InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Shikon No Tama Was Completed ❯ Registration at Rumiko Takahashi High School ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3

Kagome awoke at sunrise to find herself on the floor in front of the late Naraku's castle, which had now disintegrated and all was left was the soil that she lay on and a few ruins. She felt something hard and warm under her. She lifted her head and looked down just enough to see that she had used Inuyasha's chest as a pillow with her arm wrapped around his waist and his around her shoulder. As she was looking around searching to find her associates she felt the urge to gag. She then gently removed Inuyasha's arm from around her trying not wake him, also struggling not to throw up on him. She rose to her feet and bolted into the forest. Her feet slapped against the solid soil beneath her as she attempt not to vomit all over her cloths. She could feel a lump in her throat raising more and more until finally she couldn't take it any more. She forcefully threw her head behind a tree and supported herself with her hand on the trunk of the tree so she wouldn't fall. She spued vomit all over which turned the ground that it touched a sort of crimson color. She couldn't decide what it was that was making her sick. She knew it wasn't anything she had eaten, because last night they too busy fighting to eat and she just wake up so now she was famished. Basically she was now throwing up stomach acids and she didn't know why. After about thirty seconds of throwing up she stopped and wiped her mouth as she stood upright assuming that she was finished and as she did this she threw up once more. She looked down to find that she had thrown up all over her shirt, "oh man," she said as she held the shirt away from her body. "Not again," she mumbled as she felt another lump raise in her throat. She held her head down ready to throw up all over the place, except this time she didn't throw up, but instead the sacred jewel popped out. She held it in her hand as she walked towards the castle grounds until she ran into a familiar tall muscular man with long hair. "Inuyasha you nearly scared me half to death," she said in a shaky voice.

"Are you alright?" Inuyasha asked worriedly. Because of his doggy ears he had very sensitive doggy hearing. He woke up when he heard Kagome running through the forest and then throw up. Then his voice turned harsh, "what the fuck are you doing running off into the forest by your. Don't you know that there are still demons out there who want the jewel... speaking of which I see you got it back," he said as he looked down at the jewel that rest in the palm of her hand. He then went on rambling about how she shouldn't wander off without him until she got tired of him talking and turned and walked in the direction of the castle grounds. "Hay I was talking to...," Inuyasha started as he chased after her before he was cut off by Kagome as she changed the subject.

"Have you seen Sango? I'm in a serious need of a shower and I wanted to know if she wanted to come."

"No I haven't seen Sango nor Miroku since last night when I saw them go into Naraku's castle, but now the castle has disintegrated so its no telling where they are now," they said as they walked towards there most recent resting grounds. When they reached their destination they came across a sleeping, cuddled, and not to mention a naked Sango and Miroku laying on a cot in the middle of the floor with an extremely thin blanket just barley covering their private parts.

"Wow, I wonder what they did last night," Kagome said as she picked up Miroku's torn kimono.

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Kagome's house consist of two story's. Her mom stayed in the master bedroom down stairs. Souta and grandpa slept in the same room which happened to be right down the hall from the master bedroom down stairs. In between the two rooms was a tiny bathroom. Kagome happened to have the only room that was on the second floor and that room also happened to be the largest room in the entire house. She had the only room with a bathroom inside. "Hurry out of there, your going to make me late for school," she said as she continuously bang on the bathroom door. The bathroom door opened and out stepped Inuyasha who was wearing a black and white school uniform that fit a little considering that it was second hand. It was Kagome's late fathers old high school uniform. He had his long, but now very shiny black hair pulled back in a high ponytail. He used the jewel to transform into a full human so he could live in Kagome's time without hiding or worrying about scaring anyone that found out that he was a demon.

"How do I look?" Inuyasha asked holding both arms out to the side and turning as if he were modeling the new found attire.

"You look..."she started before she was cut off by her mother,

"Kagome hurry! Your going to be late for school," she belted from the kitchen. Kagome raced down the stairs with Inuyasha trailing not to far behind. "Bye mom, bye grandpa, bye Souta,"she yelled to her family as she ran out the front door. They were all sitting at the dinning room table eating breakfast as they watch her and Inuyasha wiz pass them.

