InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Truth Rings ❯ A Warning ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not in any way own the anime Inuyasha or any of the characters associated with it. Do not sue; I have no money.
AN: First of all, I really want to thank those who have reviewed. I really, really appreciate it and I truly love to read what everyone thinks. It really means a lot. Thank you all. Enjoy Chapter Three!

When The Truth Rings

Chapter Three:
A Warning

"Wow, you guys walk fast!" Kagome exclaimed in surprise when she saw Inuyasha and Sango pull into stride with her.

"Yeah, how did you get here so quick?" Miroku inquired.

"You guys are just slow," Inuyasha grunted, not exactly answering their questions as he strode faster to take his usual position in front of everyone else, hands stuffed into the sleeves of his haori.

He suddenly found himself annoyed with Kagome and Miroku, seeing as he had not planned or appreciated being interviewed about his walking pace. He couldn't help it if the weaker humans moved like snails in a snowstorm. But deep down, he knew the real reason why his patience was wearing thin: his alone time with Sango was over. And he knew that he was now at the mercy of Kagome's idle conversation and Shippo's antics, which were sure to test his tolerance.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome called after him. Turning to her, he didn't say anything, but she knew she had his attention. "Don't you think it's time for a break? You slept so late this morning that it'll be lunchtime soon."

"In a minute," he sighed, furthering his annoyance. They hadn't been walking very long and already she wanted a break. 'I wonder sometimes... why do I even bother?' he asked himself. He had no answer.

However, to his surprise, Kagome did not aruge. She merely nodded and continued to follow Inuyasha as he led them through the thick vegetation of the forest. The sounds of the scurrying rabbits and the calling of the birds hushed the group as they wove between trees and brush, barely making a sound as they traveled. It was relaxing; until one of the adventurers tried to get too relaxed. Then to break the silence, a scream of "MIROKU!" rang out followed by an echoed slap.

Normally, Inuyasha wouldn't even bother turning around; he knew what happened. Usually, he would chuckle at the pain the monk must've been in as a punishment for his wandering hands. He knew that by then Sango pretty much had the situation under control, and there was no need to worry. But this time... it was different. Miroku's tendency to put his hands where they had no business being was going to stop. Now.

Whirling around, he caught the recovering Miroku in a glare that effectively froze the 'holy man' in place. Furious golden hues met terrified and confused violet ones as unspoken words passed between the two males. The hanyou's lips twisted into a snarl, all that was needed said was communicated with great success without the sound of one syllable. Once Inuyasha was sure he got his point across, he stopped his glowering at Miroku and started walking again.

Taken aback at what she had just seen, Sango looked at Miroku and whispered, "What was that about?"

Regaining his composure but keeping his glossed over eyes straight ahead of him, he replied flatly, "Nothing. Let's go."

The stare-down between Inuyasha and Miroku undoubtedly caused tension within the group. Though neither gave any indication of anything being wrong, the girls knew that something happened between them. Even Shippo knew it was not time to play around. "I don't want to get beat up as a scapegoat," he concluded.

Eventually the extended silence was getting to be too much for Kagome and she had to ask what she and Sango were both thinking. "Inuyasha... Miroku... what happened back there? You know, after Sango slapped Miroku."

"Nothing. Stop asking about it," Inuyasha quickly answered, cutting Miroku off from anything he was about to say. That last thing he needed was an angry monk telling someone as nosy as Kagome about the look he was given. He was sure Miroku got the message, and he didn't want her to know what it was.

"Inuyasha --" she started again.

Looking over his shoulder with a growl, he said more gruffly, "I said --"

"SIT BOY!" Kagome yelled, crossing her arms across her chest. "Don't yell at me."

Peeling his face off the ground, Inuyasha sat up and restuffed his hands into the sleeves of his haori. "I'm still not telling you anything," he told her, much nicer... almost childish.

"Fine then. It's lunchtime anyway." However, when she went to retrieve nourishment for her friends from her bag, a wild screech rang out from off in the distance.

"A demon," Sango gasped, reaching for the strap of her Hiraikotsu. Kneeling next to Kirara, she instructed her to stay with Shippo. "It'll only take a second," she promised.

Wordlessly, Inuyasha stood next to Sango. Gripping the hilt of his Tetsusaiga, he spoke. "Don't worry, Kagome and Miroku. Me and Sango will take care of it."

