InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ Ready, Set, Fight! ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome once again… it's time for ~drum roll~ Chapter 5! Ready, Set, Fight! Time for the evilness that is my plot to unravel.
Summary: The school is very into martial arts, and other forms of weapon use and fighting techniques. Inuyasha is captain of the sword fighting team, Sango of the gymnastics' squad and hand to hand fighting divisions, and Miroku is the best staff fighter in the school. The annual competition is coming up, so it's time to get down to business and train. Kagome is even talked into trying out. She's got enough on her plate though.. what with all the strange dreams she's been having, and suddenly powers she can't control. Then as if that wasn't enough Koga can't seem to take a hint. Life as a teenager is hard enough, now hearing about some legend of a mighty Miko destined to defeat all evil. Will Kagome stand under the pressure or will she finally snap?
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Koga: 18
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha and the gang... Rumiko Takahashi just lets me borrow them.
Kagome sighed as she looked at her watch for the millionth time. Inuyasha was late… again. He insisted that he give her a ride to school EVERY day, no matter what. She thought it was sweet at first, now it just annoyed her when he came late. She still couldn't believe she had been going to her new school for almost two months now. Nothing truly exciting happened, unless you count the fights Inuyasha got into with Koga when he kept calling Kagome “his woman”. Kagome smiled as she thought about her relationship with the temperamental hanyou. They had become a sorta unofficial couple, going out on “ not dates” with Miroku, and Sango. At the end of each date he would drop her off at her door, giving her a quick kiss goodbye, never doing more then that before staring at her with a odd look in his eyes, and walking to his car. It frustrated and confused her why he never made any further moves on her. Miroku grabbed at Sango all the time. He may act like a lecher, but everyone knew he had real feelings for her and would do anything she asked. Kagome frowned slightly as her thoughts took over.
` Maybe he doesn't want me like that. That's probably why he never does more then kisses me.'
` Bah, you baka! Of course he wants you. Remember the night in the tree?' Kagome blushed as she remembered their first date.
Kagome stirred slightly stretching her arms over her head. Opening her eyes she remembered where she was. Glancing around from where they had fallen asleep in each other's arms in the tree, she had woke up to feel Inuyasha's hands stroking up and down her sides, his leg wrapped around her's to keep her from falling out of the tree. She turned her head, her gaze meeting his, before he lowered his lips to meet hers in a sweet, tender kiss that soon turned heated and passionate. Kagome had pressed her chest against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck, encouraging him on, when he suddenly broke the kiss, blushing slightly and panting hard. With a growl he jumped down from the tree, making Kagome scream in fright at the sudden move. Inuyasha winced as his ears flattened against his head at her scream, as he set her on her feet. Kagome glanced around the forest, before looking at her watch, gasping in shock. It was almost 6am!
“ Inuyasha what am I gonna do? My mom will KILL me when she finds out I've been out all night.” With an anguished wail she started pacing back and forth ranting nonsense insanely. The hanyou stood back and watched her in bewilderment at the curses that came out of her mouth, before throwing his head back and laughing. When he finally stopped laughing he knelt down in front of her. When she stopped her pacing and looked at him he motioned to his back. Catching on she climbed onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck, as he rested his hands on her thighs, settling her on his back. With a sudden leap he was off, running like a blur through the streets, leaping from rooftop, to rooftop. Kagome moaned softly at the feel of her body rubbing against his, as he made his way a crossed town. With every landing she would rock against him, the motion making her insides quiver, and a warm feeling pooled into her lower body. Inuyasha was trying his hardest to ignore Kagome's warmth seeping into his back, her breasts pressed up tight against him. When he would take a rather large jump she would bury her face into his neck, her warm breath, and scent kept distracting him, so that he almost missed the rooftop he was landing on. With a stumble and a curse under his breath he settled her up higher on his back again. Within minutes they landed on a tree branch outside her window. Reaching over and finding the window unlocked, Inuyasha slid it open and climbed in. Kagome, having held on for dear life, finally released her death grip on his shirt and slid bonelessly to the floor in a heap.
