InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When We Return Home ❯ Chapter Three: Den of Wolves ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Three
Den of Wolves
DISCLAIMER: I do not own InuYasha and company, or the character Kaname Kururugi. The characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Bandai.
There was one thing she had forgotten, and that was that while traveling through the Feudal Era, you could walk for miles and find no one.
Kaname sighed, sitting beside a jizo statue at the intersection of two roads. Four hours of walking, and she had met no one. For all she knew, she was in Hokkaido, far from InuYasha and their companions. Three years was a lot of time, but she didn't think they'd come all the way up here. From what she remembered, InuYasha couldn't even stand cold water, let alone snow...
After a few minutes, Kaname stood up. No, she had a feeling that she was close to where she had originally been. She didn't know why, but she was sure.
Raiding her hands in prayer, Kaname erected a barrier around herself, to hide her presence from demons. It wasn't like she couldn't take them on, she was plenty sure she could. It was just; it felt wrong when she was here... There was no explaining it.
Continuing on, Kaname began to sense the presence of a demon clan. A clan because it was one large group of demons that she sensed, all of the same kind. From them, she sensed a faint smell of human blood, as though they hadn't eaten from humans in a long while. 'Even so,' she thought, her eyes already burning with anger, 'they must no be allowed to rule in this forest.'
Picking up the pace, Kaname continued through the forest, the scenery never changing. Realizing that this forest was protected by a spell to cause travelers to lose their way, she sent out a strand of her power, which acted as a map to the youki she was sensing. The feeling of nostalgia began to overwhelm her, realization dawning on her as she reached a river close to the site of the demonic power.
'This is...'
Now knowing where she was headed, Kaname stripped off her barrier, her fingers still raised in prayer as she followed the power strand closer and closer to what she now knew was the cave of the wolf-demon tribe. 'Koga', she thought frantically, 'Koga is there!'
"Come on, InuYasha. Just one more time?"
InuYasha looked over at Kagome, who looked up at him with her large brown eyes. Blushing, he shook his head and continued on, hearing the sound of her bike brake as she stood behind him. Miroku and Sango, who had been walking in front of him also stopped, opting to move out of the way for what they knew would be a serious fight.
"InuYasha," Kagome called, her voice filled with irritation. InuYasha flinched, his hand scratching his neck as he waited for her to call out the subjugation. But she didn't. Instead, he heard her sigh as she started to walk again, oblivious to the surprise of their friends.
"What's going on", InuYasha heard Sango whisper to Miroku. "What does she want from him?"
Bristling at the sound of Miroku's chuckle, InuYasha's pace grew faster, leading him farther and farther away from his friends.
"She wants him to let her touch his ears," Miroku giggled, still well within InuYasha's range of hearing.
“Hey InuYasha!”
God. That stupid woman. She always had to have her way didn't she? Turning to face her, InuYasha opened his mouth to yell at her again, hoping that she'd finally leave him be.
That was when he sensed it again. The scent of red poppies. This time, it was accompanied by the scent of water. Turning away, InuYasha felt his heart skip a beat. There was no mistaking it. She was really…
Forgetting his friends, InuYasha dashed forward, his heart racing in anticipation. Why did his face grow hot? Why was he so anxious to see if it was her? He dared not speak her name, feeling that if he did, she would once again disappear before his very eyes.
'So perhaps rushing into a den of wolves wasn't the best thing I could d have done.' thought Kaname, scowling as the rope that bound her ankles and wrists rubbed abrasively against her skin. She should've known that the demons would have smelled her, and have been waiting. She hadn't had enough time to erect a barrier, and by the time she even realized they were upon her, there was a female upon her back with claws poised at her neck. Realizing that it was futile to fight back, Kaname had allowed them to bind her, all the while stating that she was friends with Koga. Grinning at her, the wolves assured her that she would get special treatment as his friend. 'Tying me up is NOT special treatment,' Kaname grumbled, grunting in satisfaction as her barrier surrounded her. As demons passed her, they winced in pain as her onmyouji powers burned at their skin, purifying them. 'Serves them right.'
He ran, faster than he ever had in his life. Faster than when he ran from Kikyou, faster than to Kagome. He didn't know he could go so fast. Everything around him was a blur, the only constant in his sight being the sun as it set below the horizon. He knew this area well. Trees began to grow sparse as did grass, boulders and cold stone beginning to consume his vision. The mountain of the Eastern Wolf-Demon Tribe.
InuYasha's nose twitched, smelling that tell-tale scent of wolf. From a cliff, he saw three wolf-demons looking down on him, disdain in their expressions. `Hanyou.'
It was almost as though he could hear them saying it, the word leaving a small crack in InuYasha's focus. His mouth drew back in a snarl, his fangs shining. No, he didn't have time for this. Resting his hand on the hilt of the Tetsusaiga, InuYasha continued on, ignoring the stares of the wolves.
He was growing closer. The scent of poppies assailed his nose, sending him into a hazy dream. God, that smell… It was like none other. Yea, the flowers. But there was also a scent of something spiced (not like curry spicy).
Then, there were wolves. Five of them, blocking his path. Beyond them, InuYasha saw a forest, inside of which was the cave of the mangy-mutt tribe. Growling, InuYasha's right hand tightened on the sword at his side. He didn't have time for them, that he knew. If she was with the wolves, that meant that she was with Koga. And that, for some reason, did not bode well with him.
