InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Rain Falls ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hey everybody, I am writing another fic while I write New Beginnings and this one will be Inu/Kag all the way. I was going to wait, but I decided to write it today because I signed on to MM and there was like a whole list of Sess/Kag fics and no Inu/Kag. It's so hard to find an Inu/Kag fic at all now a days, so I decided to make one just for them. I am not telling you the plot because I want you to read it of course, but I have thought about this scenario for a while and I think that you will like it. Before you get started I have to set the characters scene and let you know that everyone is human but the basic personality traits will be the same. Ok, I'm done now, so get reading.
When the rain falls
The smile on her face was enough to blind the sun, for she had never been so utterly excited in all of her life. She was now officially Doctor Higurashi, and she did it two years shy of her 30th birthday. I know your thinking ER surgeon, but no, she wasn't that kind of doctor. Kagome Higurashi had spent the last six years of her life studying, traveling, learning and growing to earn her Doctorate of Philosophy in Archaeology, with a concentration in the Japanese Feudal Era. And she had just presented her final dissertation earning her degree. Ecstatic couldn't even describe the joy that filled her as she thought about all that was to come.
“Everything is coming together so well…” she thought to herself, and it was. She was one of the few people, much less women to specialize in that particular era in the city, and she already had a job waiting for her when she got back. Back from where you might ask? Her honeymoon of course, for she was getting ready to marry her first and only love in three days. Sighing to herself, the smile never fell from her face as the image of her fiancée made its way to the front of her mind. “I can't wait to see you tonight koi.”
Kagome and her “koi” had been engaged for only 3 short months, but they knew that they were it for each other. They had met four years ago in one of her electives, a history of law course that she had taken in order to fulfill her external requirements. She had fallen for him at first sight, but they had to wait before they started seeing each other because…well…because he was her professor. Yes, Kagome was the stereotypical impressionable coed who had fallen for her genius professor, but seriously this was love. It was a mutual attraction that wasn't based on sex, since she was still a virgin at the age of 28. No really, she was. Because of weight problems during her youth, Kagome was immensely shy as a teen and didn't go on her first date until college. But with her studying and travels, she really didn't have much time to devote to a relationship until her professor swept her off of her feet.
Both her and her man had discussed her insecurities with being physical too soon and her preferences to be sure, and together they decided to wait. But after two years of serious dating, he hadn't pushed her for…well…anything actually, and she became pretty nervous that he didn't want her. Afraid that he wasn't sexually attracted to her, after a few weeks of sulking and crying to her friends, she finally gathered up enough courage to confront him about her fears. To her surprise he told her that he thought it would be better for the both of them if they waited until they got married, and hearing those words come out of his mouth, specifically the `m' one, made her fall that much more in love with him. She knew without a doubt that he was the one for her, through and through. He knew everything about her and vice versa, and whenever they were together she just felt so comfortable.
Making her way to the university tram stop, she was shocked to feel a drop of water splash on her nose. Giggling a bit, she wiped it off and grabbed her travel umbrella out of her bag. Talking to herself in a hushed whispered she said, “I didn't even notice the sun leave, I guess I had enough of my own to keep the day bright.” Holding the umbrella over her head, she stood in the corner waiting for the tram to arrive. Checking her watch for the first time since she left her professor's office, Kagome realized that she only had a half hour to get ready for her special date tonight. When the tram arrived, she swiped her ID and sat down in the back thinking about the plans for her wedding in a few days. Looking at the rain pickup outside the cloudy window, she watched it fall with quiet fascination as thoughts of her big day flooded her mind.
Both her and her fiancée were private people and planned to have a small ceremony of mostly her family and friends and his colleagues on the grounds of her family's shrine. Her grandfather was going to be performing the ceremony and her brother was serving as his best man. Giggling quietly, she thought, Sota was so happy when we asked him to stand as best man. I've never seen him so excited to get dressed up before in my life.” Letting her smile fade a bit she thought about her fiancée's remaining family, “I think its great that he asked Sota to be in the wedding party, but I really had hoped that he would ask his own brother. I don't even know if he has told him that we are getting married. Maybe tomorrow I will try to find his number and see if he can make at least the reception.” Nodding her head in quiet determination, Kagome realized that the tram was at her apartment and made her way to the front of the vehicle. Thanking the driver for the ride, she put her umbrella up and began making the trek up the long pathway to her building's lobby, thoughts of her future husband's mysterious brother invading her thoughts.
