InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When The Spring Comes ❯ Once Caught Answers Are Found ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and characters, nor do I make any money off of them.
Summary: Kagome wakes up in Inuyasha's hut again. Inuyasha after succeeding in capturing his mate brought her back home, planning on demanding why she ran. Will Kagome try to run again, or will she explain her need to flee to her mate?
When The Spring Comes
Chapter Three: Once Caught Answers Are Found
After Inuyasha retrieved his mate up off the forest floor he started back toward his dwelling. Though is lust was sated, his anger was still coursing through his veins.
Questions infused his mind, fueling his anger. What made her run from me like that? Why? Even as he questioned himself, he knew he wasn't going to get any answers `till she awoke from her exhausted slumber.
About half and hour they reached the hut with Kagome still sound asleep in the comfort of Inuyasha's arms. Upon entering Inuyasha went to his sleeping chambers, laying Kagome down on his futon much like he did this morning, however, instead of leaving like he did earlier, he made himself comfortable behind the girl, wrapping his arms around her tightly, so that way when she woke up and started moving he would notice.
Inuyasha expanded his senses reaching out as far as he could, making sure their surrounding where safe, before allowing himself to dose lightly while waiting on his mate to wake up.
Kagome woke slowly, feeling the pain from the bruises on her strained muscles, and the tenderness of her womanhood. Vivid memories from last night and earlier this morning swamped her mind. Even though both couplings where brutal, the second more so than the first, shock waves of arousal fused her system from the memory of the pleasure and of Inuyasha pounding his cock into her very core.
Groaning Kagome tried to move around so she could stretch her muscles, only to get another shock, when warm arms locked tighter around her body preventing any movement on her part whatsoever.
She opened her eyes, looking down she saw the scratchy red material of her mate's haori, and his clawed hands, one on her bare breast and the other on her stomach. Kagome could tell he was very much awake by the rapidness of his heart rate, and the tensing of his body behind her, so why hadn't he said anything?
“Keh. So you finally decide to wake up, bitch.” Inuyasha tightened his arms even more bring Kagome's captive body in complete contact with his. Reaching forward with his mouth he lightly drug his fangs over the submission mark, not hard enough to break skin, but enough to get her attention, and to let her know he was the one in control. “You ran, bitch, acting like an immature irresponsible pup. I will not tolerate that behavior in my mate. Is that clear?” As he kept talking the volume of his voice was growing as his anger fused with the words.
“Inuyasha, I…I”
“Shaddup bitch, I'm not through yet, you will only speak when I give you permission.”
Kagome snapped her mouth shut, even as anger started building up in her system, she knew when to keep her mouth shut to keep from angering the male demon behind her, even more so than he already was. She just ducked her head while nodding letting Inuyasha know that she would do as he demanded.
“Good, it's about time you start listening. Now, listen, and listen closely, as my mate you have responsibilities, to me, to my lands, and to my people. Any irresponsible behavior on your part is a reflection on me. I won't allow you to run wild. I had hoped that after last night, all your pathetic attempts at freedom would stop, but your actions this morning just proved how irresponsible you really are. Know that your actions will not go unpunished and continued similar actions with cause a worse punishment for you to endure. You will not leave me. Is that clear? The bond we formed last night, both willingly, is irreversible. Your mine, mind, body, and soul. So I highly suggest you get used to your new life, `cause there is no avoiding it.”
Kagome listen as he lectured her like a miss behaving pup, all the while his arms where locked around her, caging her body against his, as he strength both frightened and comforted her. She knew what she did this morning was stupid, but she couldn't change the course of her past actions even if she wanted to. She knew she also owed him and explanation, but he had yet to let her get a word in, in her defense.
Kagome kept her head down and kept her body compliant the entire time he lectured her. When he finished she simply just nodded her head again to let him know she listened and understood what he was saying.
At he nod he lightened his grip on her, as he started rising into a setting position. As his grip lessened, Kagome turned her body over to fully face Inuyasha, in his setting position, with her still lying on her back, he was very intimidating with anger covering his face, and shining in his eyes. Letting her instincts guide her, Kagome leaned up keeping her eyes downcast so he wouldn't look at her actions as a challenge, and lightly started licking him under his chin. Thus, in doing so, she was admitting without request that she wholly and completely submitted to him, as her alpha, as her mate.
