InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Truth Rings ❯ Adjustments ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: Okay now. Here is Chapter Eleven, and it took me a while to write this one. I noticed that with every passing chapter I write, they seem to get longer. But I guess that spells good news for the ones that enjoy my writing. Well, I ask that you enjoy the chapter below and review if you can.

When the Truth Rings
Chapter Eleven:

Inuyasha awoke first. Looking around, he then remembered where he was: the hot spring. Sitting up, he remembered something else: he was naked. Then it all came together.

The sky was dark and the stars were out, but still early in the evening. 'I'm glad we didn't sleep too long. I know Kaede would be mad if we missed the party.'

A soft sound made him look next to him at the still sleeping Sango. She was beginning to stir as her comforted sleep left her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked up at Inuyasha. "How long have you been up?"

"A few seconds. Do you feel okay?"

Sitting up beside him and pulling his haori up to cover herself, she nodded. She traced with cautious fingers the new mark of a blue crescent right above her left collarbone. "I feel fine. I think that maybe we should get going to our party, huh?"

"You're right," Inuyasha agreed, standing and walking to the shore to retrieve the rest of their clothes. "We should wash ourselves off first. I don't want to go to the party smelling like dried sweat and salt water."

"I hear that!"

"Shippo, why are you so anxious?" Kagome asked the kitsune, who was pacing the floor of Kaede's hut. "Are you excited for the celebration to start?"

"Something like that," he answered her, peeking outside.

"I bet he's waiting for the person he told about Sango and Inuyasha," Miroku said, taking a second to look up as he shuffled through his sutras.

"So what if I am?!" Shippo snapped angrily. The hut grew completely silent as everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Okay. We'll drop the subject," Miroku said, slightly amused as he continued to go through his sutras.


"It's alright."

"I'm actually pretty excited about this party," Kagome said, clasping her hands together. "Even though all this is take some getting used to, I'm happy for Sango and Inuyasha. It's about time those two found someone who can handle them: each other."

"That's true. Kami knows I couldn't handle Sango. She hits wayyy too hard."

Kagome giggled. "And yet, you seem to recover pretty well every time."

"He's here!" Shippo screamed, running out of the hut followed by Kirara.

"Finally we get to see why those two have been so secretive," Miroku sighed, standing and placing his sutras next to his mat.

Kagome nodded as she followed him outside, only to gasp in surprise at who she saw. "Sesshomaru?"

"Are you ready to head back?" Inuyasha asked, straightening out his haori.

"Yeah, I'm ready," Sango said, pulling her hair into a high ponytail. "I want to see what a great job Kaede did for our celebration. Besides, I'm pretty sure she's aching to see my mating mark."

"I hope it's satisfactory for her," he said, letting his sarcasm seep through his words. Kneeling down in front of his mate, he offered her a ride on his back. "I just hope she doesn't make a big deal about it."

Climbing on, Sango snickered. "She will. I mean, this is a big thing for her. You know how much she loves seeing couples together. Especially since she thought it would take a lot longer for you to find a mate."

Hooking his arms under her legs and standing to his full height, Inuyasha said, "Wait - she thought that it would take me longer to find a mate? What is that supposed to mean?"
"C'mon now," she replied, patting his shoulder. "We both know that you aren't the most... romantic guy around."

"It was enough to get you."


"Sesshomaru... what brings you here?" Kagome asked, approaching him timidly.

"I came to see if my simple brother actually managed to come together with the demon slayer," he told her, walking directly past her and into the hut.

"Well... he did," Miroku said, following the older and much scarier brother inside, keeping a safe distance away. "But they're not here right now."

"I know," the demon lord replied, clearly not wanting to converse with the monk. "They are on their way back right now."


"So, are you here to congratulate them?" Kagome asked, side-stepping quickly out of Sesshomaru's way as he exited the hut.

"No. I came to tell him I was right... and to offer him something."

Kagome's next question was halted as she heard what he said. Never in all the time that she had known him did she ever hear him propose anything to Inuyasha but a swift death. "Offer what?"

"I would tell you," Sesshomaru started, lowering his eyes to the miko. "But my offer is not for you."

"...okay," she shivered. "Well, what was it you were right about?"

"I told him a long time ago he should mate with the taijiya, but that dense fool never listens."

Kagome's eyes widened, and her open mouth closed. "You... wanted him to mate with Sango?"

"I assume that's the taijiya's name. Yes, I did."

