InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Take a Turn ❯ Transportation ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Things Take a Turn
Summary: Kagome gets in an accident and is forced to live without her mom for some time. How will she do it? Who will she live with? What will happen?
Age: Kagome 16, Sango 17, Inuyasha 17, Miroku 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co. but if I make up a character they are mine and not yours!!!
They are all their regular bloodlines. (i.e.: hanyous, youkai, miko, houshi, etc.)
When Things Take a Turn
Chapter Two
“Hello?” answered a groggy voice. That voice belonged to Sango who was not happy to be woken up at one o'clock in the morning.
“Hey, Sango?” The voice asked. Sango recognized it immediately but was still not happy.
“Yes, Kagome. What do you want?!?!? You woke me up at one o'clock!!!”
Kagome said, “Sorry, I didn't realize that it was that late.”
Sango said, “It's okay. What do you want?”
“Okay well, we were in a car accident-”
Sango interrupted, her voice full of genuine concern losing all tones of anger it once possessed, “Was anyone hurt? What happened? Are you okay? Is Souta, is your mom?”
Kagome continued and said, “Yes people were hurt. I am fine. Souta has a broken arm and my mom is in a…coma.” Kagome started crying.
Sango tried to soothe her, “Oh Kagome, it's okay. Everything will be fine. Who will you stay with while she is at the hospital?”
Kagome said, “That is why I am calling you. I wanted to know if Souta can stay with you. Can he?”
Sango said, “Ya, of course he can stay. You can too.”
“No, I can't. My mom woke up out of her coma long enough to tell me that she wants me to stay with Inuyasha.” `How am I going to live with Inuyasha? He is my friend and his mom is like my aunt but I don't know how I can live with him for that long.'
Sango said, “Inuyasha?!?!”
Kagome nodded and then remembered she was on the phone and said, “Yes, Inuyasha. I mean his mom is like my aunt, but I don't know how I can live with him for that long.”
Sango said, “Well if your mom wants it you should do it for her, you will have to find out though if you can. I suggest not calling right now because it is so late. Ask tomorrow at school if you come okay?”
Kagome said, “Okay.”
“Oh, and Kagome?”
“You can bring Souta over now if you want to. Or you can bring him after school tomorrow. Okay?”
Kagome said, “Okay, I need to go now Souta walked in.”
“Okay, bye Sango.”
“Bye, oh Kagome, everything will be okay. I promise.”
“Okay bye Sango. I hope so. See you at school.”
Souta walked into the room to find Kagome on her phone. `Probably Sango.' He thought. Kagome turned to him when she ended her call.
Souta asked, “Was that Sango?” Kagome nodded. He continued, “What did she want? What did you tell her?”
Kagome replied, “I asked her if you could stay with her and Kohaku until mom comes out of a coma. She said yes. I am taking you over there tomorrow after school. We will pack all of our stuff tomorrow and remember we can always come back.”
Souta noticed she didn't say she would be staying with Sango as well. He wondered where she would stay. So he asked, “Kagome, where are you staying?”
She looked at him and said, “With Inuyasha and Auntie Izayoi and Uncle Inutaishio.”
Souta just stared at her. Finally he said, “So, why are you staying there and not with Sango?”
Kagome said, “Mom said I should stay with Inuyasha. I don't know why.”
“Mom said something? Is that why everyone rushed out of the x-ray room?”
Kagome nodded.
“Kagome, I was wondering, what will happen if mom never wakes up?”
“I don't know Souta, I don't know. We might have to live on our own or with Sango and Inuyasha.”
“You will be here right Kagome? You will stay here with me right?”
She looked down at her ten year old brother sweetly, with glistening tears in her eyes and said, “Yes Souta, I will be with you. When do you get your cast?”
“Actually I get it right now. I don't know what color to get. Can you help me?”
Kagome followed her brother laughing. He showed her the cast colors and she said, “I think you should get pink. It will match your cheeks when you blush.” She laughed.
“Ha ha, very funny Kagome. Really which color should I get?”
“Well which colors do the like the best?”
“Blue and green.”
“I think you should get the blue one. It will look really cool with your black hair.”
Souta nodded and told Suikotsu blue. Dr. Suikotsu said, “Okay Souta, do you want Kagome to come with you into the room?”