“ Wow… what a ride.” She murmured. Inuyasha lowered his head, cursing under his breath at his stupidity. He had probably scared the hell outta her with his wild run a crossed town. Suddenly with a laugh she sprang to her feet. “ Let's do it again!” Inuyasha's jaw dropped as he watched her laugh and spin in a circle.
End Flashback*
Kagome smiled happily at her daydream, snapping back to reality when a shining red motorcycle screeched to a halt in front of her. Kagome blinked in confusion as she took in the bike. It was blood red colored, with flecks of metallic flakes mixed in giving it an extra shine. Her eyes rose to see the guy on it sit up. Suddenly she noticed the long silver hair tied back at his neck and she realized it was Inuyasha. He raised the visor of his helmet and smirked at her.
“ Hey wench, you ready?” Bristling up at being called wench she was about to tear into him, when she realized he meant for her to get on his bike. Leaping to her feet she backed away slowly her hands held out in front of her.
“ Nuh uh, no way mister, I am NOT getting on that thing.” Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at her in confusion.
“ Why not? It's safe, and I'm a good driver. I've never had an accident… yet.” He said with a smile. Kagome gulped glancing at the bike warily, snapping back to attention when he handed her a spare helmet. With a deep breath, she tugged the helmet on, and hopped onto the back. Settling herself behind him, she wrapped her arms around his waist tight. With a smile he gunned the engine and flicked the visor down in place. With a squeal of the tires, and a squeal from Kagome they were off, shooting down the road, taking a sharp u-turn, narrowly missing a group of people about to step off the curb. Kagome squeezed her eyes shut and prayed for the ride to end. Suddenly she heard a chuckle inside her helmet. She realized the helmets were wired with radios to talk back and forth.
“ Relax Kags, I won't let anything happen to you. Open your eyes and enjoy the ride.” Kagome slowly opened her eyes, seeing the buildings fly by them. She was just starting to loosen up, when Inuyasha swerved to the right snapping her attention to the road ahead of them. Her eyes widened slightly as she saw him heading for what looked like a small traffic jam. Before she could stop him he gunned the engine and sped up. “ Hold on Kagome.” Before she could say a word, he shot into the middle of the swarm of cars, swerving in between cars. Kagome started getting used to the bike and was enjoying the ride when they pulled into the school parking lot. With a screech they slammed to a stop next to Miroku's purple 2005corvett. Sango and Miroku looked up from where they were sitting on the hood, their eyes widening when they noticed Kagome sitting on the bike laughing. She turned, and tossed her leg over the side to get off, but her legs were slightly numb from clenching around Inuyasha so hard they buckled underneath her and she sat down on the ground with a thud.
“Kagome! Are you alright?” yelled Inuyasha as he sprang from the bike ripping his helmet off, as he knelt down to her. Kagome blinked in surprise for a few seconds before bursting into wild laughter. Inuyasha stopped and stared at her, as he felt his heart speed up, her laughter sending shivers down his spine. Kikyo had never let him take her on the bike, it wasn't safe and she always said he should sell it. “ Another way she tried to change me… make me into what she wanted to be.” He thought to himself as he watched Sango tug Kagome to her feet, who was gesturing wildly with her hands, and talking a mile a minute about their wild ride.
` Yea, but Kagome doesn't wanna change you. She likes you as you are, hanyou, short temper, foul mouth and all.' Quoted that ever-nagging voice in his head. Inuyasha snapped out of his thoughts, when Kagome wrapped her arm around his waist in a hug.
