InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Rain Falls ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I know some of you are confused by the POV changes, so I have spaced out the paragraphs between characters by 4, instead of by the standard 2. So whenever there is an extra big gap between paragraphs, know that there will be a new character talking. Thanks to bbbeee for the heads-up.
For once it wasn't raining, and he was damn happy about that considering it was all it seemed to do lately. The last thing his crew needed was a delay in the schedule, and a rain storm today or any other workday for the next 3-weeks would delay the structuring phase and quite possibly the entire project. He had won the contract for one of the city's most famous historical sites on his price and reputation for completing jobs on schedule, and he wasn't going to let anything mess it up. This was one of his biggest jobs to date, and his growing start-up needed the press and advertising a job of this scale would get, so he could start moving into other markets outside of Tokyo for the next year.
For the last couple of months, this project was all that he had thought of, which was good for him because it kept his mind off of his most recent loss. After losing both of his parents, Sesshomaru's death was a lot easier to get over for him than he thought it would be and possibly should have been. Although they weren't close, he knew he should have felt some kind of pain, but after he said his final goodbye to the wind at the cemetery, his mind and heart pretty much closed all things Sesshomaru. Well, maybe not all things, for he still had his half-brother's fiancée on his mind. He hadn't seen her since the funeral, and even though he expected to have the opportunity to see, if not talk to her again at the will reading, after a had month passed and he hadn't received a summons, he figured what he knew all along, that the bastard hadn't left him anything.
And he hadn't, from what he read in the paper, all of Sesshomaru's possessions, minus what was left to him from their father, which did rightfully become InuYasha's, was distributed amongst various charities. Sesshoumaru had made everything clear-cut and simple before his death, so once he died most of his things just went to where they were supposed to.
However, everyone knows that stuff can't always happen seamlessly, and neither did Sesshomaru's death because even after all of his wishes were carried out there was still a dispute concerning who was the rightful executor. He didn't know the details, since he really didn't care that much, but apparently Sesshomaru left certain directions that made Kagome his executor as opposed to his so called “confidant” Jaken, who InuYasha believed was really his brother's secret homosexual lover. He always seemed to have a stick up his ass, but maybe it wasn't quite a stick.
Long story short, after weeks of negotiations and hearings, Kagome was ruled to be the executor of all that was left in his brother's personal estate, which he was surprised to find out, was quite a bit of money even after the charity gifts. This was strange in itself considering that Kagome and Sesshomaru were not officially married and therefore not kin. If she had been the mother of his child, then it would make more sense to him. But either way, what Sesshomaru did in life didn't really concern InuYasha and he wasn't going to let what he did in death get to him either. It was probably best that he chose to protect her financially even before they married, but it was strange nonetheless.
When he arrived at the site, he was relieved to see that all of his guys and his site manager had already arrived. It was a long drive to get here from the city, and he was afraid that some would get delayed and hold the project up. But everyone was there and ready to work…“For me.” And that thought made him feel good. After greeting all of his people, he lead all of them up the ridiculous number of steps to the top of the shrine, and then instructed them to get to work while he went to find the owner.
The project was being sponsored by the city, so all of the arrangements were made directly with the bureau of historical sites. Although he had of course visited the site, he did so with the city reps, and did not have the opportunity to meet the caretakers. But since his crew would be around for a few months, he figured now would be a good time to introduce himself and let any people who might have lived on the property in on their work schedule as a courtesy. Making his way through the grounds and past the sacred sites, he saw what looked like to be the private home of the caretaker. Walking up the steps, he rang the door bell and waited for someone to answer.
So many things had happened since Sesshomaru's death, but from it came one of life's greatest blessings, a child. Her first grandchild would be born in the New Year and she was excited, especially for her daughter. Kagome had taken the loss of her fiancée so hard, and she thought that it would be good for her to raise his child in his memory. Although she was a little disappointed at first to learn that her daughter had in fact lied to her about being sexually active with Sesshomaru before marriage, Kaoru knew that Kagome needed this baby that their whole family needed this baby, and she couldn't wait for his or her arrival.
They couldn't have found out about Kagome's pregnancy at a better time. After Sesshomaru's funeral she, had begun to question the depth of his and Kagome's relationship. The love letter that Kagura woman had left in his coffin disturbed her, and she couldn't figure out where her daughter stood with her own fiancée. Yes, Sesshomaru had asked Kagome to marry him, but it was clear that he had something with this Kagura woman; for the love that she depicted in her last letter to him could not have been completely one-sided. She had debated showing the letter to Kagome for weeks but her daughter never seemed to come out of the stupor she was in since she had busted into the funeral all those weeks ago.
For days after they put Sesshomaru down for his final rest, Kagome hadn't left her room. She slept for long portions of the day and refused to eat, and the rare times when Kaoru could make her try something, she could barely hold it down. Her daughter just looked so sad and broken, and she didn't know how to help her. After only a week of staying at the shrine, Kagome decided that she wanted to go back home to her own apartment, and even though Kaoru wasn't too comfortable with it, she did support her decision. From her biweekly visits with Kagome, she could tell that being on her own was ironically better for her. By the time the will was read she had appeared to be doing much better, but that lead up to its own drama.
