InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ Demons, and Insanity runs wild... ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well time for the next installment of my inane ramblings. But it's all good, you know you love me. ~ strikes a superman pose ~ Anywho…
Summary: Kagome's first day of school. ~ shudders~ Ugh… school evil! Anyways time for her to meet up with a certain someone and let the fun begin! Now I present to you… Chapter 2: Demons, and Insanity run wild…
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and the gang… Rumiko Takahashi does ~cry~
Kagome walked into the halls of the school and was instantly surprised by what she saw. There were humans, and demons alike, and more kinds of demons then she had ever seen. She started walking towards the main office when an arm shot around her waist dragging her against a solid wall. Before she could move a body was trapping her against the wall and she looked up into the face of a fierce looking demon. He had long black hair in a braid flowing down his back, and a cocky grin on his face that Kagome just wanted to slap right off his face, if she hadn't been to afraid to move. Beside him stood another demon with a huge baldhead with one single hair on his head, and to Kagome's surprise he had a slight reptilian look to his face.
“ Now what's a pretty little thing like you doing running around all alone? The names Hiten, and this is my brother Monten. We're known as the “Thunder Brothers”. It's our… little social circle and the best one to be apart of. So whatcha say hot stuff, wanna be my girl?” Kagome rolled her eyes made grimaced as she shoved at his chest.
“ I'd rather stay a social outcast then join with you.” The others around them laughed, as Hiten's face grew dark with anger.
“ Why you little bitch.” Kagome squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the blow she knew was coming though as prepared as she was it didn't stop her head from bouncing off the lockers behind her when he slapped her hard. “ Your gonna regret this, cause there's no one to save you.”
“Wanna bet?”
Before Kagome could think of where the voice came from Hiten was dragged away from her. Without him pinning her to the wall she fell forward to her knees gasping for the breath she hadn't realized she was holding. Looking up she was a boy with shining silverish hair down to his waist holding Hiten up by his collar. As she glanced farther up she saw his eyes were a bright amber color. On his fingers were claws that were gripping tightly into the collar of Hiten's shirt. When she glanced further up she saw two furry dog's ears on the top of his head. She stared in awe at her savior.
“ He must be a dog demon!” She thought. The boy shook Hiten a couple times to make sure he had his attention.
“ Now apologize to the girl, before I really tear into you.” Hiten mumbled something close to an apology before he was tossed back. When he was free he glared at the boy and Kagome.
“ This isn't over Inuyasha…” Before jerking his head to the side signaling his crew to go. Kagome suddenly noticed a hand in front of her face. With a start she looked up into her savior's face.
“ Need some help?” Kagome shook her head and gripping his hand letting her be pulled to her feet. “ Did that jerk hurt you at all?” Kagome suddenly couldn't seem to make her tongue work. He was staring right into her eyes in an odd way that made her tingle all over. He reached out his hand towards her face when he saw the bruise forming on her cheek, making her flinch back in fear. Before he could touch her she backed away.
“ G..gomen.” she stuttered. “ I better go now.” And with that she ducked her head down so her hair fell around her face shielding her in and she half walked, half ran down the hall. The boy watched her for a second before he to made his way down the hall.
Kagome was standing outside her Homeroom class slowly taking breaths to calm her nerves. She thought back to her visit with the principal.
“ Kagome welcome child. I suppose ye will be feeling quite nervous on your first day.”
“ Yes Mrs…ugh..”
“ Oh call me Kaede, every one does. Anyways, your mother and I had a long talk and I know about what happened to ye.” Kagaome's head snapped up at this, her eyes wide with fear. “ Take it easy child, no one else need know unless ye tell them, except for your teachers because your mother requested that they know… incase He shows up.” Kagome stared at Kaede in confusion.
“ You know about Naraku? Or do you think I'm crazy like everyone else does?”
“ Nay child, unfortunately I know of Naraku all to well, and I believe you. Though no one else may, I will be here for you. Now here is your schedule and try to have a good first day all right.”
After counting to 10 she opened the door and walked in. Everyone in the class turned to stare at her. Kagome felt herself blush as she walked to the teacher with her head down. After reading the note she passed her the teachers eyes widened slightly before her face broke out in a warm smile, easing Kagome's anxiety.
