InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Take a Turn ❯ The Wreck ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Things Take a Turn
Summary: Kagome gets in an accident and is forced to live without her mom for some time. How will she do it? Who will she live with? What will happen?
Age: Kagome 16, Sango 17, Inuyasha 17, Miroku 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co. but if I make up a character they are mine and not yours!!!
They are all their regular bloodlines. (i.e.: hanyous, youkai, miko, houshi, etc.)
When Things Take a Turn
Chapter One
“Mom, can we please go home now?” asked, a sixteen year old, Kagome. Korari turned and looked at her daughter and laughed. Her eyes light up when she smiled and Kagome wondered what was so funny.
Korari said, “Kagome we can go home as soon as we pick up Souta from his karate lesson.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and muttered, “Stupid Souta, it's your entire fault I am not at home asleep right now!” Kagome laid her head against the window and shut her eyes. She was sitting in the back because it was Souta's turn in the front and they were waiting for him to come out. She didn't bother with her seatbelt because home was a few blocks away. Finally Souta came down and she thanked the lord that he came in less than ten minutes. She sat up and he quickly got into the car.
Korari said, “Souta I am sure your sister is happy that you are in the car.”
Souta looked at his mom like she had grown another head and said, “Why would Kagome want me to be in the car?”
Kagome answered, “Because now we can go home and I can sleep.” Korari and Souta laughed at Kagome and she looked at them. Kagome almost screamed, “Drive! Mom I am TIRED!” Her mom looked at her and laughed again but she complied with Kagome's request and started to drive.
Korari pulled their silver Nissan Armada Pathfinder out into the street and she looked left and right and then pulled out. She was at a stoplight waiting for the light to change colors so that she could turn left. Her light turned green and she started to go when a car, in a hurry, zoomed across, right as she was turning, trying to run the red light. The car hit Kagome's car and they flipped over twice. Korari got most of the impact.
During the crash Kagome put her hands on the ceiling and locked her elbows so she wouldn't be tossed around and even though she didn't have her seatbelt on she hoped she would be okay. Kagome looked at her mom and Souta and hoped they would be okay and she closed her eyes.
Souta looked at his mom and sister while the wreck was happening and he put his hands over his head so he wouldn't get any brain damage and he closed his eyes and hoped everyone would be okay.
Korari only caught a quick glimpse of her daughter and son before she hit her head on the steering wheel and passed out.
When the car stopped moving Kagome looked around and realized she was okay. She got out of the car and stretched to make sure she hadn't broken anything and then she went back in to look and see if Souta or Korari was hurt. She looked at Souta and saw that he wasn't conscious and that his arm was twisted at a funny angle. She looked over at her mom and saw that she too was unconscious and that she had a lot of broken bones and it looked like her ribcage was broken.
Kagome immediately whipped out her pink, Cingular, razor, cell phone and called 911. They arrived shortly after she called and loaded her mom onto a stretcher as well as her brother. They wanted her to be on a stretcher too but she said she was fine. They said they had to take her to the emergency room anyways. She said okay.
It was then that she realized that she hadn't seen the man who caused the wreck. She looked around and saw his car but she didn't see him in it.
She asked the EMT for a piece of paper and a pen and he gave it to her and she thanked him and copied down the license plate number quickly while the EMT asked her who caused the wreck and she pointed to the car and they both looked over at the car and when the EMT noticed there was no one in the car he said something into a walkie-talkie. Then he turned to her and said they would have police squads there in a minute. He ushered her into the ambulance and she went to the hospital with her brother and mother.
In the ambulance she looked over at her family and prayed that they would be okay. The EMT in the ambulance looked at her and felt sorry for her. He hoped that she would get through this.
When they arrived at the hospital Kagome hopped out of the ambulance and was pushed onto a stretcher against her will and taken to the same room as her mother and brother. She lay there watching them when a doctor walked into the room and shook her hand. He introduced himself as Dr. Suikotsu. He was there to inspect her family and then she could go if she chose to do so.
