InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ The Carnival (continued) ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back all, its time for… ~ pauses for dramatic flare~ Chapter 4!
Summary: The Carnival is great, and the gang is having a blast. Miroku is doing his best to woo Sango (only getting slapped a couple times), and Inuyasha is trying his best to romance Kagome, though things don't go the way he plans when Koga shows up. ~ Bows to all the hopefully happy Koga fanatic's ~
Can Inuyasha keep his temper or will he try to take Koga down? (A/N: I got nothing against Koga, I think he's cool as hell… but I'm an avid Inu/Kag fan and always will be. Wont say Koga wont try his hardest heh) Will Sango end up beating Miroku senseless? Of course she will, duh, but he's starting to grow on her. And Kagome finally thinks she can trust Inuyasha with her secret.
And thanks for the reviews: Yahsagal, and Kitkat108… Keep the reviews coming and lemme know what ya think, or if you request any certain plot twists heh.
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Koga: 18
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha and the gang… ~ curses the foul fates that hate me~ Rumiko Takahashi does.
The four of them arrive at the carnival gates, Sango walking away in a temper while Miroku chased after her with a bright red hand print a crossed his face, and Inuyasha and Kagome walking behind, both to nervous to even talk. Inuyasha glances over at Kagome, who's staring at her feet as she walks, deep in thought. With a grin he wraps his arm around her waist, dragging her against him, and pulling her out of her thoughts. She looks up into his face, blushing madly, causing him to wonder just exactly what she was thinking.
“ Come on Kags what do ya wanna do first?” Kagome blinks in confusion, and then turns even redder from some train of thought. Inuyasha chuckles as he leans over, his breath tickling her neck. “ I meant do you wanna try the rides, but if you got other ideas I'm game.” Kagome swallowed hard, trying to force the ball of nerves down, and goes back to staring at the ground. Inuyasha cursed under his breath and mentally kicks himself. ` Way to go dumbass, scare her an hour into the date. She's gonna think your worse then the lecher.'
` Well you could always try and be more romantic.'
` Feh, romance… I don't do romance.' Inuyasha stuffs his hands deep into his pockets and scowls at the ground.
` Yea, and we all can see how far you've gotten with the ladies. Use your head you baka! She's better then all the other girls. She deserves to be swept off her feet.'
Kagome glances over at Inuyasha, who's scowling at the ground, growling under his breath. She sighs, and bites on her lip as she thinks.
` Well this is going great, just great. He's gonna be bored stiff with me. I'll bet he wishes he'd never asked me.'
` He wouldn't have asked you if he didn't like you.' Kagome snorted and narrowed her eyes as she argued with herself. ~ The inner Kagome crosses her arms a crossed her chest and glares back~
` Or he did it to get Sango off his back. I'm sooo gonna hurt her. I wouldn't be in this mess if she didn't decide to play matchmaker.'
` Why don't you just be yourself?'
` What if he doesn't like the “real me”?'
~ Mental Kagome shrugs~ ` Then he moves on and you go back to being alone. Is that what you want? To be alone, because you're to scared to enjoy life, because Naraku will find you and hurt everyone you care about? What the hell kinda life is that? If your just gonna live in fear then why don't you beat him to it and just kill yourself now, because that's all your doing with all this worrying and stress. The worst death there is, is the end of a life not lived.'
( A/N: Ohh I'm going philosophical now… aren't I a wise one)
Kagome takes a deep breath before stepping over in front of Inuyasha, making him jerk to a halt. She smiles widely, clasping her hands together and jumps up and down excitedly. Inuyasha's eyes are glued to her chest as it bounces slightly as she jumps. With a shake of his head he moves his eyes to safer ground, looking up to see her eyes filled with a mischievous sparkle.
“ Inuyasha can we ride the roller coaster? Please, please, please, please?” Inuyasha's eyebrow rose up as her stares at her. He nods slowly, jumping back as Kagome squeals in delight, before grabbing his hand and hauling him towards the line. Once they are in line she starts humming along to the music playing around them, unconsciously dancing along. Inuyasha's eyes are glued to her hips as they sway and shake provocatively to the beat. Before he can think better of it, he moves forward, gripping her hips and tugging her back against his body, moving with her. With a laugh she looks over her shoulder grinning wickedly at him. She raises her arms over her head and really gets into the dance. She gets lost in the beat, grinding her hips against his, sliding and swaying to the music. Inuyasha hisses through his teeth, as his body has a mind of its own, and he starts getting a little to excited by their moves. He leans forward and trails his mouth along her shoulder, nibbling softly at the pulse beating there. Out of nowhere a loud whistle snaps him out of his dazed state. His head jerks up, his eyes glaring menacingly at Miroku. The boy stood next to Sango, who was staring at Kagome with her mouth hanging open.
