InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Rain Falls ❯ Chapter 6

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He usually didn't like to make his crew work on Sundays, but for the past week, it had rained in the evenings, and they had to cut their days short. Only a few more hours of work were needed to finish the second phase that he estimated would take six weeks, so he offered a select few overtime to work alongside him so that they could get this stage of the renovation completed on time.
This would be the first time since the first day that he would spend a full day at the shrine. As the owner, he had the luxury to pick and choose his projects and hours, and since he had a lot of faith in his men, he hadn't been spending much time on this particular site as he usually would. He hated to admit it, even to himself, but Mrs. Higurashi had really gotten to him and he tried to minimize the chance that they would run into each other by making himself scarce. So far he had been successful, but now that it was such a nice day and a weekend no less, the odds for trouble had increased tenfold. Shaking his head to rid himself of such negative thoughts, InuYasha ran a hand through his hair as he whispered to himself, “I got to stay focused on this project; it's all that matters now.”
And as dismal as that thought seemed, it was all he had. Outside of his business things hadn't been going too well for him. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get Kagome off of his mind or off of other more private areas. No other woman seemed to satisfy him the way Kagome had that blissful night and morning, and because of that his sex-life and, therefore, entire life had been suffering. Ayame had been trying to get in touch with him for the last few weeks, but that was over and would be forever. The rough night they had after Sesshomaru's death had been a one time only thing, and although he was mad at himself for toying with her, he wasn't going to go back just to make her happy. He was so damn frustrated that he didn't know what to do with himself, so he began to work harder and harder on completing his own home. Because he seemed to have nothing but time, he completely redesigned his master bedroom, and removed a few walls from the rooms downstairs to create more space. Why? He really didn't know, but at the time it just felt right.
Feeling one of his most trusted workers tap him on the shoulder, he turned his attention towards him and handed him the tool that he requested. It was dangerous for his mind to be wandering on site, so he tried to refocus his energy on getting the job done so his men could enjoy at least part of the day with their families.
Kagome was just shy of her 20th week of pregnancy, and balance, which was something she didn't have much of before she got pregnant, had been jumping ship quickly. It took her five minutes to steady herself whenever she stood up or changed directions, and she was becoming more and more concerned about the upcoming weeks.
Her mother had been too, and for that reason she asked Kagome to come back home and raise the baby at the shrine. Although her lease for student housing had already expired, because of her situation, her land lord allowed her to rent on a month to month basis until she decided what she wanted to do, but she had yet to decide anything. As the executor of Sesshomaru's estate, she had the option of making his apartment her new home, or even his parent's mansion outside of the city her place of residence, but she just couldn't.
She tried not to think about her baby's origins or her own betrayal for fear that the stress would hurt him or her. But she was real enough with herself to know that if she moved anywhere Sesshomaru had been that she wouldn't be able to function properly enough to take care of herself, much less a child. Sighing to herself, she decided that she did in fact need a little r'n'r and setoff to pack herself an overnight bag so that she could stay at her mother's.
Always the worrier, her mother had called earlier that morning and told Kagome that she and Sota were on their way to pick her up so that she could stay the weekend with the family. Initially Kagome had planned to refuse, but now she wasn't so sure that she should be alone. Even though she really wasn't ready to face her mother's probing and hovering, she did know that the trip would be worth it if she could just get a few hours to sit underneath the Goshinboku, and receive a smidgen of the peace and strength it offered. With her bag packed, she went to her kitchen for a cup of tea while she waited for her ride. The baby seemed to like the different herbal flavors like peach and raspberry so she tended to spoil him or her with it when she had the time. Rubbing the slight puff in her belly, Kagome smiled to herself and asked her child, “I wonder, will you have your father's eyes?”
“Remember Sota, Kagome is not to know about our little worker. It's Sunday, so he won't be coming by today, but don't mention him.”
