InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Rain Falls ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Blissful,” wasn't quite the word to describe how she felt this morning, with the sun bathing her skin in soft rays, because she felt so much more serene than “blissful” implied. But “serene” wasn't enough either, because her body was encased by an encompassing warmth, her mind uplifted into a calm state, and…and the only word she could think of that combined the emotions twisting inside of her was, believe it or not, content. Yes this had to be a beautiful day because she was just so darn…
Opening her eyes, Kagome shot up from her supine position on the bed and looked around her room. “My room, the bed…I didn't go to bed last…Oh shit, oh shit, oh my darn. I…Oh My Kami…I'm naked and I” Kagome's mouth flew open in shock as memories of last night flooded her mind in a great deluge. “I lost my virginity to InuYasha…Oh my God.” Shifting her body, Kagome scooted towards the wooden headboard of her bed and tried to curl into her knees, but the dull pain below thwarted her plans. With a loud, “Shit!” she alerted her house guest that she was now awake and he came running into her room with a panicked expression.
“What's going on Kagome, are you all right?” Dropping down to the floor besides her bed he waited for an answer, but when he caught sight of her disheveled hair and wide brown eyes he forgot that he had even asked a question. Touching her shoulder with a gentle hand, he used his other to lift her chin so that her mouth aligned with his own. Leaning closer, he whispered a hushed, “Good morning Beauty” against her lips, and proceeded to remind her why she had felt so good when she woke up.
Climbing onto the bed, InuYasha straddled Kagome as he continued to make love to her mouth. The two lovers exchanged deep, slow, sensual kisses that left them both yearning for something more. Moaning into his mouth Kagome called out InuYasha's name when he released her mouth and began to trail soft kisses down her neck. Lifting up her own hands, she dug them deep into his hair as she held his head to her chest while he worshiped her breasts with tender kisses and gentle licks with his tongue. “Mmhhm, InuYasha…more”
Smiling against her chest, he slid down her body taking care to lick and nip her soft skin randomly until he reached her sacred place. Well aware that she might be slightly sore from their late night activities, he made sure to employ gentle fingers as he separated her folds. Hearing Kagome catch a hitch in her breath, he decided to help her relax by blowing a cool stream of air onto her clitoris, eliciting a guttural moan that got stuck in her throat when he began to use his tongue. Working his way from the outside in, InuYasha laved her curtains with sweet caresses that had her dripping in anticipation.
Having never felt such intense feelings before in all her life Kagome didn't know what to do with herself. How could someone make her feel so damn good? She didn't think it was possible for anyone to feel this good, but that was probably because InuYasha was using his tongue to make circles inside of her channel limiting her ability to contemplate anything, much less her definition of pleasure before last night. Lifting her hips to help his tongue reach deeper inside of her, Kagome tried to use her hands to get him to apply more pressure just where she needed it. Finding her voice, the writhing woman called out InuYasha's name and told him which movements felt good and which ones felt damn good as he left her channel to introduce his tongue to the button that would make everything come down.
Touching it with his tongue, he could feel the slight vibrations it was making. Wanting to draw her pleasure out for a little bit longer, he rotated long sensual licks with gentle nips from his teeth. Holding her hips down he increased the pressure behind his tongue and at her high pitched moan followed by a relived sigh, he moved his mouth a little lower to drink from her now overflowing cup. After using his tongue to clean her up a bit, he kissed his way back up to her lips and joined their mouths together in a erotically consuming caress that left her whimpering, “Inu…Ya…shaaaaa, please, I need…”
Not allowing her to finish her sentence, InuYasha slipped into her warm sheath as a waterfall of emotions fell over him. He had never felt so complete before in his life. Being inside Kagome, hearing her heart race, feeling her sinuous movements beneath him excited him more than anything, and he knew that no other woman could ever make him feel this way. Feeling her fingers glide lightly down his back, he prepared to increase his pace so that he could reach the release his male instincts demanded, but when Kagome opened up her eyes, and drew his mouth down to her own for a romantic kiss that made his toes curl, he decided to slow down and dig his strokes deeper so that he could get as much Kagome as was available.
Exhaling at his change of pace, Kagome let out a pleasant sigh when she felt InuYasha reach a spot deep inside her that had never been touched before. Pushing her own hips harder against him, she begged him, “Please Inu, more…I need more,” but he just swallowed her demands with his mouth as his tongue mimicked the behaviors of his other body part below. Grabbing a hold of his hands, she interlaced them with her own, unwittingly exhorting him to increase the frequency of his thrusts. After several particularly hard plunges that hit her at her core, Kagome reached her climax with a consuming shutter that had InuYasha fighting to maintain their connection.
