InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Lives Collide ❯ My Saviour ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*When Two Lives Collide: A Sesshomaru pt. 3*~(Saviours and an Awkward Reunion)

Sesshomaru scowled as he slouched ever so slightly in the passenger's seat of Inuyasha's red Mercedes, resisting the urge to rub his temples against the headache beginning to form under the relentless attack of the rap music his little brother was currently blasting. He couldn't see how his brother could stand it. Half-breed or not, the whelp still had inu-youkai blood running through his veins. Perhaps he is already half deaf, Sesshomaru mused. He figured the same for his daughter, considering said child was currently bouncing around in the back seat, dancing in a style that could only be described as "purely Rin".

"Buckle up, Rin." Sesshomaru ordered his daughter, sounding harsher than he meant to due to the pounding in his head, and unable to take it any longer, he reached a clawed hand over and shut off the radio, basking in the brief silence that followed. Note the the word "brief" has, indeed, been used.

A groan from Rin and a 'What the fuck?' from Inuyasha followed, shattering Sesshomaru's two seconds of solitude.

"God damn it, Sesshomaru, what the hell was that for?" his dear brother asked, taking his eyes off the road in order to glare at the older of the two. In response, Sesshomaru grabbed Inuyasha's jaw and forced it to the side, making him watch where he was driving.

"How you can listen to loud as you do is beyond me." the youkai remarked, keeping his voice low so that Rin couldn't hear, being fairly certain that the profanities would soon fly.

Sure enough, Inuyasha scoffed at his brother's comment, not able to stop the sarcastic remark that flew out of his mouth. "Keh! I can listen to it, cause I didn't turn into an old, bitter asshole at the age of 20!"(1) As an after thought, Inuyasha added, "Besides, Fluffy, don't you have to dance to shit like this?" The hanyou immediately paled, realizing that he had said that loud enough for the small child in the back seat to hear.

As if on cue, Rin's voice emerged from the back seat. "Daddy? What is Uncle Inuyasha talking about?"

"Nothing, Rin." came her father's royally pissed off voice in reply, "your uncle's brain must addled." to punctuate his words, Sesshomaru gave his brother a hard smack to the back of his head, effectively making the inuhanyou's forehead bump the steering wheel and making the horn honk slightly.

"It isn't nice to hit, Daddy." Rin's voice once again piped up from behind the two brothers, making Sesshomaru smirk.

"My baka brother deserves every slap he receives, Rin." As soon as the smirk found its way to his face, it disappeared and his eyes hardened as he gazed back towards his daughter. "Did I not just tell you to fasten your seat belt?"

The child pouted. "But we're almost there." she whined.

Sesshomaru glared, and that's all it took to convince the girl to tug the seatbelt over her chest and bring it down to the buckle that resided next to her hips with lightening speed. Sesshomaru Takahashi's glares could make hell freeze over.


Tamaki stood in her silken white bath robe in front of her closet, her index finger tapping her chin lightly as she pondered over what to wear. Behind her, Sango collapsed onto her soft bed with an exasperated sigh as she crossed her eyes slightly, an odd sign of impatience, but one of Sango's trademarks.

"Sometime before my wedding, please?" she murmured sarcastically, moving to stand beside her friend.

"Fine, fine." Tamaki grumbled as she pulled a black turtleneck and a pair of faded jeans out of the closet. She quickly shooed her friend out of her room, before letting the robe slide off her shoulders and setting about the task of dressing. Minutes later, she stood in front of her front door, pulling her hat over her head and wrapping her scarf around her neck.

"So, Sango" the water demoness began, sliding her gloves over her fingers and tugging them over her palms, "you never did get around to discussing that "agenda" of yours with me."

"Oh, right...well I would've if you didn't hang up on me." Sango half-pouted in return.

"No," Tamaki corrected, pulling the sleeves to her dark blue winter coat over her arms, "You would have hung up on me once the argument was over to have make-up sex with Miroku."

Knowing that her friend was right, Sango did the only thing she could do. She grabbed the Tamaki's glove-clad hand and led her outside, having called a taxi five minutes prior.