Turning up the music after his mother's admonition, Sota rolled his eyes as he redirected them outside of the window. When he heard his mother shouting and yelling a couple of months ago, he thought that she was being attacked by a burglar or rapist. But after he rushed downstairs and saw that it was Sesshomaru's brother who she was screeching at, to say that he was confused would be an understatement. He had never had a one-on-one with the man, and he had never heard Sesshomaru mention him, but he didn't appear to be a threat to his mother or to Kagome. But every time his mother saw him or his name was mentioned, she just seemed to go off for no apparent reason. InuYasha had his own company, worked hard, and generally seemed to have his life together, so why did his mother see him as such a threat? Closing his eyes at this thought, settled his head against the window and let the smooth ride put him to sleep, thoughts of his family on his mind.
He was happy to see his sister, since she hadn't been by the shrine for a while. It was a little strange to him, the way she seemed to want to distance herself from their family, when she was more alone than ever. But she wouldn't open up to him or anyone else, and their was only so much that he could do. Watching her wobble down the stairs with her bags, he immediately hopped out of the car to help her. “Kag's! I told you that I would come up to bring your stuff down,” he scolded her as she waved a flippant hand at him.
“I'm not even halfway through this pregnancy; I can't start pretending that I'm helpless so early. While I won't schedule any bungee jumps, I can handle carrying a few bags to the car Sota.”
Shaking his head at her stubbornness, Sota dumped the bags in the trunk and rushed back to his sister to carry her the rest of the 10 foot distance to the car. With her arms flailing, she laughed uncontrollably as he strapped her into the back seat, ruffling her hair as he made his way back to the front.
“Hey kid! I'm the oldest I get to ride shotgun!,” whined Kagome as she watched her chuckling brother strap himself in for the ride while mocking her with his eyes in the rear view mirror.
“Women in your condition shouldn't ride in the front with airbags, so your just gonna have to enjoy the sights from back there. Your lucky we don't have a car seat, unless I would have buckled you up backwards facing the seat, mommy.”
Laughing harder at his sister's pout, the two continued to bicker all the way to the shrine. Sota finding his most ammunition from Kagome herself who forced their mother to pullover twice so that she could relive her bladder and a third time so that she could satisfy her cravings for tacos. It was the first time in months that Kagome was actually able to sit back and enjoy her pregnancy, her family, and life. And she had to admit that it felt really good. But the more she thought about her family and the baby, the more she thought about his father. “InuYasha…would you want to build a family with me?”
He had taken his crew out for pizza as payment for coming out with him to finish the job. Together they were able to complete the major stuff before the late afternoon and now all he needed to do was to put on the finishing touches himself, and he could officially mark this stage complete. When he parked his truck at the base of the shrine, he could see that the family car was parked back in its usual spot and he prayed to the Kami that he could finish up without having to deal with any of the Higurashis.
Taking the stuff he needed to finish up out of his truck, InuYasha did his ritual calisthenics up the infamous shrine steps and got to work. It only took him a couple more hours to finish up, and as he did his final once over of the site, his eyes caught sight of a vision he thought only existed in his dreams.
She had been home for a few hours and it was only now that she was able to get time for herself to do what she came to do, do nothing under the Goshinboku. Making her way to the tree as fast as her unbalanced legs could carry her, Kagome stood in front of it debating how exactly she would be able to pick herself back up if she decided to in fact sit on the ground as she usually did. Running a hand through her hair in frustration, Kagome pouted as she debated her options. Finally deciding to take her chances on the ground, the wobbly girl made her way closer to the tree's trunk and concentrated on making her way down. Having more difficulty than she thought should be possible, Kagome flailed her arms animatedly in her frustration and let a lone tear fall as she whimpered out, "Darn you InuYasha Taishou," only to have a deluge of salt water follow when she heard the voice of the accursed man himself, "Were you ever gonna tell me?"
Elated, was the only word he could think of to explain how good he felt to see her. Hair blowing in the wind, the sunlight illuminating her skin, she looked simply beautiful, and all of his most cherished reveries seemed to be playing right in front of him. Taking her form in, he started at her face and worked his way down where he saw both his end and his future. Not knowing what to do at first, he just watched until the sound of his name spurred him to action. Approaching her silently, he had to fight himself to keep his hands at his side as he caught a whiff of her sweet scent. He couldn't really tell from the back that she was with child, but he knew from her profile that she was. Swallowing his apprehension, InuYasha let his hurt lace his words as he spoke to her for the first time in months.
