InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Spring Comes ❯ Begging Get You Everywhere ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, nor do I make any money off of them.
Summary: Kagome pleas for Inuyasha to take her home to visit her mother now that she doesn't have to fear the mating frenzy, will he do it, especially after learning that her mother was the reason she ran from him?
When The Spring Comes
Chapter Four: Begging Gets You Everywhere
After Inuyasha had given her so much pleasure, much to her surprise and slight disappointment, he had made himself comfortable right beside her, pulling her head on his chest. When she made a motion to return the favor to him, or simply initiate actions to the next step, Inuyasha simply wrapped his arms around her. When she tried to shift again he tightened his hold.
“Sleep bitch, your body is still tired from the mating, not to mention all the idiotic running you did. Rest, I'll let you return the favor after you wake up, I promise.” That said Inuyasha finished getting himself comfortable and closed his eyes, as if to say discussion closed.
Giving up Kagome settled herself down on Inuyasha's warm chest, closed her eyes, and let the lull of his heartbeat pull her into a calming sleep.
It was late in the afternoon when Kagome woke up again, she was still wrapped up in the strong arms of her mate, but Inuyasha's grip had loosened up in his sleep.
Remembering his promise to let her return the favor, Kagome shifted in his arms, opening her mouth, she ran her fangs over his chest, scraping them against his little male nipples watching them harden and bead up from the solid plains of his chest.
Hearing Inuyasha groan, Kagome looked up and to see her mate looking her in the eyes, with the hot fire of lust that burned her to the core.
He reached down to pull her up to him, to take control, but Kagome wasn't having any of that. “Please Inuyasha, you said once I woke up I could return the favor, please.” Kagome started up into his eyes, letting her bottom lip quiver, hoping he'd give into her plea, because every instinct in her body demanded she return the sexual pleasure to her mate, to make him feel as good as he did her.
Inuyasha looked into the eyes of his mate, so full of hopefulness and yearning, there was no way he could deny her request, so giving her a nod, he laid back, crossed his arms behind his head and closed his eyes, waiting for the her to begin again.
Kagome let out an excited squeal as Inuyasha laid back and let her continue. Leaning back down to her mate's chest, she attached his nipples, racking her fangs over the slight protrusion following with her tongue.
She continued her torture on his chest, alternating between one nipple and the next, until Inuyasha started releasing pleased growls as well as small needful whimpers. Feeling his body tense under hers, Kagome looked up at his face, seeing his eyes clinched shut, as well as a fang piercing his bottom lip, a small trail of blood run down his jaw, over his chin and down his neck.
Abandoning her exploration of his chest, Kagome leaned up and licked the trail of blood from his person, shivering slightly from the metallic taste of Inuyasha's blood in her mouth, causing the hunger in her body to awaken.
Looking up into the face of her mate, Kagome nudged his chin with her nose getting Inuyasha to open his eyes and look at her.
“Mate, you're supposed to enjoy this, not maim yourself.” Only to receive a frustrated growl for an answer, along with a heady glare from her mate that promised a slow pleasurably agonizing retribution for stopping. Chuckling, Kagome gently nipped Inuyasha on the chin.
Kagome again continued her escapades on his chest, working her way past his hard nipples. “Just relax and enjoy Inuyasha, I'll try not to torture you too much.”
She grinned to herself as she laved the valley of his stomach muscles with her tongue, running over the ridges that spanned the muscles, chuckling again when she felt the feral growl that vibrated the body under her.
Kagome let her hands wander while she continued torturing his chest. With her right hand she reached right down and grasped his rigid cock, testing the fullness of the blood ignored muscle, while her other hand snuck under his cock, and grasped the weight of his balls in her hands.
Inuyasha's body shundered at the contact, as a gasp left his parted lips. Kagome looked up from his stomach to again seeing her mate's eyes closed, but was glad he hadn't sunk his fangs into his lips again, though she loved the taste of his blood, she didn't like the idea of him hurting himself to trying to control his reaction to the pleasure she was giving him.
