InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When true love comes knocking.. ❯ Living With Demons... ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Welcome back all, time for the next installment of True Love. I'd like to thank everybody that has waited patiently, and not so patiently heh, for the next update.
Summary: Kagome is trying to get the hang of miko training, and Inuyasha is training to protect Kagome. Not to mention, life in the Taikaeda household is slightly nuts. People running around, practical jokes flying left and right, and of course the occasional beat down Miroku fest. Do you think you could survive life living with three Inu Youkai, a lecher, and a houseful of temperamental women? Find out what happens in, Chapter 8: Living with demons…
Inuyasha: 18
Miroku: 18
Sango: 17
Kagome: 16 almost 17
Koga: 18
Rin: 20
Sesshomaru: 23
Shippo: 10 ( though he looks like he's 5)
“ speaking”
` annoying voices in their heads'
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Inu crew or any of the songs I toss in along the way. ~ Fends off the evil lawyers in black suits ~ Back you devil spawns! Anywho, now on with the story!
Kagome opened her eyes slowly, squinting at the offending sunlight that shined brightly down on her from the balcony doors. With a groan she rolled over to snatch a few more minutes of sleep. Suddenly she felt an arm tighten around her stomach, and with a slight yelp she was tugged back against a hard form. It took her a minute or two before she could calm down her racing heart. When she finally got her paranoia under control, she looked over her shoulder. She blinked a few times in surprise when she saw a sleeping Inuyasha lying beside her, and tried to remember how she ended up in his room… and couldn't ignore the slight shiver that ran up and down her spine at the thought that she'd been in his bed twice in one day. The events of last night came flowing back to her. She had met Sesshomaru's mate, a young, though super hyperactive girl named Rin. They had met when Sesshomaru had come a crossed her in a nightclub where she worked. Some wolf demons had been hassling her, and when things had gotten out of hand, Sesshomaru had pounced in and saved the day. They had dated for a few months before he claimed her as his mate, though no one could figure out what the two had in common, or what drew them to each other. Where Rin was all fun and giggles… Sesshomaru hardly showed much emotion and was all seriousness. She had also met Shippo, the young kitsune, who Inuyasha's parents had taken in. His parents had been associates of Inutaisho's, who had been killed in an accident. Being his godparents they had taken the young fox in as their own. He lived there happily, going to school, and torturing Inuyasha on a daily basis. He had taken an instant liking to Kagome, sticking to her side the whole night as they had stayed up watching movies and just being normal teens, having the occasional argument over what movie to watch, or the never ending beatings Miroku got from Sango throughout the night. She vaguely remembered falling asleep leaning against Inuyasha's side, rousing slightly when she felt strong arms lift her up… only to fall blissfully back into slumber when her head hit the pillow and she found herself surrounded by the scent of sandalwood and the forest.
Kagome smiled to herself as she tried again to get out of bed, only to fall back as Inuyasha latched onto her shirt, tugging her back in bed as he wrapped an arm around her, all the while still seemingly asleep. Kagome tried to shove her way out of his arms, only to be held even tighter to him. Inuyasha nuzzled her neck softly and Kagome swore she heard him mumble something that sounded like “mine” under his breath. Kagome blew out an exasperated breath as she tried to think of a way out. Her eyes lit up as she turned towards Inuyasha, until her mouth was inches away from his ear. She took a deep breath as she poised herself to run.
“ WAKE UP INUYASHA!” she literally screamed in his ear, making the hanyou jerk back as he came awake with a yelp. Kagome took the moment of confusion to slide out of his arms and leap from the bed. Inuyasha blinked as he fought to clear the hazy fog from his mind, and the ringing in his ears. He glared up at Kagome as she stood over him laughing. Inuyasha started to growl as he flexed his claws, making Kagome stop laughing as she eyed him warily. “ Now Yash, it was just a joke. Don't fly off the handle.” Inuyasha smirked wickedly as he crouched, preparing to spring.
“ You had better run Kagome…” Kagome turned and fled as fast as her feet could go, sliding a crossed the wooden floors in the hall. Behind her she heard loud swearing and the following thud when Inuyasha tried to leap after her, only to get tangled in the forgotten bed sheets and crash once more to the floor, giving her the head start she needed. She decided to take the fastest way downstairs she could think of. She hoped up, straddling the banister and shoved off. She felt her stomach rise up, and her heart speed up as she shot down the banister. The stairs were so long and curved to the side that Kagome felt herself getting dizzy at her wild ride. Suddenly she felt the railing end underneath her and with a yelp she landed on the ground in a heap. She moaned as she rubbed her sore hip, gasping when she heard Inuyasha swearing from the stairs above her. She scrambled to her feet and raced through the living room. She shot through the swinging door and into the kitchen. Her family, as well as Inuyasha's and their friends, who were all sitting down to breakfast looked up in surprise as she raced through the room and came to a stop behind Inutaisho.
“ Hide me!” she yelped as she practically crawled into his lap, dragging the newspaper in his hands up and hid behind it. The others stared at her blankly as Inuyasha slammed into the room. His eyes flicked from one end of the room to the other, finally landing on the others, who had gone back to what they were doing.
