InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Truth Rings ❯ Forever Begins ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Alright. Here we arrive at Chapter Ten. I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. I didn't mean for such a long wait. Now as for the following chapter, there is my first attempt at a lemon/lime towards the end. I'm sorry if I disappoint; I've never written one before. So there you go. Enjoy the chapter below and review if you can.

When the Truth Rings
Chapter Ten:
Forever Begins

"Alright, hurry up and eat," Kaede instructed, setting out the last plates and bowls of food. "I'll go into town and tell everyone the good news so we can start decorating for the celebration."

"You know, Kaede, you really don't have to do this," Sango told her. "I'm really touched, but-"

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. I want everyone to know that ye and Inuyasha have finally gotten together."

"What did they say when Kagome and the dog were together?" Kouga asked in between bites.

"They didn't like it... oops," Kaede blurted out, then covered her mouth.

Kagome's eyes widened, and she set her bowl on the floor next to her. "What do you mean they didn't like it?"

The old miko paused, but decided to go on ahead and answer her question. Sooner or later, someone was going to slip and tell her anyway. "Some of the townsfolk thought that Inuyasha and Sango would be a better couple, that's all. It's nothing against ye, my child. But ye have to understand, they saw Sango everyday. It's just when they saw her and Inuyasha protecting this village together, imaginations ran."

"I didn't know all of that," Sango shrugged. "No one said anything to me."

"Of course they weren't going to say anything to ye, but everyone was thinking it." Taking a deep breath, Kaede made her way to the door to her hut. "Go on, eat. But there is much to do, so don't take too long. Besides, our honorees have some tending to do on their own." And she was gone.

"What does that mean?" Kagome asked.

"She means they are about to mate," Kouga said, stuffing more rice into his mouth.


Preparing to change the subject, Sango cleared her throat. "So Kouga, are you planning to stay with us for the celebration? It'd be nice if you would."

Swallowing the food he was chewing, he looked at her. "I guess I can hang around a little longer. It's the least I can do to thank the dog that finally allowed me to have Kagome."

Rolling her eyes, Kagome sighed. "Whatever."

"Thanks, Kouga," Sango smiled at him. "I'm sure you'll have a great time. The people in the village throw great parties."

A silence followed that consisted of the two pairs eating the lunch Kaede made. Then it hit them; someone was missing.

"Where's Miroku?" Kagome asked.

"I don't know," Sango replied, looking around the room. "When did he manage to slip out?"

"Probably when I went to get you and Inuyasha," Kagome suggested, shrugging. "He's a sneaky one."

Deciding that the monk needed more time to himself, no one pressed the issue further. Until they heard his voice just outside the door. "Hey, guys, guess what I found?" He said, coming into the hut with a familiar neko and kitsune in his arms.

"Kirara! Shippo!" Sango gasped, as she rose to take her cat from his arms. "Where have you two been?"

"We've been... around," Shippo answered non-conclusively. He gave a mischievious look to Kirara, and she seemed to laugh, in a cat-like way.

"Where did you really go?" Kagome asked, taking Shippo from Miroku.

"Okay, we actually went to visit someone," he told her. "Someone that's coming to visit. Y'know, news about Sango and Inuyasha are spreading pretty fast among the youkai. Me and Kirara found out, and we told someone else."

"The youkai actually are talking about us? Why would any youkai care?" Sango asked, completely in the dark.

"Well Sango, you've really made a name for yourself among the demons. There are many that would mate with you, but since you are a human, that turns a lot of them away," Shippo said. "And of course, everyone knows Inuyasha. Your new relationship is newsworthy."

Sango nodded. "Wow. That's interesting," she said, returning to her spot next to Inuyasha. By that time, he had finished his food and his hands were free, so he wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her into his lap.

In the corner of his eye he saw Kagome cringe, but he didn't care. He couldn't walk eggshells around her; she'd have to accept how he will act toward Sango. It's part of moving on. "So, who is coming to visit?" he asked.

Shippo smiled innocently. "I don't know. Whoever comes, I guess."

