InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ Training Sucks! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back to insane ramblings of me! I have gotten so much feedback on my stories, True love, and my newest one Once upon a chat room. ~BIG hugglez to all who reviewed~ You all rock! I will try my best to update both stories as regularly as I can.
Summary: When we left off Kagome just found out she has Miko powers that she can't control, and she kinda spaz's out. Between the training for the tournament and miko training she's gonna go nuts! What she needs is a good ol' fashioned day of playing hookie… and Inuyahsa is just the man to give her it. Find out what happens in…. ~dramatic pause interrupted by random coughs from audience~ Chapter 6: Training Sucks!!
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Koga: 18
Sesshomaru: 23
Disclaimer: I do not own the Inu gang, Rumiko Takahashie does and she aint sharing ~ pouts ~
Kagome ran a crossed the school courtyard, crashing through the side door into the empty hallway. Her mind was racing a mile a minute, fear and pain ripping at her heart. She couldn't believe what just happened, that light had shot from her hands at Inuyasha's older brother! She had tried to hurt his family, even though she didn't mean to. He was going to hate her now… she had ruined everything between them. Suddenly her leg cramped up, collapsing on her, making her fall to her knees. She sat there in the hall, tears pouring down her cheeks, her shoulders hunched over, her hair falling around her, hiding her from view. Feeling a hand on her shoulder she looked up to see Inuyasha's eyes filled with worry. She blinked away the tears that were clouding her vision, and stared up at Inuyasha, waiting for him to start yelling at her. He knelt down in front of her, pushing her hair back away from her face with his fingers, feeling his heart clench at the sight of her crying.
“ Kagome are you alright? That bastard didn't hurt you at all did he? If he did I'll kill him with my own hands.” Kagome stared up at Inuyasha in shock. He was actually worried about her, and not his brother.
“ Inuyasha, I know your angry at me for what I did but…” her words were cut off as Inuyasha gripped her shoulders tight, yanking her towards him. Kagome winced slightly at the anger, and cold fury she saw dancing in his eyes, which now had a slight reddish streak leaking into the amber orbs.
“ Angry at you? Keh, why the hell would I be angry at you for wench? It's that damn Sesshomaru that I'm pissed at! When I get my hands on that dirty bastard I'll make him pay.” Kagome's eyes widened as she gripped Inyasha's shirt in her fists drawing herself up to look him in the eye.
“ NO! Inuyasha don't do anything rash! It was my fault, and I'm sorry. I don't want to come between you and your brother.”
“ Half brother.” He growled under his breath. “ Besides, if we don't try to kill each other at least once a week our parents get freaked out.” Kagome stared at Inuyasha, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close against his chest. Kagome laid her head against him, feeling his heart beating rapidly in his chest.
` He's really worried about me…' she realized.
` Well duh, what have I been trying to tell you!' her mind tossed back. ` He cares about you, you fool! So do the others. Do you think they'd just up and abandon you?' Kagome sighed as she felt Inuyasha rub soothing circles along her back. She glanced up at his ears and couldn't seem to ignore the urge to touch them any longer. She reached up and started rubbing it at the base of his ear. Suddenly she heard a low purr rumbling in his chest making her giggle.
“ What's so funny?”
“ I didn't know dog demons could purr.” Inuyasha's ear flattened against his head as he blushed profusely. He cleared his throat, taking the time to regain his dignity.
Keh, I don't purr wench!” Kagome laughed at his stuffy attitude, all the while rubbing on one ear, before reaching up to give the same attention to the other one slowly driving him farther towards the edge of his control. When he let out a small groan at her touch, her eyes widened as she noticed she was practically sitting in his lap. When she started to try to get out of his lap, her wiggling against him was driving him crazy. He fought to ignore the hardening of certain areas, and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her back against his chest. “ Going somewhere wench?” Kagome gasped in surprise at his actions, then moaned softly when he nipped teasingly at the sensitive skin of her throat. Before things could go any further the door Inuyasha was leaning against opened. With nothing to hold him up he fell flat on his back, dragging Kagome with him. Inuyasha swore loudly as his head hit the floor, sending stars dancing before his eyes. Kagome turned to look up at whoever opened the door. Behind them stood a boy, who blinked in surprise as he stared down at them. Before Kagome could say a word, he knelt down taking hold of her arm and pulled her to her feet.