“ Where's Kagome?” Sesshomaru glanced at him with a faint smile on his face as he scooped up the last of his eggs.
“ Lose her already little brother?” Inuyasha growled softly as he ignored him, sniffing the air around him. He could smell her, but he couldn't see her. Inutaisho smirked slightly behind his paper as Kagome curled up into a small ball as she tried to stay out of sight. He nudged her softly to get her attention, making Kagome glance up at him. He winked at her as he wrapped his arm around her waist tightly. Kagome's eyes narrowed in confusion, before widening as she got his meaning. She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly. Inutaisho cleared his throat, drawing Inuyasha's gaze towards him.
“ Well pup, how long has it been since we had a good ol' fashioned game of keep away?” Inuyasha stared at his father blankly as he thought it over.
“ Uhh… about a week or so I guess. Not since you and Sess decided to torture me by keeping my keys away from me.” He didn't like the nagging feeling that something was up.
“ Well now, seems like we should do something about that now shouldn't we Sesshomaru?” Sesshomaru merely took a sip of his drink, before nodding in agreement. Before Inuyasha could guess what they were up to, Inutaisho shot up from his chair, with Kagome wrapped up in his arms and leaped over the table and shot from the room, with Sesshomaru right after him. Inuyasha stood in utter disbelief before letting lose a loud growl of frustration. He took off after the two youkai as they raced into the living room. Kagome glanced back at Inuyasha, but before she could actually see him she felt Inutaisho's arms bunch up as if he were getting ready to throw her. With a high pitched yelp she felt herself being tossed into the air, only to be caught by Sesshomaru as he doubled back, shooting by a startled Inuyasha as he made for the stairs. Inuyasha slammed to a halt, swearing under his breath as he took off after him.
“ Get back here you bastard!” Sesshomaru chuckled softly as he made his way through the halls, twisting and turning as he went in and out of adjoining rooms.
“ Come on little brother, can't you keep up?” Inuyasha growled fiercely as he sped up to catch him. Suddenly Sesshomaru slammed to a halt next to an open window and glanced out it. With a devilish grin he turned to face Inuyasha as he rounded the corner and stopped a few feet away from him, panting heavily Sesshomaru shuffled Kagome until she was in his arms bridal style. “ Heads up dad!” he yelled as he turned and tossed Kagome out the window. Kagome gave a quick scream and she felt herself fall through the air towards the ground. As she braced for the oncoming impact, she found herself in Inutaisho's arms. She opened her eyes as she looked up into his own laughing ones.
“ KAGOME! What the fuck are you thinking you bastard?” Hearing the shouts coming from the window above them, the two looked up as Inuyasha hung halfway out the window. Catching sight of Kagome in his father's arms he growled savagely. Inutaisho smiled up at him.
“ Giving up already pup?”
Keh, I'm gonna kick your ass old man!” With that Inuyasha vaulted over the railing, as Inutaisho took off again, with him hot on his heels. Kagome glanced up at Inutaisho as they raced around the house towards the backyard.
“ Umm… Mr. Taika… erm I mean Inutaisho.” She corrected herself, remembering Inuyasha's parents had insisted she drop the formalities and just use their first names, drawing Inutaisho's attention down to her as he tossed back the sliding door as they entered the house again. “ Is life always like this here?” Inutaisho gave a deep rumbling laugh, making Kagome smile as well.
“ You aint seen nothing yet.”
“ Oh come on Inuyasha, don't be mad. We were just playing around.” Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest as he stared out the window. Kagome laughed at his pitiful pout, before she leaned a crossed the seat and wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight hug. Inuyasha “keh'd” as he fought to keep back the grin that wanted to break out over his face. They were all sitting in the back of a heavily tinted, and supremely decked out S.U.V that the Taikaeda's used when they were going somewhere as a group. The teens were joined by four other inu hanyous that worked as bodyguards for the family on occasion. They would be working undercover as students and one would be with each of the teens at all times. The foursome were identical quadruplets and just so happened to be Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru's cousins.
Kagome sighed as her mind started to wander back to the phone call yesterday.
~ Flashback ~
“ You thought you could hide from me did you? Do you think your little friends can save you? It won't matter in the end.”
~ End Flashback ~
Kagome shuddered as she buried her face into Inuyasha's chest. She gasped softly when she felt strong arms surround her, holding her tightly. She looked up meeting Inuyasha's gaze, as he looked down at her, a crooked smile coming a crossed his face.
“ Don't worry Kagome. I will always protect you.” Kagome's eyes widened as she heard a faint voice in the back of her mind.
“ He will protect you with his life, and you will heal his heart. Only together can you hope to defeat the darkness. Trust your heart to guide you. Don't believe the lies like I did.”
Kagome wondered who the girl was. How did she know Inuyasha and whether he would protect her or not. And what lies was she talking about? Kagome snapped out of her thoughts as the car pulled to a stop in the school parking lot. Sasha, the oldest of the quads, killed the engine as he opened the door and stepped out. With a glance over his shoulder, he nudged his dark shades down his nose as he glanced over them, a teasing light in his eyes.