Her love and his brother had never been close apparently. Being separated by about 12 years didn't make it easy for them to be friends, but because of the drama between their parents, they both developed a dysfunctional intolerance for the other. She once overheard her fiancée tell his brother that he hated him during what she thought had been a heated argument about their inheritances or something. They were still dating at the time and she hadn't felt like it was her right to pry, but after he had gotten off of the call she could tell that he was greatly disturbed by their conversation or perhaps just by his brother mere existence. “I guess he would have had to been disturbed if he said that he hated him.” Her and her little brother Sota, despite their occasional childish banter, had always been close. So she really wasn't comfortable with her partner's family affairs, especially since his brother was technically all that he had left. The one time she did get to meet his brother, he had been very brief and curt with her, if not just outright rude, but she could definitely see the family resemblance in their features. She didn't know much about the situation, but from the bits and pieces she was able to gather, the two men had different mothers and an affair had somehow been involved. She really did want to know more but her man could sometimes be a locked box, and because she loved him she left it alone. But that didn't mean she wouldn't try to contact his brother to see if he would like to make it to the wedding that weekend.
Letting herself into her apartment, she took off her wet shoes and jumped at the frightening groan of the thunder that was immediately followed by a blinding flash of lightening. Clasping her hands to her heart in shock, Kagome tried to offer some comfort to herself as another bolt of lighting highlighted her living room. Shaking off the feelings of foreboding the thunderstorm brought, Kagome made her way to the bathroom to prepare for the night. Stepping into the hot shower, she lost herself to the steam and barely heard the thunderous pounding that was going on outside her front door. Confused as to who would have the audacity to bang on her door like that, Kagome rushed to grab her robe and made her way to her small foyer. Jerking it open, she didn't even bother to check to see who it was. Shouting a frustrated, “What do you want?!” Kagome was surprised to see the dripping wet figure of her fiancée's aforementioned brother standing in front of her with a forlorn look. Staring into his large expressive orbs, she knew that something was wrong. Stepping back, she let him in as he shut the door behind him.
Looking at her for a few seconds, he took in her disheveled robe and dripping wet hair and cleared his throat. “It's Kagome right?” At her nod of assent, he continued. “They um…well… the ho-hospital they uh contacted me because…uh he had me written down as the next of kin.” At the mention of “hospital” Kagome had gone blank, so after he finished his sentence, she looked at him with unfocused eyes and asked an intelligent, “huh?” Seeing his own confusion, she clarified the level of her own, “Hospital? What did they want?” Clearing his throat again, he dropped his gaze and whispered a barely audible, “I'm sorry Kagome, he's gone.” Hanging on to his every word, Kagome did not need any clarification the second time around. Backing away from him, tears began to silently glide down her cheeks as the full weight of his statement settled onto her slim shoulders. Her knees buckled as they bumped against her small couch and she collapsed to the ground. Curling into herself, Kagome held her head to her knees as she sobbed at her loss.
Watching the woman who was only a few years older than himself cry over his dead brother was pretty sobering for him. He had only met the wench one time before, and he didn't remember exchanging more than a head nod of acknowledgement with her. But seeing her down on the ground so broken made him feel a lot more closer to the situation than he actually was. He had never been close to his brother, considering the circumstances of his birth. His mother was his father's gaijin mistress, the daughter of a Brazilian expatriate he worked with. She had been in college at the time of their affair, and by her junior year she had given birth to him. At the time of their relationship and subsequent pregnancy, his mother had thought that his father was a widower, but after he was born, she found out the truth about his wife and adolescent kid, and decided to return to the Americas with their son. While in El Salvador his mother had made up some very elaborate stories about his father and how they met. Some of his favorites were those about his father being an astronaut who pioneered the space program for Japan, but a few years after his mother died of ovarian cancer, he learned the truth. He was fifteen and living with his mother's sister and his cousin Sango when he was contacted by an attorney that was representing a man in Japan who believed that he was his son. After passing a paternity test, InuYasha made his way overseas and met his other family.