“ I'm sorry are you alright? You know it's not safe to sit in front of doors like that. Oh I don't believe we've met… my name is Hojo.” He bowed before her, making Kagome's eyes widen in surprise.
“ Oh, umm… I'm Kagome, I moved here a few weeks ago.” She smiled politely as she stuck out her hand. Hojo shook hands, and then finally seemed to notice Inuyasha at their feet.
“ Umm, Inuyasha I don't think being on the floor like that is very good for your back,” Kagome blinked as if she had forgotten all about Inuyasha, before she knelt down next to him.
“ Oh Inuyasha are you all right? Here let me help you up.” As she took his arm to help him he yanked it away from her. He glared up at her and Hojo, before leaping to his feet on his own.
Keh, whatever wench, I'm fine.” Hurt filled Kagome's eyes, soon to be replaced by anger as she punched Inuyasha in the arm. He reached up and rubbed the spot she punched as he glared at her. “ Oww! That hurt bitch!” Kagome's eyes went wide and her mouth dropped open.
“ What did you call me?” Inuyasha stepped back as he noticed the deadly glare in her eyes.
“ Now hang on Kagome, I didn't mean it like tha…”
SIT BOY!” Inuyasha ate floor as the spell kicked in. Kagome simply turned and walked down the hall, passing Sango, Miroku, and Sesshomaru who stood inside the door staring. Sango and Miroku erupted into fits of laughter, while Sesshomaru chuckled softly under his breath.
“ Well Inuyasha, I never knew you had such a way with women.” Inuyasha growled threateningly as he pushed up from the floor.
“ Shove it Fluffy, or I'll tell Rin you are dying to go see Muppets on Ice again!” Sesshomaru winced slightly giving a pained look, sending the other two into another fit of laughter. When his cold gaze slid over towards them they clammed up, Miroku's face turning purple with the effort of holding in his glee. When he turned his gaze back on Inuyasha he merely raised his brow in amusement.
“ If I were you Inuyasha, I'd worry about my own mate instead of someone else's.” Inuyasha blushed slightly as he growled at his brother.
“ She's not my mate!” he yelled before turning to stomp away down the hall. Sesshomaru shook his head as he turned and walked the other way down the hall, leaving Sango and Miroku standing with a completely confused Hojo. When he rounded the corner they let loose on their hysteria, holding onto one another as they swayed unsteadily on their feet. Suddenly feeling a hand on her rear, Sango yelped before spinning around to face Miroku. With lightening speed she slammed him over the head with her backpack, knocking him into a dazed heap on the floor.
“ Hentai!” she yelled before walking towards the way Kagome had gone. Hojo blinked as he stared down at Miroku.
` Kami this school is weird…' he thought to himself as he knelt down and dragged Miroku off towards the nurse's office.
Kagome stood in the kitchen washing dishes, trying to ignore the constant Ringing coming from her cell phone lying on the counter. She had stormed home still fuming and had tried to take some frustration out on cleaning the house from top to bottom. Finally getting tired of hearing the phone, she turned off her cell and tossed it into the freezer. With a satisfied look she went back to her cleaning.
Meanwhile, a crossed town Inuyasha slammed his cell phone down on the couch beside him, and started pacing back and forth a crossed his room.
Keh, stupid wench! I don't know what the fuck her problem is.” Hearing a laugh coming from his door he turned, teeth bared, ready for a fight… only to come to a halt when he noticed his mother. She was smiling at him in sympathy as she walked towards him. Reaching up and scratching behind his ear before settling herself on his desk.