“ Get the lead out you lazy asses. We have to go pretend we're in high school again just to keep you all out of trouble.” The teens all grumbled halfheartedly as they tumbled out of the car. As they stretched sore muscles and started towards the front doors, Kagome took the chance to get a better look at the four siblings, who were Inuyasha's cousins. Being identical, they really looked almost exactly alike, except for a few varying differences.
Sasha, the oldest of the four, had the trademark shinning silver hair of the Taikaeda family that hung down past his hips, and the same bright amber eyes. There was a slight resemblance to Inuyasha in the structure of his face and build, and the same oh so kawaii dog ears, though where Inuyasha was a smart mouth hot head, Sasha was sarcastic and easy going, with a tough edge to him when he got annoyed… which he usually did when in close confines with his brothers and sister. He wore brown, baggy cargo pants, with a pair of black chuck tailors peeking out. He wore a black t-shirt that said, “ My imaginary friend says you have issues.” Over this he wore a dark blue hoodie. He walked along with his hands in his pockets, whistling a tune as he went along.
The two middle siblings, named Keichi and Kaido, otherwise known as Kai and Kei, were so alike in personality… you'd swear they were one being that split into two. They were the jokers of the group, always cracking jokes and tossing comments back and forth during the worst possible times. The two were almost inseparable, wherever one was the other was not far off. They were identical to the others with the same piercing amber eyes and long silver hair tied back at their necks, except they had gone for the body builder look. They were dressed in matching black, baggy cargo pants, and matching black t-shirts, and black Vans on their feet. Going into major exorcise training and martial arts, caused them to have a more buff look then the others. They may act like airheads, but they were fierce when they wanted to be.
Then there was the baby of the foursome, Adaiko… called Ada for short. She was a more feminine version of her brothers. Her hair was the usual silver, but with dark red streaks running through out it as it cascaded down her back, down to the backs of her knees. Her way of standing out, and staying as far away from the identical part as she could. She was a hyper active spitfire, who never backed down from any challenge, be it big or small. She wore a black spandex t-shirt, and black leather pants that were flared at the bottom. She had black combat boots and even though fall was just starting and the chill wasn't that bad yet, she wore a black leather trench coat.
The group split up at the door, Sango and Keichi heading towards the gym, where Sango had to meet up with the other few demon slayers to have their weekly meeting. Kaido and Miroku headed off towards the homeroom to stake out seats for the others, while Sasha, Ada, Kagome, and Inuyasha headed towards Kaede's office. Inutaisho had already told her everything about the plan; they just needed to meet her so she could have her own talk with the quads. Sasha knocked on the door, while giving Ada a warning glare as she was currently teasing Inuyasha.
“ Come in Inuyasha.” Sasha opened the door as they all entered the office. Inuyasha scowled at Kaede as he flopped down in a chair.
“ How do you do that baba?” Kagome whacked Inuyasha over the head with her messenger bag, making the hanyou wince as he glared at her and rubbed his head. Sasha ignored the two as he stood before Kaede's desk as he patted his pockets as though he was looking for something. Suddenly his head snapped up as he turned to glare at Ada, who was perched on the arm of a chair in the corner of the room. Suddenly he barked something at her making her eyes snap to his and shine with a lethal glare. Ada returned a few short growls as she started to inspect her claws. Sasha groaned as he shook his head and mumbled something under his breath, making Inuyasha burst into laughter. Kagome blinked in confusion, as Ada blushed slightly before she began ranting and swearing as she turned to look out the window and sulk. Sasha ignored her ranting as he walked over to her and dug in the pocket of her coat. He pulled out a yellow file and turned back towards kaede. Kagome eyed the two siblings carefully, trying to figure out what was going on. She turned back towards Inuyasha, who was leaning back in the chair, balancing his weight on the back two legs.
“ Am I the only one who's lost here?” Inuyasha keh'd under his breath as he smirked up at Kagome.
“ There speaking inu youkai language. It pretty much sounds like just barks and growls to humans, but to us it's clear as day.”
“ Oh… I get it.”
“ All right children, we need to get this out of the way so ye all can be on your way to class.” Kaede took the file from Sasha as she began to read it. “ So ye and your siblings will be posing as students here to guard Kagome.” Kaede handed Sasha what looked like hotel room keys. “ These are your student I'D passes. They look like regular ones the students have, but they give you special clearance to go anywhere in the school that is normally off limits to any but the faculty. The staff had been told all about you, we are just keeping the students in the dark… since teenagers are known to talk about things that are none of their business, and might give things away in front of one of Naraku's men in disguise.” She gave Kagome and Inuyasha a knowing look when she mentioned teenagers and their nosy ways, making Kagome giggle and Inuyasha roll his eyes. “ Ok then. Kagome, ye will be meeting me in the gym after school to begin your miko training.” Kagome nodded, and then before she could lose her nerve she spoke up.
“ Umm, Kaede… I was wondering if there was any way I could take some kind of self defense training as well.” Inuyasha paused in his rocking to stare at Kagome. She was standing there with her hands clutched before her as she stared at the ground. Kaede cocked her head to the side as she pondered Kagome.