She had suspected that something was off about her daughter, even more so than dealing with Sesshomaru's death, but she never would have thought that her Kagome was pregnant. But in the middle of the will's reading, something triggered a storm of tears, and Kagome broke down and confessed to all that were present that she was with child. Her daughter was embarrassed and ashamed and apologized profusely, but even though the circumstances may not have been choice, a baby was always a blessing, especially if he or she would provide Kagome with an eternal link to their father.
In the end it all worked out, Sesshomaru the forward thinker that he was, took the requisite steps to take care of the woman of his child, even if they were not married. How Sesshomaru knew that there was a chance Kagome would conceive before their wedding, she would never know, for her daughter claimed that they had been careful, but somehow he had done the right thing. Although some things still didn't sit right with her, concerning that Kagura woman, who oddly was also invited to the reading or that Jaken character who made it his mission to torture her daughter during the month of hearings, everything had worked out for the best. Kagome and her baby would be taken care of, and nothing would ruin their happiness.
The sound of the doorbell ringing jarred her out of her daze, and she quickly made her way to the door. Her father had told her that the contractors would be starting today, and she guessed that they would want to let her know that they had arrived. Not taking the time to look out of the small window, Kaoru jerked open the door with a big smile on her face and said, “May I help you?” to the young man waiting on her porch. He was turned around seemingly entranced by the majesty of the sacred tree on her property, and had yet to hear her greeting. As she waited for him to notice her, she took advantage of the miniscule moment to take him in. From what she could see, he was a tall and well built man who, like her daughter's fiancée, preferred to wear his hair long.
After checking him out for a little longer, she realized that he must have really been in a trance and she cleared her throat as she tapped his shoulders to get his attention. At his startled jump, she smiled until he turned around and she saw a familiar face she had hoped she would never have to see again. “You!!!”
Kagome knew the moment she first looked into his eyes all those weeks ago that they would be bound to each other forever. At the time, she didn't know how or why their souls would be joined, but when she felt his warm seed fill her womb in his release, she was certain that she would be his for eternity. It had been hard but she was able to suppress all the feelings and emotions being caressed by him, kissed by him, made love to by only him incited in her, but once she had, nothing else could touch her.
And nothing else did touch her, not even common sense after she went almost 6 whole weeks without having her period. Her body had always been like clockwork, on a 28 day schedule that was accompanied by headaches on the 26th day and cramps on the 27th. She had never missed a period, not even when tortured by the pain of the loss of her father when she was 13, or the stress of entrance exams in high school. The situation while difficult was not enough to knock her body off track, so she was convinced that the only logical explanation for it all was, “I'm carrying InuYasha's baby.”
She knew it immediately, probably before they laid Sesshomaru to rest, but she couldn't deal with it, so she didn't. She couldn't bear to process the possibility of her womb making a home for her and her fiancée's brother's child, it was just too much. The man that should have been her baby's father was actually his uncle, and was now dead. So he or she would never get to know their father-uncle her fiancée, or their uncle-father his brother, because no one could ever find out the truth.
Right now everyone assumed the baby was Sesshomaru's, including her newfound enemy that creepy Jaken guy, “Why is he so obsessed with Sesshomaru?” and as long as that remained the case she would be fine. The only other person who knew the truth was InuYasha and she was sure that he was doing everything in his power to separate himself from her, her family, and his brother. She just hoped that he would do enough so that he never found out that she was carrying his child.
“Good to see you too Mrs. Higurashi,” mocked InuYasha as he stomped down the stairs and made his way back to his team. The introduction between him and his “client” didn't exactly go the way he had planned. The evil bitch had cursed him out to Friday before accusing him of stalking their family and her daughter before he could even mention the job. She threatened to call the police on him and had the phone in hand until her son heard all of the racket and calmed her down enough so that he could explain how his company had won the renovation contract and would be working between 6:30AM and 8:00PM starting tomorrow morning.
The kid seemed rational enough and quite capable of being able to deal with the fallout that would come once the witch processed the fact that he and his crew would be there everyday for the next few months, but that wasn't his problem. If she didn't like him that was all well and good, but he had worked too damn hard to get this job, and he was going to do it well. “I'm not going to let anyone in that annoying ass family distract me!” he declared to himself as he picked up his tool box and began to help his crew with a new found fervor to complete this particular job as quickly and perfectly as possible. Pulling out his hammer, he looked up to see several dark clouds begin to form overhead and quietly whispered to his God, “Kami-sama, please keep the rain from falling.”
Sorry about all the filler chaps, but I have to give the story some foundation. This one introduced some drama and answered a few questions, so I hope you enjoyed it, and I may have the next one out tonight. I kinda feel like some citrus is needed soon, but if it is included, it won't be between Inu/Kag. How do you all feel about nonKag rauchiness? Would you prefer dry chaps now and wait for Inu/Kag in later chaps, or do you want a little teaser with Inu/nonKag and Inu/Kag later? Review and let me know, and thanks for reading.
A/n 2
It's nice to know you guy are so passionate about Inu/Kag, so there will be no other woman in the world for him in this fic. Kagome will be the only one to ever be with InuYasha for the rest of his eventful life all because you all are so great. I have already started the next chap, and it probably won't have any citrus of any kind, but we will be moving into the good parts, hopefully with Inu/Kag fluffiness. Thanks for the reviews.