The family reunion was a whole lot less loving than he had imagined extensively on the plane ride. While InuYasha's father was excited about getting to know his second son, his new stepmother wanted nothing to do with him; but worst of all his half brother didn't even acknowledge that he was alive. At the time Sesshomaru was in his last year of college and was preparing to enter law school so that he could get into corporate law like their father. So he technically didn't have much time to get to know his new sibling. But that didn't mean he couldn't at least speak to him during family gatherings. The one time that he had actually tried to take the initiative to get to know his brother, Sesshomaru had called him, “the spawn of a homewrecker,” so he didn't exactly put himself out there much after that. He still saw the man around occasionally for house events, but once Sesshomaru had gotten into law school he didn't see much of him at all, and after he joined the working world he pretty much fell out of his life completely. InuYasha continued to live at home with their father so he was pretty sure that Sesshomaru stayed scarce because of him, not that he cared much. It did kind of hurt that his brother felt it necessary not to come home because of his mere presence, but what was he supposed to do about it?
But besides his half brother's antics and his step-mom's occasional glares, everything else had been pretty cool at home. His dad wasn't an astronaut, but he was a pretty descent guy nonetheless, and he genuinely enjoyed spending time with him. That's why it almost killed him when he died along with his wife in that car crash. The fact that his father was on the way to see one of his art expositions when he was killed didn't make it any easier for him to accept it, but neither did Sesshomaru's intense conviction that it should have been him in the car instead. But even without either of his parents, he was able to do well on his own. He graduated from college and was now the founder of his own restoration and renovation company. He was doing well for himself, even without the money Sesshomaru was keeping away from him until he could claim it on his 25th birthday in 7 months. He should have been had it, but the whole thing seemed kind of small since the bastard was dead and all, and his woman was presently sobbing at his feet.
“I guess I should try and comfort her or something…maybe?” Dropping to his own knees, InuYasha wrapped a tentative arm around the broken woman he knew only as Kagome. Drawing her closer to him he tried to whisper calming words into her ear, but realized he didn't know what to say. When his own parents had died, no one could reach him, and he just had to process everything on his own. His father's death was instant so it seemed so surreal for a while, but he had watched his mother suffer, holding on for his sake, and he was relieved when God decided she could come home. Shaking his head he looked down at the woman in his lap. Knowing deep down in his own heart that she needed him, he said the first thing that came to his mind, “I won't leave you.” As her head suddenly lifted and her rich brown eyes met his own, he took a deep breath in “I never realized how pretty she is…” While losing himself in her eyes, he barely caught her question, “How did he die InuYasha?”
Surprised that she remembered his name, and even more surprised she had cried for so long without knowing the circumstances of his half brother's death, InuYasha was silent for a few moments before he provided her with an answer, “He uh, was h-hit by a car while downtown. He died instantly; there was no pain according to the doctors.”
Wondering briefly why Sesshomaru would even be downtown she began to catch her tears as they fell. With a shaky voice, she asked her now deceased fiancée's brother, “Did you see him?”
“Wow, that is not the type of question I would have expected her to ask. Despite her initial breakdown, she looks like she is handling this whole thing pretty well. “Yeah, they um, called me to the hospital to ID him. He was DOA, so they just needed someone to come down to make sure it was him.”
Looking back up at him she stated in a resolute voice, “I want to see him.”
Not wanting to argue with a grieving woman, InuYasha shifted her off of him and helped her up. Telling her that he would wait while she got dressed, he watched as she headed into what he supposed was her bedroom to change. After pacing for a few minutes, Kagome returned dressed and they headed out. Happy that the rain had stopped while they were inside, InuYasha made his way to his hayabusa and got on. Having never ridden a bike before, Kagome was a little apprehensive to follow behind him, but after rationalizing that this would be the quickest way to the hospital, she put on the proffered helmet and straddle the motorcycle. Wrapping her arms tightly around the man in front of her, Kagome held on for dear life as they made their way deftly through the perpetual crowded streets of the city. Because her eyes where held tightly shut, Kagome wasn't even aware when they arrived to their destination, but after hearing the bike's motor shut off, she cautiously opened her eyes to see InuYasha's brown one's staring amusedly at her. Giving her an uncertain smile, he helped her off the bike and they made their way to the room Sesshomaru was being held in.