“ Why would ye want to do that Kagome?” Kagome took a deep breath and launched into her little prepared speech before she could change her mind.
“ Because everybody is doing their best to protect me, but I can't even do the same for them or myself. I don't even wanna be defenseless against Naraku again.” Kaede smiled as she nodded to Kagome.
“ Very well then, Kagome shall commence her training in her miko abilities, as well as self defense.” Kagome thanked Kaede silently before Sasha herded them out of the office. As they began the walk back towards their next classes, Kagome felt a tug on her arm. When she turned to look behind her she saw Inuyasha jerk his head to the side as he slowed his pace. Kagome slowed down until she was keeping pace with him a few feet behind the others. Kagome wondered what he was up to. When he finally spoke it was so low she almost missed it.
“ Kagome… why do you want to learn how to fight? Do you think I can't protect you?” Kagome gasped softly as her gaze shot to his to see the emotions swirling in his eyes. Was it pain… or just bruised ego at her not thinking he could be enough protection for her? Kagome stopped, making Inuyasha turn back towards her. She smiled as she laid her hand against his cheek, which he turned and nuzzled softly.
“ Inuyasha… I trust you with all my heart. I know you will do every thing in your power to protect me and keep me safe. I just want to be prepared incase something goes wrong, and your kept from me. I don't ever want to be at the mercy of that evil bastard again.” Inuyasha felt his chest swell with pride at her words.
` She trusts me so much… I just hope I will be able to protect her.'
He wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist, dragging her against him as they caught up to the others.
Kagome sighed as she stood at her locker digging through it. Sasha leaned against the row of lockers beside her smirking as she ranted under her breath about the evil plot of the school system to take over the world. He watched his younger cousins future mate… or she would be if he ever pulled his head out of his ass and claimed her. He could tell Inuyasha was in deep over this girl, but why he hesitated over it he had no idea. Suddenly he caught a whiff of something that made a low growl rumble through his chest making Kagome jump as she emerged from the depths of her locker to glance at him curiously. Before she could open her mouth, a whirlwind filled the hallway, before fading away to show Koga slide to a halt beside her. Inuyasha had given Sasha extreme warnings about the wolf. Kagome meanwhile had put on her friendliest smile as she greeted Koga, which wavered slightly when he gripped her hand in his.
“ Kagome, my sweet where have you been? I went by your house and it's been deserted and these muscle bound mutts have been prowling around there.” Kagome turned to look at Sasha who nodded as he glared warningly at Koga, who still had Kagome's hand gripped tightly in his own.
“ My dad and the other brothers have been staked out and guarding your home, upon orders from Uncle Tai.” Koga glared back as he took hold of Kagome's arm and walked her a few feet away from Sasha.
“ Kagome, what is going on? Why are you hanging out with guys like him? And why are there body guards around your house.” Kagome pulled her arm out of his grip as she stepped back from him.
“ There are things about me that you don't know Koga. Sasha and his family are helping me.” Koga gripped her shoulders tightly.
“ I can help you to Kagome.” Before Kagome could blink, she found herself behind Sasha, and him staring eye to eye with Koga.
“ I'm glad you are eager to help us with Kagome's problem. We can use more people to keep an eye out for odd things or people. I'm only gonna say this once though. Keep any romantic thoughts away from my cousin's mate. You got me?” Kagome felt her jaw drop as her face turned bright red at the word “mate” and she gripped Sasha's arm as she excused them from Koga as she shoved him down the hall. When they were around the corner and heading towards her training session with Kaede she turned loose on him.
“ Ok Sash, what's the big deal with all that mate talk?” Sasha raised his brow as he stared at her.
“ It's true Kagome. You and Inuyasha are meant for each other. The ass is just to dimwitted to make his move.” Kagome stared at Sasha in shock, her mouth opening and closing, yet no words came out. Sasha rolled his eyes as he turned Kagome towards the gymnasium where everyone else was waiting for them.
Kagome was sitting Indian style on the bottom of the bleachers in the gym, trying to concentrate for the past two hours. Every time she got her mind centered and almost focused, her mind would drift back to the conversation in the hall between Sasha, Koga, and herself.
` What did Sasha mean with all the meant for each other stuff?'
Kagome winced when she was suddenly whacked upside the head, further knocking her out of her concentration. With a growl that could rival any from the Taikaeda men she whipped around to glare at Kaede, who was watching her silently as she tapped a long wooden staff against her palm.
“ Maybe tis time we call it quits for the day. We don't want ye to over do it.” Kagome nodded as she rubbed the side of her head glumly. Kaede smiled as she stepped forward to pat Kagome on the back encouragingly. “ Don't ye worry now child. It will come to ya with time.” Kagome sighed dejectedly as she stared at the floorboards, her hands clenching tightly.
“ But will it come IN time?” Kaede handed over a bottle of cold water, which Kagome greedily drank down. When she had replaced the cap and handed the bottle back, Kaede held out a bow and a quiver full of arrows. Kagome blinked in confusion as she stared first at the bow and arrows then at Kaede. The old woman chuckled as she deposited the items into Kagome's lap.