“ Oh Yashie can we take the bike every day? I love riding it. Will you teach me to drive it?” His ears ringing from her never ending rambling he turned abruptly bringing his lips down to hers in a fast, hard and deep kiss, nipping at her lips, making her gasp and open her mouth giving him a chance to slip his tongue in. A growl started deep in his chest and seemed to rumble through his whole body as he tilted his head taking the kiss deeper, swallowing Kagome's quiet moan of pleasure. Remembering they had an audience, Inuyasha pulled back from the kiss, smirking at Kagome's blank expression, dropping small kisses on her cheek, before placing his forehead against hers. Kagome stared into his eyes, her mind struggling to think straight after the mind-blowing kiss they had shared. If she had any doubts about him wanting her, they were put to rest now. Hearing a slap, and a thud from behind them, the couple turned to see Sango glaring at a stunned Miroku lying on the ground. With a deep blush creeping its way up her face, Kagome linked her arm with Sango and headed towards the school, turning to look at Inuyasha over her shoulder. Inuyasha stared after her until the door closed behind them, before picking up Miroku off the ground. Leading him along, since he still stumbled from the blow to his head, the guys hurried to catch up to the girls before they were late.
The guys made it to homeroom a few minutes after the girls, in the middle of a rather heated debate. Kagome, and Sango glanced at one another in confusion.
“ Your wrong Yash, she has the speed, agility and a killer body! There's no one better.” The hanyou snorted and whacked the monk upside the head lightly.
Keh, no way Miroku, she has brains, agility, and she's just the shiznit!” Kagome and Sango gasped and looked at one another. They were arguing over who was better, Kagome or Sango. The girls felt their hearts soar, heard the angels sing, and prepared to pounce the guys to smother them with kisses.
“ Naw man I'm telling you… Wonder Woman is hot!” stated Miroku with a lecherous smirk. “ She can tie me up with that golden lasso any day.” Sango's eyes bugged out and her face turned bright red from anger.
“ Your such a baka Miroku, Cat woman is way hotter, I mean black leather wins hands down any day.” Kagome's jaw dropped as her hands clenched into tight fists under her desk. They were arguing about comic book characters! As the guys came to the girl's seats they stood up, blocking the guy's path making them come to a halt. Looking into their anger filled eyes the guys gulped and took a step back. “ Umm.. Kags baby, what's wrong?” Kagome stepped forward until she was face to face with the hanyou.
“ Inuyasha I have just one thing to say to you…” Inuyasha's eyes went wide as he stepped back.
“ Now wait Kagome we were just..”
Inuyasha yelped as the subduing spell slammed him to the ground cursing loudly, as Kagome sat back down. Miroku stared at Inuyasha in shock, his eyes darting to a furious looking Sango as she stepped towards him.
“ Sango, my love, now don't do anything rash. I'm sure we can talk this through.” A student passing by the room looked towards the door in confusion, as they heard loud crashes and bangs coming from inside. Sango dusted her hands off, as she stepped over Miroku, who was lying on the ground one leg in the air, twitching slightly, stars dancing before his eyes. Sango calmly sat down in her seat, picking a piece of lint off of her sleeve before focusing all her attention on her books. Inuyasha opened his mouth to tear into them, slamming it shut when Kagome shot him a withering look. Climbing to his feet he sat at his desk behind her, wisely keeping any comments to himself. As the rest of the class made their way into the room, the intercom buzzed softly, signaling the beginning of the morning announcements.
Good morning Tokyo High students! I have wonderful news..” came Kaede's voice over the speaker. The dull roar of conversation died down, as the class tuned in. “ It's that special time of the year that I know you've all been waiting for. Its Community Service Week!” The room was filled with boo's and hisses. “ I heard that..” Silence dropped over the class, the students looking around warily. “ As I was saying, you all will be asked to sign up for a form of community service… such as visiting the elderly, volunteering at the animal shelter, or cleaning crews to deal with the growing amount of graffiti around the campus, and I KNOWsome of you are the cause of it and would be more then happy to help with this particular task.” Laughter broke out amongst the class, as a cat demon in the middle of the room stood to take a bow. “ Sit down Kylar, and quit showing off.” The cat demon blanched as his face shot to the speaker before taking his seat, surrounded by howls of laughter from the others. “ Also, next week is our annual Martial arts tournament. All classes after lunch for the remainder of the week will be canceled so you all can have the time to train for your activities, and for you new students, the chance to see what categories we have and decide if you want to try out.” Shouts and howls of glee shook the walls, as the students rejoiced. Kaede chuckled under her breath as she listened to the cheers carrying all the way to her office. “ That is all for today… and Please students, don't try to kill anyone this time.” The intercom turned off with a slight squeal, as the bell rang signaling the end of the class. The gang stood up, Inuyasha tugging Miroku to his feet, and headed out the door. Sango cheered as she did a little happy dance in the hall, making Kagome laugh at her antics.