Smiling down at her as she opened her eyes, InuYasha joined their mouths together as he thought to himself, “I would give you anything you wanted Beauty. Releasing her lips, he pecked them gently twice, before he opened his eyes to stare into her own. Rocking his hips harder into her, InuYasha to his chagrin soon found his own release. Bringing a set of their conjoined hands to his lips, he gently kissed her knuckles and reversed their positions so that she was cuddled to his side.
As soon as Kagome was comfortably situated against InuYasha's chest, her eyes closed and she found herself in a perfect deep sleep. Watching the woman next to him find comfort in his arms, filled InuYasha with a strong sense of male pride, and he closed his own eyes in satisfaction. The two lovers found peace in each other's arms that would have lasted if an obnoxiously loud banging hadn't disturbed them.
Quiet knocks that evolved into obnoxious pounding tore InuYasha from his comfortable position, spooning against Kagome's back. With his nose buried deep in her hair, he took in her fresh clean scent of cucumbers and melon, as her “visitor” continued to bang against the door. Not wanting to wake up the peaceful girl sleeping next to him, InuYasha brought the covers up around her shoulders and slipped out of the bed to put his pants and t-shirt back on. Making sure that he looked somewhat presentable, he walked to the door and answered it mid-pound.
Shock is the only word that could describe the look on the older woman's face when her eyes took in the hard broad chest and shoulders of someone who was clearly not her daughter. Lifting her gaze, her deep brown eyes caught sight of dark gray ones…or were they dark blue? No matter what color his eyes were, he was a strange man, a strange gaijin man in her daughter's apartment and after what she heard this morning, she was NOT HAPPY!
With a loud shriek, she demanded “Who the hell are you!!!” and shoved her way around him inside her daughter's home. At the young man's silence her voice increased in volume, “Where's Kagome? Where is my daughter?”
Finally finding his voice InuYasha put up his hand and waved them rapidly in an effort to calm the woman, “Kagome is in her room, asleep.”
Taking in his disheveled appearance, the woman gasped and raised the back of her hand to her head, “What were you doing in my Kagome's room!”
Not wanting to fill in this clearly easily upset woman on his and her daughter's activities, InuYasha tried to play it cool, and said, “I'm Sesshomaru's brother, I'm the one who told her about it.”
At the mention his brother's name, the fight left the woman's body as she fell back onto the couch. In a humbled voice, holding none of the anger it possessed before, the older woman spoke, “So it is true then? Sessho is gone?”
Seeing a single tear fall down her check, InuYasha uncomfortably watched as the woman quietly mourned his dead brother. “I guess he wasn't a bastard to everybody. Must have just been me…”
After a few minutes of quiet sniffles, the woman stopped crying and looked up at InuYasha, “How is my daughter young man?”
Surprised that she still maintained her civil tone with him, InuYasha could only stutter a reply, “Sh-She's good. Umm, she's resting now. I'll go check on her.” Turning to make his way back to Kagome's bedroom, InuYasha winced when a large bag was hurled at his back. Twisting his head around, he shouted, “What the hell was that for?!”
Marching towards him with one hand held firmly on her hip and the other pointed at him, Kagome's mother poked him in his chest as she laid out the rules, “You will not even think of entering my daughter' room while I am here. I don't know what you were doing before I came, but now that I am here, I will see to my daughter. You have no place here, so you can just leave!”
With the fierce eyes of the woman blazing at him, InuYasha completely lost his voice. “What the fuck is going on? I was just trying to help…” Stepping away from the mother bear and her dangerous ass finger, InuYasha rubbed his chest and was about to form some sort of sentence when Kagome stepped out of her room, completely dressed.
The comatose state her morning with InuYasha had left her in could not shield her from both the comfort and fear her mother's presence brought. Her mother's voice had always sent her into motion and today was no exception. What would she think if she knew she had slept with a man who was not her fiancée? Her mother was well aware that she and Sesshomaru had decided to wait, for she had discussed her insecurities with her years before, but if she knew she had slept with his brother on the day of his death… “Mama would be so disappointed in me…I'm disappointed in myself…”
Shaking off her self-pity, Kagome quietly made her way to her bathroom and made herself presentable as the sound of her mother's shouting quieted down. Making her way out to her living room, only one thought filled her mind, “She can't know about InuYasha and me. No one can…”
Catching sight of the sadness in InuYasha's eyes as her mother chastised him for being there for her Kagome swallowed her protests and resolved to continue with her plans. Walking with heavy steps, she bore straight into his beautiful eyes and tried to sound confident as she said, “I think that it would be a good idea for you to leave InuYasha.” Seeing the shock register in his eyes, she continued, “Thank you for telling me about Sesshomaru, and staying with me last night. But this is a family matter and now that my mother is here, I would like to be alone with her to mourn our lost.”