"Huh... I didn't know Inuyasha was going to school," Souta said as he say a familiar young men with a slight change chase after his older sister. Kagome ran as fast as she could, trying to reach her high school in time, which by the way is only a few blocks away from her house, while Inuyasha lightly trotted right behind her. They raced up the steps and into the building just before the two extremely large doors closed behind them making a loud boom that made the ground tremble beneath them. The doors closed exactly at 7:25 a.m enabling any one to get in nor out at exactly 2:30. After that, you have 5 minutes to get to class before the late bell rings at 7:30 a.m. Kagome Inuyasha into the registration office and registered him into Rumiko Takahashi High School.

"Hey Inu, what's your last name?" she ask him as she filled out his registration form. Inuyasha stood and looked at her with a raised eyebrow looking very confused. "Oh god, please tell me you have a last name... ok then I'll just make one up..." she thought for a little while and then came up with a last name, "How about Higoyo, so if we have any classes together, when they seat us in alphabetical order you'll sit either right behind me or right next to me." Inuyasha shook his head in agreement as she handed secretary the registration form and the secretary handed them their schedules. They then exited the office and they headed towards there first period classes as Kagome compared their schedules, then handed it to him, " Wow this is great, we every other class together. First were having language arts except I have tenth grade language art and you have eleventh. I thought it would be perfect if my boy friend was one grade higher than me..." she was then cut off,

"Who said that I wanted to be your boyfriend ?" he said with a raised eyebrow.


"No, that not it at all," he said trying to calm her down and stop her from yelling, "but, what is a boyfriend ?"

"A boyfriend is something like a mate," Inuyasha's face grew red and an extremely wide smile came over his face. He was grinning from ear to ear when he heard her say that she was his mate. She say this and then said, "its something like a mate, but your not my mate yet anyways."


"Whatever,"she said as she continued walking in the direction of her class, "and by the way your class is right there," she pointed to a large dark brown metal doors that had some of the paint scratched off of it and some graffiti as she walked by it on the way to her own class. He cautiously grasped the cold handle and pulled the rather heavy door towards him. He entered the cold and rather large room to greet the teacher at her desk only a few steps away from the door. He slowly stepped one foot in front of the other until he reached his destination at the long wooden desk to greet a short stubby red haired woman sitting behind it. He gave her his schedule. She signed it and handed it back to him.

"Mr. Higoyo, sit there," she said pointing to an empty one sitting desk that was lined in a horizontal row. He walked to his newly assigned seat. On the right side of him sat a boy with black glasses and a thick piece of masking tape holding them together in the middle. He had quite a few zits and he wore his uniform pants extremely high. He had a trail of muskus oozing down his tremendously oily face and every once in a while when it would trickle to far down his lips, he would lick them gobbling up all the snot. On the other side sat rather attractive girl with long beautiful golden blonde hair that overflowed her shoulders even when she wore it in a high ponytail. She deep blue eyes like the glistening ocean water just before the sun goes to sleep and the moon says hello, her eye lashes were exceedingly long and curly and they made her ravishing eye color stand out even more.

"Hi, my name is Ayumi Hamasaki, what's yours?"she said holding her hand out to shake his hand as he sat. He greeted her soft smooth hand with his and replied,

"Im Inuyasha."

"Is this your first year at RTHS?"

"Yeah," he said not to sure what she was talking about.

"Me too, what school did you go to before?" Inuyasha yawned and laid his head down with arms folded, trying to avoid her question.

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Kagome kissed on Inuyasha's neck lightly and moved her hands lower down and clenched his penis, she slowly up and down his scrotum as she nipped at the nape of his neck. He was lying motionless on her bed as he let her have her way with him. She then rubbed her wet heated core across his erected dick begging him to enter her. He then flipped her over so that she was now under him. He punched in her with force and with every pump she called out his name. Then the voice suddenly changed and he felt a strong force push against his shoulder. He lifted his head to find the red head woman that he met when he first walked in the class.

"Inuyasha, it's the first day of school and your already asleep in my class. I..." she was then cut off by the bell to switch to your next class.

(A\N: I'm really sorry it took me so long to add the next chapter. Lately I've had a lot to do because its my first year at high school and trying to make a good first impression for all of my teachers, but that wont last for long. Hopefully I'll have the next chap up soon. By the way, to clear this all up so I don't get sued I do not own Inuyasha nor Rumiko Takahashi nor Ayumi Hamasaki, but I'm a big fan of Ayumi and Rumiko. Please review me to tell me how I'm doing so far.)