“ Class we have a new student with us, her name is Kagome. Please help her to feel welcome and show her that not ALL demons have no manners.” She said with a grin. A few laughs were heard through out the class as the students started accusing others of being the for mentioned “ bad mannered ones”. “ Anyways dear, my name is Mrs. Ruri, and I welcome you to our humble house of insanity.” She gave a formal bow as more chuckles and applause broke out from the class. “ All right do we have any volunteers to help Miss Kagome around today and show her the ropes?” A girl with long brown/black hair pulled up in a ponytail raised her hand from the back of the room. “ Ah Sango thank you very much, please take extra special care of her for me, and Miroku Hands Off!.” At this last comment the class erupted in howls of laughter as Kagome stood there looking lost and confused. “ Go ahead and take the seat next to Sango dear and we shall get started.” With a nod and a bow Kagome walked down the isle till she reached the empty desk and sat down. She turned to her right looking at the girl named Sango. She wore a light pink t-shirt that had the words “ Ask me about kicking Demon butt for fun and profit.”, and a short black skirt, with boots that came up to her knees.
“ Hiya names Sango, did you just move here?” Kagome nodded as she felt herself start to relax. Suddenly a boy sitting behind Sango leaned for ward causing Kagome to turn to look at him. He had dark hair pulled into a short ponytail at his neck, and dark eyes that gleamed, and three earrings, 2 in his left ear and one in the right. He wore a violet colored long sleeved dress shirt over a black muscle shirt, with black baggy jeans. On his right hand he had a glove with the fingers cut off and some light blue prayer beads wrapped around it. She got a funny feeling when she stared at him that she couldn't explain but dismissed it.
“ Greetings my fair lady, I am the humble Miroku at your service.” He stated as he reached out taking hold of her hand and leaning down to one knee. Kagome eyed him with caution. “ Lady Kagome, may I ask you to do me the honor of bearing my child?” Kagome `s eyes went wide and a blush filled her entire face as she stared at Miroku in utter shock. Suddenly a loud growl came from behind her and suddenly Miroku was lying on the floor his eyes glazed over and a huge lump forming on his head.
“ Cut it out you damn lecher!” The class exploded into hysteria, people falling from their chairs in laughter. Even Mrs. Ruri was cracking up.
“ I see Kagome has met Miroku, and Inuyasha now so we shall get on with things.” Kagome's eyes widened as she heard the familiar name from earlier, and turned to the seat behind her. Sitting behind her was the demon from this morning that had saved her. He studied her for a moment before a scowl came over his face.
“ What are you staring at wench?” The words on Kagome's lips died as her face clouded with hurt and shame before mumbling a hasty apology and facing forward once again. Miroku after finally getting up from the floor heard this last comment, and glanced at the demon beside him.
“ Now what did you snap at her for Inuyasha? She was just being friendly.” Inuyasha stared at kagome's back for a second feeling sorry for snapping at her before shrugging at Miroku and going back to his earlier activity of staring out the window.
As the bell rang for the end of the class Kagome gathered her things and went out into the hall in search of her locker. Staring at the small map Kaede had given her she felt at an utter loss until she felt someone at her side. Glancing up she saw Sango and the two boys from earlier.
“ Need some help Kagome?” Kagome nodded feeling relief at last.
“ I need to find my locker, but I have no clue where to go.” Sango reached over taking Kagome's schedule and glanced at it before smiling.
“ Your locker is right next to mine. So follow me oh dazed and confused one.” Kagome laughed out loud before glancing over at the two silent figures beside them. “Oh don't worry about Miroku, he's just a nutcase. He asks every pretty girl to bear him a child. He's the school pervert, but he's pretty much harmless.” At this Miroku bowed gracefully making Kagome giggle.
“ My most humble apologies Lady Kagome, for I have a weakness against such ravishing beauties.” Sango glared at the boy before raping him upside the head with her fist.
“ Cool it Miroku before you really freak her out.” Miroku glanced at Sango before taking her hand and raising it to rub against his cheek.
“ Dear sweet Sango, have no fears for you are my one and only love.” With a subtle step closer Miroku's hand rose up and patted Sango's back before sliding down to grope her rear. With a cry she slammed her fist down on his head.
“ Hentai!!”