“ Well Inuyasha, looks as though our little Kagome has come out of her shell. What magic trick did you use on her to bring out this wild child? Maybe I can use it on Sango here.” Sango turned bright red and swung at Miroku, who dodged, and wrapped his arms around her waist grinning innocently. With a sigh, Sango rolled her eyes, though surprisingly she left his arms where they were, laying her own over them, linking her fingers with his own. Miroku's grin widened as he glanced at their fingers, keeping his mouth shut, because he knew if he said anything to embarrass her she'd slap him and never let him near her again. Inuyasha growled loudly at the monk, making Kagome laugh as she turned to face him, and wrapped her arms around his neck as she hugged him.
“ Just showing Yashie here my moves.” She smiled as she heard him growl softly, and with a giggle she reached up and kissed his nose. Inuyasha froze in shock when she did this, making her laugh again. She turned to look over her shoulder and cheered happily, seeing that they were next to get on the ride. She grabbed Inuyasha's hand, then grabbed Miroku's hand and ran for the ride, dragging Sango, who was still in his arms along. When they reached the cars, she shoved Inuyasha into the first car before sliding in next to him, as Miroku pulled Sango into the second. Kagome strapped her safety belt on, and then turned in the seat to look at Sango, who was slightly pale. With a laugh she reached out patting Sango's hand. “ What's wrong Sango? Are you scared of the rides or something?” Inuyasha laughed out loud, dodging Sango's fist as she swung at him, before screaming slightly as the cars started to move. She wrapped her arms around Miroku's in a death grip and buried her face against his shoulder. With a smirk he patted her hand, whispering comforting words to her. Kagome smiled as she turned back in her seat as they neared the top of the hill. She grabbed Inuyasha's left hand with her right and tossed their hands into the air. “ Now everybody SCREAM!!!” she yelled as they went over the top and plummeted into a stomach dropping fall, screaming for joy as the ride jerked her back and forth, tossing her, and Inuyasha into each other at every turn. She glanced over to see his eyes filled with laughter as he glanced her way. With every sharp turn, steep drop, and loop they screamed as loud as possible, laughing when Sango screamed the loudest from behind them. Finally the ride came to an end as the cars slowed down at the gate. Kagome unstrapped herself before leaping out of the car, and with a laugh spun around. “ Let's go again!” Inuyasha watched her as she laughed and twirled like a child, his heart thumping in his chest.
` How did she change so fast, what was with this wild and carefree Kagome? I like her like this.' He thought to himself.
` Yea, but you like the shy Kagome too. Admit it you love it when she blushes, or when she's nervous and latches onto you.' He chuckled as he agreed with his inner self, laughing as he turned to see Kagome teasing Sango. He smiled and moved over next to Kagome, tossing his arm around her shoulder.
“ Damn Sango, who'd have thought the best demon slayer in the school would be afraid of a roller coaster ride?” Sango's head jerked up as she narrowed her eyes at Inuyasha.
“ Yea well I can take your hanyou ass down any day Yashie.” She tossed back, before having an immature moment and sticking her tongue out at him. She felt awful about it immediately, she knew how he felt about being a half demon. Inuyasha growled loudly, flexing his claws. Kagome stood there looking confused.
“ Sango is a demon slayer?” Miroku smiled with pride, and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her against him.
“ Yes she is, and the best in the whole school, as well as the whole city. Her whole family is full of demon slayers.” Kagome cocked her head to the side as she took it all in.
“ Why would they have demon slayers at a demon/ human school? Isn't that kinda asking for trouble?”
“ Not all demons in our school are good Kagome, and Sango is one of the few elite that keep them in line with her skills and weapons.” Kagome thought for a second then turned to look at Inuyasha.
“ So Inuyasha is a half demon? How can you tell, I just thought he was a regular demon.” Inuyasha growled softly, crossing his arms as he glared up at the sky.
“ Well his ears on top of his head for one, his father, and brother don't have ears like that.”
“ Inuyasha has a brother?” Kagome turned to look at Inuyasha, wondering why she had to hear about all these things from someone else and not him. She felt a sudden stab of hurt that he didn't think he could trust her with anything about his family or past.
` Well you don't trust him with yours, or you would have told him about Naraku already.' Pointed out her nagging inner self. Hearing Inuyasha's growl grow louder she turned to watch him as he stared up at the night sky.
Feh, half demon, or not, I can still take on anyone on and win.” Hearing Kagome giggle, he jerked his gaze down from the stars, looking into her smiling face.
