InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Classic Men to Notre Dame ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello again fellow readers. First I'd like to thank Kagome Suteki Higurashi for reviewing my story. I'm happy to know that there are people out there who actually like this story. I really must say that I thought that it would confuse me when writing it but it actually seem clear so far but if there is anyone out there who find it confusing please let me know. I don't know yet what I would do to make it clearer but I just want to know if y'all are understanding.
Chapter 6 - Classic Mento Notre Dame
The two did not spend a lot of time in Amsterdam…
Information being transferred stated that Amsterdam has quite a number of museums; forty in total, therefore they decided to visit one called the Rembrant House…since…well…they found a pair of entry tickets beside a dumpster in close range of the museum. The Rembrant House was famous for its classical draftsman and etchers.
Inuyasha thought that some of the displays were total garbage which could be sketched by a three year old but Kagome, on the other hand, thought that they were rather exquisite.
It was while they were disputing their artistic differences that Kagome glimpsed the two scientists over Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Uh Oh” she expressed
“What” Inuyasha questioned
“Alexander Flemming and Albert Einstein are here.”
What?” Inuyasha questioned in perplexity as he turned around just in time to meet Dr. Hiten's eyes. Another chase then began. Kagome and Inuyasha sprinted tirelessly to the direction of a train station then hopped onto departing train.
“All aboard” exhaled the conductor “Next stop, Charleroi, Belgium”
Kagome found a double empty seat and sat at the corner while Inuyasha sat at the end. As they settled in their seat an old woman walked by and started to quarrel with Kagome saying that like a gentleman she should sit at the end and put the lady at the corner.
“But the lady is already at-” Inuyasha started to reply when Kagome nudged him at his side, which was just enough to remind him that they had exchanged anatomies. They then therefore decided to change positions so that the nagging old woman would continue on her merry way.
“That was fun” Kagome replied sarcastically which caused Jay to chuckle.
Kagome then went on to contemplate: `Being a guy had given her a little confidence. She now spoke with poise and expression. She turned and looked at Inuyasha in her body. `He wore her well' she thought. She wasn't sure though if she had used that phrase in the proper context.
“Hmmm?” Inuyasha turned to her saying
“What?” she questioned
“Did you say something?”
“No” she replied
Kagome smiled within herself as an idea popped up into her head. `Maybe she should get to know Inuyasha; he might even be good for her'
“Inuyasha” she called but he hadn't heard her so she called again but he still hadn't heard her. She looked at his face and he seemed to be mesmerized.
She followed his focus point to discover what put him into the trance.
Kagome was hurt. She felt something tear inside her. Inuyasha was staring at an ultimate beauty queen who had it all - good looks, a great body and brilliant fashion senses. The girl was a green-eyed brunette and was clothed in a white colored fur jacket and a matching colored knee-high bootie.
“Please, don't start drooling over her” Kagome retorted bitterly “You'll make me look gay”
“I just think she looks nice, that's all” Inuyasha replied taken aback by her reaction.
“Whatever” Kagome returned as she got up as the train stopped and got off without even realizing that she didn't pay any fare.
Inuyasha got up and followed her. “I'm sorry” he bellowed not even knowing the slightest clue as to what he was apologizing for.
After a few minutes of walking Kagome saw a sign saying “You are now leaving Bastonge, Belgium.” There was another little scribbling on the sign but Kagome couldn't make it out.
By now Inuyasha had caught up with her but she refused to speak with him.
After about five more minutes of walking, the two were greeted by another sign which said “Welcome to Luxembourg” in four different languages: English, French, German and Luxembourgian.
`This was turning out to be a cross-country tour.
The two made their way to a fast food restaurant as neither of them seemed to be in the mood for trying new cuisine.
After a long meal of apologies Kagome finally decided to forgive Inuyasha.
Later, while exploring, they stumbled upon a theatre so they decided to create some memories, as simple as they may be; memories just the same.
For about two hours and a half they sat and watched a play of a Romance genre.
Kagome watched it in total but Inuyasha only watched the first half hour and the last half hour and slept through the middle.
The story began with a woman writing in her diary. She wrote phrases that said one thing but meant another:
Code Phrases
(My) flower did not grow
(You) do not love (me)
(I) will water (your) flower everyday
(I) will always love (you)
Is it going to rain?
Do we have to separate?
The sun is on the other side of the mountain
This is just a little misunderstanding
The play then continued to display the dull life of the woman, Kanna, up until she met a guy by the name of Jineni who showed her how to enjoy herself and how to love. She shared her most intimate thoughts with him and even showed him her coded phrases. Later on , however, she found out that there was another woman in his life as she caught them kissing but what she didn't see was the other woman, Shurran, forcing herself onto Jineni. She confronted them:
Kanna: My rose did not grow
Jineni: No, um yes I - it did, listen [he let out a long breath] the sun is on the latter side of the mountain
Kanna: Her flower grows
Jineni: No, no it didn't and I don't want it to rain [he walks up to Kanna] I have and always will water your garden.
Shurran: Jineni, what are you doing?
Jineni: Sorry Shurran only her rose can grow in my garden
Shurran: What? What are you talking about? A stupid flower ?
[Jineni takes Kanna into his arms in an embrace]
Shurran: Is this about my affair with your brother…Uh…that was an accident…I can change…
[Jineni engages Kanna in a kiss]
Shurran: [drops on her knees behind Jineni and starts to cry] Please don't leave me, Jin, I can change, I promise
“The End” was then indicated by the final curtain fall.
“Aww” Kagome cooed as they made their way to the exit “That was beautiful”
“No” Inuyasha replied “That was corny”
“That was love”
“No, that was lame”
“Why do I even bother” Kagome uttered “You wouldn't know love even if it bit you in the ass” She then stretched her hand behind and pinched his butt. He flinched but she walked up a little faster.
He then accelerated to catch up with her. “What was that for?” he questioned her in a little whiney voice but Kagome just looked at him and shrugged her shoulders.
Night was fast approaching , the two had no idea where to go and it seemed like everyone they asked for help spoke a completely different language.
“Look Notre Dame!” Inuyasha announced, pointing to a sign embedded in the bars of a white gate at the bottom of a huge slope. At the top of the slope nestled a Gothic Cathedral that had a perimeter of a stoned cut wall.
“I've always wanted to know what it looked like up close” Inuyasha muttered.
Kagome though, said nothing even though she knew that within herself she shared the same dream.
“Would you mind if we slept…like…at the wall” Inuyasha inquired
“Are you out of your mind?” Kagome questioned
“I don't know” Inuyasha muttered solemnly “It looks safe enough and I bet it probably has a great view if the city.|”
“Well, fine” Kagome decided “If it means that much to you” She sighed heavily. She couldn't believe that she was really going to do this; she was going to sleep outside, on the grass just to please this self absorbed jerk that was now in her body- at this moment though, she felt that she would do anything for him,anything.
Reviews and thank you.