Kagome watched as she squeezed her hands ever so slightly, feeling Inuyasha's hip rise off the futon, thrusting himself more fully in her hands as a combination between a growl an a moan was released from his mouth, his body going taunt from the pleasure.
She was enjoying this more than she should, because she knew Inuyasha was holding back letting her have full reign over this interlude, not flipping her over and thrusting into her until they both reached their peek.
Kagome found she enjoyed having this little bit of power over him, but she wanted to see what would happen if she completely broke his control. Their first two matings had been rough and pleasurable, but she knew he still held a little of himself back from either joining. She wanted to see Inuyasha completely out of control, wanted to feel him taking her so savagely, to the point of nearly breaking her while taking her up to new heights in pleasure.
Working towards her goal, Kagome lowered her head to his cock, raking her fangs over the purpled head, tasting the small bit of precum that oozed out of the member, savoring the salty bitter taste that was Inuyasha, as she swallowed the head in her mouth.
Inuyasha gasped loudly, arching his hips up, grabbing the back of her head roughly, as he lost a little of his control in the haze of pleasure.
Kagome released both his cock and sack from her mouth and hands as she reached up and untangled his hands from her hair.
“My mate, lay back and enjoy, let me control this time. You touch, I stop.”
Inuyasha growled, his eyes flashing red at the threat in her voice, but Kagome added a lick to the head of his cock for good measure. She was excited when she saw his eyes flashing color, letting her know that his instincts were fighting to take control of his mind, but she couldn't key him in on her intention just yet. “Be a good puppy and I'll give you so much pleasure, but if you act like a bad puppy and not follow the rules, I'll stop.”
“Bitch I'm not a pup anymore."
“You whimper like a puppy, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha continued to growl as his eyes flashed red again, and Kagome let a smirk cross her features. “Inuyasha, you were enjoying it very much when I had your cock in my mouth, and you'll continue to enjoy it if you lay back and let me continue, but you have to keep your hands off. Let me control your pleasure this time, you've pleasured me so much the last time, I want to return the pleasure to you, but I want to control it too. Just get comfortable and enjoy, my mate.”
Kagome's smirk spread into a full out smile when Inuyasha's hand relaxed at his side as he rested back against the futon they both were currently residing on. “That's right my mate, just lay back and relax, let me do all the work this time, and I promise to make you feel so good.”
Kagome looked down in front of her face and saw the rigid stalk of her mate's cock, stand tall and proud against the silver fur pillowing out a nest for his testicles. Licking her lips she leaned forward, using one hand she maneuvered Inuyasha's cock in front of her mouth again.
Licking the slit at the tip of his penis, Kagome smiled when Inuyasha thrust his hips up, trying to get his cock back in her mouth. Teasingly she ran her tongue around the rim of his head while she stroked her hand up and down the shaft.
Mindlessly she let the tempting sounds of Inuyasha's moans push her on. She enveloped the head back into her mouth, still running her tongue around the rim, still running her hands up and down the shaft, adding a little suction.
Inuyasha was fast loosing himself in the moist depths of Kagome's mouth. The saturated heat doing nothing but flaring the heat that was already trying to take over his body, while every instinct he possessed was demanding that he take control and reinforce his claim over the goddess above him that was worshiping his body.
Kagome continued her lustful actions, while she reached up with her unoccupied hand and gently but firmly drug her claws over his chest and stomach, just to reach the patch of fur that marked the beginning of his groin, just to repeat the whole process over again, while she listened to the needful whimpers and agonizing growls being issued by her mate.
