InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We Grow Up ❯ When We Grow Up ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: We own nothing. Not Inu-Yasha, not Kagome, not the plot- - - no, wait- We do own that last one. ^_~

Author's Note: Um. . . Not much to say except enjoy.


When We Grow Up

By Fallen Karma Angels

Kagome and Inu-Yasha sat in the far opposite corners of their tree house, their six-year-old bodies positively shivering with disgust. A cool, late spring breeze passed through the glass-less windows of the old wooden house, making the female shiver slightly. Birds chirped in the bright blue sky, brand-new leaves rustled, and sweet smelling flowers perfumed the air with their fragrance. It was a beautiful day.

In a horrible way.

"S. . . school today. . ." Kag ventured slowly, a nervous chuckle escaping her lips. "Stupid, wasn't it. . . ?"

"Yeah," her best friend agreed quickly, his voice no more than a grunt. "Stupid. . ."

They both swallowed, stopping the conversation there. Well, better than continuing it, really. . . If they did, they might find themselves discussing the events of that day- their first sex talk. And it was terrible.

Evidently it wasn't embarrassing enough that the girls and guys had been forced to stay in the same room during that particular period, for Kag and Inu had been told to sit right next to each other by the teacher. And if that hadn't been bad enough, well. . .

Having been best friends since baby-hood, they had seen parts of the other that they wouldn't admit to anymore. But hey- when you're four, taking a bath with your best friend wasn't considered wrong! Not even if your best friend was of the opposite gender. . . Heaven knew their moms found it cute enough, judging by the number of pictures that had been taken on those bath dates.

So yeah, that had been torture- to say the very, very least. But despite that, here they were- hanging out like they had planned to do before the health lesson from hell- though they weren't having much fun. It was hard to look at one another anymore without certain. . . diagrams. . . popping into mind. And certain baby pictures. . .

"You know. . ." Kagome murmured quietly, shifting uncomfortably in her seat, "that wasn't. . . SO bad. . . it could have been worse. . ."

"I suppose. . ." Inu-Yasha grumbled, face tinged pink as his doggy ears flicked. "I mean, at least we're mature. . ."

"Yep," Kag nodded, looking out the window. "We're mature. . . we can handle this sort of stuff. And it's not like we were seeing anything new. . ."

The hanyou boy hung his head slightly lower, the back of his neck burning. "That's true. . ."

"Or hearing anything new, either," the girl went on, becoming bolder as her friend became more timid- something new and odd for Inu-Yasha. "I mean, our parents may THINK we're not listening or watching TV, but come on. . ."

"Mm. . ."

"So we know all about sex now," Kagome sighed softly, a thoughtful look slowly finding it's way onto her face. "And you know what?"

"What?" Inu responded quietly, glancing up at her though pained amber eyes.

"I've decided," Kag announced importantly, "that when I have sex, I want to have it with you."

"Kagome!" the boy gaped, his face instantly flaming. "What the fuck- - - ?!" Inu-Yasha had a pretty extensive language, even at his age.

"Hear me out!" the girl insisted, waving a hand to calm him down. "I'm just saying that sex is gross. I wouldn't want to have it with anyone but someone I'm comfortable with. Besides, we both like gross stuff. Like those black beetles Nazuna stepped on. . . ?"

"The ones that spewed all those green guts?!" the half-demon guffawed at the memories.

"Yeah, that one!" Kagome clapping emphatically. "Anyway, it doesn't really matter- we've seen each other before and stuff- and I doubt we'll ever want to do that with anyone in the first place, so it doesn't matter!"

Slowly relaxing, Inu-Yasha eventually began nodding in agreement. "Yeah. . . I promise too. If I ever have sex, it'll be with you. Er- Not that I ever will," he added swiftly.

"Promise promise?" the girl questioned seriously, sticking out her pinky.

The boy grinned widely, in a way that only little boy's can. "Promise promise."

Their pinkies linked and their opposites hands slapped together before they both spat unceremoniously to their respected sides of the tree fort.

It was a promise.

And, feeling better, they went off to play Godzilla in the sand box.


Ten years later, Kagome sat in the too-small tree house, crying her eyes out. Her usually vibrant blue orbs were now glassy and blood shot, red tear welts staining her normally creamy, smooth skin. Snuffling into an over-used hankie, the girl subconsciously began rubbing her legs, trying to pull her skirt up a little higher.

She couldn't believe it. . .