"So, for future reference, what exactly are we doing today?"

Sango thought for a moment. "Well, first we're gonna go pick up Kagome and--don't scowl, Tamaki, it doesn't suit you, then, we're gonna have to go across town to get Katari. After that, I thought we'd grab some lunch, maybe go ice skating." Sango hesitated for a moment, "Then we'll...we'll go home."

Tamaki's eyes darkened by a fraction. "Sango, you're a horrible liar."

"What do you mean?"

"What are you planning that I'll refuse to take part of?"

"The cab's here!" Sango cheerfully changed the subject as she pointed to the yellow car currently making its way up Tamaki's driveway.


"And for you?"

Rin looked up from her kiddie menu to the pretty woman hovering over her, awaiting her order.

"A cheeseburger, please." (2)

Beside the little girl sat Sesshomaru, who was inwardly wishing the woman away. He knew her all too well. She was a regular at the strip joint, commonly referred to as "the magnet" because of how she attached herself to the strippers. He, himself had been the object of her...affections...numerous times. Finally, she strode away, but not before allowing her breasts to "accidentally" brush against his arm as she stood from her half-crouching position. He allowed an exasperated sigh past his lips. 'Women'.

Sesshomaru shook his head as he stood. "Inuyasha, watch Rin." he told his brother in a warning tone before walking away. He needed to get his mind off that damned job of his.


Tamaki made a face as the cab she and Sango sat in pulled in front of the Higurashi Shrine. Don't get her wrong, Kagome was a very...nice...girl, but Kami-sama the woman must be on some kind of medication for her to be happy all the time.

"Hey, Sango," Tamaki began, watching as Kagome ran down the hundred some-odd steps seperating her house from the street. 'No wonder she's so skinny.', "didn't you mention that Kagome has a half-demon for a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, why?" she replied disinterestedly.

The demoness looked at her friend as though she was the stupidest being on the planet, "Her grandfather has a notorious reputation for hating demons. Didn't he disown her for falling for a hanyou?"

Sango returned Tamaki's expression as she faced the demon. "Kagome's not stupid, Tamaki. She hasn't told him."

A grin spread across the other's face. "Ha! So 'Miss Priss' does have some skeletons!"

"Just a little skeleton." Sango replied, scowling.

"But a skeleton, nonetheless."

Sango rolled her eyes, then quickly exchanged her exasperated expression for a smile when an out-of-breath Kagome climbed into the cab. As soon as greetings were exchanged, the car started across town for their other companion, Katari. Unlike Kagome, Tamaki could stand Katari. Her slight crudeness didn't bother her, all that mattered was that Katari wasn't so sweet and perky it disgusted her. Katari could only be described as any straight man's dream woman: tall, but not so that she towered over everyone around her, skinny, but still with curves in all the right places. Her body, accompanied with her beautiful blue eyes and long, straight black hair made it hard for any of her friends to believe that she was still single. Twelve red lights and 20 minutes later, the human woman in question sat wedged in between Kagome and the cab door.

"What are we doing today, Sango?" Katari piped up, peering across the back seat through dark blue eyes at Sango.

Three girls over, Sango simply shrugged. "We're just going to have a girl's day out. You know, get some lunch, maybe shop, go ice skating..." lowering her voice, Sango continued, "visit Demonic Desires..."(3)

Kagome and Tamaki simultaneously gasped as Katari spit out a mouthful the Coke (4) she had brought along with her.

"That strip club?" Kagome gasped.

"Sango! I thought you were having your bachelorette on Monday!" Tamaki added to the newly arisen chaos.

Sango slouched down in the seat, casting Tamaki her famous "puppy eyes". "I know," she began pathetically, "I'm sorry, Tamaki, but that hard ass InuTaisho wouldn't give me Monday off. The wedding's in a week and a half and the asshole won't give me weekdays off for purposes other than the honeymoon. We're going to have to throw it tonight."

Tamaki groaned softly as a pout found a way to the woman's face. "Well, that sucks."