When she was satisfied that she had completely aroused her mate to the point of no return, Kagome set about releasing his aggressive instincts. Releasing his cock from her mouth, though still stroking him with her hand, she leaned over to his thigh, lightly biting into the flesh, just enough to pierce the skin, but not deep enough to draw blood, then drawing her fangs back she ran her tongue over the abrasion. She felt Inuyasha's body shunder under hers, as his hand again reached for the back of her head, Kagome what his intentions where because she forestalled them movement by smacking his hand away, stopping her earlier movement of dragging her claws against his flesh.
Inuyasha growled loudly when she smacked his hands away, but she calmly looked up into his eyes that were flashing red quickly, letting her know that his instinct where close into taking over, and shook her head in a negative movement. “No touching Inuyasha, you know the rules I gave you, you touch I stop.”
“Bitch I'll touch you if I want to, you belong to me, and I can put my hands on you any damn time I please.”
Kagome gave a growl of her own, even as she relished the scent of anger he started giving off. She maintained eye contact with him as again she shook her head no. “I maybe your bitch any other time, but right now, right this minute you are my bitch.” As she was saying this, Kagome worked her hand lower below his sack, homing in on his rear entrance, adding pressure to the small opening with her thumb, while being careful not to entire his body for fear of cutting him with her claws, watching as her mate's eyes turned completely red with her simple, but deliberate statement.
Roaring, Inuyasha jerked up from his prone position on the futon, and turn so suddenly in a movement that Kagome wasn't expecting, for she soon found herself pined to the mat on her stomach by a hand at the nap of her neck as her furious mate tumbled with rage above her.
“I'm nobodies bitch. I'm the one in control of this mating, nobody control me anymore. You're my bitch, and you will not control me. I will not bow down to you, you got that bitch, you are mine to do with as I please, and right now I think you need to understand just where you stand in this mating, you need to understand that I call the shots, I control the sex, I control your life from here on out.”
Kagome shivered as Inuyasha ground his cock into the apex of her thighs, not really grind into her ass or her pussy, just grinding his manhood, into the tender flesh of her body, spreading his sent completely differently that he had before. She groaned loudly when Inuyasha brought his hand down roughly on her backside, stinging her tender cheeks with the force of his smack. The shundering sensation from the earlier spanking she had received when he caught her this morning was nothing compared to the absolute body trimmers she was experiencing now. Every blow he delivered to her body made her pussy clinch tighter, drip faster, the throbbing of her clit that much stronger, and she loved it.
“Please, again, please it felt so good,” she whimpered, letting Inuyasha know her pleasure and need.
Inuyasha brought his hand down on her ass again. “So my bitch likes to be whipped light a naughty puppy huh? My bitch is a kinky bitch.” He continued to bring his hand down, gaining strength with every smack. Kagome could fell the skin on her rear swelling under the assault, though that wasn't the only think she felt swelling on her body, her pussy was swelling with need, her love juices were flowing rapidly out of the tightening muscles inside of her.
“Yes please, do it harder, make me feel it.”
Inuyasha continued to relentlessly bring his hand down on either cheek, until Kagome imagined both cheeks were distorted, covered in flaming bruises, when quite suddenly he stopped causing Kagome to whimper at the loss of his forceful touch.
However, her whimper was turned instantly into a squeak of pleasure as Inuyasha slammed is cock quite suddenly into the dripping orifice of her pussy, not giving her time to get accustomed to his entrance, Inuyasha pulled almost completely out of her to slam back in even harder.
Inuyasha continued his forceful fucking, relishing the feeling of her internal muscle gripping his cock like a glove. Speeding up, he planned to open Kagome up real good before he sent her crashing over her peak.
Kagome was thrashing under his body, even though still had her pinned to the futon by his hand on the back of her neck.
Inuyasha had though that he was giving her everything he had this morning when he caught her after she ran from him, but from the pleasure he felt now, he knew that this mornings mating could hold nothing on what he was experiencing right now. He knew Kagome was feeling the same.
Kagome's voice had grown hoarse from all of her moaning and screaming, she was left emitting pitiful, needful whimpers as her mate continued to reinforce his claim physically on her body.
