InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Spring Comes ❯ On The Road Again ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, nor do I make any money off of them.
I know that a lot of my audience out there is very angry with my lack of production on this story, and I'm sorry I haven't remained very proficient, I will give no excuses, but I will try better.
One thing that was brought to my attention in my absence, in a review, I was accused of plagiarism, and to my complete knowledge, I have done nothing of the sort. I hate plagiarism, it's a weak outlet for people who lack originality.
Barrowing an idea with the previous author's permission I have no problems with because an author uses an idea, and morphs it with their own creativity, but I highly stand against the wrongful using and stealing of other people work.
So, reviewer, if you are still reading the story, please let me know the story you think I have stolen, so I personally, if this accusation is correct, will contact the author and admit guilt. Just know that I, myself started a story few years ago from which the first chapter of this story are an exact replica, with a few minor changes. I left the older story up so people would be able to see the progress in my writing skills. If I'm wrong and have stolen something from another writer without permission I will concede my guilt and remove my stories from this cite.
Now back to the story.
Summary: After a restful night's sleep, Inuyasha and Kagome set out. Along the way they run into one of Inuyasha's friend/enemy.
When the Spring Comes
Chapter Five: On the Road Again
Early the next morning Inuyasha and Kagome set out for Kaede's village. Traveling through the forest Kagome's body was still humming with pleasure. They had gotten little sleep last night, trying every variation and position they could, finally falling into an exhausted slumber when the half moon was high in the sky.
Also, Inuyasha had woken her this morning by slowly licking at her woman hood, igniting the desires in her loins all over again, before he slithered up her body and thrust himself deep within her before sating both himself as well as her, in the early dawn haze.
Now both demon and half demon were trekking through Inuyasha's forest, headed toward a place that not to long ago, Kagome had called home.
Feeling both lazy and sore, Kagome leaned against the side of her mate, nuzzling his shoulder, causing a deep chuckle to burst forth from Inuyasha. Looking up into the golden gaze she was starting for fall for, Kagome smile a soft gentle, abet tired smile.
Chuckling again, Inuyasha stopped walking, wrapping his arm around Kagome and pulled her close to his body.
“Are you tired, my mate?”
“Mmm, yeah, but a very good tired, mate,” came Kagome's pleasant reply.
“Then, mate, why don't you climb on my back and relax for some of the journey?”
Smiling brightly up at her considerate mate, Kagome nodded her head in consent, and climbed up, wrapping her legs around his waist, and looping her arms loosely around his shoulders, she laid her head on Inuyasha's upper back, nipping gently at his shoulder blades as Inuyasha issued forth a calming growl/purr that relax her off to slumber.
However, her pleasant slumber was short lived. Kagome was jerked awake when Inuyasha started issuing an aggressive growl, his grip on her thighs tightening, alerting her instincts that danger was imminent.
Inuyasha was enjoying carrying his mate through the woods, listening to her soft snores, and feeling her gentle breathing against his back. He was moving rather slowly so as to not jar or awaken his tired mate. He knew his appetite was some what taxing even for a demon, but in all of their mating frenzy last night, Kagome had manage to keep up with his hunger, which was rather amazing for a half-demon.
Enjoying the solitude and pleasure of his mate's warms and weight, Inuyasha was in pure bliss, or at least he was until the wind changed.
The sent of demon wolf was strong, causing Inuyasha to freeze in his tracks, he forced his senses out as far as he could, trying to detect their proximity. Sensing them just before him, hidden within the thicker tree line, Inuyasha issued a short growl of warning for the intruder. To his surprise his growl was answered with a challenge, followed by a wolf demon coming into his view.
Inuyasha's eyes widened as he recognized the wolf demon, Kouga, a demon whose father was a friend and ally of his own father's. He and Kouga had gotten along almost sparingly through the years, because Kouga had tried time and again to best Inuyasha, and had always come up lacking.
“Kouga, what the hell do you want?”
The answering smirk was prominent on Kouga's face. “Hey mutt face, see you finally got a mate, though you had to force her when she tried to run from you.”
“What the hell are you talking about wolf?”
“I saw you yesterday, mutt face, what's wrong, couldn't get a real woman, so you attack a fledging pup-bitch, and force her to mate with you?”