"Are you sure?" Kagome asked, standing also. "We can all go if you need us."

Turning away from her, he repeated, "no. Me and Sango will take of it. Just stay here and make lunch." And without another word, he bounded into the trees, with Sango at his heels.

After the duo left, Kagome sighed deeply and sat glumly next to Shippo, who was pawing his way through her bag, looking for anything sweet. The kitsune didn't seem to notice how upset the miko was, but Miroku did. Already knowing the answer, he asked, "Is something troubling you, Kagome?"

Shifting her eyes from her lap to his face, she was going to say nothing was wrong, but those deep violet eyes of his... she couldn't lie to him. "Haven't you noticed that Inuyasha is being very weird today?"

Snorting, Miroku took a long blink, concealing his eyes from conveying what he didn't want her to know. "Yes, I have," was all he said, but he meant much more.

He couldn't understand what happened after Sango slapped him either. First he felt the sting of the blow, then when he looked up, he saw Inuyasha give him a look that practically paralyzed his body. He dared not move a muscle, afraid that if he did, he would anger the hanyou more than he already seemed to be. But oddly enough, he knew what that glare meant. He'd received many like that from the protective fathers of the lovely maidens he wished to give him a son. That look meant, 'If you value your life, keep your hands to yourself'. And while that same message seemed all the more terrifying coming from Inuyasha, only one question repeated itself in his mind. 'Why did he threaten me?'

He contined to ponder on his question further until he heard Kagome speak again. "He's been so cold to me all morning, he barely even looked at me today."

Watching her pull out the food packages that would serve as their lunch, Miroku nodded in agreement. "You are right. But you know how he is. Whatever is troubling him will pass soon. He's just moody sometimes."

The horrid screech became louder as the hanyou and the taijiya neared its source. As they raced through the trees, Inuyasha hoped no one noticed his insisting that he and Sango go alone to slay the demon. He silently prayed that it wasn't too obvious because he didn't want to get interrogated when they returned. All he wanted was time alone with Sango so he could build up enough courage to tell her how he felt. But while that monk and his roaming digits were around, how could he?

Lost in thought, he didn't realize that they had reached their destination: a clearing containing a wailing eagle demon, its large talons sunk into the ground and mighty head lifted to the sky, letting out a scream that shook the birds from the tree branches. Unfortunately, so absorbed in his thoughts, he managed to crash directly into the beast's right wing. Bouncing right off hard bone and rough feathers, he flew back and hit the ground hard.

Catching the large bird's attention, it looked down at him with a familiar gleam in its eye: lunch. Releasing its talons from the ground, it took a step or two and reached the fallen hanyou, towering over him as its height easily rose above the treetops. Sango gasped as she looked on, and quickly relieved her Hiraikotsu of the strap that held it to her body. Calling out to him, she asked, "Inuyasha, are you alright?"

Climbing to his feet, he unsheathed the Tetsusaiga while he turned to reply he was okay. It was then that their foe saw an open opportunity to capture its prey. Grabbing Inuyasha around the waist and squeezing him in a tight grip, the eagle took flight, making off with its afternoon meal. "What the hell-"

"Inuyasha!" Sango yelled up at him from her spot on the ground. Then, without wasting any time, she gave her weapon a powerful swing at the retreating demon. "HIRAIKOTSU!"

Even from where he was in the air, Inuyasha could hear Sango unleash her Hiraikotsu. Looking down to the ground, he could see it approaching -- fast. Within the next few seconds, he knew one of two things would happen: she would miss, or she would hit. He knew that she rarely missed and wasn't going to. But his self and manly pride made him find a way to save himself... just in case.

Luckily enough, he was grabbed around his waist; his arms were still free. Taking the Tetsusaiga in both hands, he quickly sliced through the talons that held him and he began to fall just as Sango's Hiraikotsu split the demon in half. He was right; she didn't miss. He landed safely as Sango ran up to him, out of breath. "Inuyasha... are you okay?" she asked again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, sheathing his sword. "I think it's about time that we head back. I bet Kagome and Miroku are wondering where we are."

Re-strapping her Hiraikotsu to her back, Sango agreed. "You're right. And besides, it's lunchtime!"

AN: I really hope all of you liked Chapter Three. It was really hard writing this one, because it never seemed to sound right no matter how I worded it. Also, I want to wish my older sister a happy birthday because she just turned 23! YAY!