InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ The Carnival ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hiya again all! Time for Chapter 3: The Carnival in which the gang takes Kagome to the carnival in town. (Duh the title so gives that away… gah I need better chapter titles ~pouts~)
Summary: Will Inuyasha seize the moment when he finally gets Kagome alone? Will Miroku ever learn to keep his hands off Sango's ass? (Doubtful hehe) Let the insanity begin!
Thanks for the reviews: Blackice3036! ~hugglez and gives a cookie~ Keep the input coming and lemme know if I should keep the story going.
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, the gang, or any other characters( though I will let you know when I actually do)…. Rumiko Takahashi does.
Kagome was tossing her books into her locker and grabbed her backpack, before slamming the locker shut. She shook her head as she remembered the antics of her new friends that day. The four of them were in almost all the same classes, and they had kept her laughing nonstop with their constant teasing, and occasional fight, or slap for Miroku. She had learned so much about the personalities of the three that were so different, yet that had no affect on their friendship what so ever. She learned that though Sango was a friendly and very easygoing girl, she had a fierce temper… which she always seemed to be unleashing upon Miroku through out the day. And Miroku who couldn't seem to keep his possessed hand under control, thought he had a certain special look in his eyes when he was torturing Sango. Now Inuyasha puzzled her to no end. Nice one second, rude the next... they would be having a great time and just when she seemed to think she had misjudged him he would suddenly scowl at her and make some rude remark. She had a feeling he did it purely to drive her nuts.
She giggled when she thought of the scene they had made at lunch. She had spent the entire hour laughing and trying to keep Inuyasha from stealing her Ramen. Once he had found out she had brought some for lunch he continuously tried to sneak bites of it. They had had a fierce tug-of-war over the container before it got out of hand sending them falling to the ground, Inuyasha landing on top of Kagome pinning her to the ground. She had stared into his face, mere inches from her own and couldn't seem to catch her breath. A low growl had escaped from him as her scent filled his nose, and he felt himself going enjoying the feel of her pressed up against him chest to chest, thigh to thigh a little to much, before shaking his head and jumping up pulling her with him, mumbling an apology before launching himself up into the tree they had been sitting under.
She walked along the side walk towards Souta's school two blocks away lost in thought, when a red mustang screeched to a halt beside her making her jump and spin towards it. Inuyasha was driving with Miroku and Sango sitting in the back seat of his mustang convertible, wrestling as Sango tried to get something back from him.
“ Hey Kagome need a lift?” asked the Miroku as he struggled with Sango finally succeeding in pinning her hands to keep her from tickling him anymore. Kagome laughed before shaking her head.
“ Nah I have to pick up my little brother. Besides it's probably out of your way so I wouldn't wanna be a bother.”
Feh, women… cant you just accept it when some one offers you something with out thinking they're trying to get something from you?” At his words Kagome flinched and turned away about to leave, when Inuyasha leapt from the car landing in front of her. “ Come on Kags… get in we'll get your brother and drop you guys off. You wouldn't wanna get caught in the rain that's coming would ya?” Kagome blinked at him in confusion.
“ Rain? What rain?” She looked up at the sky that was littered with a few clouds, but nothing that looked remotely close to pouring rain. Suddenly she yelped as Inuyasha scooped her up in his arms bridal style and carried her towards the car.
“ Trust me I know these things. We'll get ya there and home in no time flat.” Before she could argue any further he dropped her in the passenger seat and leaped back to his own. With a squeal of the tires they shot down the road coming to a screeching halt in front of the school. Souta was standing at the sidewalk waiting for Kagome when they pulled up and his eyes bugged out at the flashy car.
“ WOW! Hey sis who's car? Who are these guys? Can I drive?” Souta rattled off as he danced in place. Kagome opened the door and got out pouncing on her brother, catching him and flipped him upside down in her arms as she tickled him.
“ Inuyasha's car, my friends, and HELL NO you cant drive squirt! Do I look like I wanna die in a 10 car pile up today?” The others were blown away by the sudden change in Kagome with her brother. She was no longer shy, and timid… but carefree and joking around. The laughing light in her eyes made Inuyasha's breath catch in his lungs, and he felt a tightening in his gut. He wondered what it was that changed Kagome when she was around people besides her family. Did someone hurt her? Did she think he would? Didn't she trust him?