“ Now I think tis time ye practiced for the tournament. Ye don't want to be beaten by the other's do ye?” Kagome turned to watch the others that Kaede had gestured towards, who each had paired off with one of the quads to practice their weapon or fighting style of choice. When her eyes landed on Inuyasha sparing against Sasha, she couldn't help but watch as the two men circled one another. Sasha stood a crossed from him, two wicked looking daggers in his hands, whose blades slightly resembled fangs. His hair was pulled back in a low ponytail at the nap of his neck and he was stripped to the waist. Kagome couldn't help but admire his impressive, and extremely hot body… all merely in appreciation, since she only had feelings for one inu hanyou. She turned to look at Inuyasha, and couldn't fight the little tingle of excitement that bounced around in her belly. Inuyasha was crouched low, preparing for an attack, one hand resting on the hilt of an old, weathered katana. His long silver hair was pulled back in a tight braid that hung over his shoulder, and made Kagome have to fight the urge to drool at the sight of a shirtless Inuyasha, dripping in sweat and looking sexy as hell. She blushed slightly at her train of thought, glancing around hastily to make sure no one else had noticed the telltale blush.
She was so preoccupied with watching the two cousins, she never noticed when Ada came to stand next to her. Ada, seeing the young miko's attention was else where, couldn't resist the urge to sneak up on her. Suddenly Ada pounced her gripping Kagome's arms tightly behind her in a solid grip. Kagome swallowed down the scream that lodged it's self in her throat. Ridding on a sudden burst of energy, brought on by her jolt of fear, she felt her body suddenly begin to tingle and grow warm. A bright blue light surrounded her. Ada blinked in surprise as she felt the miko's aura begin to pulse, but before she could release her, she was zapped by a burst of energy that shot her backwards away from Kagome and into the bleachers above her. Kagome gasped as she spun around in utter shock before springing up the bleachers towards a stunned looking Ada, who sat shaking her head slightly, as if to shake away the stars that were spinning around before her eyes.
“ Ada are you ok? I'm so sorry… I didn't mean it.” Ada finally got her head to stop spinning before turning to look up at a worried Kagome. She smiled sheepishly as she took Kagome's outstretched hand and pulled herself to her feet.
“ Actually hun, you did mean it, and it's good that you did. That was an awesome move. I didn't mean to scare you that bad though.” Kagome blinked in confusion once more.
“ What do you mean you didn't mean to scare me?” Kagome jumped slightly when Kaede's voice came from beside her, making her spin around to stare at the old priestess.
“ Well child, it's just like when Sesshomaru attacked you in the archery field. You were scared and your instincts took over. It's your best defense system. When you are scared your powers will reach out to protect you and try to calm you and ease your fear.” Kagome stared down at her hands before looking back to Kaede.
“ So I just have to get scared and I zap people?” Kaede and Ada burst out laughing, making Kagome blush at her rash question.
“ Some thing like that child.” Kagome smiled shyly, when suddenly her head began to swim and pound like someone was using a jackhammer inside her head. She swayed slightly as she slid bonelessly to the ground in a heap. Inuyasha who had been watching the whole display, shot forward to catch her before her head could hit the floor.
“ Kagome! Are you ok?” He brushed her bangs out of her eyes, letting out the breathe he hadn't realized he had been holding when she blinked a few times before focusing on him. She smiled weakly as she nodded slightly at him.
“ I'm fine Yash… I just got a little lightheaded.” Kaede stepped forward, holding out the water bottle again to Kagome, who took it gratefully.
“ I'm not surprised she feels drained, that was a rather powerful energy shock she gave Adaiko , and the fact that Kagome could be that strong when she is so new to her powers is extremely impressive.” Kaede took the bottle from Kagome once she drained it, and eyed her critically. “ Do you think you are strong enough to practice your archery?” Kagome nodded slowly as she managed to get to her feet, with Inuyasha's hand steadying her. She turned to look into his worried eyes.
“ Are you sure you should be doing this Kagome? You look like your about to fall over again if I let you go. I think you should just sit down and rest. Your not as strong as we are and can't handle this much at once.” Everyone else in the room groaned, and or laughed at his words and the oh so pissed look that came over Kagome's face.
“ Excuse me? What did you just say?” Inuyasha winced as he fought to pull his foot out of his mouth. When his youkai realized he was acting submissive to what it considered his future mate, his youkai side growled at him to show her who was boss.
Keh, you heard me wench! Your not as experienced as we all are so your gonna end up hurting yourself if you keep this up.” Inuyasha realized he goofed again when her eyes filled with fury. She jerked out of his arms and proud of the fact that she only wobbled a little bit, made her way towards the door leading to the outside courts. As she shoved open the doors she called over her shoulder.
“ Come on Ada, I need someone to protect little ol' stupid, weak me… since I can't do it myself.” Ada glanced hesitantly from Kagome's back to Inuyasha before running to catch up to her, followed by Sango. Inuyasha growled savagely as he punched the bleachers beside him, leaving a huge dent in the side of it as he vented his frustration. Sasha walked over to him, and tossed his arm over Inuyasha's shoulders as he chuckled at his little cousin's expense.