When they arrived, they noticed that someone else had come to see about Sesshomaru as well. As they got closer to the figure, Kagome recognized her as one of the secretaries in the legal department, Kagura something or another. Walking up besides her, Kagome watched as the woman shed tears for her fiancée, “They must have been a lot closer than I thought.” After a few minutes of watching the woman, Kagome finally asked her, “Were you good friends?” Earning a very condescending look from the older woman, Kagome passed it off as grief and waited for an answer. After she didn't receive one for several more minutes she opened her mouth to ask again before Kagura excused herself and hurriedly left the room, leaving her and InuYasha alone with the body. Moving closer to his head, Kagome felt InuYasha step up behind her. In a sympathetic voice that delineated his concern he asked, “Are you sure you want to see him? He's pretty beat-up.”
Shaking her head in confirmation, he stepped around her and lowered the sheet. At the first sight of him, her guts immediately turned themselves inside out. Turning to her side away from InuYasha she lost the day's nutrients to the floor as tears poured from her eyes. Feeling her knees weaken, she began to topple over when two strong arms wrapped themselves around her and brought her to a hard taut chest. She knew that InuYasha was trying to comfort her as he whispered in her ear and held her head close to his chest, but it was all just a blur. Somehow he had maneuvered her out of the hospital and back outside to his bike, but she didn't become aware of anything until he set his hands on her shoulders and asked her in a serious tone, “Do you think you can still hold on, or should I get you a cab?”
Knowing that she wanted nothing less than to be alone, she stayed coherent enough to ride with him back to her apartment. After he lead her back upstairs and let her in the door, the tears started to flow again. Wrapping his arms around her from behind before she could fall, InuYasha once again held his dead brother's intended against his chest. Placing his head on top of her own he let her cry herself out as he settled them onto her sofa. As her tears died down, he gently whispered to her, “Do you want or need me to get you anything?” At her quiet refusal he made to resettle himself against the sofa and missed her near silent request as he shifted. “Come again?”
In a louder more intelligible voice, Kagome repeated her question, “Can you please sit with me outside? I want to watch the rain.” Flipping her hair to one side, Kagome lifted herself from InuYasha's lap and made her way to the small screen enclosed balcony that hung off of her living room. Turning her head to make sure that InuYasha was behind her, she stepped outside and let the cool breeze dry her salty tears. Wrapping her arms around herself to stave off the cold chill in the air she sighed once she felt InuYasha once again draw her closer to his body. Settling his head on her shoulder, he stared out at the small park that was recently installed in the back of her graduate housing building, watching the rain make puddles in the thick grass. Leaning further into InuYasha's embrace, Kagome jumped in alarm when a loud crackle of thunder assaulted her ears.
Hearing him chuckle lightly behind her at her unnecessary fright, she twisted in his embrace to glare at him and became entrapped in his intense gaze. A bolt of lightening highlighted his face for a second, and within that short amount of time she could see that his eyes were not brown like she initially thought but a deep intensely dark blue. “What is that? Cobalt? They're beautiful…
He had thought that his brother's girl was pretty when he looked at her earlier, but now, while matching her curious gaze with one of his own, he realized that she was beyond “pretty.” “She's gorgeous…” Leaning his head down as if he was going to kiss her, he breathed her name against her lips, “Kagome?”
Unsure as to what she should do at their close proximity, Kagome closed her eyes and acknowledged his question with a quiet “Hmm?”
Pulling back only the slightest bit, InuYasha heard the sound of the rain banging against the balcony increase as he whispered, “I think I should head home.”
His suggestion caused her to blink her eyes several times before his words processed in her mind. Lifting her arms up to push against him so that she could add a few more inches between their bodies, Kagome responded in a voice she hoped sounded somewhat composed, “Yeah, it's late and I don't want you to get caught in another storm.” Pushing herself completely out of his embrace, she sidestepped her dead fiancée's brother and lead him off the balcony and to the door. Before she could open it however, she felt his hand grip her own as he twisted her around to face him.
“Do you think you will be alright?” At her soft nod, he repeated his question and received a verbal confirmation. Letting go of her arm, he drew her into another embrace and after releasing her, let himself out. Hearing her walk towards the door and shut it behind him, he listened at it for a few minutes to make sure that she didn't breakdown before he left. Satisfied after a few minutes that she would be alright, InuYasha made his way back outside only to find the rain coming down in torrents. Knowing that it would be too dangerous to head home in that much rain on a bike, InuYasha decided to wait it out and made his way back upstairs to Kagome's apartment. Assuming that Kagome had locked the door behind him, he turned the knob out of habit, but found that it was in fact open. Letting himself in, he saw Kagome's silhouette outside on the balcony and made his way towards her. Catching the almost inaudible sounds of her silent cries, InuYasha slid the screen door open.