"There's a bright side to it, though." Sango piped up, her light brown eyes acquiring a new found sparkle to them, "For two-hundred bucks, you can get a private performance in the VIP section with the stripper of your choice."

Tamaki glanced around the cab to find that Katari was now grinning like a fool and Kagome seemed a bit more relaxed...perhaps that was because she realized that she didn't have to ogle men in front of middle-aged women. "Okay, I'll go." she murmered begrudgingly.

~20 mins later (A/N: I'm lazy...)~

The group sat at a booth, talking and laughing as they awaited their orders, when suddenly Tamaki sensed the presence of a demon nearby. Looking around her, she discovered the source--a little girl.

"Hi." the water demon greeted the child with a smile, but frowning when she noticed the tears in her eyes...and finally, the lack of parents. "Are you lost?"

Sniffling, the child nodded and tearfully told Tamaki, "I don't know where Daddy and Uncle Inuyasha are."

Casting a glance over her shoulder at her friends, Tamaki stood. "Would you like me to help you find them?"

The little girl sniffled once again and wiped her nose with the back of her hand before nodding. With that, Tamaki took the time to study the girl's features. Dark brown hair, light brown eyes (though at a closer look they appeared a very dark orange), and a miniscule blue crescent moon adorning her forehead.

"Uncle Inuyasha?" a voice piped up behind her, which she recognized as Kagome's, "Oh, hi, Rin!"

Tamaki noticed how the child's, who's name is most likely Rin, eyes lit up when she looked upon Kagome, and she ran past the demoness in favor of wrapping her arms around Kagome's thighs in an awkward hug.

"Kagome!" she looked up at the girl through watery brown eyes, "I can't find them."

"Ah, do you two know each other?" Tamaki asked, knowing the answer was fairly obvious.

"Yeah, this is my boyfriend's niece."

Tamaki blinked. "...oh."


"Watch Rin." Inuyasha mocked in a high pitched voice, then lowered it to a grumble, "asshole."

"Uncle Inuyasha, it isn't nice to copy." Rin admonished her uncle as she chewed on her cheeseburger. Her daddy's food had come too, but he hadn't come back from his walk yet. That was like him, though. Her father liked to think a lot. Too much, Rin sometimes thought. Her daddy went on walks whenever his thoughts started to annoy him. He had started going on a lot of walks after her mommy went away.

"Rin!" her uncle's voice startled her out of her rather short musings, and she noted that she had probably spaced out.


"I said," Inuyasha paused for the added effect, then simply scowled, turning back to his ramen. "Never mind, it's not important."

After nodding curtly, Rin told her uncle, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom, Uncle Inuyasha."

"Yeah, go ahead." the hanyou murmured distractedly as he shoveled the noodles into his mouth as quickly as his chopsticks would allow him. He paused mid-chew, however, when a familiar scent reached his nose. Kagome...?

Rin hummed to herself softly as she washed her hands, then retrieved some paper towels, pushing her way through the door shortly afterwards.

"I'm back, Uncle Inuya-" Rin paused mid-stride, seeing that her table was empty. "Uncle Inuyasha?" she called softly. The girl looked around frantically as panice began to set silver red Uncle Inuyasha. That's when Rin's tears came. What if she never saw her daddy or her uncle again? Would she have to live all by herself? Would a bad man take her away? That's when she remembered her father's words.

'Rin, if you should ever get seperated from me, or whomever you may be with, I want you to find someone with a pleasant scent. (5) Those people will most likely help you. I want you to remember that.'

Wiping her eyes, Rin used her little nose to seek out the person who could help her. Finally, she caught a nice scent. The person had the same smell as the ocean her parents had taken her to when she was four. Trailing the scent, the child soon came to a pretty demon woman. 'She'll help me...right?'


