InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We Return Home ❯ Chapter Two: Frozen Poppy ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two
Frozen Poppies
DISCLAIMER: I do not own InuYasha and company, or the character Kaname Kururugi. The characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Bandai.
When Kaname came to, she saw only black. For a moment she felt fear. Had she been wrong? Was she really back...?
But then she heard it. The faint twitter of birds. Slowly she felt her heart begin to lift, beginning to feel the itch of grass and the smell of fresh air permeate her senses. 'Open your eyes' she urged herself, beginning to feel numbness leave her limbs as she felt her eyes open
The light of the world was blinding, beautiful. She felt as though she had been asleep for days, the light being so raw and unfamiliar. She pushed herself up with her arms, sitting in grass as she blinked hard to dim the brightness of the sun.
Slowly, her eyes became accustomed to the light. What greeted her was something that brought tears to her eyes.
Flowers. Birds. Trees. This world was exactly the same as it had been when she'd first arrived. Kaname closed her eyes, feeling the prick of tears against her lashes. Her heart swelled with a happiness she couldn't describe. How she had longed to return, how deeply she had desired to feel the land and all its power run through her.
Kaname sat in the grass, her eyes closed as she took in deep breaths of forest air. It didn't surprise her that this was where she'd landed, though this wasn't the same clearing as before.
Then, reality hit her. Hard. Her father! School! Groaning in dismay, Kaname raised her hands to her face, those tears in her eyes falling in response to her despair and worry. How long had she been laying unconscious here? It could have been hours, long enough for her father to have come home from his office job, called all her old friends, and start searching worriedly for her.
For a few moments, it felt as though nothing had changed. The sadness over not seeing her friends in the Feudal Era changed to sorrow over the possibility that she would never see her family again. Not to mention so many things could have happened here in this world since Kaname had left changes that she would rather not ever know about... Shaking her head, Kaname tried to think of the positives. For one? The last time she had been in this world and had returned home, only an hour or so had transpired, though she had been in this time for weeks. That came as a relief to her, and she sighed, pressing her hand against her chest. As for what she had said to InuYasha...
No. From now on, if Kaname even found them here, she would pretend it had never happened. If they did ask, she could say that she meant to say something else...
"InuYasha... I...Love you...” Kaname whispered, wondering how she could change it to make it seem as though it had meant nothing. I love you guys? I love you and Kagome? Ugh, she couldn't possibly sound any lamer.
Forcing herself to stand, Kaname brushed off her priestess robes. Smiling ruefully, she remembered how people had looked at her when she'd first arrived, calling her a demon in reaction to what she thought was a very cute school uniform.
Then again, she did feel comfortable in these hakama. They reminded her of those that Kaede had given her during her journey, a beautiful red garment that breathed like cotton and flowed about her body. The ones she had been given were the robes of a priestess, but her robes now...
There was no denying that she had changed over the years, changed into something that she now found shameful, but apart of herself. Ever since she'd left the Feudal era, she had been plagued with a feeling of helplessness, of fear towards her own weakness and fear. Though the modern era was nothing short of tame compared to the constant threat of youkai in the feudal era, it only made her feel more inadequate. Who needed someone with Shikigami powers in her time? Who even believed in demons and spiritual powers anymore?
But Kaname resolved to change that. She had studied and perfected her Shikigami powers, becoming more and more powerful. She eventually developed the ability to sense the powers of evil, and therefore dedicated her time to hunting rogue demons and strengthening barriers about shrines throughout Tokyo and wherever else she went. In fact, in her last year at high school, she heard rumors of her powers circulating, some less kind than others. They said she was a powerful wannabe onmyouji, that she stalked through the city in her bloodstained ceremonial robes, muttering spells and curses upon demons invisible to the human eye.
Yes, she was strange, a source of awkwardness amongst her classmates and teachers. Soon, the crowd of friends she once had began to diminish, her phone's inbox ceased to grow, and Kaname threw herself even deeper into the world of Shikigami.
Her father didn't seem to find her intense study to be a bad thing. In fact, he approved. '"You're so dedicated to our family's ways,'" he'd said proudly as he watched her read ancient scrolls, '"Even though I've never had the power your mother had, I always believed in the sacred ways. I'm glad to know that I am leaving the Kururugi Shrine in good hands.'"
Kaname opened her eyes, the world about her misty as she held back tears. There was no point in reminiscing over the past. In this world, her powers would do so much more good. She could fight to protect humanity, growing stronger and stronger. Her abilities could grow so much more here...
What would InuYasha think of her, she wondered now. She was a demon slayer just as her friend Sango was, but she felt cold and impartial in every single slaying. She didn't feel remorseful for her actions. In fact, the begging and supplication seemed to make it all worth her while. Yes, she had become even more of a demon than those youkai she killed.
It was time to go searching for her friends. They needn't know the duties of the onmyouji, or anything else. She would keep that life hidden from them if they did meet up. They would understand she was sure, but...well... respect for a strong comrade isn't the same as feeling protective towards a weak one. Let them think that she was still that way... Let InuYasha believe it.
"InuYasha! Get down from there," Kagome called, looking up at the half-demon perched in the tree above her head, "It's time for dinner! Ramen!"
Smiling, Kagome's eyes caught the subtle twitch of the hanyou's dog ears. If there was one thing that could get his attention, it was food.
Turning his head, InuYasha looked down at Kagome, seeing her bright smile. "Ok, ok wench," he called down, trying to keep a smile of pleasure off his face, "I'm coming down."
That was when he smelled it. The scent of poppies. God...That smell... it wrapped itself around him and took complete control of his senses. He couldn't smell anything else.
InuYasha stood on the branch, his feet firm against the wood as his claws scrapped against the trunk. He knew this scent, he was sure. But there was no way... She couldn't have...
Pictures flashed through his mind, memories. A girl with short brown hair, dressed in that same 'uniform' as Kagome. Red fire burning in her eyes and about her body as she slew demons alongside him and his friends. And the flame that engulfed her, drawing her away to her world as she reached a hand out to him.
No...It wasn't possible. He knew that she was gone for good. When Kagome had returned to her world after the girl left three years ago, she had searched Tokyo and the 'Inter-net', but found no trace of her. InuYasha had to wonder if she had ever really existed, her presence having left soon afterwards. Everything that had belonged to her had disappeared as she did even those muddy clothes and the gateway to her village...
"Kagome", InuYasha called down, his golden eyes shifting to the girl who was now frowning up at him with concern, "when are poppies in season?"
Now Kagome looked really worried. "Why?"
InuYasha felt himself grow annoyed. "Just tell me when the goddamn flowers pop up will yah?"
Sighing, Kagome lifted her hands in defeat. "They can grow at any time of the year, InuYasha. Sometimes in early spring, some in fall or summer. If I knew what kind you were talking about specifically..."
InuYasha snorted, like he knew what kind. Red...
Jumping down from the tree, InuYasha walked back towards the village, Kagome following at his side. Touching his shoulder, Kagome whispered his name.
"InuYasha, do you like poppies or something?"
Covering his face with his hand, Kagome barely heard his words as he sighed.
"I'm not sure."
Second chapter! I know the first one was a bit short, but when I was typing it up on my phone I didn't realize it. Expect all chapters to be at least 4-5 pages! I hope you guys review and let me know what you think of it. As a bonus for people to look forward to at the end of my chapters, I will also mention some good fanfictions available on both and The fanfiction writer of the week is….bum bum… Torenza! A.K.A Rozefire (on mediaminer)! I've been reading her stories for years. Dead Famous is one of her more popular stories. You should all check her out.