She didn't even know why she was crying anymore. Sesshomaru was gone and there was nothing she could do about it. But when InuYasha left, she just felt so cold…cold and empty. Being in his embrace… looking into his eyes… she had found so much comfort there. And now that he was gone, she felt a renewed urge to cry. The rain mocking her loneliness increased with the salt water flowing out of her eyes, but like her, it didn't know why or for whom she was crying. “I miss him…”
Gasping as she was turned around and pulled into a hard chest, Kagome's breath hitched in her throat. In a relieved sigh Kagome whispered a light, “InuYasha…” as she breathed in his earthy scent accented by the clean sweet smell of the purifying rain. As she inhaled deeply, she closed her eyes, only opening them when she felt his intense gaze warming her skin. Looking up at him, she felt two of his rough calloused fingers wipe away some of her errant tears. Giving him a light grateful smile she subconsciously lifted herself up on her toes when InuYasha dropped his head. A shock electrified both her lips and mind when their movements caused their lips to join together. Closing her eyes on contact, she sighed into his mouth, opening her own when his soft tongue moved sensually against hers, passively asking for permission to explore her wondrous cavern.
Moaning at the taste of her sweet orifice, InuYasha drew her closer to him and increased the fervor of his kiss. Hearing her let out a high-pitched moan of her own, InuYasha grew bolder and began to move his hands gracefully over her body. Grabbing a hold of her hair, he ran it through her soft locks reveling in its silkiness with one hand while his other traveled down to the swell of her round butt. Realizing for the first time that she had changed back into her thin robe; InuYasha gently pushed it up and made contact with bare skin. After several gentle caresses, he grabbed a hold of her smooth bottom and drew her closer to his body. Drinking in her sensual moans, InuYasha released her mouth and went to work placing soft butterfly kisses against the delicate skin of her neck and chest.
At the end of a day that could have been considered pure hell, Kagome was in heaven. InuYasha's mouth on her was like fire and she needed his warmth desperately. She had never felt so impassioned before in her life and although she knew that somehow this was wrong, her mind could not formulate reason enough to stop. At the feel of his hand gently pass against her bare breast as he untied and pushed her robe off of her shapely body, she sighed and slammed his mouth down onto hers for a more feral exchange. Needing to feel his skin against her own, Kagome worked her small hands, lightly calloused from her days on digs, up and under InuYasha's tight black shirt. Taking the time to run her hands up and down his defined abs, Kagome gasped out loud when she felt InuYasha lay her down on the thick grass-like carpet of her deck. Moaning at the loss of the warmth his body provided when he tore away from her momentarily to remove his shirt, Kagome let out a very audible and sensual groan when InuYasha returned to her small frame, and latched his mouth onto her hardened nipple. Feeling the rough fabric of his jeans grind against her mound caused Kagome to spread her legs slightly and begin to move erotically against him. Very aware of the fire trail his hand was leaving on her skin as he made his way down to her core. She let out her first scream when he began to tweak the now throbbing pebble peaking out of her folds. Calling out his name when he slid his first finger into her sopping wet channel, she could no longer hold back the implosion that consumed her.
Growing even harder at the sound of his name rolling off of Kagome's tongue, InuYasha lifted off of the onna underneath him while she came down from her first orgasm to remove his pants and boxers. Joining their mouths together for a gentle kiss, InuYasha with as much control as he could gently slipped into the writhing woman chanting his name beneath him. Stopping at her hymen, InuYasha swallowed his surprise at its presence and tried to sooth his lover by distracting her with tender kisses to her cheeks and temples. After feeling her body relax, InuYasha pushed himself all the way in, swallowing her pained groan with his mouth. Waiting for her to adjust to his size, he grabbed her hands and enclosed them with his own above her head while whispering sweet nothings into her ear. At her first push against him, InuYasha gently drove himself inside of her with long deep strokes that stretched her to the limit. Instituting a slow rhythm that she could match, he made love to Kagome, his now dead brother's fiancée, long into the night as the rain continued to fall.
This is my new one, and I really hope you like it because I do a whole lot. There will be a lot of angst so be prepared, but it will be Inu/Kag the whole time. I couldn't even mention Sesshomaru's name until it was absolutely necessary, and that's not just because I don't like him, it's really because I want this fic to be all Inu/Kag. So read and review and thanks for reading.