How could Kouga dump her?! Sure, it wasn't like she was in love with him or anything- that emotion and her heart belonged to. . . someone else- but that in no way gave him permission to publicly break up with her during lunch, calling her a slut so loudly that the whole cafeteria could hear him. She was so embarrassed. . . She just ran home. . .

Not that anyone really car- - -

"Hey. Knock knock."

Giving a noticeable start, Kag gasped in surprised shock as she glanced up, not having heard anyone climb the rickety old ladder. But regardless of that, someone had-


He knelt at the tiny doorway for a moment, looking rather concerned- oblivious to the fact that crawling around on the old tree house floor would probably ruin his leather jeans and tight black shirt. His many belts and chains tinkled around his waist and wrists as he squeezed inside, sitting up against the wall near Kagome. It was a rather cramped position- but in a cozy way. The heat from Inu's muscular arms seeped through Kag's sleeve rather comfortingly. "What's up?"

The girl just choked on another sob as she instantly buried her face in her friend's shoulder.

The hanyou sighed softly, wincing slightly at the girl's tears. He couldn't stand to see her cry- even if he hated Kouga with a loathing passion. "Oh, come on, Kagome. . . Don't. . . You didn't even LIKE the stupid shit. Why are you wasting your tears on him?"

"They're not being used on him. . ." the girl retorted softly, though her voice wavered dangerously. "It's what he said that I'm. . . no, it's that. . . I. . . I don't know. . ."

Inu-Yasha blinked, hand frozen a few inches above her shoulders. "Huh? What did he say?"

"At lunch. . ." Kag whimpered, as if waiting for him to catch on. He still remained rather confused.

"I was in detention," he explained. "In fact, I'm still supposed to be. I blew it by bursting through the door when I saw you run past the window crying. I knew it was about that wolf-ass- I could smell his scent on you. But other than that, I have no idea what happened. Enlighten me."

Kagome's chest rose and fell rapidly, raggedly- her head, heart, and ego sore from the fresh memories. "H. . . he. . . he said. . ." she swallowed, trying to bite back the taste of bile and hate seep into the deep crevasses of her throat. "He. . . he called me a. . . a slut. . ."

Inu-Yasha instantly stiffened, his eyes widening- - -

Before narrowing into dangerous slits.

The girl, however, failed to instantly notice as she pressed herself on.

"He- he called me a slut in front of everyone- really loudly," Kagome whispered, "Everyone was staring and pointing- and he just sort of smirked. . . Then he told me to. . . to. . . "to go fuck some worthless whore"."

"He didn't," Inu-Yasha growled, his golden orbs flashing blood red. The knuckles on his far left hand were beginning to crack and pop as he flexed his glistening claws. "Tell me he didn't. . ."

"He did," the girl said in the softest, most pitiful of voices. "He was accusing me of making out with some boy I've never even met. . . he said he saw me having sex with members of the football team under the bleachers." Her breathing and voice hitched as a fresh wave of tears splattered down her face. "I didn't!" she shook her head emphatically, hugging herself tightly. "I didn't and I wouldn't! Never- never, never, never! He's just mad because I wouldn't fool around with him like he wanted. . ."

"He wanted you to fucking fool around with him?!" Inu-Yasha snarled. He began to move- pushing himself away from the wall and crawling on his hands and knees towards the rope ladder-, face murderous. "THAT DOES IT!" Kagome looked up at the sudden loss of warmth, still snuffling. "He is SO GOD DAMN DEAD! I'M GONN- - -"


"No! Don't!" Kagome squealed, catching the hanyou around the waist before he could make it within a foot of the door. However, the movement was so sudden- and action so forceful- and the space so tiny- that Inu-Yasha was consequently knocked out of air for a moment: Kag straddling his lower back and clinging to his neck with all her might.

"What the hell?!" he gasped, trying to pry one of the teen's arms away from his throat long enough that he could catch his breath. "Why are you stopping me, Kagome?!"

"Because if you get into any more fights, you're gonna get expelled- that's why!" Kag snapped, tears still running down her cheeks but her face set- determined. Talk about mood swings. . . "Remember?!"

"Yeah, but I don't give a shit! That little ass needs to die!" the hanyou barked, trying, once again, to crawl over to the door- - -

But Kagome refused to resist him.

Instead- as her legs were still around his- she simply squeezed her thighs together- catching his in the process. Unfortunately, it took him a minute to realize her actions and stop- and a minute was all that was needed to make Kag's skirt flip up, pressing her pantie-covered forcefully center against his inner thighs. Her arms slid down, too- as she was quickly slipping off his back- and ended up catching him around his abdomen.