Inuyasha knew the instant she woke up, `cause her tired, sore body was protesting being in the same position to long. The ears on the top of her head started flicking about picking up the sounds of their surroundings. He also heard the acceleration of her heart beat, along with her breathing. He lay still waiting for her to acknowledge his presents. He was extremely surprised when the smell of arousal started taking over her scent.
Inuyasha was getting lost in the scent `till she started squirming around in his arms. He tightened his grip on her body, right before he her voice his name. He knew he was treating her like a disobedient pup, even before she coward in his arms like a pup would. However, he couldn't fault his behavior `cause it was a direct reaction from her own behavior.
Although, he was mildly surprised when she didn't fight him after he told her she couldn't talk unless he told her to, `cause he smelt the anger that entered her scent at that point. He was both proud and happy when she stayed where she was, without fighting his hold, and listened to everything he said to her. Maybe the bitch is learning.
After Inuyasha lectured Kagome, he let go of her to set up, about ready to demand she roll over and explain to him just why the hell she thought she could run from him in the first place, when all the sudden she rolled over too facing him. Keeping her eyes down, she slowly leaned up and started licking the underside of his chin, submitting to him completely.
Inuyasha first instinct was to throw her back down on the futon and reestablish the mating mark after of course mating her again, however, he realized that her body needed to heal after the first two matings she endured. So instead he let a soft growl issue forth, one meaning approval.
Kagome expected Inuyasha to throw her down and mate her again after she submitted to him, but was pleasantly surprised when he just merely let her know he approved of her actions, by the soothing rumble he was letting out.
She was even happier when he drew her into his lap, not stopping his growling. She just let herself bask in the comforting embrace of her mate, knowing eventually he would want an explanation for her behavior.
After a while of hold her in his lap, Inuyasha stopped his growling, lifting her chin gently with his clawed hand, he made direct eye contact with her, slowly lowering his lips he gifted her with another tender kiss, never taking his eyes off of her, nonverbally declaring her his, and his alone.
Slowly Inuyasha pulled himself back from the kiss, “Now, bitch, tell me why you ran.”
Kagome was startled, even though she was expecting the question, because she had lost herself in the rapture of the kiss. Slowly she started getting her bearing back about herself, all the while dropping her eyes to her lap, with she tried to figure out how to verbalize her feelings.
“I'm sorry I ran, Inuyasha. At first it was instinct, I just ran `cause everything in me said too. I couldn't really explain it at first, but now that I think about it, I know exactly why I ran.”
“So tell me.”
“Y…you know I'm a half-demon, I'm…I'm also a half-human. My mother once told me that should I ever find a m…mate, he should be h…human, `cause if a full demon where to m…mate with me, mama said he would surely try to k…kill m…me afterwards, `cause of my human blood. A human male would have a more difficult t…time killing me, giving me a better chance to e…escape.” Kagome couldn't not keep the fear out of her voice as she stutter out her reasons. All she was thinking out was a long ego conversation she had with her mother on mating.
“Kagome, promise me that you'll never mate a demon, please promise me.”
A fourteen year old Kagome looked up from the clothing she was washing at the river, to her mother that was about a foot away from her doing the same thing. The worry on her mother's expression and the fear in her sent caused fear to develop in her as well. “Why mama?”
“Darling, demons look at humans as a weakness, a weakness that most want to eradicate. If you ever tried to mate with a demon, I'm sure he would kill you in the process, if not directly afterwards.”
“But, mama-”
“If you were to mate with a human, Kagome, you would have a better chance at survival because you are stronger than that of a human male.”
Kagome shook her head looking down at the cloths in her hand. “Mama, you mated a demon, he didn't kill you.”
“Not all demons are like your father, Kagome, and hasn't your life been proof enough that demons despise the combination of human and demon blood. Haven't we had to run from our share of demons wanting to destroy you for what you are? We're just lucky I found a man who was willing to look past that stigma, and shelter us, love us, no matter what.”
Kagome looked up and saw the tears brimming in her mothers eyes, remembering all the times when she was a young pup, getting cornered and beating by demons, or demons attaching her mother, only to have her mother purify those demons attach herself or her daughter. “I'm sorry mama, for making your life so hard.”