A puff of air that was tinted white in the cold winter air escaped a set of perfectly shaped lips as golden eyes stared up at the huge skyscraper in front of him. Said golden eyes darkened when he read the name of the building. Takahashi Corporations

'I could have owned this...all of this, by now, if only I hadn't been so foolish when I was fourteen. Sesshomaru thought to himself, then shook his head, wondering what life could have been like if he and Yura didn't have Rin. 'Don't think like that,' Sesshomaru mentally chastised himself, 'that one night resulted in your best friend.' Averting his eyes to the direction he had come in, he allowed a thoughtful frown onto his face. "Speaking of Rin," he murmered to himself, "I'd better get back." As soon as Sesshomaru had crossed the street leading to the restaurant, he heard a high pitched voice call out, "Daddy!"

Sessomaru turned around just as Rin lunged at him, wrapping her arms around her father's leg in a death grip.

"Rin?" the girl's father asked in mild shock as he knelt down to face her, "why aren't you with your uncle?"

"I couldn't find Uncle Inuyasha, Daddy," the child then turned to the four women behind her, who had gone unnoticed until now. "so I got Kagome-chan, Sango-san, Tamaki-san and Katari-san to help me."

Standing to his full hieght, Sesshomaru inclined his head slightly to the women. "Thank you for being kind to my daughter." With a slightly more irritated voice, Sesshomaru said, "Hello, Kagome."

"Hi!" Kagome chirped as she waved at Sesshomaru, missing his forced politeness.

Sesshomaru refocused his attention on his daughter. "Let's go find your uncle."


"Damn it, where is she?" Inuyasha snapped at nobody in particular as he ignored his onlookers. The hanyou had his face in the cement as he struggled to catch his girlfriend's scent, looking very much like a frustrated dog looking for his bone (A/N: LOL I hope you got that) when suddenly a familiar pair of shoes obscured his view. Looking up, he caught sight of his pissed off brother, who carried Rin on his hip. Kagome and Sango stood behind him, along with two other girls he didn't know.

"Rin, I would like you to stay here with Kagome-chan for a moment while I speak with my brother." Sesshomaru told his daughter as he set her down, then roughly pulled Inuyasha up by the collar and dragged him into a nearby ally, only to slam him up against the nearest wall.

"AH!" Inuyasha yelled in pain as the back of his head collided with the hard bricks behind him. "Sesshomaru, what the fuck is your problem?!?"

"I go for a walk, telling you to watch your niece. I am gone for twenty minutes when I am about to go back, and what happens when I am halfway there?" Sesshomaru snarled, pausing for the effect before continuing, "I see my daughter running up to me, accompanied by a bunch of strangers, excluding that girlfriend of yours, saying that she couldn't find you. Halfway around the block from he restaurant where you left my six-year-old daughter alone, I find you sniffing for Kami knows what. You constantly ask me why I don't trust you, little brother, and you do something like this?" Sesshomaru let go of his brother, letting the boy drop unceremoniously onto the hard concrete. "You are seventeen years old, Inuyasha. I thought you would know better. Apparantly I was wrong."

The demon walked out of the ally, leaving the hanyou behind.

"What would you like to do next, Rin?" Sesshomaru asked his daughter seconds later as he picked her back up, ignoring when Kagome ran to her boyfriend.

The child immediately forgot her worry for her uncle as her eyes brightened. "I wanna go see a movie."

"Which movie would you like to see?"

Rin didn't answer her father as she jumped down from his arms, dug into his jeans pocket and retireved fifty cents, then rushed to the nearest phone booth to hear what the theater was currently showing.

Suddenly, Sesshomaru asked the women to look after his daughter for a moment as he rushed into the restaurant.

Katari blinked. "What the hell was that about?"


Sesshomaru regarded the furious waitress in front of him boredly. "If we intended to not pay our bill, then why do you think I came back into the restaurant? I am not stupid..." he read the woman's nametag, "Kari."

When Kari said nothing, he took it as a sign to continue. "How much was the food?"


Taking out his wallet, Sesshomaru retrieved a twenty dollar bill (6) and handed it to the woman. "Keep the change." he muttered as he prepared to leave, only to be stopped by Kari latching herself onto his arm.

"I can't wait to see you dance for me again," she purred.

Growling lowly in annoyance and disgust, Sesshomaru ripped his arm away from the woman and stalked out of the restaurant.