It was a rather awkward position- one that could only be described as backwards `doggy style'.

Needless to say, Inu-Yasha came to a pretty quick stop.

. . .

For what seemed an eternity silence blanketed over the pair- both faces positively on fire- - -

Yet neither really felling the desire to move. (Nor having the courage to move.)

"Er. . . well," Kagome cleared her throat, twiddling her thumbs around Inu-Yasha's waist. "This is. . . uh. . ." The boy didn't respond- he was too busy trying to control his body. He could feel his knees going weak- and it wasn't from Kag's delicate form being to heavy. (More like it just being there.) And he too could feel himself go hard- not a good thing in this particular pair of jeans- thus causing him to silently begin begging with all the gods: `I'll do anything! Just don't let Kagome notice!'

"Kinda brings back memories, doesn't it. . . ?" the female voiced bravely, her hands tightening.

It didn't much help Inu's current state.

"How so?" the boy grunted, his hands balling themselves into fists as he tried to ignore the girl's sweet aroma- and the musky scent escaping that pair of underwear that was pressed so firmly to his buttocks. Damn, why did he have to have such an attractive best friend?! An inciting best friend?! An exhilarating best friend that he'd been in love with since he was 7 fricken' years old?! WHY?! "I don't recall us ever being in this particular position before."

He could feel the heat radiate from her cheeks. For a moment he tried to concentrate on that heat- and not the one warming his rump- but he knew it was no use.

"No- I mean. . . well, the oddness of this whole scene," Kagome shrugged slightly- though she still kept her hold. It was as if she didn't know what she was doing or how she was affecting him. . . It was beginning to drive the poor hanyou crazy- and it had already driven Hojo out of his mind. "Remember, back when we were six? On sex education day?"

Oh yeah- only too well.

"What about it?" Inu-Yasha questioned, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Well, we promised that if we ever. . . well. . . you know. . ."

"Ever what?" the boy pressed, a small smirk slowly finding its way onto his face. Maybe, if he could act like he was the one doing the teasing. . .

"Inu-Yasha," he could hear the frown in her voice, "I know you know what I'm talking about. You just want me to say it!"

"Say what?"


"Whatever's the matter?" the chuckling hanyou inquired, feigning innocence and feeling oddly accomplished at having, for the moment, turned the tables.

"When were six, we promised that if we ever made love, we'd do it with each other, god dammit!" Kagome snapped, anger taking over her embarrassment- - - "Doesn't that mean anything to you?! It does to me- - -!"

Until she realized what she had said.

She fell quiet very quickly.

"Oh. . . ?" the hanyou felt his tiny grin grow a little- - -

As he suddenly turned around, maneuvering himself so quickly that Kagome barely had a chance to register anything- - -

Except that in the next moment she was on the floor- back pressed gently against the wood, hands locked to her sides, and Inu-Yasha's face a few inches from hers- his heated legs straddled over her moistening panties. The girl mentally cursed, horror taking hold of her heart. `What if he notices- - -?!'

But then she herself noticed something that made her forget all about her own arousal- and concentrate on Inu's. For it was that moment that she registered the rather large lump in the crotch of Inu's jeans- the one pressing into her inner thigh with no shame and no embarrassment. (Well, not much embarrassment, anyway.)

"I. . . Inu-Yasha. . . ?" she gasped out, fighting back a moan as the hanyou's sexy ears flicked, his gleaming canines flashing in the cool light of the shaded fort. "Wha. . . what are you. . . ?"

"I think that we remember two different things," he whispered huskily in her ear, his fear slowly fading into lust as his nose picked up on a scent so strong that he was appalled at himself for not noticing sooner- the fragrance of lust. A fragrance that was seeping buckets from Kagome. "I recall us promising to have sex- not to make love. There is a difference, you know," he all but purred into her ear- groaning slightly as the girl instinctively arched her back into his chiseled chest- her soft, succulent breasts pressing firmly against his shirt. Even through all their clothing- a bra, a blouse, and Inu's leather- both could still distinctly feel the rocky pertness of her nipples.

"Yes. . ." Kagome agreed distantly, her eyes half closed and glassy. "There is. . ."

"I mean, to say `make love'," Inu-Yasha continued knowledgeably, his hands coming up to gently squeeze her firm orbs, to caress her torso, "would mean we'd have to adore each other in a non-platonic fashion."

. . . ?