The girl's silence told the youkai that his opinion surprised her. He also knew that she held special feelings for Inuyasha, but the prying girl wanted to know everything, so he told her. There was no need to hide what she insisted to know. "That should be the end of your meddling questions," he said, turning away from her. Raising his eyes to the tops of the trees, he waited for the approaching forms of his brother and his mate.

"Sesshomaru. What the hell do you want?" Inuyasha demanded as he landed on the ground and let Sango off his back. He never took his eyes off of him.

"I came to see if the rumors were true."

"What rumors?"

"The ones that say you and the taijiya are mated," the elder said, already growing impatient with the younger of the two. "And from the looks of it, the rumors seem to be true."

"What?" Miroku cut in, peeking from behind Sesshomaru, trying to get a good look at Sango's neck. He couldn't see anything.

"So it's done," a voice said, coming from around the hut. Stepping into the light and holding a woven basket filled with apples, stood Kaede.

"When the hell did you get here?" Inuyasha asked, bewildered. 'That woman always just appears yet you never see where she came from!'

"Just in time to see the mark on Sango's neck," she said, placing the basket onto the ground. The old miko approached Sango and lightly brushed her long locks from her left shoulder. The crescent of deep blue contrasted artfully against the lightness of her skin as everyone inched closer to take a better look. "It's beautiful."

"It is," Kagome whispered, peering even closer.

Throughout all of this, no one but Inuyasha seemed to notice the deep blush on Sango's face as everyone gazed at her mark. "They're in awe," she whispered to him.

"Too much in awe. They're acting like they never saw a mating mark before."

"No, it's probably the shock of you finding someone who can tolerate your idiocy," Sesshomaru said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What did you say..."

"Sesshomaru has something to tell you!" Kagome shouted suddenly, cutting them off.

"I'm sure that it's something I don't want to hear," Inuyasha growled. "Hurry up and tell me, so you can leave. Sango and I have a celebration to go to."

The youkai nodded his head. "I agree. I don't want to be around here any longer than I need to be. First, you need to know that I was right in the fact that you should mate with the demon slayer."

"I told you after the first time you said it that it was none of your business!" Inuyasha shouted through gritted teeth. "Why don't you ever listen?"

"I could say the same. But don't interrupt, you might make me take back the offer I am about to make."

"Offer? I don't need anything from you -"

"Inuyasha," Sango said quietly from behind him. The hanyou snapped his mouth shut and turned to look at her. "Let your brother finish. He might give you something that you could use. I'm sure whatever he is going to offer will be out of good faith."

"Yes, listen to your mate," Sesshomaru nodded. "I surely didn't come all this way to pick a fight with you. I have much better things I could be doing right now."

"Well, what is it?" Inuyasha asked gruffly. It was apparent he was trying to calm down for Sango's sake. Somehow, he was succeeding.

"I make this suggestion out of concern for the furthering of our lineage, however polluted it is now."


"I know that soon you will impregnate your mate, though your quest to kill Naraku isn't over. I offer my palace in the Western Lands as a safe place for your mate to stay while she is with child."

"Wow, Sesshomaru, that is very nice of you," Sango gasped, then turning to smile at Inuyasha. Her smile fell when she saw that he didn't look too happy about his brother's gesture.

"Are you saying that I can't protect my mate?" Inuyasha growled, voice growing louder with each word. "I don't need any help from you to keep Sango safe. She'll be just fine here with me."

Closing his eyes and sighing deeply, Sesshomaru rose a hand to his face to massage his temples. "Why are you so simple? If your mate becomes with child, do you think that letting her travel and fight will be good for her?"

"That's why I'll protect her! So she won't have to fight!"

"Calm down, Inuyasha!" Kagome cut in. "You both are arguing like she is pregnant right now. How about you two talk about this if it actually happens?"

"Yeah, Kagome's right," Miroku agreed. "Besides, this is supposed to be a happy time for all of us. So, can we get to this party or what?"

Looking over at his friends, and then at his brother, Inuyasha exhaled deeply, letting all his anger melt away. Now that he has a mate to think of, controlling his anger is only one of the things he has to keep in check. 'I have to be a better person for Sango,' he thought. 'It'll be hard, but I have to do it... for her.'

"C'mon now," Kaede said, resting a hand on Sango's shoulder. "The couple of the hour should be at their celebration. Let's go."

"Everyone go on ahead," Inuyasha said, voice low. "Let me talk to Sesshomaru for a minute."

Kagome shook her head. "No, no. We are not going to leave you two here by yourselves. It'll just turn into a fight -"

"It won't. I promise," he told her. "We just need a second alone."