“Whoa… down boy, I barely know this chick, why the hell am I bothering about her?” he thought to himself as he watched Kagome with her brother.
“ Because you like her stupid why else?”
Feh, yea right… she's jumpier then a caged bird, and prickly as a porcupine, why in the hell would I like her?”
“ Because she's smart, fun, nice, sweet, got a good sense of humor once you she gets used to you…or is it just because she looks like…”
Hell No she's nothing like Kikyo! Kikyo was a sluty, two timing, vindictive bitch who was just after me for my money and my families connections. I should have never gone out with her. I shoulda went for someone like..”
“ Someone like Kagome?” Inuyasha growled at himself and cursed under his breath. If he kept talking to him self Sesshomaru was gonna keep up with his threat to have him committed. Suddenly feeling he was being watched he glanced up to see the others watching him carefully. Clearing his throught , he felt himself blush and tried vainly to hide it.
“ So are we gonna get going soon or what?” Kagome tilted her head to the side looking at him thoughtfully, with a smirk on her lips.
“ Why, you trying to beat that rain Yashie?” The two in the back howled with laughter at this nickname, going dead silent when Inuyasha spun around to glare at them. With a few snickers and giggles they finally got themselves under control.
Feh, what ever wench.” With a smile that made his heartbeat speed up Kagome picked up her brother and literally tossed him into the back seat. Miroku, who at the moment was just reaching over to grope Sango's ass, wheezed and fell over as his eyes rolled back into his head when Souta landed right dead center of his crotch from his impromptu flight. The others burst out laughing and Sango leaned over and patted his back softly.
“ Serves you right you lecher.” She said with a smirk before scooting over so that Souta sat between the two. With a quick laugh Kagome vaulted into the passenger seat and glanced back at Miroku.
“ One day Miroku I will teach you about a little thing called Karma.”
When they reached Kagome's home everyone hopped out and made their way up the many steps towards the shrine. Once inside Souta dragged Inuyasha and Miroku towards his room begging them to play his X-Box.
“ Come on guys, I just got Soul Caliber 2 and it's awesome!” Inuyasha snickered as they let the kid drag them away.
“ I can take a minute outta my day to cream your ass Monk.” The girls giggled as they walked into the kitchen and grabbed some drinks, before sitting at the counter.
“ So Kagome… what do you think of Inuyasha?” Kagome blinked in confusion as she stared at Sango.
“ Well he's ok I guess. Though he's a little rude sometimes, and conceited, and…” Kagome broke off as Sango laughed at her.
“ Yea he can be a pain sometimes… but I think he's got a thing for you.” Kagome's eyes went wide and she felt the blush heat up her face.
“ Get real Sango why would a sexy little pup want with a girl like me? I'm nothing special. He's insulting me half the time anyways, so what makes you think he has a thing for me?” Sango flipped her hair over her shoulder as she held up her hand and counted the reasons off on her fingers.
“ #1. He is always staring at you, he watched you through almost every class you guys shared. And when he wasn't in one with you he told me to keep an eye on you. #2. He growled at every guy who glanced your way today and scared them off.” Kagome pondered this and had wondered why no one had really bothered her during the day when she was so plagued that morning. “ #3 Your a great girl, sweet, fun, smart… why wouldn't he like you?” The light in Kagome's eyes dulled as she turned away, not before Sango saw a single tear fall. She reached out and wrapped her arm around Kagome's shoulder hugging her close. “ What's wrong Kagome? Did I say something wrong?” Kagome shook her head silently as she stared at the floor. “ Then will you tell me what's wrong?” Suddenly Kagome just couldn't bear to hold it in any more she burst into tears and out poured the whole story. When she finally calmed down she sat in silence waiting for Sango to call her a nutcase and run to tell the guys she was a freak. When Sango hugged her she looked at her with a puzzled look.
“ Kagome I believe you, and I'll keep your secret safe with me.” Kagome sniffled a few times before smiling.
“ Thanks Sango… I feel a lot better.” Suddenly Sango's face lit up and she clapped her hands together.