The girl seemed to snap out of her trance, frowning up at him as her legs- unnoticed to the boy- wrapped around his waist and began to pull him closer; grind their parts together. "I never said I didn't adore you in a non-platonic fashion."

Inu arched an eyebrow, his lips inching closer and closer. "Oh. . . ? So are you saying that. . . you love me?"

Her nerves faltered again.

"Ah- - - I ne- never said that. . . either. . ." the girl forced jerkily out, her eyes closing lightly.

"Oh. . . ?

Pity," the male's voice rumbled though his throat. "Because I love you. . ."

- - - ?!

The girl gave a second start- her eyes still open a mere fraction- and gasped when their lips gently touched.

So this was what heaven was like. . .

"W-well. . . in that case. . ." she swallowed after a minute of registration, her hands slowly leaving her sides (now that Inu's were busy with her bosom) and twisted her hands in his silver locks. "I guess it's safe. . . to tell you that. . . I love you, too. . ."

Inu-Yasha smirked, glancing down at her though his lashes- eyes twinkling in a playful, happy fashion that the girl had never seen in all her years of knowing him. "Good. Then you won't be mad if I do this."

With that, he closed the space between them again- this time much more ferociously. Their lips mashed together without a thought, their tongues beginning a swift, hungry battle within a second of their locking. Neither paused for a proper breath- they simply panted through their nose as they writhed on the floor, moans and groans escaping them every so often as they tried to get closer. . .

And closer. . .

And closer to the other.

"I love you," Kagome breathed hard, hands groping up and down Inu-Yasha's body as he removed his lips from hers, instead deciding to taste in his way around her collar bone and her neck, swathing a moist path down her body as she all but cried with sudden, churning want. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" The words still sounded so fresh- new- true. It was so- so exciting to say it out loud! She adored telling him- and by the looks of it, he enjoyed hearing it.

"I love you, too," he replied with a grunt, ripping both his shirt and her own off with one swipe of his claws. Her bra had already become loose in their playing, so he simply pulled it over her head. "I love you so much. . ." He smiled as the girl beneath him glowed, her hair of silky midnight beginning to stick to her sweaty skin. His head dipped down to her chest, sucking and massaging rapidly as Kag began to remove his bracelets and belts, throwing them hurriedly to the side.

Then they both, almost as if an afterthought, kicked off their shoes and socks.

"S-so. . . since when have you. . . ?" Kagome moaned, wriggling slightly so that she could reach the final belt- the one actually keeping his pants up.

"Since I was seven," he admitted between tongue laps and touches. His whole body snaked down, until it was level with the beginning of the forbidden territory. Not that he cared. "When my parents died. You stayed with me through it al- - - Jesus, Kagome!" he moaned as the girl reached impatiently down the front of his pants. "Oh, Kagome! Kagome. . . And. . . and you?"

Without a second though he forced down her short skirt and panties- flinging them away, as well- just as Kagome managed to yank off his trousers and boxer shorts.

"When I was nine," she gasped as she felt an odd intrusion- a finger- and then two, both rapidly pumping in and out of her tender nether lips. Chains of heat were beginning to form from molten lava inside her lower stomach- - -! She all but cried out in ecstasy, forcing the boy's face to hers before applying swift, loving kisses of need. "When you beat up that bully for me. . . and took care of my cuts and scrapes- - - oh gods!"

Both found themselves unable to hold any more comprehendible conversation as their minds melted with want. Inu-Yasha removed his fingers and licked them clean, about to question whether or not she was ready when the girl took over- forcing him on his back and taking control, easing herself on top of him.

Only for a moment did she pause- hissing slight in pain as her barrier broke-

But then she started them at a slow, easy pace- a pace Inu-Yasha all but instantly beat. However, instead of flipping them over once again, he simply let her ride him, thrusting hard and fast as the girl groaned her appreciation and cried her pleasure.

"More, Inu-Yasha," she pleaded, her breasts heaving and her lips dancing upon his skin. "Harder- - -! Faster- - - !"

And no matter what she said he always complied- pushing them both to their absolute limits- - -

Until they simultaneously released, collapsing upon one another in a sweaty, panting, thrilled mess.

"Tha. . . that. . . that was. . ." Inu-Yasha panted as soon as he'd found his voice, swallowing as he stared into Kagome's loving azure eyes. "Was. . ."

"Not as gross as we'd thought it was gonna be," the girl joked softly, giggling as the boy began to chuckle- and then they both began to laugh, kissing innocently as they cuddled in their tree house, eventually going back to school- - -

But not before trying out that position they had invented earlier on.