“ You really put your foot in your mouth this time Yash.” Inuyasha sighed dejectedly as he flattened his ears against his head, fighting the urge to whine sadly because Kagome was pissed at him.
“ All the way up to the knee Sash.” Inuyasha mumbled drawing a laugh out of the other guys as they stood around them. Sasha clapped Inuyasha on the back before turning back to the others.
“ All right you mutts, and the lecher of course…” Miroku scowled as he swore under his breath while the dastardly duo laughed out loud. “ Let's get back to work. We gotta whip you boys into shape.” Inuyasha flicked his eyes towards the door where Kagome had gone; fighting the urge to go out there and comfort his would be mate, before going back to his sparing with Sasha.
Kagome stomped through the front door and up the stairs, followed at a much slower pace by Sango and Ada. The guys all wandered into the family room, dropping on the two couches as they assumed the position of the day, before the big screen TV. After a few minutes Miroku turned towards Inuyasha.
“ So Yash… what do you wanna do?” Inuyasha shrugged as he continued flicking through channels. Kaido turned to look at Keichi with a wicked grin.
“ What do you wanna do Kai?” Keichi returned his grin as he shrugged and played along.
“ I dunno Kei… what do you wanna do?”
“ I dunno Kai… what do you wanna do?”
This continued for a few seconds before Inuyasha finally snapped. With a snarl he turned on the two, pointing at them with the remote.
“ If you two don't cut that out I'll murder you both in your sleep.” Miroku attempted to play the peacemaker, so he tossed in his suggestion.
“ How about going for a swim? We can get the girls to go, so we can ogle them in their swimsuits.” Inuyasha pondered the thought for a second, grinning when he started to grow a little to fond of the mental image of Kagome in some skimpy swimsuit, which turned into a grimace when he thought of her prancing around in front of Sasha. He knew his cousin was single, and wouldn't try anything on Kagome when Inuyasha's scent mark was all over her, which was the first step in claiming a mate, but he couldn't help but wonder if Kagome might want him to make a move on her. She had been acting weird lately, always hanging around Sasha… talking and laughing together. Now with her being pissed at him for putting his foot in his mouth earlier, he wanted to keep them from being alone until he patched things up with her. When he realized the others were staring at him, waiting for an answer he growled out as he slammed the remote down on the table.
“ No swimming!” Miroku's eyes widened slightly at his friends' outburst and decided to drop the subject. Suddenly Kaido turned and grinned at Keichi.
“ So Kei… what do you wanna do?”
“ I dunno Kai… what do you wanna do?” Suddenly a fierce growl erupted from Inuyasha as he leaped up, snatching a magazine from the table before rolling it up and smacking the two hanyous on the heads like dogs. From up stairs they heard the sound of voices, and then suddenly a loud crash was heard, drawing Inuyasha's attention away from the task at hand of beating the shit out of his cousins. The guys glanced around in confusion wondering what was going on. They turned towards the stairs as a thoroughly pissed looking Inutaisho came down the stairs swearing under his breath, followed by a laughing Sesshomaru and Rin. Sasha's brow rose up as he eyed his uncle, who was rubbing the top of his head as if he was in pain.
“ What's up Uncle Tai? Who'd you piss off bad enough to make them actually brave enough to clobber you?” Sesshomaru smirked as he dropped down into the lazy boy recliner, tugging Rin into his lap.
“ Dad made the made the mistake of teasing Kagome when she was evidently in a bad mood.” The guys stared from Sesshomaru to Inutaisho, then back again. Sasha finally recovered his speaking skills first and asked as he was fighting off the urge to laugh.
“ Kagome did this to you?” Inutaisho's eyes turned a reddish tint as he glared at his nephew.
“ One word out of your mouths… and I'll make sure the Taikaeda line ends with you mutts!” The three males of the quads and Inuyasha all glanced at each other as they fought to keep the wild urge to laugh at bay, while Miroku wisely stayed stonefaced. Inuyasha turned to Sesshomaru, giving him a quick salute.
“ You up to continuing the family line on your own Sess?” When Sesshomaru nodded, the four-inuhanyous burst into fits of laughter, making Inutaisho seethe with anger. The vein in his forehead began to tick as he growled as he threatened the teens.
“ You mutts have to the count of three before I tear you all a new one.” The four teens scrambled out of their seats as they raced from the room, Inutaisho hot on their heels.
Meanwhile, upstairs Sango and Ada were watching Kagome stomp around the room that was designated as hers venting her frustration on the furniture as she kicked it. When she finally grew tired of kicking the dresser she stomped over to the bed and flung herself onto it, burying her face into the mattress, before covering her head with a pillow and screaming her head off. Ada blinked in surprise as she turned towards Sango.
“ Is she always like this?” Sango who was watching Kagome warily shook her head as she sat on the edge of the desk near the balcony doors.