With eyes narrowed, InuYasha stared at Kagome and shook his head in confusion. After a few seconds he sputtered out, “Are you serious? A family matter? He was my brother, I am family. I thought…”
Knowing that he was right, but unwilling to deal with her actions, Kagome cut him off, “Stop InuYasha. You and Sesshomaru were not close. It was no secret that you did not get along, he hadn't even invited you to the wedding this weekend.” Seeing his eyes widen in horror and then fall, she knew that he hadn't in fact known that they were engaged. “He really didn't know…I'm so sorry Sess…InuYasha…”
At the sound of her daughter's voice, relief flooded Kaoru's heart. Kagome seemed safe and stable after learning that her love was gone, and she was sure that this “InuYasha” had something to do with that. But the comfort he had with answering the door and his disheveled appearance did not sit well with her, at all. He looked like he knew or had done something and Kaoru wanted him gone. “I bet the dangerous contraption I saw outside belongs to him. He looks like trouble and he needs to stay away from my Kagome.” Making her way to the door, Kaoru held it open and gestured her hands so that this “InuYasha” character could take the not so subtle hint and hit the road. “Yes, it is clear Sessho would not have wanted you here, so I think it's best that you leave now young man.”
Realizing that he really had no cause to stay, InuYasha gathered his stuff and after sending one final glare to Kagome, he didn't even acknowledge her mother as he left her apartment with no plans to ever return.
Not wanting to wait on the elevator, InuYasha dashed down the stairs in a huff and made it out to his bike. Pissed couldn't even touch how he felt inside, “That stupid bitch! I thought I felt, she felt…How could she just…?” InuYasha wasn't new to the hit and run game, but he was a rookie at being kicked out, and so rudely too. “I can't believe this shit.” Shaking his head, he resolved, “She's just a bitch. Her and her bitch ass mama!” Revving his motorcycle after an old woman shot him a rather icy glower at his vulgar outburst, InuYasha pulled out of his parking spot and shot off down the road.
Stills of him making love to Kagome consumed his mind as he mechanically maneuvered his way down the familiar streets. He really shouldn't be, but he knew where we wanted to go. He had told her that he wouldn't be back, but right now he just needed to blow off a little steam, and she had always been good for that. He would have to explain to her that it would be nothing more than right now, but this shit with his brother's bitch just had him raving mad and he needed a release.
Pulling up in front of his old apartment, he fished for his key before he remembered that he had threw them at her when he left the last time. Shrugging his shoulders, he walked in and waved to the dude at the desk and made his way up the stairs. Knocking on the door he heard her shuffling inside while he waited impatiently for her to let him in. Banging a little bit harder, he heard an exasperated “I'm coming,” and only a few more seconds passed before the door shot open. Surprise and then passion flew across her face before she yanked him roughly by the collar and dragged him inside, slamming the door behind them.
On the other side of town, Kagome laid her head in her mother's lap as she gently stroked her hair. The sounds of the soft lullaby she used to sing to her daughter when she was a scarred little girl fell gently from her lips. After finishing her song, she continued to hum the melody until her baby girl, seemed to be lulled back to sleep.
Padding around the sofa, Kaoru found the remote control and turned on the television. Muting the sound so that it wouldn't disrupt her daughter's rest, Kaoru read the words as the report of her almost son in law's death was told again and again. Every station was covering the news of his death since his father had been a prominent businessman in the city, and he too had died in a car related accident several years before.
Some of Sesshomaru's colleagues were giving interviews about his work and contributions to the legal program at the university, but one interview in particular had caught her attention. A woman, named Kagura Onigumo had given an extremely emotional interview about how much Sessho had meant to her. Those tears…that forlorn look in her eyes… “Oh no…” Looking down at her peaceful daughter, Kaoru thought to herself as her hand continued to run through her child's soft strands, “Kagome, my sweet baby girl, did you know?”
This is the second installment of WTRF. I am so glad that you all are so interested in it, because the idea has been playing in my head for so long that I just needed to get it out. I really hope you liked this chapter, so please review and let me know.
P.S. And thanks to all the fantastic reviews I got for the first chapter. It's nice to know there are Inu/Kag fans left. I will try my hardest to make this a fic worth reading. I am not one for straight lines, so there will be a wavy path to happiness, but you can be assured that they will get there. Just be prepared for some angst.