“ Poor Yash, your brother told us about what happened with Kagome.” Inuyasha growled savagely as he turned a murderous glare towards the door. “ You know sweetie, mortal woman don't take to kindly to being called “bitch”, especially when they don't know you inu youkai mean it as an endearment. It really is your fault.” Inuyasha pouted slightly, only finally cheering up when his mother kissed him on the nose. “ But I won't admit it to Sess that I agreed with him.” With a nod to him she slid off his desk and moved towards the door, coming to a stop with her hand on the doorknob. “ I think it's time you let someone into your heart Inuyasha. Don't let someone like Kagome slip by because your worried she won't accept you for what you are.” And with a wink she left him staring after her. He mulled over his mother's words, and slowly a grin broke out over his face. Reaching down and grabbing his keys, he raced down the steps and out the door. He leapt on his bike and sped off towards Kagome's house. When he arrived though he sat for a minute on his bike nervously going over his practiced speech he had come up with on the ride over. Finally taking a deep breath he put down the kickstand and started up the shrine steps. When he was about half way up he came to a halt as he sniffed the air. With a fierce growl rolling out of him he raced up the remaining steps and to the house. Seeing the door wide open he didn't bother to knock but barged right in. His ears twitched as he caught voices raised in an argument coming from the kitchen. He made his way to the room stopping just outside the door. He fought down the urge to snarl and race in, fists flying, and listened in.
“ Koga, I've told you a hundred times already. I AM NOT YOUR WOMAN! I never will be your woman. I am with Inuyasha, and that's where I'm staying.” Inuyasha felt his chest puff out with pride, and chuckled under his breath. Koga merely waved his hand, dismissing Kagome's proclamation away as he took her hand and raised it to his chest. Kagome eyed him warily as she tried to tug her hand out of his grip.
“ Kagome, my love, soon you will come to your senses and leave the mutt and be my mate, as you're meant to.” Kagome bristled at him implying she was meant to do anything, and tried to hold her temper in check. “ He is not worthy of you, and could never please you as I could. Why waste your time with a half breed, when you can have the real thing.” Inuyasha clenched his fists so tightly they turned white as his body shook from anger. Before he could do anything he heard a thud and a pitiful howl of pain. Glancing around the door he saw Koga holding his head as if in agony, while Kagome stood with her legs spread apart, braced for action with a iron skillet gripped in her hand. His eyes widened as he watched Koga swear as he glared at Kagome. “ What was that for?” Kagome crossed her arms over her chest and smiled sweetly.
“ For assuming you know what I want, need or should do. I decide who I'm meant to be mates with, and that's even IF I decide to do it. There can never be more then friendship between us Koga, though if you keep trying my patience you might not get that.” Koga opened his mouth to say something, but the look in Kagome's eye made him slam his mouth shut. With a few grumbled words under his breath he turned and left. Inuyasha leaped to the rooftop as he watched Koga head towards the steps as he made his way towards the street. Smiling to himself as he ran Kagome's words over again in his head, he jumped down and headed inside. He found Kagome standing in the kitchen, her head hanging and her shoulders slumped. He slammed to a halt as his nose picked up the salty scent of her tears. He could feel her hurt, and anger coming off of her in waves. He didn't know what to do, so he simply walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him. Kagome stiffened at first, then relaxed when she heard his growls rumbling through his chest as he tried to think of a way to comfort her. “ I take it you heard?” she whispered so softly his youkai hearing almost couldn't pick it up. With a nod he laid his chin on top of her head, his claws tracing small circles on her stomach as he held her tight.
“ Kagome, I'm sorry about earlier… It didn't come out like I meant it to.” Kagome gave a water laugh as she tried to choke back her tears.
“ No I should think it came out the way you meant it to. You were mad at me… and I guess I was being just a little bit of a bitch.” Inuyasha swore as he spun her around in his arms, taking her chin in his hand and lifting her gaze to his.
“ No, when inu youkai say bitch, they mean it as in female dog. It's kinda like an endearment of sorts.”
“ Oh…” Kagome stood there silently taking it in as Inuyasha watched her warily for any further signs of anger from her. Sensing the violent tendencies were gone, he tickled her sides with his claws, drawing a giggle out of her.