“Yes. Kagome will you come?”
“Of course I will.”
They went into the room and Souta got his cast on while Kagome watched and thought, `How am I supposed to live with Inuyasha? We are really good friends but I don't see how I can do that. Their house is huge I will have my own room and stuff but still how will I deal with seeing him everyday? I know I love him, but he doesn't know that. I don't have any intentions of telling him either. I don't know how I can see him everyday doing everything he does. I know he has a gym in his house and a basketball court and a pool so that means I will see his abs a lot and I cant help but notice them. Oh my God! I will have a hard time! Mom, are you TRYING to curse me?' she was pulled out of her thoughts by Souta saying, “Kagome it didn't hurt at all! Dr. Suikotsu said I can have it off and be all better by the karate tournament!”
Kagome smiled and said, “Thank you Dr. Suikotsu. I am very thankful that you did that for him. He really wanted to compete in his tournament. Right, Squirt?” She laughed.
Souta nodded and said, “Right, Kaggie.” He laughed too.
“It's time we get going Souta. We need to go home and get some sleep. We have school tomorrow. I don't know how we will be able to stay awake for school but we can try it. Thank you Dr. Suikotsu. When do we need to come back, and how will we handle the money issue?”
Suikotsu said, “Well you need to come back next Monday, a week from today, and I will check on Souta. You can come back anytime to see your mom though. As for the money. I don't think you need to pay, but if you do we will take care of it later, okay?”
Kagome nodded and said, “Oh, I need to get a car or something to take us to school. Do you know if the police tracked down the person who caused the accident?”
Suikotsu shook his head and said, “They haven't actually found the guy but they know who it is. His name is Naraku. We wonder why he got out and ran but we don't know. Do you think one of your friends can pick you up in the morning?”
Kagome thought for a second and said, “Sango probably can. She has to drop of Kohaku anyways. I'll call her. Thank you again.”
Souta said, “Ya, thanks Dr. Suikotsu.”
He replied, “No problem. Take care. See you in at least a week.”
Kagome nodded and walked into the hospital room where their stuff was. She looked at her mom and gave her hand a hug so she didn't injure her anymore. Souta did the same and Kagome said, “Bye Mom we will be by later to say hi.”
Souta just looked and said, “Bye.”
Jakotsu walked in the room and Kagome and Souta said bye and they would see him in a week. Jakotsu nodded and said okay. Kagome gathered up her mom's stuff and her stuff while Souta got most of his and they left. Jakotsu said he could call his brother Bankotsu to drive them home. They said okay.
Bankotsu came and picked them up and took them home. He made sure they were all right and then left. Kagome called Sango again. Sango answered groggily and sounding annoyed and mad. Sango said, “Hello?!?!?”
Kagome said meekly, “Hi, Sango?”
Sango lost all of the anger and rage in her voice and said caringly, “Kagome, what's up?”
Kagome asked, “Sango, can you pick Souta and me up for school tomorrow because our car is totaled?”
Sango said, “Yes, we can. We can drop you off after school too, and then I will bring Souta home and I can take you to Yasha's okay?”
Kagome said, “Okay. I will see when you pick us up. What time are you going to pick us up?”
Sango said, “Well our school starts at 8:30 but we have free period first so we actually need to be there at 9:30. Souta and Kohaku start at 8 o'clock so I guess I'll pick you guys up at 7:30. Sound good?”
Kagome said, “Yes. Thanks again Sango. I'll see you at 7:30.”
Sango said, “Okay, bye.”
Souta turned to look at Kagome and asked, “Sango is coming at 7:30?”
Kagome nodded. Souta continued, “Should I start to pack?”
Kagome shook her head and said, “No do it after school.” Souta nodded and went upstairs. Kagome went out to the Goshinboku and sat by it for a little bit, while thinking about all that had happened in the past 5 hours. Then she went inside and made sure Souta was in bed and her alarm was set. She put on her pajamas and went to bed.
A/N Okay guys I need some reviews if I'm going to update! I already have the next chapter written so if I get 7 reviews I will update. Please review! Thanks to Faina, inu luver 4ever, Waterlily216, Chiaztolite, and S2animeluverS2! Thank you guys so much for reviewing! It really makes me smile.