She could feel the tightening of her body, reading itself for a climax of all climaxes. She seriously thought she wouldn't live though the pleasure Inuyasha had given her this morning, but she knew she was going to die from the pleasure he was forcing into her now.
She could feel his cock thrusting in and out of her, feel the ridges of his cock scraping against the tender tissue inside her, feel the head slam into something so deep inside of her that she felt like howling every time he touched it.
The explosion blinded her, deafened her, destroyed her, reborn her, every thing around Kagome disappeared as her body tightened up so much she thought she would rip into.
She felt Inuyasha still his motions when she came, she thought he was just waiting for her to come back down before he started again, but when her breathing evened out, Inuyasha pulled himself completely out of her body, his cock drenched with her juices, he moved up and forced his cock into her ass, not giving her time to prepare, or adjust, he just ripped right through the unused muscle, embedding himself completely inside of her again, before he started his maddening thrusts again.
Kagome had never really imagined sex in this orifice, though she had teased him before with her finger as his entrance, she had never expected a woman to receive pleasure here. How wrong she was.
What she thought was pleasurable before with him to deep inside her pussy, was nothing compared to the burning, stretching, pleasurable sensation that she felt right now.
Kagome lifted her hips the best she could in the pinned position allowing his cock deeper in her bowls. Her voice found again as she screeched with pleasure trying to get even more of Inuyasha deep within her body.
“Oh Kami, please harder, deeper, I love this so much, please don't stop, d-don't stop!”
“That's right bitch, I'm claiming everything. All of your body is mine. Kami bitch your ass is so tight, tighter than that little pussy of yours, and so Kami-damned hot, your ass is burning me bitch, scalding my cock so good. Feel me? Feel me bitch, shoving inside your asshole, fucking you deep inside your shiter?”
“Kami, yes, this feels so good, please…please…”
“Bitch, I'm going to come deep inside your ass, I'm going to blow my hot load deep inside of you, but I'm not going alone, cum bitch, cum. Make your ass grip my cock even tighter.”
Kagome felt Inuyasha let go of the back of her neck as he pushed his hand under her prone body, forcing his fingers between her legs pinching at her clit. Fire blazed again through her body, she couldn't understand how she was so close so quick, but she could feel her body tightening again, about to release.
“Oh Kami, I-I'm cummming! Innnnnnnnuuuuuuuuyyyyyaassssssshhhaaaaaaa!”
“That's right bitch, cum with my cock shoved up your ass. Kami, this is so good, you're squeezing me so tight. I'm about to blow, baby, you ready, are you ready for me to cum? Mmmmmmmmm fuck, its too much, I can't, mate here I cum! KKKKKKKaaaaaagggoooooooommmmeeeeeeeeeee!”
Kagome felt Inuyasha freeze over her as his liquid heat shot out of his cock deep within her body, shortly before he came crashing down on her back, before he rolled both of them onto their sides, keeping his cock in her rear entrance.
Kagome laid there, her heart thundering in her chest, as she tried to get control back over her breathing. She felt Inuyasha trying to do the same. Lying there, a thought entered her head.
Kagome rolled dislodging his softening member from her body, as she rolled completely looking her mate in the eye.
“Inuyasha, I-I need to go see mama.”
“What the fuck bitch yo-“
“Inuyasha, please, she's probably worried sick. I mean this was my first mating season, and I did go off on my own. She probably thinks I'm hurt of worse. Please I need to see mama and let her know I'm okay.”
Inuyasha was completely livid that Kagome wanted to go see the woman who had put all the idiotic ideas in her head that made her run from him. Why the hell does she need to go see the woman? The bitch's mother will probably try to take her away from me. Nobody will take my mate from me, nobody, not even her stupid mother.
He wrapped his arms tight around Kagome as if to prove his thoughts. “No bitch, you go back to that village, and your mother will try to keep you from me! You're my bitch, nobody is keeping what's mine from me! Not now, not ever!”