“ Yes Tournament time! The one week out of the year, when I can kick some serious demon ass and not get in trouble for it!” Miroku walking beside her, rubbing the huge lump on the side of his head, smiled at her slyly.
“ It's times like these that make me sooo glad I am not a demon.” Sango turned a steely eyes glare his way.
“ I'll save a special beating for you lecher.” Miroku swallowed visibly and moved to stand beside Kagome, who was chewing on her knuckles nervously as her mind raced. Inuyasha reached over, pulling her hand away, holding her hand tightly, his fingers linking with her own. Miroku saw this and smiled to himself, choosing to tease the hanyou about it later… when he would be able to run from the beating he was sure to get.
“ So Lady Kagome, are you going to enter any of the competitions?” Kagome shrugged slightly as she seemed to think it over.
“ Well… I used to be ok at archery at my old school, but I think I'm out of practice.” Inuyasha “keh'd” under his breath, before wrapping his arm around her waist, tugging her against him.
“ You can't be that bad wench. We can head to the archery course after lunch and watch you use the lecher here for target practice.” Miroku blanched, and stumbled slightly, making the others laugh.
“ Not funny Yash..” he mumbled under his breath as the group split up, Kagome and Miroku heading to Advanced English Lit, Sango to Advanced Chem. Lab, and Inuyasha to study hall for a good nap.
After lunch…
“Come on wench, it's not gonna bite you. Just grab the arrow, aim, and shoot already.” Kagome glared at Inuyasha, before giving him a raspberry.
“ I know that Inuyasha, I'm just trying to relax first. I don't want to shoot anybody… well maybe Koga.” She added with a giggle. The hanyou growled loudly, flexing his claws. That mangy wolf had made a pass at his Kagome again while he wasn't around. He had tried to ask Kagome out on a date after school, which she had politely turned him down, saying she was riding home with Inuyasha. Not one to give up easily, Koga took her hand in his raising it to his lips, nuzzling them softly, making Kagome grimace as she tugged on her hand.
“ If it's bikes you like, I'll take you out on mine sometime. I can put the mutt to shame with my skills.” He winked at Kagome slyly putting a double meaning to his words that made her face turn red. She had been prepared to not tell Inuyasha, but that plan was shot out the window, when he sniffed her, his eyes narrowing and his ears flattening against his head as he growled ferousiously.
“ What the hell did that mangy wolf want from you?” Kagome stared in surprise at him trying to play dumb, then sighed before letting the story out. Inuyasha growled before reaching out grabbing Kagome's hand. Before she knew it, he dragged her against him, crushing his lips against hers in a possessive kiss, that melted all brain activity. When he finally released her from the kiss she blinked to clear her mind, puzzling over his actions as he wrapped his arm tightly around her waist walking her towards the archery course to meet the others.
End Flashback*
Kagome took a steadying breath closing her eyes as she drew the string back, as she tried to even her breathing as she focused on the target in her mind. When she concentrated until she could see it easily in her mind. The others watched in shock as she aimed with her eyes still closed, letting the arrow fly. Before the others could blink, she rapidly aimed and fired three more shots. They shot through the air burying them dead center of the bull's eye. Kagome opened her eyes, smiling smugly as she admired her shot, turning to look at her friend's reactions. They stood with their mouths hanging open. Sango was the first to recover, and with a yell she wrapped Kagome in a tight hug.
“ Praise Kamii, Kagome where did you learn to shoot like that?” Kagome smiled, blushing slightly, as leaned on the bow.
“ My dad taught me, before he died I mean. He used to be the state champion when he was in high school. I started training with him when I was like 5, and just kept up with it ever since.”
