InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Take a Turn ❯ The Question ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When Things Take a Turn
Summary: Kagome gets in an accident and is forced to live without her mom for some time. How will she do it? Who will she live with? What will happen?
Age: Kagome 16, Sango 17, Inuyasha 17, Miroku 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co. but if I make up a character they are mine and not yours!!!
They are all their regular bloodlines. (i.e.: hanyous, youkai, miko, houshi, etc.)
When Things Take a Turn
Chapter Three
*RING**RING* “Good morning Tokyo! It is a beautiful day out today! The skies are-”, Kagome's radio sounded. Kagome stepped out of bed and stretched. She walked into her brother's room and gently shook him awake. He opened his eyes and looked up at his big sister.
“Is it time to get up already nee-chan?”
“Yes, Souta it is. Come on, up and at `em.”
“Okay fine. Who is making breakfast?”
The events of last night flashed through Kagome's mind as she replied, “I will.” He nodded and walked into his bathroom to take a shower. Kagome then turned and walked into her bathroom for her shower.
While she was lathering soap on her arms she thought about how she was grateful to Sango for letting her brother stay with them. `I wonder what Inuyasha will say when I ask him if I can stay. Well, there is only one way to find out. I will ask him today when we are alone together. Then if he says no I won't care and if he says yes he won't be embarrassed and Miroku can't make any comments!' With that plan in her head she rinsed her body and got out of the shower and headed to her closet.
Kagome got out a turquoise shirt with sequins and some dark blue faded jeans. She put a white shirt under the blue shirt so she could wear it open at the top. It ties at the top and is semi see-through. She wore a turquoise head scarf that matched her shirt. She put her bangs in front of the scarf and tied it behind her bangs. (A/N It is like a headband and hangs down in the back) She put on some silver bangles and a little blue eye shadow and some mascara and she was ready.
She walked down the stairs and went into the kitchen. She called upstairs, “Souta, what do you want to eat?”
“Waffles or pancakes.”
She smiled and said, “Waffles okay? They are easier to make.”
She started to make the waffles and put them into the toaster and waited. Souta walked down the stairs as she was buttering the waffles. She asked, “You want butter, right?”
He nodded and said, “Kagome you look really pretty.”
She smiled, she knew her brother was being nice, “Thank you Souta. So do you.” He smiled back more at his thought than at her comment, `We can actually do this. We can survive with each other for a little while.'
“Here you go Souta”, Kagome said, handing him a plate with a buttered waffle and some milk. Souta accepted the food and thanked her.
They both ate silently, thinking about things to come. When they finished, Kagome took up their plates and put them in the dishwasher.
At 7:30 Sango came and picked up Kagome and Souta. She gave Kagome a really tight hug and asked Souta if his arm was okay. Kohaku thought his cast was really cool.
Sango was wearing a black tank top, with a magenta shirt over it, unbuttoned at the top. She also wore light jeans, and silver hoops in her ears. She wore her hair in a high ponytail and her trademark eye shadow and some mascara.
Kohaku and Souta were wearing their school uniforms.
As soon as Sango dropped Souta and Kohaku off at school, she bombarded Kagome with questions, “Are you alright? Are you guys getting along? Is your mom okay? Are you sure you aren't hurt? Do you need any help? Have you asked Inuyasha if you can stay with him yet? Have you heard anything about your mom yet?”
Kagome laughed and replied, “Yes, I am alright. Yes we are getting along. She is in a coma, I don't know. I am positive I am not hurt. I don't need help other than where we will live. No I haven't asked Inuyasha, and no I haven't heard anything about mom.”
Sango laughed and then drove to her house to meet Miroku and Inuyasha and watch a movie before school.
Miroku came over at about 7:45 and Inuyasha showed up at 7:50. They all greeted each other and Miroku and Inuyasha immediately headed off to the kitchen. Sango and Kagome rolled their eyes and sat on the couch.
All four of them had the same schedule so they didn't need to be there until 9:30, and school was just around the block.
Once the boys got finished raiding the kitchen they came out and sat down Miroku on the other side of Sango, Kagome next to Sango, and Inuyasha on the other side of Kagome. It is one of those huge wrap-around couches.
Sango asked, “Which movie shall we watch today?”
Kagome shrugged and replied, “I don't care.”
Inuyasha and Miroku both said at the same time, “A scary movie.” They wouldn't miss out on the girls grabbing them the entire movie.
Sango pulled out all the scary movies and asked, “Which one?” While sweeping her hand over the array of scary movies in a dramatic fashion. Kagome laughed at this display and Inuyasha and Miroku chose When a Stranger Calls.
Sango put the movie in and said, “Okay guys, here goes. If we don't finish now we can watch it after school.”
The other three nodded and watched while the movie came on. (A/N I haven't seen it so I don't know what happens but I want to so I will just kind of keep it vague.)
On all the scary parts Kagome was practically jumping into Inuyasha's lap and Sango, Miroku's. Kagome was also squeezing Inuyasha's hand so hard he yelped a few times.
The first time he let out a small whimper and Kagome immediately thought something was terribly wrong. She asked worriedly, “What is wrong?”
He answered, “You are squeezing my hand way to hard.”
She apologized and he said it was okay and they continued to watch the movie, and every time she heard a whimper or a yelp she let go f his hand and switched to the other one.