“ Are you always so sure of yourself Yashie?” She walked to him and linked her arm with his smiling at him. “ Come on guys lets go get some food I'm starved.” The others quickly agreed and they walked towards the food stands. As they were walking passed some jewelry stands Kagome stopped to look, dragging Inuyasha to a stop, since she still held onto his arm. He turned to look at her then scoffed at the jewelry.
Feh, woman why are we stopping to look at this junk, I thought you were hungry?”
“ Be nice Inuyasha, for I think the young girl might not stand for ye bad temper.” Inuyasha jumped at the voice, as he and Kagome turned to look at the woman running the stand.
“ Kaede!! What are you doing here ya old hag?” asked Inuyasha, wincing when Kagome elbowed him and glared at his rudeness.
“ Why I always volunteer at the festivals, and I sell my trinkets and things. So Kagome how are you liking your new school and city?” Kagome smiled as she went back to looking over the items on the stand.
“ I'm loving it so far. Everyone has been great to me.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes and huffed.
“ Are you done yet wench? I'm starving.” Kagome's eyes narrowed as she spun to glare at Inuyasha, making him jump back slightly.
“ What did you call me?” Not being able to stand the wound to his pride if he backed down, Inuyasha glared back.
“ You heard me Wench..” he put extra emphasis on the word. “ You were yelling your hungry, now you just wanna stare at junk. Make up your mind ya fool.” At that Kagome opened her mouth to give it to him good when Kaede laid a hand on her shoulder, drawing her attention to her.
“ Here ye go child, I have just the thing you need.” She reached out and with a flick of her wrist she tossed a rosary, of violet beads and, a couple of shiny white fangs, around Inuyasha's neck. Inuyasha jerked back and reached towards the rosary.
“ Hey, what the hel..”
“ Now Kagome, say the words of subjugation.” Kagome blinked in confusion at Kaede.
“ What words?”
“ It matters not, but ye will know the right word when ye thinks of it.” Kagome glanced over at Inuyasha, her glaze flicking up to his little doggy ears on his head, when an idea hit her. With a step back she pointed her finger at Inuyasha and yelled the first word that came to her mind.
“ SIT BOY!” Suddenly the beads began to glow and Inuyasha was slammed face first to the ground. Kagome gasped and stared at the hanyou in shock, as he struggled to raise himself from the ground but remained stuck to the ground. “ Kaede, what did I just do?”
“ Ye said the word child. Now should this young man give ye any more trouble just use the word on him. Now go find ye some food lass, I can hear ye stomach growling.” Kagome smiled and glanced over her shoulder, giggling at the sight of Sango, and Miroku staring down at Inuyasha as he struggled.
“ Actually Kaede… I think that's just him growling.” With a laugh she turned and walked away towards the food stands. She stood in the snack line, when she felt someone take hold of her hand. She turned to see a guy with black/brown hair, pulled up in a high ponytail, with bright blue eyes. He was very muscular, and it showed through his white tank shirt he wore, beneath a dark blue button up shirt. He wore black baggy jeans, and matching blue sketchers. He smiled down at Kagome as he tugged her hand up and into his own.
“ Well, well, what do we have here? You must be new around here or I'd have remembered meeting such a beautiful girl.” Kagome blushed slightly and tried to tug her hand out of his. She was feeling slightly nervous, but couldn't bring herself to be rude when he was just being polite.
“ I'm Kagome Higurashi, and yes I'm new. I just moved here with my family.” The guy smiled showing fangs. Kagome gasped and just then she noticed his ears were pointed and he had claws on his hands as well. `He's must be a demon!' she thought.
“ Names Koga. So Kagome would you like to grab a bite to eat with me, and maybe we can get to know each other better?” Kagome's eyes widened when she felt his fingers rubbing against hers slightly, catching the hidden meaning of his words. Before she could open her mouth, she was yanked back by a pair of strong hands. She turned to see Inuyasha glaring hotly at Koga as he wrapped his arm possessively around Kagome's waist.
“ Back off Koga! Kagome doesn't want anything to do with you, ya mangy wolf!” Kagome glanced over at Koga, finally noticing the long brownish tail he had. She felt the urge to giggle at the cute sight, but fought it down since she didn't think this was the right time. Koga still had his cocky smile in place as he reached over and took Kagome's hand, drawing to his lips kissing it, making Kagome blush, while Inuyasha growled loudly.
“ Well Kagome, if you ever get tired of mutt face here, give me a call. Inuyasha you better take good care of my woman, or I'll take care of you.” Inuyasha's eyes nearly bugged out in his rage.
