InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ A Woman's Venom ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello my fellow readers. How are you enjoying the story so far? Please review and let me know. I'd like to extend my sincere gratitude to Manga girl for the review that she wrote. Those are very good questions and here are your answers…
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Chapter 4 - A Woman's Venom
“Coming” was Kagome's response to the ringing doorbell of Inuyasha's beach house. When she opened the door, Kikyo was standing there but of course Kagome had no idea who she was.
“May I help you?” Kagome greeted her
“A kiss would be nice” was Kikyo's reply
“I beg your pardon”
“What's with your accent?” Kikyo indicated as she pushed pass Kagome. “Forget that, you can explain later, just show me now why I love you” She uttered as pulled `Kagome' closer towards her and moved in for `her' lips.
“No, no” Kagome pulled away from her saying “Um… I'm not… feeling myself today, I…I think you should leave”
“What?” Kikyo questioned quite appalled “Are you throwing me out?”
“I'm so so sorry”
“Are you cheating on me Inuyasha?”
“Well… um…”
“Its that witch you met at the cinema last week, isn't it?”
“What?” Kagome questioned quite confused
“Oh don't give me that innocent look, I invented it” Kikyo declared
Unaware of what else to do Kagome started to chew on her bottom lip nervously.
“So aren't you gonna say anything” Kikyo pressed on
Kagome just looked at her and shrugged her shoulders.
“You know what, that's it I cant take this anymore, we're through.” She finalized “but you'll regret this, Inuyasha, I promise you” With that she stormed out the door and slammed it behind her.
About five minutes later the doorbell rang again
“What now?” Kagome muttered
When she opened the door she was greeted by a little Japanese girl with two pony tails in her hair. As soon as the door opened, without a moments notice, the little girl pushed passed whom she knew to be her uncle and went to turn on the 50 inches television that rested on the living room floor.
A woman in a white Porsche convertible, assumed to be the child's mother, then waved and drove off.
Kagome strained he eyes to read the name tag on the child's knapsack.
“Rin” was what she called out
“That's my name don't wear it out” was what the child replied
“Excuse me!”
“What did you do this time - ease your body or belch?” Rin inquired
“Neither” Kagome replied “But what are you doing here”
“I cant believe you forgot” was Rin's comment “You promised my dad that you'd baby-sit me this week”
“And how old are you again?”
“Don't tell me you forgot that too; the age of your only niece; I'm six years old. You better not forget my birthday”
“SIX!” Kagome repeated in shock “six” she was utterly alarmed for ever though the child looked really young she conversed really old.
“Why are you speaking with an accent?” Rin questioned
“Hello, I'm British” Kagome replied without taking a second thought
“Living three months in a country doesn't make you a citizen, boy” was Rin's reply
On remembering the situation, Kagome chose to lie her way out. After all, she really didn't have any other choice; telling a child like this that she was really a girl who had switched bodies with a guy, might get her sent to a psychiatric unit. “I mean… I'm playing a British officer in a school play; I'm just practicing”
“Well for the record, it sounds good so far” was Rin's reply “I kinda like it”
“Thanks” Kagome replied just before deciding to retreat up the stairs.
In mere seconds, she was back on the living room simply as an involuntary response to Rin's deafening scream.
“What, what's wrong?” Kagome inquired
“He's cheating on me” Rin answered between sobs “My boyfriend's cheating on”
Kagome's attention was then stolen by the T.V. Rin was watching a movie and in this scene Usher was kissing a girl.
“Look at her” Rin indicated “Smacking lips with MY future husband”
Kagome stood frozen with her mouth opened in absolute amazement
“I cant take this anymore” Rin uttered “I need a drink”
“Aren't you a little too old to be drinkin…” Kagome's voice trailed off when she saw Rin closing the fridge door with a Capri Sun pouch in her hand.
“This is too much” Kagome declared “You are too mature, little girl, too mature”
Back at Kagome's house, Inuyasha was about to receive a taste of Ayume's venom. Inuyasha had gone shopping because Kagome's wardrobe was boring enough to kill and he didn't want to be caught at school wearing any of these “pieces of trash” no matter what gender he was. It wasn't hard enough for Inuyasha to shop for women's clothing as he was rather experienced being Kikyo's boyfriend.
Inuyasha decided to try on a few of his “merchandise” as to choose what to where to school on Monday.
The first thing he tried on was a white Capri with a black tight-fitting long sleeve top.
It was then and not a moment before he realized that he really, really needed to use the bathroom.
He could not have chosen a more worse possible time to do this.
Ayume was sitting on the couch lip-locking with her boyfriend and when Inuyasha walked by in the sexy feminine body that he was wearing, he absolutely stole Ayume's boyfriend's attention and this got Ayume furious.
After he got out the bathroom, Ayume demanded to speak with him immediately is `his' room where she gave him a good…well…
“What do you think you are doing?” Ayume demanded “Who permitted you to have a life?”
“I'm sorry” Inuyasha responded sarcastically “but I don't think that you have that authority over me”
Ayume opened her mouth in shock “How dare you speak to me that way!”
“How dare I?, how dare YOU? Was Inuyasha's immediate response
Ayume's eyes flare wide “I don't like your tone”
“Well, I don't like your attitude” Inuyasha fired back
“Well you better if you want to stay in this apartment”
“What if I don't?”
“Then you can just move out”
“Fine” Inuyasha finalized. “I think I will”