The solemn tone his voice held told them all that he was serious. He turned to Sango. "I'm fine. Just go."

She smiled. "Okay," she said, and led the other humans into the village.

"What is it now?" Sesshomaru demanded once they were gone.

"I've been thinking," Inuyasha started, sitting cross-legged onto the grass. "I have responsibility now. I can't stay the way I was before."

Sesshomaru said nothing as he took a seat across from him. "Finally, you are starting to understand."

"I have to make sure that whatever I decide about anything from now on will be the best for me and Sango. I can't be selfish anymore... keeping her safe is my sole responsibility now. Everyone else comes second. Even myself."

Listening to his brother muse aloud simply surprised the demon lord. He never thought this hot-headed, implusive and brash hanyou was capable of such thinking processes. But however startling this display was, Sesshomaru knew why Inuyasha went through such a drastic change.


"So, have you come to a conclusion about something or was your rare thinking for no reason?"

Deciding against responding to the insult, Inuyasha nodded his head. "Yeah. I was thinking that I wouldn't have to leave Sango with you if... I had my own lands to rule."


Raising his eyes to meet a matching gold pair, he spoke up. "C'mon Sesshomaru, I'm sure you don't want to look after Sango if she gets pregnant. And I don't want you to. She's my mate and I have a responsibility to take care of her, no matter what it is I have to do. So, if I had my own lands, I know she'll be safe, and I can give her everything that she deserves. I want that for her, y'know?"

Sesshomaru was stunned into silence. He had no idea that Inuyasha had goals like these for him and his mate. At this realization, he managed to crack the tiniest and most minuscule of smiles. A pleasant surprise indeed. His brother had a brain.

"So, how do you plan to go about obtaining these lands?"

"Well, I don't really know. Maybe I'll just pick a spot, get those demons to band together with me... and expand from there."

Shaking his head, Sesshomaru tsked. "I don't think it will be that easy. But at least you know where to start. If... you want me to help you, then... I suppose I could give you a hand. You know... so you won't have to worry about your mate once you get some land." This generousity was going far beyond what he first intended to give.

"Well, I guess so. You can kind of tell me how you built up your lands, and I'll just copy what you did."

"Okay then."


"So Sango, when he marked you, did it hurt?" Shippo asked, hopping into Sango's lap.

"Nope," she answered, stroking the top of his head. "I didn't feel it."

"But with sharp fangs sinking into your skin, I figured that you would feel it," Kagome mused, scooting closer to her friend. They all sat on the grass around a fire with a pot of stew cooking over it.

"I can tell you why it didn't hurt," Kouga cut in abruptly. But before he could impart his knowledge, he caught Sango's death glare. His mouth snapped shut. He didn't dare try her; she was serious.

"Alright everyone, sit down in circle around the fire," Kaede instructed loudly, stepping over tispy partiers to reach the cooking stew. "It is time for all of ye to eat. Hopefully the food will soak up some of the sake all of ye had."

Watching all the townspeople sit down, Sango began to wonder where Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were. Looking around, she didn't see them, and worry started to set in. "Hey, has anyone seen Inuyasha and Sesshomaru?" she asked.

Shrugs came from the beings who knew those names, and soon, everyone else was peeking over their shoulders to see if the brothers could be spotted.

"Don't worry about them, Sango. I'm sure they're fine," Miroku soothed, placing an innocent hand on Sango's shoulder. "Besides, if another demon attacks them, it's the demon we should worry about."

She smiled. "You're right. But I wish that they would come back soon."

"Your wish came true," Inuyasha whispered into her ear. She jumped in surprise and he laughed. "We're back."

"It's amazing how ye come back just in time to eat," Kaede said, blinking at him as she handed him a bowl.

"What can I say... it's a gift," he said, grinning into the bowl. He sat down next to Sango and pulled her into his lap. He felt a presence place itself next to him, and turned to see it was Sesshomaru. The stoic youkai silently declined the bowl that Kaede offered, and just sat there with his eyes closed.

"Thank you Sesshomaru for staying with us," Sango said to him, watching for an expression change. There wasn't one. Nor a response.

"Yeah, Sesshomaru, I'm glad you're here with us," Kagome chimed in, cheerfully.

He cracked an eye open and glared at Kagome. "Call me Lord Sesshomaru. We are not familiar, miko."

Kagome's mouth dropped. It seemed that everything he managed to say to her was meant to shock her. She searched her brain for a response, but couldn't find anything to say. Finally, she asked, "Does that go for Sango too?"

"No. Just you."

"What about everyone else?"