Kagome stood in shock at the two before her, not knowing whether to laugh insanely or run as fast as possible before the insanity spread to her. Turning she noticed Inuyasha shaking his head as he stared at Miroku.
“ Damn monk, when are you gonna learn?” Miroku just grinned and shrugged. Kagome took the chance to take a good look at the demon beside her. His amber eyes were filled with laughter as he started teasing Miroku. He was wearing dark blue baggy jeans and a tight fitting red t-shirt, with matching red and white sneakers. She could see his fangs peeking out as he spoke, and wondered just how many other canine qualities he had.
“ I wonder if he has a tail? And those ears are just so kawaii! I wonder if they're as soft as they look?” She suddenly snapped out of her thoughts as laughter burst out around her. With a shake to her head she glanced at Miroku, and Sango who were holding on to each other as they laughed hysterically, and Inuyasha was blushing bright red. “ What?” Sango finally stopped her laughter long enough to reply.
“ No Kagome he doesn't have a tail, but I'm sure he'd let you scratch his ears if you asked.” Kagome's hand flew to her mouth in embarrassment.
“ Please tell me I did NOT say that out loud.” At this the two burst back into laughter and Inuyasha growled at them.
“ It's not that funny you jackass!” he yelled before he smacked Miroku on the head. Kagome turning bright red and feeling mortified turned and ran down the hall. Hearing the others call after her she blindly ran fighting to hold back her tears. Not watching where she was going she slipped on a spill in the hall and slid into the railing by the stairs. She couldn't stop herself in time and before she knew it she was falling over the edge. As she was falling she saw a red blur out of the corner of her eyes, when something snatched her up in a pair of strong arms. She wrapped her arms around whatever had a hold of her in a death grip, and buried her face against a solid warm wall.
“ Kagome! Are you all right? Are you hurt anywhere?” Kagome shook her head no at Sango not wanting to pull her face away from the solid form she was surrounded by. She felt the strong arms wrap around her waist, pulling her close and she buried her face against it seeking the comfort she felt flowing from it. With a gasp she noticed the arms around her were covered in a red shirt, and silver hair was falling around her mixing with her own. She glanced up to see Inuyasha staring down at her with a worried look on his face.
“ Are you all right Kagome?” he asked her. Not trusting her voice at the moment she nodded before trying to ease herself from his arms. Suddenly she felt his arms around her tighten around her when she made to move, then as if he realized what he was doing he released her quickly. Inuyasha shook his head to clear it and stepped away from her. Her scent was driving him crazy… he couldn't get enough of it. He noticed kagome was staring at him. “ What?”
“ That's twice today you saved my life… I just wanted to say thank you.” Feeling at a loss Inuyasha blushed, then shook himself slightly before placing his usual cocky grin a crossed his face.
“ Feh, yea just watch it next time. I wont always be around ya know.” At this kagome's eyes narrowed and her temper flared.
“ Well excuse me, I'm sorry, I'll try to keep my self in line from now on so as not to bother anyone with my needing saving.” Inuyasha took a step back at the look on her face.
“ That's not what I meant wench!”
“ Stop calling me that!
“ Feh, whatever.”
Sango came running down the steps with Miroku right behind her finally catching up to the two, reached out and wrapped her arm around Kagome's shoulder trying to calm her down.
“ Come on Kagome I'll show you to your locker.” And with that she dragged Kagome away before she could seriously hurt Inuyasha. Miroku and Inuyasha stared after the two as they walked away.
“ My, my… it seems our little Kagome has quite a temper on her.” Inuyasha nodded in agreement, before smiling slyly.
“ She looks sexy when she's mad though…” He glanced over at Miroku with a smirk.
“ Aye that she does.” He said with a chuckle before the two ran to catch up to the girls.
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Wow… long update. Sorry about running on and on, but once I started just couldn't stop. I love to write and get caught up in it. Well looks like Kagome has survived her first day. Now that I have tossed the baka and the nutbar together lets see where things go. Coming Soon… Chapter 3: The Carnival!
~puffs out her chest proudly~ Well R&R and let me know what you all think and will update again soon. ~rubs her hands together and cackles~ Now off to reek havoc and chaos. Muwahaha! ~runs away~ See ya Soon!