“ Your woman! Kagome is NOT your woman you damn wolf!” He yelled leaping forward to tear into Koga. Kagome gasped and thinking of only one-way to stop the oncoming fight.
“ SIT BOY!” Inuyasha paused in mid leap and slammed to the ground. Koga blinked in surprise before bursting into laughter. As he turned to leave he saluted Kagome and winked before walking back to a few other wolf demons that were standing over to the side laughing. Kagome turned back to Inuyasha, as she knelt down next to him.
“ I'm sorry Inuyasha, I just didn't want you to get into a fight with Koga and get into trouble. Are you ok?” Inuyasha growled softly as he sat up, the bones in his back cracking as he stretched, before looking up at Kagome. He shrugged his shoulders dismissing the whole thing as he stood up.
“ Come on Kagome, let's get something to eat.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and steered her towards the food stand where Sango, and Miroku were now waiting in line.
Later after they had all eaten, the girls were walking along looking at jewelry, clothing and such, when Kagome came a crossed a necklace she recognized. With a start she turned and looked at the jewel's maker's name and froze at what she saw. It had been made by Midoriko, and was once of the last pieces she had made before she died. Her eyes filled with tears, as her hand moved up clutching the chain hanging around her neck with the shikon jewel on it.
` I still can't believe she's gone. Some times it's like I expect to turn around and she's there with her arms open waiting for me.' She thought to herself. Feeling a hand touch her shoulder she blinked back her tears before turning to look at the others. Inuyasha, and Miroku were staring at her in confusion, while Sango watched her sadly, knowing what it was that was crossing through her mind.
“ Kagome what's wrong?” asked Inuyasha. Kagome whipped her eyes dry as she tried to smile at her friends.
“ It's nothing, really, I'm fine. Just I know who made this necklace, and she was a like family to me. She was killed right before I moved here. It's still hard for me sometimes.” Her glaze flicked over to Sango's, who nodded slightly, giving encouragement, and Kagome nodded back, knowing she couldn't and didn't want to keep this secret from her friends anymore. Slowly she took a deep breath and went through the whole story, being sure to keep her eyes on the ground not wanting to see the looks on the guys faces when they listened to her, and thought she was insane. Suddenly she heard Inuyasha growl loudly, and her gaze jerked up to stare at him, and Miroku both glaring with anger in their eyes.
“ Naraku, that bastard! I wish I had killed him when I had the chance.” Kagome's mouth fell open in surprise.
“ You know Naraku???” Miroku nodded since Inuyasha was now ranting obscenities and pacing back and forth.
“ Unfortunately we do. You see Inuyasha `s girlfriend, Kikyo, who know that I think about, looks a lot like Kagome, had been working as Naraku's assistant at his company “Onigumo Inc.”, when she had started having an affair with him, cheating on Inuyasha with Naraku, and whe.” Kagome gasped as she felt a stab of pain in her heart when she heard he had a girlfriend.
“ Ex-girlfriend.” Growled Inuyasha, never stopping his pacing, as he went back to his ranting. Miroku nodded and continued on. “ and when he found out he went into a rage and ran off to confront them. Being as I am his best friend, as well as an idiot,” he smirked as he continued “ I went along with him to keep him out of trouble. Kikyo denied it, saying that Naraku told her he was the one being unfaithful to her, which just sent Inuyasha into a rage. Well when he went at Naraku, he got beaten up pretty bad, and when I tried to help, he put a curse on me.” Kagome gasped as her eyes flew to his hand, wrapped with the prayer beads. Miroku nodded as he raised his hand up, flexing it as he stared at it. “ He cursed me with a void in my hand, that sucks everything around me into it with a wind tunnel. He said that it will never go away and will slowly grow until it finally consumes me, and when it does it will move on to my child, and so forth until he is finally defeated.” Kagome thought for a moment now suddenly understanding why he asked every girl to bear him a child. So he would have someone to take over his quest to end the wind tunnel curse. Kagome glanced over at Inuyasha, and seeing as how he was still pacing and swearing she turned back to Sango for answers.
“ What ever happened to kikyo?”
“ Naraku killed her, to further hurt Inuyasha.” answered Sango, drawing Kagome's attention to her. Kagome's eyes narrowed as she turned on her.
“ You knew this and you didn't tell me?” she yelled. “ You knew I was scared that if I ever told them about him they would think I'd lost my mind, and you didn't even bother to tell me you KNEW Naraku already?” Sango frowned sadly moving towards Kagome, who jerked away and stepped back. Sango stopped and dropped her hands to her sides.