Akane, the leader of the forest patrol, grimaced at the look on the hanyou's face. He looked calm enough on the outside, but she saw that his golden eyes were filled with anger and impatience. She'd never seen him in her life before, but she did recognize that scent that clung to him. What could it be?
Coming closer, Akane raised her hands as InuYasha took to a fighting position.
“We do no wish to fight you. You are the one that travels with the Lady Kagome, aren't you?”
Confusion, she sensed. The hanyou released his tight grip from the sword, relaxing.
“Keh,” he replied, nodding as he crossed his arms across his chest, glancing at the other wolves that still stood at attention. Akane lifted her hand at them, growling at them to submit. Stand down.
Turning back to the hanyou, Akane looked him over once more. As Koga had told the members of his tribe, the `mutt' was clothed in a red robe with matching hakama. His hair was long and silver, making him easily recognizable with those twitching dog ears atop his head.
“I take it you've come here for something,” Akane ventured, her eyes trained on InuYasha, “Perhaps an audience with Koga?”
Whipping his head away from the other youkai, InuYasha uttered a growl at the name of his foe. “Where is the bastard then?”
Grimacing at the hanyou's choice of words, Akane lifted an eyebrow, crossing her arms across her chest as well. “Off with the Western Tribe. They need assistance in negotiations with the South.”
“Huh,” InuYasha replied, looking as though he couldn't care less.
“It is regrettable that you came all the way out here without accomplishing your goal,” Akane said, gesturing for her team to return home. “You may come back with us for refreshment if you wish, or you may call your companions back here. Koga is eager for any sign of his lady while he is away.”
Growling, InuYasha almost refused. Kagome was NOT Koga's lady!
But then, his common sense returned to him. The poppies.
“Alright then,” InuYasha answered, glaring at Akane. “Then let's go.”
As they approached the cave of the clan, Akane began to feel unease settle within her. She gritted her teeth, not wishing to seem weak before the inu-hanyou behind her. `It's that damn onmyouji,' she thought, balling her hands into fists at her side as a buzzing entered her head. `She's trying to exorcise us just with the purity emanating from her barrier.'
Perhaps coming back to the cave wasn't such a good idea. She'd completely forgotten the bitch was there. The hanyou might not feel it yet, but as soon as they walked into the cave, Akane knew all hell would break loose at the sight of more demons. No one dared approach the cave as it was now.
Gripping the hilt of her sword, Akane drew it as she continued at a steady pace. She must not look weak before her comrades, that she knew. Among wolves, all it took was a weak female leader to send the tribe into chaos.
`I'll have to kill her,' Akane thought, gripping the sword tighter. `The bitch means to kill us all. For the tribe…'
Then, she felt a hand grasp her sword hand. She turned, her eyes locking with those of the inu-hanyou. “Do you have a problem,” she asked, her smooth voice hinting at irritation.
“Why have you drawn your katana,” InuYasha asked, his eyes narrowing.
Akane sighed. Of course. This was that hanyou that favored humans, no matter how annoying or hateful they were. She turned from him.
“An onmyouji is here as our prisoner. She'd attempted to come onto our land and purify the lot of us. Now she keeps us from our home by erecting a barrier that burns the flesh. It is only with my sword that it can be broken.” Let's go with that…
InuYasha's eyebrows raised, his nose twitching as though he too smelled the bitch. His eyes narrowed. “Take me to her.”
“I'm afraid conversation won't persuade her,” Akane retorted, her temper short. “Even if you are half-human-“
“Bitch,” InuYasha ground out, glaring at her once more, “take me there. I'm not fool enough to walk in uninvited to your domain. Want to start a war with me?” Smirking, InuYasha grinned at the idea of a chance to finally take Koga on for real. “Maybe not such a bad idea.”
Scoffing, Akane released her arm from the hanyou's grip, turning as she gestured for him to follow. As they grew closer, she began to sense the tension rising from him. What had him in such a position? It was just an onmyouji bitch. Was he so frightened?
Bowing, Akane, stood before the cave entrance. “I ask you accept our tribe's hospitality.”
InuYasha nodded a far off look in his eyes. “Yea…”
They entered the cave.
Pushing against the pedals of her bike, Kagome Higurashi looked off in the direction InuYasha had run. He'd seemed so distracted, almost…anxious. For the past two days, he'd been so irritable. `What the heck's his problem,' Kagome wondered, shoving down the lump that had risen in her throat.
Sighing, Kagome sat down, her back rubbing against a tree. She looked on at Sango and Miroku, the couple leaning against each other for the first time in quite a while. She heard Sango sigh in contentment, her fingers rubbing against Miroku's hand, which clutched her own as though it was the dearest thing to him in the world. For a moment, Kagome remembered instances where InuYasha had gripped her hand that way, his eyes burning into hers with unsaid words.
“Gah,” Kagome shouted suddenly, blushing furiously as she stood. Walking over to Kirara and Shippou, she pulled a box of strawberry chocolates from her bag, sitting beside them as she chewed viciously on them. Chocolate really did almost make things better.
Sighing, Kagome looked back again in the direction he'd left. When would he come back…?
Hey people! I'd like to thank purduepup for being my first reviewer (dedicating this chapter to you)! I've been dying to get to some fluff and drama, which you guys should expect in spades next chapter! I updated a bit sooner than I intended to, since I have an 8 page research paper and a choir concert coming out. I'll be working on the next one this week, but don't expect one out until right before the holidays or so. Virulence will be updated within a week or so. Also, check out A Black Crepe Hat by me as well, one-shot original
P.S: Still looking for that Beta-Reader!