Growing irritated by the kitsune's vauge answers, Inuyasha was about to tell him off, but he noticed Sango leaning into him, her back against his chest. She said nothing, but her gesture made him snap his mouth shut. Even the silent things she did got his attention loud and clear. That's the kind of power she has over him.

"I saw Kaede going into town in high spirits. What's going on?" Miroku asked whoever was listening. He picked up a bowl of rice from a nearby tray and sat down next to Kagome and Kouga.

"There's going to be a party for Sango and Inuyasha," Kagome said, keeping her eyes on her food to avoid watching the couple of honor.

"I see." He copied Kagome and dug into his lunch.

Noticing that everyone was quiet and trying not to look at her, Sango became fed up. She stood and placed her hands on her hips, mimicing her miko friend. "What is everyone's problem? Since when has rice become so fascinating that no one wants to even look at me?"

"It's delicious," Kouga said, taking a second to give her a smile before continuing to devour his food.

"Does anyone here not like the idea of me and Inuyasha together? Because if you do, then tell me now so that I know who not to expect at our celebration!" she exclaimed.

The quiet continued, but finally, she was met with pairs of eyes. In a soft voice, Kagome replied, "it's not that I'm not happy for you. This will... take some getting used to, that's all. But I am happy for you, really."

"What about you, Miroku? What do you think about all this?"

He took a breath, then paused. "I'm just glad that you finally found someone who can... love you like I never could."

Sighing, the taijiya had nothing else to say. She bent over to pick up her Hiraikotsu, and left the hut, her lunch unfinished. Inuyasha quickly scarfed it down and followed her outside.

When he exited the hut, he spotted her at the edge of the forest, sitting against the trunk of a tree. He approached her and sat at her side. "What's wrong?"

"I feel horrible," she sighed, climbing into his lap. "I don't think that Kagome and Miroku like the idea of us together."

"So what?"

"I just want everyone to be happy like we were before."

"They'll get over it."

"What if they don't?"

"Sango, they will. I promise. And if they don't, then are they really our friends?"

She couldn't answer. Interlacing her fingers with his, she leaned into his chest once again. "I guess you're right. We can't not be together just because those two can't handle it. It's not fair to us."

"Exactly." The hanyou placed a soft kiss on her exposed neck.

"And as true friends, they should be able to accept and support our happiness."

"You got it." Another kiss.

"I feel so much better."

"Me too." A third kiss.

He heard her giggle and ask, "just what are you doing?"

"Do you like it?" A fourth kiss right below her ear.

"I love it."

"Well, how about we go somewhere and take this a little further." Another kiss in the same spot.

"I would love to."


Inuyasha slowed to a stop as he neared the hot spring with Sango in his arms. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and was snuggled into his chest when he lowered her feet to the ground. "I was hoping no one was here," he told her. "I like coming here."


He pointed straight overhead, and watched her expression as she looked up at the sky. The sun had begun to set, and the colors of the daylight started to mix with the ones of the night. The wonder and surprise in her eyes made him smile. "It's beautiful."

"I know," he said, snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her to him. "That's why I brought you here. Just so you can see the only thing in the world that could rival how beautiful you are."

'Nice one.'

She blushed at his words and once again raised herself on her tip-toes and kissed him. Her sweet taste filled his senses again, and he found it hard to keep everything slow. 'She's inexperienced,' he had to remind himself. 'You don't want to scare her. SLOW DOWN.'

Agreeing with himself, the hanyou had to break their kiss to look into her face. She gazed back at him with the warmest eyes he had ever seen, and that made him want her even more. He let go of her waist, took her hand, and led her toward the water.

Once they reached the edge, he turned to her again. But she was the one to speak first. "Inuyasha, please be patient with me. I... haven't done this before."

Smiling slightly, he nodded at her. "I know; I won't rush you. Just take your time and do what's natural."