Blinking, Tamaki studied the red-faced waitress through one of the restaurants as she watched her argue with Rin's father...or rather, her try to argue with Rin's father, only for him to calmly retort, effectively making her face redder.

"I wonder what pissed her off so much." she mumbled, turning her gaze to the small girl beside her, who was softly repeating movie titles to herself in order to remember them. Rin was a cute child, though she looked nothing like her father, excluding the crescent moon. Shifting her eyes, Tamaki took the time to gawk at the demon for the first time, now that she got the chance. He had gorgeous golden eyes, and long, well kept silver hair that stayed tucked behind perfectly shaped, elf-like ears and trailed down a lithe yet well muscled body, ending at his thighs. Two magenta stripes adorned the cheeks on a beautifully sculpted face, a dark blue crescent moon identical to his daughter making the perfect ornament on his forehead. Hearing a mock "shocked gasp" behind her, Tamaki turned to find Sango grinning at her.


After giving her friend an expaserated look, Sango began, "Tamaki, I'm engaged and I'm attracted to the guy."

The demon blinked confusedly. "And...?"

"At least talk to him, Tamaki. You don't know what it could result in."

Tamaki exhaled loudly, making her besetment known. "There's two things wrong with your theory, Sango. One, who am I to assume that he's not already taken? He does have a daughter. And two, you ask me I don't know what this could result in, but you're wrong. It'll end up just like all my other relationships. With me at your house, shoving a pint of Ben and Jerry's down my throat and crying my eyes out because my boyfriend cheated on me when I wouldn't put out."

"My mommy went away when I was five." a small voice piped up, and Tamaki jumped, her face turning a shade that would put a tomato to shame as she remembered that Rin was within hearing range during their conversation. Before Tamaki could think of anything to say, Sango saved her.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that Rin." the human told her, her tone sympathetic, "So tell me...does your daddy have a certain friend that he goes out with sometimes? Maybe...go to his bedroom and make funny noises with on occasion?"

Tamaki gasped at what her friend was implying. "Sango!"

"No, daddy doesn't make funny noises." Rin replied to Sango, confused. "Why?"

"No reason." the human told the little girl, casting Tamaki a smirk. "So...Rin. What's your daddy's name?"

"Daddy!" Rin told Sango with a smile. "Daddy's name is Daddy!"

Chuckling slightly, Sango shook her head. "No, Rin. I mean, what do other grown-ups call your daddy?"

Thinking for a moment, Rin said, "Uncle Inuyasha calls Daddy 'Fluffy'."

"Um..." Sango began, barely holding in her mirth at the nickname, "Does your Uncle Inuyasha call your daddy anything else?"

Nodding, Rin told the older woman, "Sesshomaru."

Turning to Tamaki, Sango said in a sly voice, "So his name's Sesshomaru, huh?"

Tamaki gaped at Sango. She was using his six-year-old daughter to get information on the guy?

"Rin," Sango started up again as she crouched down to meet the child at eye level. "How old is your daddy?"

"Daddy's 21." the girl answered automatically, and Sango pulled back, dumbfounded. 'That means he had her when he was fifteen... "Well..." she regained her composure, "thank you, Rin."

"For what?" the child replied, blinking.

Standing, Sango told the child in a relieved, chipper voice, "Oh, look. Your father's back!"

Sure enough, Rin turned around to see her father standing in front of her. "Hi, Daddy!"

"Did you get the movie showings?" Sesshomaru asked his daughter as he ruffled her hair while walking past her, towards the ally where he left his brother.

Rin frowned. "I forgot them when Sango-san started talking to me." she told her father, knowing he could still hear her from the ally.

Allowing a small smirk onto his face, Sesshomaru said. "That's alright, Rin. We can just find out when we get there."

Seconds after those words came out of Sesshomaru's mouth, his cell phone rang.

"Yes?" he asked in greeting, not bothering to check who was calling.

"Sesshomaru, I need you to come into work. Now."