Kagome's mother's eyes snapped back at her, shock clearly on her features. “Kagome, I would never trade you for anything in this whole world, nothing from our past is your fault, you're my daughter, my proof that love can conquer everything in its path. You're the proof of the love your father felt for me, and the love I still feel for him, never forget that.”
“Mama, love didn't conquer, daddy died because of us.”
“That's why I fear for you my darling, I fear for your future. Promise me you won't mate with a demon, please.”
Kagome again looked down at her mother, soaking in her words. “I'll try mama.”
End Flashback
Kagome was brought back from her memories by the feral growl Inuyasha let out. Before she knew what was going on, Inuyasha had spun her around in his lap and latched down onto the mating mark he left on her shoulder last night, he didn't bite down hard enough to pierce the skin like he did this morning, but applied pressure all the same. Keeping her close with her naked back pressed against his chest.
“Mine, your fucking mine bitch, I don't care what promises you made to your mother, your mine for the rest of eternity.”
Kagome was shocked, he understood why she ran, and maybe, just maybe he wouldn't kill her, after all he just claimed she was his for the rest of eternity.
“Inuyasha, she mainly said it out of fear for my safety, when I was little, we had to run a lot, especially when my mother expended too much of her spiritual powers. My mama loves me, she wants me to have a long happy life, not die young because of my mixed blood.”
“Your mother was a priestess?”
Kagome looked over her shoulder at Inuyasha since he still had her pinned to his chest. “No, my mother has spiritual powers, she came from a low ranking human family who couldn't afford to let her get the training she needed to become a priestess, and when she got older and mated a demon as well as bore his half-demon child, she became too tainted be anyone with holy respect.” Anger and disgust took over her system as the thought of the cruel and unjust ways her mother was treated for loving her father, and raising a half-demon child.
“But I still don't understand completely why you ran, if I was going to kill you, wouldn't I have done it in the cave, while you were asleep, instead of bringing you to my home?”
Kagome completely shocked, twisted in his lap to look him directly in the eyes, the idea he stated never once occurring to her, and it showed on her face.
“Kagome, it would have been pointless, if my intentions where to kill you, why drag you all the way to my house, then kill you, then I'd have to dispose of your body, it would have made more since for me just to kill you in the cave and leave your body there, if that was my intentions, but I can absolutely guarantee it wasn't my intention to kill you. After I mated you last night, my intentions where to bring you home, protect you, and take care of you for the rest of my life.”
Kagome felt the truth behind his word like a lightening strike to her heart. He wanted her, he wanted to protect her and care for her for the rest of his life, but she ran, and running was like denying him what he sought after the most, a mate.
Tear swelled up in her eyes as a sense of the betrayal she caused him. “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I panicked when I woke up, I won't run again, I promise, I'm sorry, please forgive me, please.”
Looking up into his golden eyes, so full of pain, pain she put there, Kagome didn't know what to do so she leaned up and slowly pressed her lips against his, keeping her eyes opened just like when he kissed her, she stared right into his golden eyes as tears continued to fall from hers, putting as much desperation into the chaste kiss as she could. She felt Inuyasha moan against her lips, as he opened his mouth seeking entrance into hers.
Opening her mouth she allowed Inuyasha to take over the kiss, completely giving herself over to the pleasure of his tongue explored the inside of her mouth. This kiss wasn't soft and gentle like she intended, but rough and demanding. Inuyasha took everything he could from her with this kiss, and she gladly gave it to him. Timidly she started rubbing her tongue against his seeking to appease whatever emotion he was letting free, accidentally pressing the soft tissue of his tongue into her fang. When the taste of his blood entered her mouth, her instincts kicked into gear, immobilizing his tongue in her mouth she sucked and swallowed as much of the sweet nectar as she could.
Inuyasha groaned when Kagome started sucking on his tongue, he felt where she caused him to nick his tongue on her fang, now it felt like she was trying to devour him whole.
Pulling her tightly against him, he pressed his tongue harder against her fang letting her get a taste of more of his blood, obliviously feed her hunger for him.
Separating when the desperate need for air surfaced, Inuyasha leaned his head down nuzzling at his mark on her neck, all the while growling contently, hearing her answering growl as she too leaned up and tended to her mark on his neck.
