InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ First Days are the worst.. ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This story is set in modern Japan, where demons and humans live in harmony.. (Or as much harmony as possible between them ^_^ heh)

Summary: Kagome is a shy, quiet girl after an accident traumatized her, though after a certain hanyou and the gang meet up with her they bring the old Kagome out again. But will a secret evil from her past find her again? Will she ever be safe and happy again? And will Inuyasha have the nerve to make his move? Find out now in… Chapter 1: First days are the worst…

Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome 16 almost 17

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and gang (though I wish I did… Inuyasha is sooo Kawaii!!) Rumiko Takahashi does.

Genre: Adventure, Drama, and Romance
Rating: R (maybe NC-17 for lemons not sure)

*Beep Beep*
“Ugh..” Groaned a voice as a hand reached out from beneath the covers slapping the alarm into silence.
“ Kagome! Hurry up breakfast is ready.” Called a voice from downstairs. The covers are tossed back as a VERY sleepy sixteen year old girl forces herself out of bed, only succeeding in tumbling headfirst onto the floor.

“ Oww! Uugh… I hate mornings.” Mumbled the girl as she got to her feet and headed towards the bathroom for a shower. She stands before the mirror taking in her somewhat rumpled appearance. Her raven black hair hung in soft waves down her back, with her bangs always in her eyes. She liked it that way though… she could hide away from the world. Blowing her hair out of her eyes, she took in her chocolate brown eyes that were a bit too wide in her opinion. Her body was fit and strong, with enough curves to turn any guy’s head. Stripping her clothes, she stepped into the shower letting the water fall over her. She leaned her forehead against the wall and fought down her urge to run back and hide under the bed. Along her right shoulder and part of her arm was a horrible burn mark. She struggled against the tears that always came upon her when she was along with her thoughts, and memories. She would not let the same thing happen again, they were all here to start a new life, they moved for her, and she would not let her family down this time.

Finishing her shower she walked back to her room rubbing her hair dry with a towel, pondering what to wear for her first day in a new school.

“ And a school where demons and humans go together! The first one I’ve ever gone to.” Kagome thought with part excitement, and part fear.

“Hmm… should I be daring and try something to make every guy’s jaw drop?” she thought as she pulled a short black skirt out of her closet and pictured herself strutting down the halls waving to all the hot guys, and every girl glaring at her in utter jealousy. With a laugh she shook her head and put it back. “ Nah. Don’t want to start out the new year looking like a tease. Besides I’d never have the nerve to wear this.. except for that time at the masquerade party.” Next she pulled out a dark navy blazer jacket with a matching skirt. “ Maybe a cool smart, sophisticated genius type?” She pictured herself standing at the front of the class, correcting the mistakes the teacher had made, while he praised her for her never ending intellect. “ Keh, no way so I can be branded a teacher’s pet on the first day?? Get real Higurashi!” Finally she just shrugged her shoulders and went with what came naturally to her. She reached into her closet pulling out a pair of tight form fitting black jeans that flared out at the bottom, and a black tank top with a dark green hoodie over it. “ No use changing my style now. This is an original Higurashi fashion!” She giggled as she posed before pulling on her matching green sneakers and ran down the steps.

Her mother was at the stove like always cooking an omelet, ( im not sure of any Japanese recipes and since this is my story they will just eat good old American food.. since its all I know hehe!) Kagome’s favorite, while her little brother Souta sat at the table looking bored and sneaking scraps to the family cat Buyo under the table as their Gramps went on one of his endless ramblings of family history and the shrine. Kagome shook her head and walked over to her mom wrapping her arm around her shoulders. “ What’s planned for after school Mom? Am I bringing Souta home?” Thinking her mother wasn’t watching she stuck a finger into the pan to snatch a piece of bacon out and earned a slap on the knuckle with the spatula.

“ I’d appreciate it sweetheart if you did. I have some errands to run today.”

Souta grinned and glanced a crossed the table. “ Yea, and Gramps can’t be trusted out around normal people so you’re stuck getting me Kagome.” Kagome and her mother laughed as Gramps swiped a crossed the table at Souta who dodged and ran from the room with the old man hot on his tail. Kagome chuckled to herself as she grabbed her backpack from beside the door, when she felt a hand on her shoulder. As she turned to look she saw her mother watching her carefully.

“ Are you sure your up to this sweetheart? You know you don’t have to go to a public school, I was more then willing to let you finish up this last year at home.” Kagome’s smile faded and the light in her eyes dulled as she bit her lip against the sudden need to scream out in fear over took her. She had tried hard over the past few months to forget about what had happened to her, though she had come to grips with it as well as could be expected.