“ Hey Kagome how about you go to the carnival with us tomorrow? We're all going, me, and the guys, and you should come with us.” Sango smiled deviously as she hopped up from her seat. “ Maybe I can get Inuyasha to ask you to go with him on a date to it.” Kagome's eyes went wide as she jumped up and ran after Sango who laughed madly and ran towards Souta's room where the guys had gone. They barged into the room and Kagome latched onto Sango's back wrestling and yelling. The guys turned and looked up, confusion on Inuyasha's face, and a perverted grin on Miroku's.
“ Well, well ladies… if you wait just a moment I think we can find a good mud puddle to do this the right way.” Miroku slammed to the ground from the force of being smacked by all three of them and lay on the ground looking dazed. Sango smiled and glanced at Kagome who was busy glaring at Miroku as he lay on the ground one leg twitching. She walked over to Inuyasha and knelt down next to him and whispered into his ear.
“ Kagome said she thinks you're a sexy little pup… why don't you ask her out on a date at the carnival tomorrow night?” Inuyasha's eyes went wide and his chest puffed up with male pride.
“ Kagome said she thinks I'm sexy???? Holy shit!” Inuyasha's brain went into over load with sudden thoughts and fantasies that made him groan softly and blush all the way to his roots when he saw Sango watching him and smiling. He nodded to her and grinned before standing up and moving towards Kagome. She was knelt down next to Miroku using a discarded marker on the floor to draw arched eyebrows, a goatee, and a evil looking curled mustache on his face. Inuyasha suppressed a bark of laughter as he bent down and shook Miroku awake. Finally rousing the monk they pronounced it time to go. With Miroku stumbling along out the door and Sango following him, Inuyasha walked behind Kagome, pulling her to a stop outside the door. Turning to look at him she squeaked slightly as he stepped forward backing her into the wall of the house. Before she could move he placed his hands against the wall beside her head, caging her in. Kagome bit her bottom lip and watched him with a wary look in her eyes.
“ Hey Kagome, I was wondering if you had any plans for tomorrow night?” Kagome simply shook her head no, not being able to make her voice work. “ Well I was thinking you and me could go to the carnival and maybe have some fun. What do ya say?” Kagome swore under her breath that she would kill Sango tomorrow, but when she went to turn him down she couldn't make herself do it. She hated to admit it but Sango was right. She liked Inuyasha a lot, she felt this pull between them and she was powerless to stop her heart from speeding up when he was near her. She nodded her head and felt weak in the knees when he shot a dazzling smile at her. “ Pick ya up at 7:30 then? Later Kags!” With that he turned and sprinted down the shrine steps towards the others waiting. When he reached the car he let out a loud Whoop! For joy before leaping into the drivers seat. He turned to look at Sango sitting in the back seat and before she could move planted a big wet kiss on her. “ She said yes!” With a rebel yell he fired up the car and sped off.
Kagome stood inside her closet, wearing only a black lace bra, and matching underwear, antagonizing over what to wear. She wanted to look good, but not to good. She didn't want to go to far over the slut line, but she didn't wanna be anywhere near the prim and proper stage either. With a scream of frustration she banged her head against the closet door. Before she could start ripping things out of her closet she heard the door bell. She paled as she spun towards her door.
“ Oh my god! He can't be here yet!” With another scream she started panicking and started running around in her closet, no longer thinking clearly. She was so caught up in her panic attack she never noticed the footsteps pounding up the steps and towards her room. Sango had heard the screams coming from Kagome's room and ran up as fast as she could, bursting through the door, only to come to a screeching halt. She stood in silence and watched her friend run like a loon around in circles in her closet. Not being able to hold it in anymore she leaned against the wall and laughed until she thought her sides would explode. Kagome finally snapped out of her daze and turned to Sango. With a leap she was from the closet, to her door in seconds latching onto Sango's arm. “ Help me Sango!” She yelled before dragging her all the way into the room. Sango pushed Kagome down on her bed, taking the shirt she was seconds away from shredding in her panicked state, and walked towards the closet.