“ I'm a possessive guy Kagome. I don't mean to be, but I can't help it. It's my inu nature to want to guard what's mine.” He saw her eyes narrow at that and he backpedaled to find a way out of it before she got to mad. “ I don't mean that I own you, just… well..” Kagome smiled and leaned up and pressed her lips to his in a long slow kiss. Inuyasha moaned deep in his throat as he sucked on her bottom lip, nibbling softly on it, as he coaxed her to open her mouth to let him in. When she did he slide his tongue inside to caress, and tease her own. Kagome couldn't tell if the pleased moan came from him or herself as her mind melted under his heated assault on her mouth. She wrapped her arms around his neck, digging her hands deep into his silver locks, her fingers tightening as she gripped handfuls of his hair as if she were trying to drag him even closer. Inuyasha gripped her hips tightly as he pressed her body against his own, grinding his growing arousal against her. Kagome gasped into the kiss at the feel of him pressed full against her, chest-to-chest, thigh-to-thigh. Inuyasha smirked against her lips before moving his mouth down along her neck, tracing his tongue along the pulse that beat there, scraping softly with his teeth. Kagome shivered as the sensation shot down her spine, her body feeling as if it were about to burst into flames. Inuyasha inhaled deeply as the scent of Kagome's growing arousal sent his own skyrocketing. He wrapped an arm around her hips holding her in place, while his other hand started caressing her thigh. Feeling instinct take over, Kagome lifted her leg to wrap it around his hip, dragging him even closer against her, grinding her hips against the growing bulge of his arousal, as it strained against his jeans. Kagome couldn't believe what she was doing, or how she even knew to do it. She smiled to herself as she thought of the years of reading romance novels, though it had never prepared her for the real thing. Inuyasha slid his questing hand further up her thigh, growling deeply as he stroked her through her jeans, the inseam stroking against her sensitive nub, sending shock waves through her body, nearly making her legs give out on her. If not for his arms holding her up, she would have sank to the floor. Kagome panted as she gripped Inuyasha's head to drag his roaming mouth back to her's in a passionate kiss, her hips thrusting up to meet the strokes of his fingers. When she felt her muscles tense up as he quickened the pace of his thrusting fingers, the shrill Ringing of the phone interrupted them. Inuyasha snarled at the noise.
“ Ignore it… its telemarketers… new long distance plan.” He mumbled against her lips, making her laugh.
“ Or it's my mom telling me she's on her way home. Do you wanna risk it?” With a savage curse he loosened his hold on her, lowering her leg from around his waist. Wobbling a little unsteadily on her feet, Kagome made her way over to the phone, snatching it up on the fourth Ring. “ Hello?”
” You thought you could hide from me did you? Do you think your little friends can save you? It won't matter in the end.” Kagome's eyes widened as she turned white as a sheet.
“ No.. please no not again!” She stared at the phone before dropping it as if it would bite her. Inuyasha snatched up the phone before it hit the floor.
“ Who the fuck is this?” He got no answer as the line went dead. With a savage roar he threw the phone against the wall, turning back to see Kagome staring blindly into space. He reached out and gripped her shoulders, shaking her slightly. “ Kagome, who was it? Damn it wench answer me!” Kagome blinked as she finally focused on his face, panic and fear filling her eyes.
“ Naraku…” she whispered before her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to the floor.
Ohhh… cliffhanger. ~ dodges the random objects being thrown at her as readers boo and yell~ Ahh don't hurt me… I promise I will update soon! Kagome is freaking out. Naraku found her again! When she passes out she has a weird vision, and hears a voice calling out to her. Inuyasha puts his foot down and drags Kagome to his house to keep her safe. Sesshomaru soon starts training Inuyasha to protect her, while Kagome gets deep into her miko training with Kaede. Can they figure out what the vision means in time? Is Kagome part of some 500-year-old prophecy? Find out soon in Chapter 7: Mission Protect Kagome! See ya soon! ~waves~