He walked over to her mother because it was plain to see that she needed the most attention. He looked over her and said, “We need to take an x-ray and see exactly how many bones are broken. I'm going to take her into the room right next to us, so you will know where we are if something happens. Someone will be coming in soon to check on you and see if you need food or water.”
He left with her mother and then a few minutes later someone came in and asked Kagome, “Hello, do you need anything? I am Nurse Jakotsu and I can help in any way you like.”
Kagome looked at him; well she was pretty sure it was at him even if he did look kind of feminine. She shook her head and said, “I only want some water if it's not too much trouble.”
Jakotsu shook his head and said, “It's not any trouble at all. With all that you have gone through I can do anything. Just call or ring the bell I will always be nearby.” He started towards the door and then turned around and said, “Oh yes, and if your brother wakes up please ring or call.” With that final thing said he started towards the door and headed out.
Kagome turned around and looked at Souta. She went over to him and laid her head on his hand and started to cry for her mother and brother. He felt her shaking and slowly consciousness dawned on him. He opened his eyes and said, “Kagome where are we? Why are we here?”
Kagome looked at him and hugged him. He hugged her back and she said, “We are in the hospital and we got into a car accident and you and mom are hurt.”
Souta looked at her and said, “Why aren't you hurt?”
Kagome looked back at him with a puzzled look and replied, “I don't really know. During the accident I just put my hands on the ceiling and locked my arms so that I could protect my head. I don't know how I was safe.”
Souta looked at her with admiration. She hugged him again and said, “I am happy you are okay and not seriously hurt.”
It was then that Souta looked around and said, “Sis, where's mom?”
Kagome looked at him and said, “She is in the x-ray room getting x-rayed. They are trying to see how many of her bones are broken. She was passed out since the accident, I don't know if she has woken up yet. I closed my eyes when the car was flipping over. I didn't see how she hurt herself. The person that hit us left after he saw the car flip. I don't know why. I copied down his license number though. He was in a Red Honda Accord.”
Souta nodded and lay back down. He stretched and then he let out a small yelp and drew his arms back into his body. Kagome looked at his arms and knew she forgot to tell him that his arm was broken. She then said, “Um… Souta, I forgot to tell you that your arm was broken. Oops, sorry about that.”
Souta looked at his sister and smiled weakly, “It's okay, sis. I don't mind. It didn't hurt that much, it only surprised me.”
She smiled back and then she remembered that she needed to call Nurse Jakotsu. She said a loudly, but not to loudly, “Nurse Jakotsu, where are you?”
At that moment Jakotsu came barreling in through the door looking quite flustered. Even with his flustered appearance he brought her water and didn't spill a drop. It was then that Kagome sensed his demonic aura. She wondered why it she didn't notice it earlier but she brushed it off. She looked at him and graciously took her water from him and said, “Thank you, Nurse Jakotsu.”
Souta looked at him and said in a cough, “Gay?” and he coughed some more, and Kagome glared at him a glare hot enough to make Satan sweat. Kagome gave a slit incline of her head though. Souta knew he was then.
Jakotsu looked at them and asked Kagome, “What can I get for you?”
Kagome nodded at her brother and said, “He woke up and you told me to call you if he woke up. So I called because he woke up.” Jakotsu nodded and then made his way over to Souta.
He asked Souta, “Does anything hurt? Do you need any help or medication?”
Souta pointed to his right elbow with his left hand and said, “My elbow hurts. Kagome thinks it's broken and I agree with her. It hurts when I move it and it hurts to touch it.”
Jakotsu said, “Oh that is a nasty break. I need Dr. Suikotsu to take a look at that. He will give u a cast after he resets it. I think you might have bruised it too. That is why it hurts to touch.”
Souta nodded and then said distressed, “Uh oh, I have a karate match soon and I can't miss it I will be the only one there. How many weeks do you think it will take to repair?”
Jakotsu said, “That depends on what method Dr. Suikotsu uses.” Kagome thought, `He must be a demon too and he can use some demonic power.' Jakotsu continued, “If he uses one method then you will heal in two weeks. If he uses a different method than you will heal in two months. It depends.” Jakotsu smiled and asked Souta if he needed anything and Souta said water. Jakotsu smiled and said, “Just like you sister aren't you?” Souta nodded and laughed with Kagome and Jakotsu. Jakotsu went to get some water again and he shut the door.