Meanwhile downstairs, the guys were in the kitchen, standing side-by-side, Miroku at ease, but poor Inuyasha felt like he was at boot camp being inspected by the drill sergeant, while Kagome's mother walked a slow circle around him looking him up and down. When the three had arrived Sango had shot for the stairs at Kagome's scream. The guys had made to follow, only coming to a halt as Megumi grabbed them by the collars of their shirts.
“ Down boys, its nothing serious.” Inuyasha stared at her in shock.
“ What do ya mean nothing serious? We could hear her screaming from the car.” Megumi laughed out loud as she released the boys.
“What are you boys named?” Miroku grinned and bending into a graceful bow he gave the introductions. As he stood up he reached out and snagged Inuyasha's shirt by the tail, holding him in place. With a curse Inuyasha turned around to lay into the monk, only to freeze in place as Megumi began her inspection. “ So where are you planning on taking Kagome?”
“ Carnival.” Replied Inuyasha, before he turned back towards the steps to race up them, only to be turned back around and led towards a stool at the counter.
“ Relax Inuyasha, Kagome's fine. A little freaked about having nothing to wear, but she'll survive. With minimal emotional damage.” Inuyasha laughed and was put at ease when Megumi winked at him before going back to the sink to finish cooking. Hearing the thunder of footsteps coming down, the guys turned towards the steps. Miroku's eyes widened, and Inuyasha stiffened as he got his first glimpse of Kagome. Sango had worked wonders, dressing Kagome in a tight fitting red velvet corset top that clung like a second skin around her chest, coming to a point at her waist. The sleeves were white and clung to her arms down till her elbows where they flared out. Her skirt was a black leather skirt that came down to the tops of her shinning knee high black boots. The skirt had a split up to mid-thigh on both sides, showing tantalizing peaks of her long legs. Her hair was pulled into a loose braid that flowed down her back, with a red ribbon holding it in place. Miroku whistled and applauded Kagome's outfit.
“ Lady Kagome you always look great, but this…” he sighed and clutched his heart, with a wicked grin. “ you look breathtaking my dear. Doesn't she Yash?” Kagome paused on the last step, wringing her hands, her nerves strung tight. She looked at inuyasha's stunned face, and felt her heart plummet. She cursed herself for going along with Sango's idea.
“ Great, now he's gonna think im some easy tease.” Biting her lip to keep the tears at bay, she swung around to run back up the stairs. “ I'm changing Sango… this was not a good idea.”
“ WAIT!” yelled Inuyasha as he dashed forward grabbing Kagome's hand stopping her flight up stairs. She turned to him , her face clouding over with confusion as she saw the look on his face. Suddenly he shook his head as if to clear it, and once again had his cocky smirk back in place. “ Umm.. * cough * you look fine woman. Let's just go now ok.” She nodded her head slowly, and after grabbing her purse and a hug from her mother, they all walked out the door towards the car. Sango tugged on Kagome's sleeve, drawing her gaze to her and gave her a thumbs up.
“ I told you red would do it. It's Yash's favorite color of all. His eyes almost popped out and his tongue woulda flopped at your feet.” With a wink she walked ahead glaring at Miroku, whose hand had come within inches of her rear before he pulled it back, holding them out before him in a defensive pose. Kagome stepped off the porch, coming to a sudden stop, when an arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her tight against a hard, warm body. With a gasp she turned to look up into Inuyasha's bright amber eyes, filled with a hot hungry look that made her body tingle. He leaned towards her so his mouth was inches away from her ear.
“ You look good enough to eat Kags.” He whispered, his warm breath brushing along her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She blushed as they walked to the car, where Inuyasha held open the door and bowed slightly, a wicked grin coming a crossed his face, before shutting the door and running around to his side. With a squeal of the tires they were off to the carnival.
( A'N): Ohh… Red velvet, and black leather. Killer combo! Wonder if Inuyasha can behave? We all ready know Miroku cant… just wait and see what he pulls. ~cackles and rubs her hands together~ Muwahaha! ~blinks and looks innocent~ I swear I think Miroku is wearing off on me. Quick call the men in the white coats, before I get worse!
Will up date soon with Chapter 4: The Carnival ( continued) Laterz! ~waves~