Sango was grasping Miroku's arm when she got scared and he didn't really mind until her nails dug into him and when they did he told her to let go. She complied and then he gave her his hand. She took it and squeezed. He didn't make a sound so they continued watching the movie.
The movie finished and all four of them stood up. Kagome said, “Well I guess we won't need to come back after school.”
Sango said, “We won't but you guys can, Souta and Kohaku can watch another movie with us.”
Inuyasha and Miroku said they would come and they all went outside to get in the car. Miroku had a Mercedes Benz convertible two-seater. It is a dark he of blue. Sango walked out and saw the car he brought and asked, “Can I ride with you Miroku, I want to see your car.”
Miroku looked perplexed but nodded and said okay.
Sango and Kagome went to get the bags out of Sango's car and Kagome hissed, “Sango!!!”
Sango chuckled at her and said, “Now you can ask Inuyasha if you can stay at his house.”
Kagome nodded and said, “I guess you're right. I am nervous though.”
Sango laughed, “It's okay Kagome. We have all known each other forever, I am sure even you know some stuff that Miroku and I don't about him.”
Kagome nodded and though, `Ya, he is a hanyou. Miroku might know that though.' She spoke aloud though, “I guess you're right again, I will ask. I have known him forever, it is okay. If I ask then I will have to explain the situation. I don't want everyone knowing!”
Sango gave her a hug. “It will be okay Kagome, he will let you stay, and I doubt he will say anything about it because Miroku might find out.”
Kagome nodded. They started walking back to the boys, only to find them talking.
When the girls walked away Inuyasha turned to Miroku, “What do you think is wrong, Kagome seems sad today.”
Miroku nodded in agreement, “I wonder too, she wasn't her bubbly self.”
Inuyasha smiled at Miroku's description of Kagome. `I wonder what is wrong with her. She is always smiling and happy and today she seems sad and on edge, I wonder… did something happen last night?' He made a resolution to ask her about it in the car and turned back to Miroku. “How does she seems to you?”
“Well I think she seems a little sad and kind of nervous, about what though?”
Inuyasha shrugged, “I don't know.”
Sango and Kagome were coming back now. They looked up at Miroku and Inuyasha, faces filled with confusion. Kagome wondered why they were talking and Sango wondered why they looked so serious. They shrugged it off and walked to the respectable cars.
Kagome climbed in the passenger seat of Inuyasha's car and she sat and waited for him to get in. When he finally got into the car he looked straight at Kagome.
Kagome started to feel self-conscious under his intense gaze and she knew he knew something was wrong with her.
He looked at her expectantly. He hadn't started the car yet and she had a feeling he wouldn't start it until she said something.
She looked into his pure molten orbs, chocolate, innocence colliding with intense, molten. She finally broke down and asked, “Yes?”
He looked at her like she had grown a second head. “Yes? I know something is wrong Kagome, don't think you can hide it. I can see it. You are sad and nervous. Did something happen last night?”
He was searching her face for any escaped emotions. She nodded but didn't say anything. Inuyasha looked at her expectantly, waiting for something more. Nothing came. Kagome just sat there, arms crossed against her chest and staring at Inuyasha.
She finally said, “Something did happen last night, it will take some time to tell you though, so we might want to start heading towards school and we can talk in the parking lot.”
Inuyasha nodded, knowing that she would indeed tell him what was disturbing her. He started the car and drove off towards school. Kagome looked out at the passing scenery as they drove. `I knew he would figure it out sooner or later, he is a hanyou after all. He can probably smell it all over me.' Frustrated that she hadn't remember to at least try and act cheery around him she shook her head, she would have to tell him sooner or later.
Inuyasha kept glancing at Kagome and then back at the road. He couldn't stand to see the inner turmoil going on. He saw the emotions flash on her face, the anger, the frustration, the sadness, and the confusion. The last emotion that skittered across her face left him wondering. `Why is she confused? Something bad happened to her but she is confused about it?'
They arrived at school, each lost in their own thoughts. Inuyasha parked and left the car on, while turning to Kagome. He looked at her expectantly and she sighed and started speaking, “Okay, I know you know something is wrong with me, am I correct?”
He nodded. She continued, “Well okay, yesterday my mom and I went to pick Souta up from karate and after I had to wait 10 minutes for him, he came down and we were going home. When this car hit us, he flipped our car and…” Her story came pouring out, everything, from the accident to the hospital, to calling Sango, to staying with Souta.
Inuyasha listened silently. He nodded at appropriate times but stayed quiet. Fury building inside him. `That bastard, I am going to make him pay for hurting Kagome.'
When Kagome finished her story she was in tears and she realized she still had to ask the question. So when Inuyasha silently wrapped his arms around her to help cease the tears she spoke in a voice so quiet that even Inuyasha with his demonic hearing had to strain to hear her. “Inuyasha, can I stay with you until my mom is out of the hospital?” She pulled back from is embrace and looked into his golden orbs. He didn't answer for a second. He waited, and something stirred in the back of his head, something, but he didn't know what. He looked back at Kagome ready to answer her question only to find that she was out of the car and walking towards school. Away from the car and away from him.
A/N Okay well sorry guys, but I didn't get 7 reviews *pouts* oh well, I hope you like this chapter, the next one will come out when I get 5 reviews. I am already working on it!