“Dumbass, check your nose, we were already mated before yesterday morning, she ran because of the moronic idea's her mother put in her head, you idiot.”
Kouga chuckled, “Moronic or smart? Still doesn't prove the fact that she would have stayed your mate, if you didn't force her too. Would she want to stay as your mate, if she had a taste of a real man, instead of a weak mutt face like you?” Inuyasha growled at the accusations and challenge in Kouga's voice. “I think not, why don't I just kill you and get it over with dog breath, then I can show you precious mate what it feels like to be with an experienced man, instead of a floundering dog.”
Inuyasha's growl deepened, taking on a possessive note, when Kouga's smirk deepened. “Yep, I think I could have her bedded and pupped by the time this day is through.”
Inuyasha stopped growling and froze for a moment before Kouga's threat registered in his brain, then is growl returned even harder as he tightened his grip in Kagome, waking her from her slumber.
Kagome looked over Inuyasha's shoulders to see a male wolf demon standing in front of them. He had blue eyes, black hair pulled back into a pony-tail, and brown fur, as well as black amour and a sword at his side. He was smirking evilly at them.
By the way Inuyasha was gripping her, and growling, she knew he was pissed.
“You won't touch her and live wolf.”
Kagome looked at the back of her mates head, the wolf wanted her? Why? She was just a half breed, more often than not most full demons tried to kill her kind, is that what he wanted, did he want to kill her, and eradicate the existence of an abomination? Fear started leaking from her pores into her sent, alerting Inuyasha and the wolf demon of her state of consciousness.
Inuyasha's grip tightened when he smelled the fear coming off of Kagome, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep a hold of her and fight the pathetic wolf. Looking around Inuyasha found a thick old tree, walking over, all the while keeping his eyes on Kouga, Inuyasha set Kagome's frozen, fear reeking form down, pulling his sword form his waste, he bade it to protect her, forming a barrier around her and the base of the tree as he stuck it into the ground.
Turning to the wolf, Inuyasha started eyeing his prey.
“You won't touch my mate wolf.”
“That's what you think mutt, but the way I see it, by fall she will be birthing my pups.”
Inuyasha flew at Kouga, claws outstretched, seeking the skin. Kouga merely jumped out of the way landing by the barrier, grabbing hold of Inuyasha's sword, shrieking as it burnt the flesh on his hands.
Inuyasha threw his head back and laughed. “You dumbass wolf, only those of my blood can touch my sword, not scrawny as little wolves like you.”
“You bastard, you'll pay for causing injury to my flesh.”
Kouga charged at Inuyasha, but was met half way. Both male demons locked into a grapple of fangs and claws. Scratches were mere flesh wounds as each seeking to gain the upper hand by causing serious damage to their opponent.
Rolling the two demons fell to the ground fighting to gain the upper hand when Kouga suddenly land on top trying to pin Inuyasha under him, as Inuyasha used the wolf momentum flipping their position, stunning the wolf momentarily, but long enough for Inuyasha to sink his claws into the wolfs throat, the threat clear, stop fighting of have your throat ripped out.
Kouga froze, he knew that if he persisted Inuyasha would kill him then and there.
Inuyasha glared down and the cut up demon. “You give wolf?”
“Fucking let go dog.”
“Not until you admit defeat wolf, or you die here.”
“Fine mutt face, just get the fuck off of me.”
“If you try to take my mate again wolf, I won't hesitate to kill you, allegiance or no, nobody threatens my mate and lives, you got that flea bag?”
“Just get up.”
Inuyasha got up on his feet before he released his claws from the wolf. “Leave now, or even the friendship your father has with mine won't save you.”
Kouga looked up at Inuyasha from his spot on the forest floor, then glanced over at the miko-hanyou secure behind the barrier. Getting up on his feet he dusted off his tail, then looked Inuyasha in the eye for a moment. He stuck the dog demon with a sucker punch before Inuyasha knew it was coming dropping him to his knees before he took off, “That's the last time I'm going to let you get the best of me dog shit, and you better take good care of that mate of yours if you want to keep her, someone better than you will come along and snatch her from you, in a heart beat once they realize what she is.” Then Kouga disappeared through the trees, heading back to the wolf demon caves.
Inuyasha rubbed his jaw, glaring at the area that the wolf retreated in, before he got up to retrieve his mate and sword. Once he let down the barrier, he was thrown to the ground again as Kagome threw herself against him, pressing her face in his chest weeping.