“ It wasn't my place to tell, it was theirs and I wasn't going to go back on my word to them to not tell anyone about it. I'm sorry Kagome.” Kagome felt instant guilt and hate towards herself. With a agonized cry she turned and ran towards the woods. Sango started after her, when a red blur shot by her, racing after Kagome. She came to a stop as she watched Inuyasha go after Kagome, feeling horrible about the whole mess. She felt Miroku wrap his arm around her shoulder, tugging her against him, and she laid her head on his shoulder. “ Do you think she will forgive me?” Miroku nodded as he turned his head, laying a kiss on Sango's hair.
“ She will, she just needs to work out some things and deal with her pain. Inuyasha needs to deal with his too. They will help each other, because I have a feeling those to are meant for each other.” With a smile he turned Sango towards the gate, digging his spare key to Inuyasha's car out of his pocket to take her home. He knew Inuyasha would be with Kagome and wouldn't need his car so he would drop it off at his house later.
Somewhere off in the forest…
Kagome ran until she came to a tree in the middle of the woods, when she tripped over a root and fell to the ground. Not having the energy to get up she laid there and cried. She raged inside her mind at herself while she felt like her heart was being torn apart.
` I should have known it was too good to be true. Why on earth would a guy like him ask out a girl like me? It's just because I look like her. He probably still loves her and feels guilty. I'm such an idiot!' Kagome suddenly felt strong arms pulling her up, and strong arms lift her up bridal-style against a solid warm chest. Looking up into Inuyasha's face she saw him scowling slightly. With a leap he jumped into the tree, settling them down on a high branch. He leaned his back against the trunk, settling Kagome in his lap, with her back to his chest, wrapping one of his legs around hers to keep her from falling out. She leaned her head back against his chest, listening to his heartbeat, soaking up the warmth from his arms. For a while neither of them said a thing, they just sat, Inuyasha slowly rubbing his hands up, and down her arms trying to give her comfort, and Kagome resting her head against his chest burying her face into his shoulder. Finally she couldn't bear the silence any longer.
“ Inuyasha..”
“ Yea Kags?” Kagome took a deep breath, and before she could change her mind, she took the plunge and asked him what had been nagging at her.
“ D..d..did you ask me out because I look like her?” She felt more then saw his smile.
Feh, stupid wench… I asked you because of you. Yes, you look a little like kikyo, but your totally different. She was cold, and emotionless, always wanting me to change and be the way she wanted me to be. I want someone who will accept me for the way I am, bad temper and crudeness and all.” Kagome giggled softly and snuggled up against him. Hearing this Inuyasha felt the urge to go on. “ You have so many different moods and personalities and life. I love your insanity, and your playfulness. I love to tease you, to make your eyes light up with fire when you tear into me. I love your shyness, it makes me want to protect you and kill anyone who hurts you.” Kagome felt her throat close off, with all the feelings she had. Inuyasha reached out taking her chin in his hand, turning her to face him. Her eyes met his, and slowly his mouth lowered, coming to meet hers in a sweet, gentle kiss. Kagome moaned at the touch of his lips, making Inuyasha growl as he ran his tongue a crossed her lips, coaxing them open, before thrusting it inside her mouth to tease, and stroke her own. Kagome shivered against him, driving him to deepen the kiss, his hands stroking up her sides coming to rest on the sides of her breasts, his thumbs drawing lazy circles a crossed the peaks, driving her mad. Inuyasha could not believe the way he was reacting… he had never gotten so turned on before so fast. Growling as the bulge of his erection grew so tight, it bordered on pain, he slowly ended the kiss, pulling her back to look into her eyes. Slowly Kagome blinked her eyes coming out of the foggy daze she had been in, before blushing slightly. With a chuckle Inuyasha hugged her close, burying his in her hair, breathing her scent in. “ I love you Kagome…” he whispered. Kagome felt as though her heart was going to burst from her chest. Wrapping her arms around his waist she looked up at him with all the love she felt.
“ I love you too Inuyasha.” With a triumphant grin he gathered her up in his arms, and slowly rocked her, sending her into the first peaceful sleep she'd had in a year.
Wow… loooong chapter. Sorry to go on but I just couldn't make myself stop. I got into the story, but wasn't the ending just so sweet? I know what your thinking though… that this is just gonna be another Kikyo bashing story. Well I don't hate Kikyo, maybe a strong dislike sure, but never assume you think you know where my deranged mind is heading ~grins wickedly and plots for the future~ Well will work on the next chapter soon, if I don't get overloaded by work. Kagome starts having weird dreams, and powers she can't control surface. And the school's martial arts competition is announced, so its training time! The gang better get in gear if their gonna win. Tune in to see who kicks butt, and takes the prize! Coming soon… Chapter 5: Ready, Set, FIGHT!