“ Actually this is the first time she's ever snapped in the month or so that I've known her.” The two turned towards the bed when a series of garbled words came from under the pillow. Sango couldn't help the chuckle that wound it's way into her words as she teased Kagome. “ Exsqueeze me, what was that oh calm and meditated one?” Ada burst into laughter as Kagome leapt up from the bed to race over and wail on Sango with the pillow that had been covering her head, all the while growling out words between swings.
“ I… am the… most… calm… and… peaceful person… in… the… world!” With her final words Kagome whacked Sango one last time, knocking her off the desk to land in a heap on the floor. Kagome placed her foot on Sango's back and proceeded to pound her chest and roar in a Tarzan of the jungle moment. Ada couldn't take it anymore. She clasped her arms over her stomach as she laughed until tears streamed down her cheeks. Sango leaned up on her elbow as she glanced up at Kagome.
“ Are you done yet?” Kagome broke off her jungle call as she looked down in mid chest thump.
“ One more thing.” Kagome plopped down and sat on Sango's back, crossing her legs Indian style, while Sango stared in shock as her mouth worked, but no sound came out. Kagome put her hand to her ear and leaned close.
“ What's that Sangiepoo? I'm getting video, but no audio. Can ya turn up the volume?” Sango growled as she suddenly rolled making Kagome fall off her back with a screech, before tackling her and tickling her senseless. Sango was now straddling Kagome's hips as she continued her assault on her.
“ Had enough Higurashi?” Kagome was laughing so hard she could barely wheeze out the words.
“ Uncle, mercy, I give!” Sango finally ended her one-sided tickle war, putting her hands on her hips. “ Now who rules?” Before Kagome could say anything, Ada leaped from her spot in the armchair in the corner, a pillow gripped in each hand.
“ I rule!” Then with a blood curdling war cry, she attacked the other two full force, knocking them upside the head with pillows. After a few crazy minutes, the pillow fight finally came to an end, leaving the girls flopped out on the floor panting in exhaustion. Suddenly Ada jumped to her feet and struck a superman pose. “ Lets go swimming! I've been here a whole day and I haven't got to use and abuse Uncle Tai's pool yet.” Kagome blinked in confusion as she stared at Ada.
“ Umm, Ada… it's almost October. You'd freeze your knobs off in the water out there.” Sango snickered slightly as she squirmed under Kagome.
“ It's an indoor pool Kags. Heated and every thing.” Kagome blinked again before blushing slightly.
“ Oh… heh right.” Sango finally managed to wriggle out from under Kagome before leaping to her feet. Once she brushed herself off she jerked her thumb towards the door.
“ Come on guys, lets go swim.” Kagome suddenly paled slightly before turning her gaze towards her lap. Sango instantly noticed this and kneeled down beside Kagome. “ What's wrong Kagome?” When Kagome answered, it was so faint Sango almost missed it.
“ What about my scars?” Sango stared at her in confusion for a second before it dawned on her.
“ Oh Kags, no one cares about your scars. And I'm sure their not that bad.” Sango turned to Ada for help, which the hanyou immediately stepped up to. She reached out, placing her hand on Kagome's shoulder, making the girl jump slightly.
“ Kagome… I know how you feel.” Kagome watched her warily.
“ You do?” Ada nodded as she reached up, gripping the zipper that held her spandex shirt closed and lowered it slowly. The shirt hung halfway open to reveal her black lacy bra clad breasts. Kagome gasped when she saw the long scar that stretched a crossed her left breast from the shoulder to between her breasts.
“ Oh Ada… what happened?” When the zipper was back in place Ada returned to her seat in the armchair.
“ Oh I get a lot of scars during training with my brothers. We're all super competitive and don't know when to quit. I got this during a certain training session with Sasha when I got up close and personal with his daggers. The trick is to just not think about them. I've got a few scars that would shock the panties off of you.” She grinned slyly as she leaned close. “ And most guys get turned on by them. They like a girl that can get rough. The pervs .” Ada laughed when she said this, drawing a smile out of Kagome. Kagome frowned suddenly as she hesitated over something.
“ Do you think Inuyasha will be turned away by it?” Ada smiled warmly as she tossed her arm over Kagome's shoulder as she turned her towards the door.
“ You won't know until you get the nerve to show him. And if your looking good enough I can promise you, he will hardly notice the scar.” Kagome looked doubtful as she let Ada lead her down the hall towards her room.
“ Really?” Ada glanced over at Sango, giving her a devilish wink, which Sango returned with a smile.
“ Trust me. I've got the perfect suit for you. It'll have the pup begging at your feet. Pun intended.” Kagome let herself be dragged into the room Ada used when she came to visit, where they shoved her into a chair as Ada started digging through a draw of the dresser. Finally she came up with a bright red scrape of material clutched in her hand.
“ Tada! I knew it was in here somewhere.” Kagome eyed the swimsuit warily. Her eyes shot to Ada's as she snorted out a laugh.
“ Ada I think your loosing it. That's your dental floss, not a swimsuit.” Sango roared with laughter, ducking to avoid Ada as she swung at her. After chasing the demon slayer around the room a bit, Ada turned once more to face Kagome, holding out the suit. Kagome made a face as she took the suit, staring at it as though it would come alive any second now and bite her. She looked once more to Sango and Ada, who were watching her expectantly, before sighing dejectedly as she turned and headed for the adjourning bathroom.
