kagome, who was tired of being ignored, grabbed a handful of Inuyasha's hair and tugged. “Get off me!”
Inuyasha looked down at her, as if just remembering she was there. In a fluid motion, he was up, with her still in his arms. She jerked away from him. “Don't touch me,” she snapped.
“What crawled up your ass and died?” Inuyasha asked, tired of her attitude.
Kagome ignored him as she turned to Reko. “What do you want?”
Reko smirked. “I'm here to protect you, just as we discussed this morning. Remember?”
“What?” Inuyasha snarled, eyes focusing on Reko. “Protect her from what?!” His hand snapped out and smashed Kagome to his side, a warning growl vibrating in his chest.
Reko held his hands up in a sign of peace. “Calm down, Inuyasha. I'm just here to tell you that Myoga has ordered you to the lab. Sango and Miroku are already down there, waiting for you. He stated it was an emergency, and that you go quickly.”
Inuyasha's eyes narrowed. “Why couldn't he tell us himself?”
“Because, he's busy. And I'm the only one who has the pass to the lab on this floor, ass hole,” Reko stated.
Before Inuyasha could say anything, Kagome pushed herself away from Inuyasha and walked up to Reko. “Let's go,” she muttered, walking to the elevator without a second look at Inuyasha.
“As you command, Kagome,” Reko said with mocking sweetness, all of it directed to Inuyasha.
As the three entered the lab, they were greeted with a gust of smoke. “What the fuck?” Inuyasha growled, covering his nose. “What is that?”
“That…is our knew experiment,” Myoga stated, as he made his way over to them.
“Well, what the hell is it? It's making my eyes water!” Inuyasha chocked.
“That means it's doing its job. Come on, we have a lot to discuss.”
The three followed Myoga further into the lab. The whole lab was always dark and dank, and the air was always stale, a result from all of the chemicals that were being used. As they walked in further, they passed countless amounts of tables, all piled with tubes filled with experimental liquid and open books, opened and abandoned. The scientists who worked in the lab were all hunched over, diligently working on their project. Myoga lead them to the back of the lab and they passed through the doors that lead to the autopsy room.
“Why are we going in here?” Kagome asked, confused.
“I need to show you a creature that one of the other units took down last night. There is something unusual about it.”
`I know…it can probably talk, too…' Kagome thought. Just the thought caused a shiver of fear to run down her spine. They neared an old metal door that was already rusting. Myoga managed to open it up, and, with a few grunts, they continued on. When they reached the room, Kagome noticed that Miroku and Sango were already crowded around a big table. The table was covered with a white blanket, and Kagome didn't even have to be told what it was. She already noticed the thick, black furred covered paw that was hanging off of the side of the table.
“Come look,” Myoga said, as he walked over to the table and drew the sheet back. His hands were already covered with white gloves. Kagome walked up, standing next to Sango and Miroku. Reko and Inuyasha however, stood closer to the creature than Kagome would even dare.
“What's the big deal?” Reko asked, into the silence. “It looks normal to me.”
“Its eye,” Miroku spoke up.
“It's eye?” Inuyasha questioned. “What about it's eye?”
“It's red,” Sango said. “When Myoga showed it to us before you came down, the color of its eye was red.”
“A red eyed werewolf?” Kagome asked. “Are you sure? It could have just been the flicker of light or something.”
Myoga shook his head. “It was red alright. Look.” He reached over and peeled back the thick eye lid of the creature, reveling a blood red, unseeing eye.
“Oh, shit,” Kagome muttered.
“The scientists believe it to be a mutation,” Myoga explained. “But with so many blood samples, they haven't been able to pinpoint the exact cause. The DNA of each is exactly the same. Even this one is no different from the others.” He sighed in frustration, pulling the blanket back over the dead werewolf. “We're at a dead end. But with the increased attacks happening lately, we know something is going on.”
“It talked to me,” Kagome sudden blurted out.
“What?” Myoga asked, not understanding what she was talking about.
Kagome took a deep breath. She had been putting it off for long enough. It would be best to tell them all now-all at once so she could get it over with. But how insane would she sound explaining to them that this thing did indeed communicate with her? She wouldn't be able to handle it if they shut her down. But wasn't it important? It could be connected with the increased attacks that were occurring lately. She swallowed the forming lump in her throat. “I said: the werewolf talked to me. Yesterday night when Inuyasha and I were fighting it.”
“Kagome, I don't understand,” Myoga insisted. “Are you somehow now able to understand, like Inuyasha?”
She shook her head “No. This…it really talked to me, like how I'm talking right now. It said…something about wanting to take us to its Master…”
“Master?” Inuyasha growled. “What Master?” His eyes stared at Kagome's face. “Are you absolutely sure that this thing talked to you?”
“Yes!” Kagome snapped. “Do you think I would lie to you about this?!”
“Kagome, calm down. It's all right.” Myoga assured.
“It's all right that a creature that can't even move its jaw, was talking?” Sango demanded, her eyes wide.
“It makes sense,” Myoga said. “It makes perfect sense. That's why I've brought you down here to look at this. The sudden appearance of the red eyes isn't the only thing different. Our other Head Quarters, located in Romania, has reported similar findings.”
“And you never told us?!” Miroku yelled at him. “If it was so important, we should have been informed.”
“The news just came in three nights ago,” Myoga explained.
“Three nights too late,” Miroku snapped.
Myoga sighed. “Listen, in Romania, the increased attacks are more dangerous than they are here. At one point, they even had an attack in broad daylight.”
“Daylight?” Inuyasha asked. “That's impossible! Their skin can't withstand the suns beams, how could they be strong enough to attack in the day?”
“They weren't. According to the reports, the werewolf was very weak. They managed to take it down with one hit.”
“What the hell is going on?” Sango questioned to herself.
“I don't know,” Myoga said, “but you guys are going to find out. The slayers in Romania are in great need. With the increased attacks, there have also been increased casualties.”
Inuyasha tensed, his whole body going rigid. His fist clenched at his sides, nails digging into his palm. He shook his head slightly, knowing what Myoga was going to say. His black eyes tried to concentrate, tried to focus on what Myoga was going to say, even though he knew. He couldn't escape the inevitable, why had he even thought he could? He should have known…he should have known that he would have to go back-that he would have to end up there again. His eyes faded in and out, not able to grab onto something and hold on to reality. He shook his head, knowing he couldn't stay, knowing he couldn't listen to what Myoga was going to say. He had to leave, had to escape from hearing the words. His ears pressed against his scalp.
He took a step back, slowly, subtly inching towards the door. `I'll have to go back…' he thought to himself. `I'll have to go back to where…where he died…' He took another step back, doing his best not to be noticed. His blood howled in his veins, his heart thumped in his chest…he couldn't take it. He'd deal with it later, but not now, not when he could avoid it, if just the words. He was out the room and no one even noticed.
“Pack your bags,” Myoga said. “You're going to Romania.”
End When the Darkness Howls (For now.)