InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Run Away - Accidentally? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5 - Run Away - Accidentally?
When Inuyasha arrived at school all eyes were on him. He had decided to wear a black mini-skirt with a white long-sleeved tight-fitting top decorated with black graffiti writing across the breast. He completed the outfit with a pair of white knee-high booties.
As he glided down the hallway, jealous glares flashed from Sango and her clique while, on the other hand, there were quite a number of guys there who couldn't help themselves but to call out to him.
`This is so gross' was being embedded in the back of Inuyasha's mind when all of a sudden he felt a slap colliding with his buttocks. In a fury, he turned around to punch the boy when he discovered that it was one of his friends, a little pervert called Myroku.
He then felt himself being pulled around the corner.
“What are you doing? What are you wearing and what have you done to my hair” These were the questions that were posed before him.
“I've created a whole new you; sexy clothes, shorter hair, do you like?”
Kagome rolled her eyes and dropped to her knees, “Oh God, WHY, why?”
“I'm not exactly thrilled about being a woman; I'm just trying to make the best of the situation. Oh, by the way” Inuyasha laughed nervously, “your roommate kicked YOU out, so YOU will be staying at my beach house for the time being.”
“Um…since this is confession session…” Kagome uttered “ I…uh… think your girlfriend broke up with you”
“WHAT” Inuyasha enraged, gripping a tight fist
“Sorry” Kagome apologized stepping back rather timidly
“Whoo” Kagome sighed with relief `saved by the bell,' “Gotta go” she finalized as she lost herself in the jostling crowds of students.
“Are any of your classmates acting in any way… different?” A strange yet familiar face questioned Kagome during her lunch break. A little voice in her head kept yelling `me, me, I'm a freak, I've turned into a boy' but she decided to ignore it. “No” she replied as coolly as she could possibly be. Somehow, she just didn't trust this “friendly” concern that plastered the man's Indian face.
“Hello” the man answered his `Motorola Razr'…you've discovered who they are? can you be sure?...were they the only ones who left early?...I'm on my way”
Kagome did not know what to conclude of the previous dialogue so she just decided to extinguish it from her mind.
Inuyasha Taisho and Kagome Higurashi please report to the main office immediately” was the message that was announced over the PA system.
“Oh man!” Kagome cursed, she didn't even have the time to get lunch; she was too busy trying to run from having `quality time' with Inuyasha's friends. “What did he do now?”
she mumbled to herself “Wait, what did I do?”
Kagome scurried frantically to the main office, excavating her memory, trying to find out what she could have possibly done wrong.
She ascended the staircase to the building but still couldn't think of anything that she done wrong. She'd always had a reputation of a good behaving girl.
It then dawned on; maybe Inuyasha did something to offend the school's regulations. Her imaginations ran wild: maybe he stuffed someone in their locker - `girls don't usually stuff girls in lockers or boys for that matter' she contradicted herself. But then again he's not really a girl now is he?
Maybe he used blood to plaster the bathroom walls. Where would he get the blood? She interrogated herself `Did he kill somebody?' “Oh Lord I hope not” Maybe he used `his' period “Eeew, that's unsanitary” she expressed aloud, but her period wasn't due for another week or so, but what if it arrived early?
What would possess him to do something like that?” she continued., opening the door of the main office “And why would he tarnish himself if he could get her blamed for it?
Maybe its revenge for breaking up with his girlfriend.
As she was about to sit on one of the chairs inside the office, she noticed a very familiar `friendly' smile - he was the stranger she met outside.
The man who was supposedly conversing with him on his phone was standing beside him.
“Our little human guinea pigs are now on their way” Kagome heard the other man say
“Can you smell the cash closing in?” the Indian man responded.
Within the turn of her head she glimpsed Inuyasha coming through the door.
Trying to avoid suspicion, she coolly waked over to him, trembling in each step.
“Do you know why we're here” Inuyasha questioned unexpectedly calm.
“I'm not sure” Kagome replied “but I think its those men that wants us”
Inuyasha peeked over “Kagome's” shoulder to find out who she was talking about.
“Hey, that's the scientist from the museum” Inuyasha indicated “He was our tour guide, remember?”
“Oh yeah, the white one right. I think they called us their human guinea-pigs and something about money”
“Do you think we stepped onto their experiment?”
“That's the only thing that makes sense at the moment.” Kagome affirmed
“What do you think we should do?” Inuyasha questioned
Silently they slithered through the door and headed towards the gate.
“STOP” someone yelled just as they made their exit but they didn't stop to find out who it was as they jumped into the first transporter that landed at their feet.
“Home at last!” Inuyasha exclaimed as he entered the door. “Hello big screen T.V., did you miss me?”
Inuyasha flew up the stairs to his room and Kagome silently followed.
He went over to the dressing table and opened the last drawer on the right. Inside it were some sheets and pillow cases. He shifted them to one side and pulled out a small blue metal box. Inside it was a brown leather wallet full of credit cards and some cold hard cash.
“Oh my” was all that could escape Kagome's voice box.
All of a sudden, something rather indistinct caught Inuyasha's attention.
“Did you hear that?” he questioned in a whisper.
He didn't even wait for Kagome to answer, he slithered across the floor and gently pulled back the window curtains. He was just in time to see the Indian scientist - Dr Hiten step out of an emerald green Pajero.
“Don't these people ever give up?” he questioned in disbelief.
He grabbed a hold of `Kagome's' hand. “Time to go” right after he stuck the wallet into one of the side pockets of his cargo that Kagome was wearing.
Inuyasha led her through the backdoor and onto the beach to make their escape along the sea shore.
While they were a little way off, Dr Myoga spotted the `escapees' and after notifying Dr Hiten, chased them via their car.
Inuyasha lived about half-a-mile away from a shipping port and their was a cruise ship on dock.
According to Inuyasha's calculation the ship would be at bay for another two days so they decided to hide aboard the ship for a while.
They made it pass the guards by walking between a small crowd upon aboard.
Little did they know, Dr. Hiten and Dr. Myoga had also board the ship.
Inuyasha and Kagome wondered around the “Aura” to allow for the passing of time as they hoped that the scientists had given up chasing them.
After an hour of exploring, they decided to rest in the dining room and in the meanwhile, help themselves to some food.
When they decided that they had eaten enough they made their way to the exit but to their surprise the ship had left the port and they were drifting out across the English channel.
“This cannot be happening” Kagome uttered
“Look on the bright side,” Inuyasha replied “At least we're on a cruise.”
Kagome turned to look at him in disbelief “Do you even know where we're going?
“Finally, we're going to Amsterdam” a passerby declared “I can't wait.”