Opening his other eye, the look he gave her was very uninviting. "I see the idiot passed his simple qualities to you. I am not related to any of you except my brother and his mate. If you are not one of those two people, I better not hear you address me in any way other than Lord Sesshomaru. That is the one and only warning you will get. Unless you have a death wish, in which case I will fulfill."

His explanation was thorough enough for Kagome to sit quietly after that. But she couldn't stay quiet for very long. "So, are you two going to live here with Kaede once we defeat Naraku?"

"Nope," Inuyasha shook his head. He wanted to keep his answers vague until he told Sango his plan for them.

"So where are you going to live?"

Looking at her, it was the younger brother's turn to become annoyed. "Don't worry about it. I've got it figured out, so when the time comes, we'll be ready."

"Really? You figured it out?" Sango asked over her shoulder.

"Yep. It'll be good for the both of us."

"Sooo... what is it?" Kagome pressed.

"How about you shut it, or you won't be here long enough to see it," Inuyasha snapped. "Don't ask me so many questions. Besides, me and Sango will be living there. Not you, Kagome."

"But I'm curious..."

"Enough." Everyone turned to see Kaede raise her wrinkled hands into the air. "Let's not badger the new couple. Now, I think we should all try the thing Kagome was telling me about earlier. What was it, child? A toast?"

"Yes," she nodded and stood. She rose her cup. "I just want to say that I am happy for Sango and Inuyasha for getting together like they have. At first, I couldn't handle it because I wanted to be with Inuyasha... but I'm past that now. I am truly happy for my friend and the sister I never had. Here's to Sango and Inuyasha!"

When she finished, everyone clapped politely as she curtsied and sat down. Then Miroku stood with his cup.

"I must agree with Kagome in saying that I'm happy for my friends. Even though I am still adjusting, at least I know that Sango is happy. She still means a lot to me, and I will always be there for her, but finally I know where I am in her heart. And I'm okay with that... To the happy couple!"

He took a bow and sat down as everyone clapped for him also. He even got a couple of whistles from the young women in the crowd.

Inuyasha was nodding in accomplishment as he set his empty bowl on the ground, when he got a poke from Sesshomaru. "What?"

"Were you even listening?" he asked in a low voice.

"Of course I was," Inuyasha replied, raising a brow.

"Then why is your mate crying?"

"Wha -" he started, looking over Sango's shoulder and into her face. Her eyes were red with tears, but she was smiling. "What's wrong with you?"

"Finally," she sniffled. "Our friends are happy for us. This makes me so happy."

Inuyasha's lips curled into a smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she leaned into him. Squeezing her tightly, he could tell Sesshomaru was watching them. 'Maybe he could go and get himself a mate. Now, that will be something to see.'

Kaede shuffled to the couple and leaned into his ear. "This is pretty much the end of ye celebration. We'll keep everything going for a while longer, then all these townsfolk will be going home. Maybe ye and Sango should head off to sleep."


"Thank you Kaede," Sango said, kissing the old miko's hand. "This was wonderful."

"It's fine, my child. Now all of ye need to be getting to sleep. I assume all of ye will be continuing on the quest tomorrow. Good night."

"Inuyasha... are you sure this is safe?" Sango asked nervously, peering over the side of the branch they were perched on.

"It's safe," he assured her, rubbing her arm and pulling her closer. "I won't let you fall."

The look in her eyes told him that she didn't like the situation, but would go along with it. He held her tightly to his chest as he leaned against the tree's trunk. She was seated across his lap and squeezing her arms around his torso for dear life. "Why can't we just sleep on the ground?"

"Because I like sleeping in the tree."

"Well, how about you sleep in the tree and I sleep on the ground like we were before?"

"You weren't my mate then."

She sighed at his easy logic that seemed to make so much sense. "Is it a big deal if we don't sleep in the same place? You can look down and see me from here, so it's not like you won't know where I am."

"C'mon Sango, just give it one night up here, and if you fall, then I won't ask you to sleep in a tree again."

She shook her head. "Still not liking it."

Finding her stubbornness cute, he chuckled low. "I promise you won't fall. I sleep up here every night and I've never fallen in my sleep."

"But you were up here by yourself."

"Sango. Please."


A soft poke woke him. Letting a sleepy eye crack open, he saw Sango's drowsy face. "Inuyasha," she whispered. "I have to go tinkle."

"Tinkle? Does that mean pee?"


"Did you pick that up from Kagome?"

"Yeah... I like it better."