Kagome and Souta looked at each other and smiled. Even in the condition they were in they still had positive outlooks. Then Dr. Suikotsu rolled Korari in and Kagome immediately jumped up and Souta looked over. They both looked at the doctor expectantly. He looked back with a grim expression on his face. Kagome instantly got worried.
She asked, “What's wrong? What's happening?”
Suikotsu stared and finally said, “Okay, well your mother has a concussion and I think she is in a coma.” Kagome gasped and looked at Souta. The doctor continued, “I can't do anything for her except hope and pray that she wakes up. She has quite a few broken bones and she will need a lot of casts but her body will heal after the casts are on. Now let me look at Souta.”
Kagome was shocked. She couldn't believe that her mother was in a coma. She just couldn't believe it. She walked to her mom's bed and sat down next to her. She held her mom's hand and wept.
Souta stared at his sister and he too wept. He wanted to go and hold his mom too but he couldn't.
It was then that Kagome realized that she needed to be strong for her brother so she dried up her tears and walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him.
Dr. Suikotsu's heart as well as Jakotsu's went out to the siblings. They just went through a major wreck and their mom was in a coma. Dr. Suikotsu started to think. `I wonder where the dad is. I wonder why they haven't called him yet or said anything about their dad.' He was broken out of his thoughts when Kagome looked at him and said, “Are you going to check Souta's arm?”
Suikotsu nodded and said, “This way please Souta into the x-ray room.” Souta stood and followed him through the door. Kagome sat on his empty bed and hugged herself. Jakotsu walked up behind her and was hesitant at first but he hugged her. Kagome welcomed the hug and started crying. He rubbed her back and he said, “It's okay sweetie, everything will be fine.”
Kagome nodded and said, “I hope so.” Kagome thought, `He is definitely gay but he is awesome. I hope he is telling the truth.”
“So Nurse Jakotsu, what do you think will happen?” Kagome asked.
“I don't know. She will stay here. She might wake up soon or not. She could wake up in a long time. It depends. Right now though we need to find you a place to stay for however long she is in a comatose state. Do you know anyone that you or Souta could stay with?”
Kagome thought for a moment and then said, “Well, Souta could stay with Kohaku and Sango. I don't think I could because it would be too many people. I will ask around at school and see who I could stay with.” Jakotsu nodded and left the room.
Kagome walked over to her mom and sat down next to her. She looked at her mom and said, “Mom, I don't know who to stay with. I wish you could tell me. I don't want to impose.”
Her mom opened one eye and said in a faint whisper, “Inuyasha.” Then she went back into a comatose state. Kagome jumped in surprise and yelled, “Nurse Jakotsu, Dr. Suikotsu!!!”
They came right away and said, “What happened? What's wrong?” Kagome pointed a shaky finger at her mom. They questioned her again, “What happened? What did she do?”
Kagome said, “She talked. I asked who I should stay with and she told me. It was very weird but now I know who she wants me to stay with. I should ask them if I can and I should ask Sango if Souta can stay with her and Kohaku. What does that mean though? Why did she only wake up for a little bit and then go back? What does that mean!?!?”
Suikotsu and Jakotsu looked at each other and said, “It means that she could wake up sooner or later. It depends. Nothing is definite. W can't tell. Sorry Kagome.”
Kagome nodded and said, “It is okay. Doctor, shouldn't you be checking on Souta?”
He rushed out of the room and Jakotsu followed him. Kagome looked at her mom. She then got out her cell phone after calling Jakotsu in and making sure she could use it. She called Sango.
A/N Okay this is a new story I have been thinking about writing for a while but haven't had the time. So now I do and I am writing! Okay well, I hope you enjoy it! Oh ya, I forgot. Do you all see that little purple-ish button thing? Nod if you do. How `bout you press it and give me a review!?!? That would be cool now wouldn't it? Well please read and review!!!