Kagome had been working at her after school job for the past few weeks and was loving it. She was an assistant to a friend of the family’s, a famous jewelry maker named Midoriko. She had loved her like a second mother. One day while being in the shop Midoriko was showing her the newest jewel she had gotten. It was the priceless Shikon jewel.

“ Oh Midoriko that’s beautiful! It’s the most wonderful necklace I’ve ever seen.” Midoriko laughed and held it out.

“ Would you like to try it on?” Kagome’s eyes went wide as she nodded and turned around, while moving her hair over her shoulder. Midoriko put it around her neck and dropped her hands to her shoulders laughing at Kagome’s awestruck look.

“ Does it really have as much power as they say it does Mido?” asked Kagome using her nickname for Midoriko. She laughed and patted Kagome on the shoulder.

“ More then you can ever imagine child, and that’s why I’m giving it to you. I need you to take good care of it for me.” Kagome’s eyes went wide with shock.

“ Y..y..your what! Are you serious?” Suddenly the lights in the store went out and they were plunged into darkness, and a crash was heard in the back. Kagome jumped behind Midoriko, who had grabbed a bat she had under the counter incase of emergencies.

“ Well, well, look what we have her? The mighty Midoriko waving a bat like she is prepared to do something to us. Hey boss! What should we do with her and the girl?” Kagome turned to the shadow in the back as it emerged into the light cast from the door they had burst in from. He had long wavy black hair, and eyes that showed an evil side to him that made Kagome shudder.

“ Well now I’m not sure what to do with our little prizes. So Midoriko you know what I’m here for, hand it over and we might let you and the girl go.” Midoriko glared at the man before spitting at his feet.

“ I’m not a fool Naraku and I wont fall for your tricks. I know you wouldn’t let us go anywhere if there’s the slightest chance we can turn you in.” Kagome glance at the man called Naraku as his smile turned wicked.

“ Well no since you put it that way… I guess I’ll just take what I’m after and let my men be done with you.” Before any one could move Midoriko tossed her hand out at Naraku sending a bright light at his eyes. As he fell back with a cry she shoved Kagome towards the door.

“ RUN KAGOME!” With out waiting to see if she did what she was told Midoriko swung the bat at the nearest man to her cracking his skull as hard as she could. Kagome turned and fled as fast as she could. Before she made it to the door she was grabbed from behind. With a scream she kicked behind her and managed to get free. As she ran she heard a voice in her mind.

“ Run Kagome, run as fast as you can. Keep it safe no matter what.”

Kagome made it to the other side of the street when a huge explosion threw her to the ground. When she finally picked herself up and turned back Midoriko’s shop was engulfed in flames. With a scream Kagome tried to run back into the building to find her friend. When she got inside the door she was overcome with smoke and started coughing. Boards were falling from above covered in flames and the heat was intense. She struggled through until she saw a form coming through the flames towards her. She froze as she watched the form turn into Naraku as he made his way towards her. Frozen in place she could do nothing as he raised his hand and gripped her shoulder tight. She screamed as pain shot into her shoulder and she could smell the flesh burning. With as much strength as she could she struck out at Naraku trying to free herself, when a bright light came from nowhere, blinding them both. With a yell Naraku released her. Suddenly kagome heard that voice in her mind again and realized it was Midoriko.

“ Run Kagome, you have to get out of there NOW!”

Kagome fled from the shop running into the fire fighters as they ran in. One grabbed her and rushed her out to the waiting paramedics so they could check her over. Later that night at the hospital her mother stood outside her room talking with the doctors.

“ Will she be all right? I mean at first she wouldn’t stop screaming about some man and Midoriko, and now she wont talk at all. And she wont let anyone get near the necklace Midoriko gave her.”

“ She will be ok physically Mrs. Higurashi, but emotionally we wont know for a while. Everyone takes these kinds of things differently. We will have to wait and see.”

·End Flashback*

Kagome took a deep breath and smiled at her mother.

“ I’ll be all right Mom. I need to be with other kids, I need to get on with my life as well as I can.” Kagome’s mother hugged her tightly before releasing her with a worried look in her eyes.

“ If Anything happens you can call me anytime of the day. Especially if He shows up.” Kagome knew whom her mother was talking about. After the accident she had begun to see the man named Naraku following her at times, though the police had claimed when questioned he had nothing to do with the robbery attempt, and had no burns on him whatsoever. Kagome’s family was the only one who ever believed her.

“ Don’t worry Mom I’ll be careful. Arigato mom.” And with a hug she was out the door to catch up to the waiting Souta as they walked to school.

~ Well, Kagome is off on her first day in a new school. Can she manage to survive going to a school with demons? Find out what happens in… Chapter 2: Demons, and Insanity run wild… See ya Soon!