She nodded back at him as her fingers undid the clasp on the front of her slayer's uniform, her eyes never leaving his. Sliding the material off of her shoulders, her white chest bindings came into sight. She continued to peel off her tight uniform until it reached her ankles and she stepped out of it. She undid her bindings let them fall to the ground. Still her cinnamon eyes never left his honey ones, and she knew he was surveying her naked body. Yet, she wasn't embarassed.

Inuyasha's mind blew away as he watched Sango reveal her body to him. She was as perfect as he imagined; flawless tan skin pulled tautly over her muscular frame. 'She's so beautiful,' he thought. 'Kagome nor Kikyo could ever be this perfect. I have to make her see that she chose the right demon to mate with.'

He decided that it was his turn to undress for her, especially since watching her disrobe in front of him made his body react in carnal ways. It seemed clear to him that if he didn't remove his clothes soon, surely a hole would rip from the seams in the crotch area. So he removed them.

He wasn't the least bit embarassed standing naked in front of Sango. He knew deep inside that one day this moment would arrive; he would finally be able to make love to the woman of his heart, and she was standing right in front of him.

Reaching out for her hand, he grinned when she shyly grabbed his clawed fingers and looked away. He knew she was blushing, she seemed to do that a lot. 'But she's so cute when she blushes. I love it.'

Keeping his mouth quiet from snickers, he stepped into the hot water with Sango following behind him. He felt around for the ledge he always sat on under the water, and when he found it, sat down. He moved Sango to stand in front of him, and circled his arms around her waist. Pulling her to him, he gave her a full kiss on the lips, hoping to calm her jittery nerves.

She finally relaxed into his arms and moved closer to him still, but jumped when she felt his erect member against her leg. Breaking the kiss, she was met by his amused smile. "It's alright," he told her. "There's nothing to be afraid of. I'll be as gentle as I can."

He kept his reassuring smile as his hands moved to cup her bottom and hoisted her onto his lap, her legs straddling his hips. "Relax."

She nodded at him, completely trusting his words. He knew that she was going to follow whatever he did until she could learn herself; this wasn't a time to disappoint.

He placed his hands on her hips to steady her, and readied himself at her entrance. "Okay, this will hurt a little bit, so be ready. But the hot water should help a little."

"Okay," she said in a soft voice. To prepare herself, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his hair. She was as ready as she was going to be.

Sighing, Inuyasha gently started to push himself into her body. He didn't detect any discomfort yet, but the smell of her fear was strong. "Don't be afraid, Sango," he whispered to her as he continued to push into her. "The pain will be quick. You'll be fine."

He could feel her suck in her breath as he hit her wall of innocence. Deciding to make it fast, with a quick movement, he broke her innocence and pushed as far as he could go. Sango cried out in pain, and a few seconds later, he could feel tears in his hair. He could also smell them, and it was strong. "I'm sorry," he whispered to her as he tightened his embrace on her.

A few more seconds passed and the smell of her tears subsided, but he waited a little longer before beginning to move. He started with a slow and shallow motion, letting her get used to the feel of everything before picking up his pace and depth. "Inu...yasha..." he heard her gasp, telling him her pain was gone and pleasure was setting in.

Determining that Sango was ready for him to go faster, he quickened his pace. She immediately tightened her arms around his neck, and her breathing sped up. Her scent of arousal spiked and he almost lost it, but luckily, he kept himself in check. This was her first time; he wasn't going to hurt her. 'But she feels so good...'

A loud moan caught his attention as she breathed his name, and he responded by increasing his pace again. She moaned loudly again, and he knew that she was going to climax soon. He was too. "Sango..."

"Inuyasha..." she moaned again, slowly starting to rock her hips against his thrusting. She uncovered her face from his hair and tilted her head backward, her long hair playing down her back.

Completely immersed in his quest to give her a good climax, he started to kiss her exposed neck gently, slightly nipping at her skin. He smiled into her neck when he heard her hiss his name again.

Deciding it was time, he increased his speed and depth again. "Come for me, Sango..." he whispered into her ear, tightening his hold on her hips and pushing harder into her body.

