InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Lives Collide ❯ Day Off ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Daddy? Come on, Daddy. Wake up. Daddy? Daddy!" The six-year-old sighed, taking a break from the task of waking her father for the moment. "Uncle Inuyasha? Daddy won't wake up." Rin whined as she stepped into the living room, and sat on the couch next to her beloved uncle. Inuyasha snorted as he temporarily stopped his channel surfing to look down at his niece. He smirked as one of his rare ideas popped into his head.

"Hey, Rin. I think I know how to wake your daddy up." Not waiting for a reply, Inuyasha took his feet from their perch at the coffee table in front of the couch, stood, and walked into the kitchen, then, after retrieving what he wanted and doing what was required for what he was about to do, he made his way for Sesshomaru's bedroom.

"You're gonna get in trouble, Uncle Inuyasha." a wide eyed Rin warned as she followed him into the bedroom. Her uncle's only reply was one of his famous 'keh's before Inuyasha pushed open the door and silently padded over to the large bed where Sesshomaru laid. Then, before Rin could protest, he dumped the pitcher of cold water onto Sesshomaru's sleeping form.

Needless to say, Sesshomaru wasn't pleased.

In seconds, Sesshomaru, who was soaking wet and clad only in a pair of boxers, (you know you wanna drool) had Inuyasha pinned to the wall closest to his bed, a placid, yet angry look upon his face.

"Would you care to enlighten me, little brother," he began in a low voice, "as to why I am all wet?"

~*~*~*~*~*Tokyo Subarbs*~*~*~*~*~

Tamaki yawned over the sizzling pan that currently contained her breakfast that she was in the process of making, then jumped when the unexpected shrill cry of her telephone rang throughout her kitchen. Scowling, she walked across the room to retrieve the annoying contraption while making a mental note to move the damned thing.

"Moshi moshi?" she greeted into the receiver as she strode back over to the stove and situated the phone so that it was cradled between her chin and shoulder in order to have her hands free.

Konnichiwa, Tamaki!" Sango's voice chirped over the line.

Tamaki shook her head, sighing as she tightened the tie to her robe. "You know what? You're too perky in the morning..."

Sango's cheerful laughter rang through the phone, but otherwise she didn't reply.

Taking the hint to continue talking, Tamaki said, "So you're picking me up at noon, right?"

"Yeah." Sango confirmed.

"Alright. Was there a reason why you called?" Tamaki questioned as she transferred her now finished breakfast onto a plate, then bent down to feed Itokuzu-mari.

"Yup!" she responded cheerfully, "Gonna discuss our agenda for today!"

One narrow topaz colored eyebrow lifted. "You have an agenda? And for this of all things?"

Sango huffed and Tamaki could just see her placing her hands on her hips like she does when annoyed. "I can be organized!"

"No you can't!" a male voice in the background could be heard yelling.

"SHUT UP, MIROKU!" Sango yelled at her fiancee` (right into the receiver, mind you), causing Tamaki's sensitive ears to ring. She pulled the phone from her ear with her now free hand and glared at it.

"Break my eardrums, why don'tcha?" she murmured more to herself than anything else. Aquamarine eyes rolled as Tamaki listened to Sango yell at Miroku for a few more minutes before hanging up.

"Two weeks until they actually take the plunge and they're already acting like a full blown married couple." she mused to Itokuzu, who vlinked at her before turning back to his breakfast. Tamaki sighed, then started up the stairs to start her morning ritual.

~*~*~*~*~*Across town*~*~*~*~*~

"Would you care to tell me what you are doing here, baby brother?" Sesshomaru asked as he emerged from his bedroom, now dried off and dressed for the day in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.

"Rin told me you two were going out and I thought I'd go along." the hanyou replied, watching as his niece flipped through the channels on the T.V.

One of Sesshomaru's eyebrows arched at this. "No."

Rin stopped staring at the television screen, which was currently showing an episode of Dora the Explorer, to stare at her father with her famous "puppy dog eyes" .

"Please, daddy?"

"No." he repeated, walking towards the kitchen. The last time Sesshomaru had let Inuyasha go somewhere with him and Rin, Inuyasha stole Sesshomaru's ID and snuck into a bar when his brother wasn't looking. Long story short, Inuyasha got caught, kicked out of the bar, arrested and charged with being drunk in public, and Sesshomaru was the one blamed for it by their father.

Never one to give up, Rin ran to her father and stood in front of him, blocking his way.

"Daddy, please? Please???" she pleaded, jutting her bottom lip out and making her chin tremble for the added affect. When her father wasn't moved, she willed fake tears to well up in her big brown eyes.

Sesshomaru sighed. The kid was good. "Very well."

Rin instantly perked up and hugged Sesshomaru's jean clad leg. "Yay! Thank you, daddy!"

"As long as you don't intend to pick up that girlfriend of yours." Sesshomaru told his brother, distaste and disdain marring his normally emotion free voice. He hated Kagome. She was a tad perkier than his tolerance level could handle, so whenever Sesshomaru had to be in the same room as the girl, he made sure to stay as far away from her as possible, lest he "accidentally" strangle her.

"Ah, don't worry, Lord of the Fluff. Kagome's going to be hanging out with some friends of hers today." Inuyasha replied heatedly, his dog ears twitching rapidly in agitation underneath that stupid red bandanna he always wore as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Thankfully, Sesshomaru was too busy watching his daughter's current victory dance to "remind" him that he couldn't stand that nickname.

"Where're we going, anyway?" he asked, putting his annoyed attitude aside for the moment. In reply, Sesshomaru looked to Rin, silently letting her know that she can choose. The little girl grinned that broad, toothless grin of hers before listing off dozens of things for her, her father, and her uncle to do.
Eventually, Inuyasha had to interrupt her. "There's only twenty four hours in a day, Rin. You may wanna, you know, break that list in half and save something for you to do tomorrow."

Rin smiled brightly at her uncle before saying, "Okay!" and skipping to the closet that stood next to the front door, where she retrieved her hat, scarf, coat, and gloves in preparation to step out into the cold winter air. The child wasted no time in tieing her tennis shoes and dragging on said items before turning to her father and uncle.

"Uncle Inuyasha, Daddy, get ready." the six-year-old ordered the two men. When they just stared at her, she let an exasperated sigh escape her mouth and returned to the closet, extracting her father's and her uncle's coats, then handed them to said men. Minutes passed and now, Rin stood in front of her father, jumping up and down impatiently. "Come ooooooooon."


Rin frowned at her father and her uncle. "If you don't get ready, I'll walk there."

Her uncle simply shrugged, while her father was currently engrossed in the movie he had just flipped to, The Amityville Horror (I loooove that movie ^^). However, his daughter stepped in front of the screen, effectively blocking his view right when Jodie DeFao forced that babysitter to stick her finger into the bullet hole in her forehead. Squeezing her eyes shut, Rin whirled around to face the T.V. and groped for the power button, not daring to look at the evil looking girl who was currently mauling the teenaged babysitter. Finally, all sounds ceased from the television and Rin heaved a sigh of relief as she raised her eyes to meet a blank screen. Chuckling quietly, Sesshomaru dragged on his coat and walked over to the closet, where he retrieved his shoes and quickly tied them. He grabbed his house keys from the end table by the door and shoved them into his pocket on the way out, Rin on his heels.

"Come along, Inuyasha." Sesshomaru called over his shoulder, "We are taking your car."