Once inside she hesitated before shedding her clothes. When she had removed her clothes and was dressed in the revealing red suit, she turned her back towards the mirror, glancing over her left shoulder to stare at the wicked looking scar that marred her almost flawless skin. Her eyes trailed along the puckered skin, reaching from the base of her neck over to halfway down her shoulder. She turned to face the mirror, admiring the way the suit molded to her curves, just on the safe side of indecent. It was a blood red one-piece suit, with two strips that covered her breasts and tied around her neck. The suit clung tightly to her body, and looked hot on her… yet she could still see the edge of the scar that peaked over her shoulder. Sighing sadly, she reached out gripping an oversized white t-shirt, which just so happened to belong to Sasha, and dragged it over the suit. She nodded in satisfaction when the shirt hung down to her hips. She returned to the room, only to be bombarded by Sango and Ada who glared at her, their hands fisted against their sides.
“ Kagome, what do you think your doing?” Kagome narrowed her gaze as she stuck her tongue out at them.
“ Look guys… you can't expect me to change overnight. I can't fight the way I feel about my scars. Maybe one day I'll be ready to take the risk.” Kagome's eyes pleaded with them for understanding, which made Sango and Ada sigh as they nodded. Kagome sighed in relief as she gestured towards the door. “ I think I'll go see if Souta and Kohaku want to swim too.” Suddenly Ada broke out in a huge grin as she picked up her own suit before heading towards the bathroom to change. When she reached the door she looked back at Kagome with a knowing smile.
“ But if I know my cousin… once he gets a load of you wearing that shirt, he won't stop until you're out of it.” With a sly wink she left Kagome staring in wide-eyed alarm as Ada and Sango left her alone as she wondered what Ada meant by that.
Downstairs the guys were all lounging around the family room; Inuyasha and Miroku were waging war as they played Tekken 3… Miroku once again getting owned severely by Inuyasha. Sasha was in the comfy recliner, reading quietly, while the dastardly duo were reclining on the couch as they watched the other two play the game as they devoured a bag of chips. Suddenly they heard what sounded like a massive stampede come barreling down the steps. When they turned towards the steps to find the source of the noise, they caught a glimpse of a red blur, followed by two smaller blurs as they sped through the room. They were followed by a slightly slower pace by Ada and Sango, who strolled down the stairs companionably. Miroku's eyes nearly bugged out when he caught sight of Sango's suit. It was a black and pink two-piece, the top being a halter-top that tied in the back and around the neck, while the bottom was high cut, making Sango's long legs look endless. He gave a loud wolf whistle as Sango grinned and spun in a circle to show off.
“ Ya like Roku?” Miroku nodded emphatically as he reached out to caress her ass as she paced by, only to earn a slap a crossed the face when she saw him out of the corner of her eye. “ Behave yourself monk!” Sasha chuckled as he watched Miroku sheepishly rub his cheek before shifting his gaze to the girls.
“ So what are you two plotting?” Ada draped her towel over her shoulders as she grinned mischievously at her brother, nodding her head towards Inuyasha slightly.
“ Were going for a swim. We finally convinced Kagome that a calming dip in the pool would be just what she needed. Once we got her a suit she was rearing to go.” Sango glanced at Ada curiously at her little white lie, yet said nothing. Inuyasha who had been half listening to the conversation clued in at the words Kagome, and swimsuit. He blinked as his head swung around to face Ada. She fought the urge to cackle with glee as she kept her gaze locked on Sasha's. “ Sash, you should join us. I told Kagome all about your skills.” Sasha raised his brow slightly at his sister, smirking when a low growl was heard coming from Inuyasha as he gripped the controller tightly in his hands. He caught on to his sister's subtle hinting, and decided that what ever got his baka of a cousin off his ass and ready to make his move with Kagome, then he was game. He dropped his book on the table next to him and rose to his feet.
“ Fine by me. Gimme a few minutes to change and I'll meet you out there.” Inuyasha's grip on the controller tightened even more, snapping the controller in two. When the plastic pierced his hand it snapped him out of his jealous rage, as he sheepishly shoved the controller under the couch out of sight. As Inuyasha watched as Sasha made his way towards the stairs, he spoke up to Miroku, his eyes never leaving the older hanyou.
“ Hey Miroku… wanna go for a swim?” Miroku opened his mouth to argue with Inuyasha about already saying that, but decided he liked his head where it was, and kept quiet.
Inuyasha smirked wickedly as he shoved off the floor to his feet and took the stairs two at a time. If Sasha was going to flirt and move in on his Kagome… then he had a surprise in store for him. This hanyou wasn't going down without a fight.
Well well… seems trouble might be brewing in the Taikaeda household. Inuyasha really put his foot in it this time. Can he make things all right with Kagome… or will he loose her to his stronger, smarter, better-looking older cousin??? Oh the tangled web I weave. MUWAHAHA!!!! ~Cough~ Anywho… So find out what goes down in the next chapter… Chapter 9: All's Fair in the Game of Love… See ya soon!