Sitting up and feeling Sango's arms tighten around him, he lowered them to the ground. "I'll be here when you get back."

"Okay," she said, running into the trees.

Leaning against the tree's trunk, he sighed. Tinkle? 'I guess,' he laughed to himself.

"Still awake?" the low voice of Sesshomaru said.

Inuyasha searched and found him sitting with his back against the other side of the tree. "Yeah. I was asleep." Scanning his eyes over his sleeping friends, he continued, "it took me forever to get her to sleep in the tree."

"Well, she hasn't transformed yet; she might grow to like it," the demon lord told him, keeping his gaze straight ahead.

"I hope so. I don't want to be asleep without her next to me. I'd never get any rest."

"That's part of having a mate."

Deciding to take a chance, Inuyasha asked, "So... are you going to mate soon?"

When he didn't get an answer, he figured the silence was his answer. But he was wrong. "I might. If my younger brother can manage to find a mate, then I don't see why I can't. Besides, I need an heir for my lands. If I wait too long... I might not get one."

Taking a second to stifle a laugh, the hanyou suggested, "Maybe you can mate with Kagome."


"Why not?"

"She's infuriating. I couldn't stand her beyond the first day. I'd end up killing her."

He was going to continue his questioning when he heard Sango coming back. "Okay. I'm good now."

"Nice to hear," he told her, scratching the back of his head.

"Sesshomaru, why are you still awake?" she asked, walking around the trunk to the other side.

"I don't need to sleep," he answered simply.

"Oh. Well, I'm not lucky like you. I need my sleep. Good night."


Rejoining Inuyasha on the other side, she gave an uneasy glance to a branch overhead. "Back to sleep, I guess."

Shaking his head in amusement, he wrapped an arm around her and leapt to the branch they were on before. Positioning themselves comfortably, he felt her head snuggle underneath his chin. He gave her a light kiss on the top of her head and began settling down himself when he remembered something. "Sango. Don't go to sleep yet."

Raising her head, she looked into his face. "Something wrong?"

"No. I just forgot to tell you what I decided about our living situation."

"What is it?"

Pausing, he took a moment to gather his thoughts. If he didn't present this right, she wouldn't go along with it. "Okay. I thought that maybe me and you should... live in the Eastern Lands."

"Why the Eastern Lands? Why can't we just stay here?"

"Because I want to rule the Eastern Lands like Sesshomaru rules the Western ones."

Inuyasha peered into her face for a sign of what she thought about his plan. "So... how are you going to get these lands to rule?"

"I've got a plan worked out with Sesshomaru. Sango, this is a good idea. I want to rule there so I can give you anything you want. See, whoever my brother mates with will have everything she ever dreamed of having. And I want the same for you. I don't want you to have to wish for anything. And I'm willing to go out and gain control of the Eastern Lands so you will be happy. What do you think?"

Her silence began to worry him, but finally, she spoke. "Did you even think that I might not want that?"

"... you don't?"

"Inuyasha, I don't need to have everything at my fingertips. As long as we're together, it doesn't matter what's around us."

Lowering his eyes, he felt shot down. What was wrong with wanting his mate to be happy? What was wrong with wanting her to have the best of everything? He always thought of her to be the perfect woman, how could he not make it his duty to make sure she was always comfortable? Always in the perfect clothes, or the perfect palace? With all his thinking experience rolled into one, he could not understand why she didn't want that. "So, you don't want me to do this?"

"Look... I know that you are going to do it anyway, so I'm fine with it. And I also know that you want me to have the easy life. With all that said, I just ask that you be careful and not make any enemies, okay?"

His eyes snapped back up and met hers with surprise. "Of course I won't. And since you like flowers and stuff like that, I promise I will get you the greenest, healthiest, most beautiful and flowery land I can find!"

Even through the dark, he could see her beautiful smile, and he smiled back. "I look forward to seeing whatever you find. I'm sure it will be beautiful."

His smile lasted beyond their shared moment, because his mind wandered to other moments he wanted to share with his new mate. He could tell that she caught his drift as her smile began to change. Innocent and dazzling to naughty and sexy. 'Delicious.'

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" she whispered into his ear.

"Yeah, I am."

"Where should we go?"

"The hot spring." Securing his hold on her, Inuyasha leapt from the tree and toward their favorite spot for the evening.

AN: There you have it. Now there is good news and bad news from here. The bad news is that the next chapter will be the last one. But the good news... will revealed when I post Chapter Twelve! However, I'm pretty sure that the answer isn't too hard to guess. Well, review if you can, and onward and upward to Chapter Twelve.