Sesshomaru pulled the phone away from his ear and glared at it. 'Kagura.' Placing the cell phone next to his ear, the demon told his boss, "Look at your calendar. I have today off."

"Yes, but Bankotsu threw up all over himself in the middle of a performance, Juromaru called in sick, Koga is just plain not showing up and he won't answer his phone, and Hiten is sitting in his dressing room (7) acting like a fucking prima donna and telling everyone that he won't come out until he gets better "gigs"...whatever the hell that means." Kagura sighed softly, then, in a cheerful tone, told the demon, "Anyway, be here in fifteen minutes or you're fired."

The line went dead, and Sesshomaru growled, resisting the urge to chuck the phone into he nearest body of water and quit his job. Closing his eyes, Sesshomaru exhaled and called Rin over to him. Kneeling in front of the child, he said in almost apologetic tone, "Rin, Daddy has to go to work for a little while."

Rin's big eyes welled up with tears and she shook her head slowly. "But...but we were supposed to go to the movies..."

"I know, but too many people didn't show up for work, and if I don't get there soon my boss will fire me. We both know we can't afford that, Rin. How about this: We'll go to the movies, and do whatever else you want to do tomorrow. My work is closed on Sundays anyway."

Sniffling a little, Rin nodded. "Okay, Daddy."

"Okay. Give me a hug and I'll see you in a few hours."

Rin hugged Sesshomaru, then watched through tear-blurred eyes as her father stood.

"Tell your uncle that I'm giving him a second chance." Sesshomaru told his daughter before transforming into his orb and flying off.(8) Ten minutes later, Sesshomaru stood at the entrance of the wretched building known as 'Demonic Desires', blinking as the harsh brightness of the neon flourescent lights hit his sensitive eyes and covering his nose as the combined smells of smoke, arousal, alcohol, and sweat nearly made him gag.

"Oh, thank the Kami you're here." Kagura sighed as she emerged from backstage.

'You didn't give me a choice, bitch.' Sesshomaru inwardly growled at the woman, but wisely held his tongue.

"Anyway, I think we're okay for strippers for the next few hours, so let's have you bartend until about 4:00, then you'll go on."

Sesshomaru sighed, heading backstage to put on the embarrassing garb that went with the bartender's role, but Kagura held him back. "We don't have time for that. This place opens in a half an hour." Eyeing the demon with scrutiny, the wind demon made an upwards motion with her hand. "Just take off your shirt."

Sesshomaru did as he was asked before taking his place behind the bar.

Thirty minutes of sitting at the bar started to make Sesshomaru stir crazy, so he stood, prepared to begin a long and annoying pace session, when the doors opened. Demonic Desires had opened.

A/N: *winces* I'm sorry, this was probably one of the worse of the three chapters...I've been trying to improve and it took like a month for me to try to get the details right (remember, this is posted on another website and I started writing this...months ago it must have been). However I have quite a bit of writer's block tonight but I wanted to get this posted soon... Anyway, hey, I came here for constructive criticism and I've tried to apply what I received to my writing as best as I could.

(1). Okay, to avoid any confusion that that comment may arouse, Sesshomaru is 21. Inuyasha is referring to when Yura left and he began his...job.

(2). I have no clue what Japanese kiddie menus consist of and I'm too damn lazy to find out, so I just typed the first thing that I thought of that's in an American kiddie menu. Don't hurt me.

(3). Thank you for the strip joint name idea, Emmie ^^.

(4). Too lazy to do any sort of research on Japanese soda products...

(5). I ran out of ideas, so in this story, if you have a nice scent to you you're a nice person. If you have a bad scent to you you are a bad person. Cappiche?

(6). As you have probably guessed, I was born and raised in America. It would take way too long for me to learn and most likely memorize the currency system of Japan and I wanted to update this quickly.

(7) I have NO ideas whether strippers have their own dressing room or not. I'm just trying to get this updated as quickly as possible.

(8). For those of you who haven't seen that certain episode of Inuyasha, Sesshomaru can turn into a ball of light as means of transportation when in a hurry.

A/N: Okay...for the third time, I need help...can someone beta for me?