Inuyasha saw the tears start to form in his mates eyes, and felt his resolve melt a little.
Kagome felt fear enter her system and tears form in her eyes at the thought of never being able to see her mom again. She just had to get Inuyasha to let her see her mom.
“Inuyasha please, she can't keep me from you. I belong to you, I know that, and she herself was once mated to a demon, so she knows what it's like to belong to a demon, she can't and won't keep me from you. I promise. You could come too, you could visit Kaede, you probably haven't seen her for a while, and she would greatly enjoy your company, beside I want mama to meet my mate. Please, I need to see my mama, let her know I'm okay, I miss her, I miss Souta. Please take me back to the village for a short visit.”
Kagome looked up into her mates eyes, tears streaming out of hers as she held her breath waiting for his answer.
“Fine, we'll go, but anyone that tries to keep me from you will die a slow painful death by my hands, you got that.”
“Yes Inuyasha, thank you, thank you.”
Kagome leaned forward, claiming Inuyasha lips with hers, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck in her excitement.
After a few moments she felt Inuyasha pull back from the kiss, lightly growling as he ran his hands through her hair, stopping to tweak her ears.
“Stop that bitch, unless you want a repeat of what just happened.”
Kagome looked demurely up into Inuyasha's golden eyes, as she ground her hips against the already swelling hardness of his cock, as she leaned forward, licking his bottom lip.
“You mean this?”
Inuyasha growled loudly as he tackled Kagome, forcing her on her back again, with the sound of Kagome's pleasure filled giggles echoing around them.
Next time, Kagome and Inuyasha set go to Kagome's mother. What will mama say? How will she react? Find out the next time of “When The Spring Comes”.
I know, I took forever to update, but this chapter really stumped me for some reason, plus I started a new job. Sorry it took so long. With my work schedule, it might take longer to get out update, but I promise I'm not giving up, so please, please, please, don't give up on me just yet.
Thanks again to everyone who has taken time to read my story. Also, thanks again so much for those who have taken the time to review my story, I love reviews, I don't know a writer who doesn't, our ego's get damaged easily, but the reviews help build us back up, so keep `em coming. Lol!
As many of you have probably notice, yes I put out another one shot, I got lots of those floating around in my imagination, just waiting to be put on paper, so I may take time and write on here and there, cause they tend to get in the way of my writing if I don't, so if you see and new one shot, don't think I'm giving up on this story, because I fully plan to see it all the way through, I just need to clear the air sometimes to make room for real writing.
If you have read “The Demon's True Instinct” you probably have already read this, but if you haven't, I'm looking for a story I read sometime ago. I don't know where I read it, I don't know if it is a lemon or not, I don't even know if it's a one shot or a chaptered story. What I do know is that it is an Inuyasha/Kagome story. I remember something about the group walking back to a village, possibly Kaede's, and all through the return trip Kagome is mentally preparing herself on letting Inuyasha know how she truly feels about him. I also remember Kagome thinking that Inuyasha was a man of actions not words, so she decided to physically show him. So when they made it back to the village, she drug Inuyasha out into the wood, asking him if he trusted her. As his compliance, she had him stand in front of a tree and hold his arm up, which she then pinned with and arrow, doing so with his other arm, she tells him she love him, then I know they kiss at this point because when Inuyasha emerges for the tree his haori stayed pinned to the tree and Kagome notices that she had burned him with her purification powers. That is all I remember from the story, like I said it's been a while since I've read it, so some of the details are hazy and forgotten, but I really want to read the story again, so I anyone out there knows or thinks they know the story I'm talking about, could you please let me know, by telling my the title, author, and cite location, I would really appreciate it.
Also if you haven't read “The Demon's True Instinct” please do, I really enjoyed writing the story, though the lemon ain't top notch, I had fun, and I really want to know what people think.
Anyways that enough of my rambling, till next time!