“Shh, Kagome, it's alright, I have you, the stupid wolf won't threaten you again, I promise.”
He looked down to see his beautiful mate's eyes filled with tears. Inuyasha reached down with one of his hands bring her face up as he started licking her tears ways until they stopped flowing.
“He wanted to kill you, wanted to take me and make me his.”
“I won't let him mate, I promise.”
“He wasn't going to kill me, and what did he mean before he left, what I am?”
“He won't kill you, hell I won't let him close enough to even touch you-”
“Inuyasha, what did he mean?”
Inuyasha growled because Kagome interrupted him, but he could see genuine confusion in her eyes. “Kagome, he could sense you demon as well as you miko abilities, it's never been known to have both exist in on being before.”
“So I'm more of a freak than just being a half-breed then.”
“You're not a freak, you're my bitch, and what he really meant is those that seek power will come after you because of both strengths that coincide you, but no one is going to get you while there is still blood and air in my body.”
Kagome's heart melt as she looked down at her mate, scratches marred his face as well as the rest of his body, as testament to his statement on her protection. She leaned down and licked the most haggadist scraped on his cheek. “Inuyasha, I'm so glad I have you to protect me, my mate.” She then leaned down sealing her lips over his, feeling his pleased rumbling growl, before he returned the kiss.
Inuyasha rolled them over, breaking the kiss to lean down and lick his mark on her neck, before regretfully detaching himself from Kagome, and stand up. Leaning down he offered he his hand. “Come my mate, let us keep moving if we hope to make it to the village before night fall, the idiot wolf ate up a lot of the day with his idiotic battle attempts.”
Lifting his mate from the ground he resituated her on his back, sheathing his sword back at his waste, Inuyasha again set off for the Kaede's village.
An hour before dust Inuyasha and Kagome made it to the outskirts of the village, with Inuyasha gloating. While walking the remainder of the journey had been uneventful, it had allowed both mates to talk, since Kagome stayed awake. She had just made her mate a very happy demon not long ago when she quite timidly stated that the wolf was indeed a fool, that she was `quite happy with Inuyasha' and that `any other demon couldn't pleasure her as well as her mate did', after Inuyasha had explained all the evens that lead up to her waking up and the battle with Kouga.
Inuyasha couldn't quite contain the smirk that graced his face as he followed Kagome to her families hut.
Kagome walked up to her mother's hut, lift the reed mat aside allowing her mate, and herself into the small 3 room house. Her mother, brother, and step father were around the fire waiting for the evening meal to finish, when the rooms occupants' looked up.
“Mama I'm back.”
Her mother rushed to her, enveloping her in a maternal embrace, squeezing as tightly as she could. “Kagome, my back, your back and your alive, oh thank goodness, I though for sure when you left you would be taken from me.”
“No mama, I alive and healthy, I'm happy too. Mama, I want you to meet someone.”
Her mother released her for the hug for the first time noticing another male in the house. Kagome reached back with her hand and grasped Inuyasha's hand within her own.
“Mama I want you to meet my mate.”
Kagome watched as her eyes widened with shock and glazed a little too, before fear slipped into her sent.
“Y…your…your m….mate? But you promised,” Kagome's mother clutched her daughters arms. “Kagome you promised me you'd mate a human male.” Fear now was dominant in her mothers sent, and she could hear Inuyasha growling behind her as his grip tightened on her hand like he was prepared to yank her out of the hut at any second, but she stood her ground and looked her mother straight in the eyes as she continued to babble.
“That's a….that's a d….dem…..”
That's how far her mother got, before she passed out from the over expending of her emotions, almost falling completely to the ground before Inuyasha grabbed the mortal woman and gently lowered her mother the rest of the way down.
Next time, okay, we saw Kagome's mother`s initial reaction to her mate, but will Kagome be able to convince her mother that not all demon's are bad, and what's the tie between Inuyasha's and Kagome's father? Will Kaede make an appearance? Find out in the next installment of “When the Spring Comes”.
I know I don't usually babble on before I start the chapter, but I thought the situation need to be touched on first.
Anyways that's the latest chapter of the story, sorry no lemon in this one, but I thought I might need to put a little story in this thing to, and as always let me know what you think.
Until next time.