“ And you let us think you weren't any good at this? Pretty sneaky Kagome.” Chuckled Miroku as he toyed with Sango's demon slaying armor that she was wearing, getting his hand slapped when ever he came near her. Kagome turned to look at Inuyasha, her smile plastered wide a crossed her face.
Keh, lucky shot wench.” Kagome's eyes widened, but before she could utter a word, he winked at her, reaching up to tug on her hair, bringing her closer to him for a quick kiss. Kagome blinked in surprise, before her smile was back on her face.
“ Yes, but can she be that lucky again?” asked a cold, menacing voice from behind her. Kagome stiffened, before spinning around towards the voice. The voice belonged to a demon, who stood over six feet tall, silver hair hanging down almost to the back of his knees. He had bright amber eyes, like Inuyasha's, except they had a cold deadly gleam in them. He also had a purple crescent shape on his forehead, and matching purple stripes a crossed his cheeks, and pointed ears sticking out on the side of his head, peaking out from his cascades of hair. He looked like a normal guy, wearing a white shirt with matching slacks, though there was an air or royalty to him that made him stand out. Inuyasha swore under his breath as he glared at the new comer.
“ What the hell do you want Fluffy?” The man's eyes moved from Kagome to Inuyasha, the only emotion showing on his flawless face, was the slight raising of an eyebrow.
“ Do not call me that name, you half demon. I am simply here to get a look at the new girl that I've been hearing so much about.” His eyes flicked back to Kagome, making her flinch away slightly, before her pride kicked in, making her stand up tall. A look seemed to come over his face, something close to amusement, but was gone as fast as it came. Inuyasha moved to stand in front of Kagome, pushing her behind him with one hand, clenching the other into a fist. “ Leave her alone Sesshomaru, go find someone else to torture.” Kagome's eyes widened at this, as she stepped closer to Inuyasha, her hands gripping the back of his shirt, holding onto him for dear life. Feeling her behind him Inuyasha flicked his gaze over his shoulder sending her a reassuring look before he turned back to the man.
“ Inuyasha… who is he?” The man cocked his head to the side studying her.
“ Since my little brother seems to have lost his manners, I will introduce myself, I am Sesshomaru, this crude excuse of a dog's older brother.”
“ Half brother.” Growled out Inuyasha, his hands flexing, his claws glinting in the light. Kagome looked from one to the other. She could see the resemblance between the two, though she kept that to herself. There didn't seem to be to fond a feeling between these two, she thought to herself.
“ Now I was told by Lady Kaede that I should test her, but I don't see why. There can't be anything remotely special about this girl.” Inuyasha's growl turned into a roar, as he flung himself at Sesshomaru. Without seeming to move, Sesshomaru dodged Inuyasha's attack and made for Kagome. With a cry Kagome raised her arms out in front of her, closing her eyes as she waited for him to attack her. Suddenly she felt a warm feeling pulse through her arms to her hands. A bright blue light shot out from her hands, flying straight for him. With amazing speed he leaped into the air, the bolt hitting the ground where he had been, missing him by mere inches. Kagome stared at her hands, then looked to the singed spot where the light had struck. She looked from there to her friends who were staring with open mouths at the spot aswell. Inuyasha recovered first.
“ What the fuck was that?” Sesshomaru raised his brow at Inuyasha's crude language before brushing off his clothes.
“ It seems little brother, that your woman is a miko, an untrained and very powerful one I might add.” Kagome stared at her hands, not believing what just happened. Her eyes shot to see her friends staring back at her in surprise. Feeling a stab of hurt deep in her heart she backed away slowly, as Inuyasha took a step towards the retreating Kagome.
“ Kagome…” Kagome shook her head violently, tears threatening to fall, before turning and running back towards the school.
( A/N: Well now things are really starting happen. The tournaments are coming, and everyone is majorly excited! That is except Kagome… She's bogged down with archery practice, as well as now starting her miko training with Kaede after school. And now to make things worse she's having weird dreams, a voice calling out to her, and threatening notes and phone calls. Could Naraku have finally found her? Find out soon in… Chapter 6: Training Sucks! See ya soon! ~waves~