His voice still held all the passion that she remembered, but she couldn't bear the sound of it. Tears fought for the right to fall down her cheek, but she let them because she knew no other way to respond. If just his voice could make her feel this way, then what would seeing him do to her? Pivoting to the side, she made to run for it when she was reminded of her delicate condition. Blood rushed to her head as her feet went one way and her torso the other. Inside her mind was screaming at her to protect the life she carried, as her arms tried to make the best of the seemingly dire situation. Closing her eyes in preparation for the fall, Kagome let out a relieved sigh when the man she was hoping to get away from grabbed a hold of her and cuddle both her and their child to his body.
She cried silently into his neck as he whispered everything she needed to hear, but was too afraid to accept. She never doubted that he would take care of her or that he would love his child. She knew that he would do everything right and whatever he could for the both of them, but she couldn't accept that, she couldn't accept him. Not when Sesshomaru was six feet under, not when she betrayed his soul the night of his death, and not when she saw the future she never dreamed of with him in his brother's eyes. Swallowing her sighs, Kagome trembled slightly when she felt gentle fingers trace the line of her tears. Looking up at her savior, Kagome's breathe caught as his mouth descended on hers and let her know that everything would be alright.
She took comfort in his taste as his mouth worked over hers again and again. Letting out a sensual moan, Kagome dove both of her small hands into InuYasha luscious thick black hair as he shifted her weight to get better access to her mouth. With her now straddling him, InuYasha increased the fervor and range of his kisses, dropping his mouth to her neck to taste her skin.
Lost to the world, the reunited lovers remained in their private spell until cool splashes of rain broke against their skin. Pulling back from her candy lips, InuYasha pecked them gently one more time before he lifted himself off of the ground and pulled Kagome to her feet. After placing two hands on her shoulders to balance her, InuYasha gently grasped her hand and lead her off the shrine grounds, carefully down the steps and to his truck. After buckling her in, he chuckled when she whined that she could do it herself, and stole another kiss. Shutting the door quickly, he jogged to his side to make it out of the now pouring rain, and hopped in, immediately starting the car.
Watching her as she gazed unblinkingly at the falling water, he knew the road that her mind was traveling, and decided to interrupt her thoughts by reminding her that he would always be there. Grabbing a hold of her hand, he intertwined it with his own and brought it up to his mouth for a gentle kiss. Watching the sides of her mouth slowly upturn in a smile, InuYasha returned her hand to her lap and gave her one final kiss on the forehead, as she made herself comfortable for the ride. The rain was picking up and the mountain was getting slippery, so he knew there was only one place for them to go, putting his truck in reverse, he made a quick turn and headed home.
He would have been a fool not to know that something was up with his sister. Although he hadn't enough information to put it all together before, it was clear that there was more to the story than what either his mother or Kagome had said. "Does mom know the truth?"
Deep down, he really didn't think she did, although she probably suspected something. The fact that InuYasha not only had been the one to tell Kagome the news, but also the one to stay with her during those first crucial hours probably made his mother uneasy. And now that he saw everything that he had seen, he guessed that she should have been.
Except...except that he had never seen his sister so relaxed before. Yeah, he knew that it is supposed to be a sin to not only sleep with your dead fiancée's brother, but to also have his baby, but he couldn't find it in him to condemn her. He had seen the whole thing, the pain, the desperation, the passion and the comfort the two of them drew from each other, and he could only hope that he would be fortunate enough to experience something akin to that in his own love life.
Kagome had never ever come out of herself like that, not even with the man she planned to marry, and to see her let down her guard and be so humbly open with her dead fiancée's brother gave him hope that she would be alright. "I don't know all that's going on Kagome, but I know InuYasha can make it better."
Quick one, ne? Now that everything is out, we can really get into the drama because there never is a straight road to happiness. It would be nice if everything worked out perfectly for our two lovers, but that wouldn't be too much fun, would it?
Thanks for all of the reviews, and know that this will be an Inu/Kag throughout, so no worries there. I am thinking of doing an Inu/Kag one shot, so look out for that as well, probably this weekend. Have a nice Friday and a fun weekend, and as always, thanks for reading!