Pulling back Inuyasha gently laid Kagome back onto the futon they were currently setting on, leaning down he licked her nose, as she settled herself more comfortably.
Working his way down he nibbled at her jaw, grazing his teeth on her throat, followed closely by his tongue. He continued working down her body, stopping at her breast, as he sucked the nipple into his mouth, rolling his tongue around the appendage, lightly biting with his teeth. The other breast he occupied with his hand, twisting and pinching at the nipple. Inuyasha could hear her quietly groaning in pleasure, as well as smell the scent of arousal coming off of her.
Deciding he had played with her breast sufficiently enough he work the rest of the way down her chest and stomach, stopping and applying pressing with his teeth at her bellybutton, not breaking skin but pushing down hard. Obviously she liked it because she tried to press more of her stomach into his mouth.
Inuyasha was trying his hardest to keep is own arousal in check, he had no intention of mating her right now, her body needed to heal, and he new as well as she did that inu saliva was a great healing medicine. These activities where purely for her benefit, hers alone. Getting her blood racing would also help with healing too, as more of her demon blood took control, her body would heal faster.
Inuyasha venture further, to first her right hip, where his claws had pierced skin this morning, lightly he ran his tongue of the puncture mark, licking until the wounds closed leaving behind reddened skin. He then worked his way over to her left hip giving it the same treatment.
Next he worked his was south to her swollen pussy, gently running his tongue over the lips. Moaning, Kagome bent her legs, allowing her to spread them wider, to grant him better access to her jewel.
Inuyasha kept licking and suckling the petals of her rose, eliminating any irritation she had been feeling prior. Digging his tongue a little deeper, he bathed and healed the bruising of her clit, enjoying the taste of her honey seeping out of her opening, running his tongue down a little further, he probed her sheath sticking his tongue in as deep as the appendage would go, delicately swirling his tongue around spreading his saliva the best he could hoping to ease any pain she might have experienced earlier.
As Inuyasha alternated between healing her clit and her sheath, he noticed that Kagome's keeling wails of pleasure where getting higher pitched, as well as the fact she was shoving her pussy harder into his face. He realized then that she was on the verge of climaxing. He decided that this was a really good idea, because if he brought her to a climax, seeming unselfishly, she would realize that she was forgiven for her transgression from earlier.
Not that she was really off the hook, because she still needed to but punish, but she really wasn't in any shape to endure the punishment he had in mind. Maybe doing this, she would understand that he understood her reasoning for running, because to be quite honest, if he was in her shoes, he might have done the same thing.
Thinking of the bullshit fear pressed lie's her mother feed her filled Inuyasha with a strong sense of possessiveness, causing him to bury his head deeper between her legs, and felt a sense of relieve when she arched her back, pressing harder against him, screaming his name, as the apex of her desire surfaced.
Crawling his way back up her quaking body, Inuyasha settle his mouth over hers again, pulling his weight on his arms, knowing she still had bruised on the back and ass from this morning. He let her taste herself on him as he devoured her completely in a kiss that was a silent promise. Nobody will hunt you again, as long as I'm alive, I promise you Kagome.
Next time, Kagome pleas for Inuyasha to take her home to visit her mother now that she doesn't have to fear the mating frenzy, will he do it, especially after learning that her mother was the reason she ran from him? Find out next in the next chapter of “When The Spring Comes”.
Thank you so much to the people who reviewed my story, I know it started out a little citrusy, ok, ok, it was a full out lemon patch, but I'm trying to incorporate what I view as the true nature of youkai and their mating habits. Not all the chapters will be lemon full though, some will be limes, like this one, and some will be purely emotional roller coasters, so everyone hold onto their hats, ok. Lol!
Yes I did make Kagome's mom someone with spiritual powers, solely because Kagome herself does have spiritual powers, ones she doesn't know about just yet, and in my story she is not Kikyou's reincarnation, maybe you'll see why later on, I haven't decided if I even want to put Kikyou in the story, yet. Be prepared, the rest of the cast will come into play in the story, just not yet.
Anyways, thanks again for the people who took the time and reviewed my story, looking at the reviews makes me motivated enough to start more chapters. Also, thanks to everyone else who takes the time to read my story, I appreciate a lot.