It didn't take her long before she reached the euphoria of their lovemaking. Throwing her head back, she called his name to the heavens as her body shook with the raw fire of passion. She reached out, and pulled him closer to her and continued to call the name of her lover that made her experience this dizzying feeling of extreme pleasure that was coursing through her body.

Not too long after she reached her heaven did Inuyasha follow. He buried his face into her neck as shot his seed deep into her body. He uttered her name, but was drowned out by her beautiful voice as he heard her tell everyone who was making her feel this way. His body shook slightly as he peaked, and when he came down, he pulled Sango closer to him and embraced her. After a moment or two of silence, he asked in a soft voice, "Are you alright?"

Breathing slowed to normal, she answered, "That was the most amazing thing I've ever felt in my life."

Stifling his grin of a fortified ego, he said, "Now this time around, I'm going to mark you, okay?"

She gave him a quick nod and took his face into her hands to look into his eyes. "Don't have any second thoughts about this, Inuyasha. I don't."

He shook his head. "You don't have to worry. I'm completely sure about what we're doing. There are no second thoughts."

She smiled at him, and let his face go. "Mark me then."


Putting his hands onto her hips again, he got ready to start again. However, he was taking too long for Sango, and she started to move on her own accord. He gasped in surprise at her boldness; it certainly wasn't there before. "Impatient, are we?" he asked her with an amused face.

She froze. "I'm ready for you," she said, running her fingers through his hair. "I'm waiting."

"Fine," he said, putting his hands more firmly onto her hips to keep her still. Pausing only to make her wait in anticipation, he didn't move. Only until she gave him a look of absolute frustration did he continue. This time he didn't start with shallow, cautious thrusts; he knew that by now she was beyond that. Right off the bat, he pushed into her with more ferocity than he had before. This time he was working for his own release too, not just hers.

"Inu...." she started to moan, rolling her hips against his. Her small hands found his sensitive ears and began massaging them.

The growing instensity on his lower extremities and the rubbing of his ears soon became too much for the hanyou. She had just found his sweet spot. Her discovery made him thrust even harder into her body, and her responsive moans grew louder. Unknowingly, she increased the speed of her rolling hips, and soon, they were moving together in a rhythmic motion, punctuated by forceful movements. The water rippled more and more around them, but its heat couldn't compare to the fervent desire of the two lovers in its depths.

'My mind is going to explode if she doesn't come soon!' Inuyasha thought to himself. 'Besides, I'm almost ready to mark her now.'

Then, as if on cue, he felt her inner walls collapse and heard her calling his name again. Once again, her head was thrown back and neck exposed, and he knew he had to mark her now. Grazing his fangs against her pulse, he plunged his teeth into her skin. The sweet, intoxicating taste of her blood filled his mouth, and then he climaxed, shooting his seed into her body again, this time, much deeper than before. He removed his fangs from her neck, and waited until they both came down before starting to clean her wound.

"Inuyasha," she breathed, "Did you mark me?"

"Mmmhmm," he replied, continuing to lap up her trickling blood. "It should show up within an hour or two."

"What should show up?"

"The actual mark. It will be a little blue cresent moon."

She looked down and lightly traced her fingers over where he bit her. "Oh." Lifting her eyes to his, a shy smile crossed her lips. "I think I should sleep a bit before we go to our celebration."

"Yeah, I could use a nap too," Inuyasha agreed. He gently pulled out of her body, wrapped his arms around her waist, and lifted them both out of the water. He carried her to the shore, and laid her down on the grass. Laying down next to her, he felt her snuggle up into his chest. Draping his haori over them, he settled into a satisfied sleep.

'Finally I got the woman I really wanted to begin with. How could this day get any better? Now I have a mate, there's a party being thrown for us in town... there's no way this could be better.'

AN: Wow. Writing the "mating sequence" was the most awkward thing I've ever written in my life. Very interesting. Anyway, I hope you all liked that sorry attempt of a lemon/lime. Review if you can, and I will deliver another chapter very soon.