InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Ride in Style ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry I took so long to update but I was out of town. But, I met a guy though that reminds me so much of Inuyasha, he's cute, cocky and rude with a bad boy attitude, Hmmm! Hmmm! Hmmm! I think I'm in love (yeah right) well anyway, here's another chapter, enjoy!
Chapter 7 - Ride in Style
“Where is my sock?” Kagome inquired. She had just woken up in a rather interesting position. Inuyasha was sitting upwards and her head was nestled in his pelvic area.
She turned and looked at him but was only filled with laughter. He was sleeping with his mouth open and his head in a 90 degrees angle.
After she calmed down she stretched her hand forward to wake him. “Ow” she howled as she felt a circuit of pain serge through her arm.
That was enough to wake him. His eyes shot open “What is it?”
“Every bone in my body hurts” Kagome declared
“Where's my sock…that was supposed to be your foot?” Inuyasha inquired “My brand new white Tommy Hilfiger ankle sock.”
“I'd like to know the same thing” Kagome asserted “And why did the person only take one?”
Kagome's expression then changed from question to one that said `this is all your fault'
“Okay fine it's my fault” Inuyasha admitted “so sue me. I've always wanted to say that I slept at Notre Dame, alright-a child hood dream I guess. Is that too much to ask?”
After they made their way to the bottom of the slope, the door of a white limousine opened up before them, by a gentleman in a black three piece suit.
“ thank you” Kagome replied, a bit unsure of herself.
“Why not?” Inuyasha questioned almost immediately
“It's a waste of money?” Kagome responded
“Oh, no charge” the man replied in a voice that seemed to struggle with the English language.
“All the more reason to accept” Inuyasha declared
“I don't think so” Kagome declared
“When a citizen of Luxembourg offers you a ride its bad manners to refuse” a passerby announced.
“Please, please, please” Inuyasha begged “It's a limo, it's stretched and the ride is free, why cant we take it”
“How about on the account of `this man is a total stranger'” Kagome counteracted
“So what?” Inuyasha debated “The driver of the train was a total stranger and so was the captain of the ship”
“But we weren't the only passengers on those transportation”
“The man looks harmless, come on” Inuyasha persisted
“Have you ever heard of the phrase `looks can be decieving' ?”
“Okay, I'll make you a deal Kagome.” Inuyasha continued “If this is trap I'll…I'll…”
Inuyasha rocked his brain to think of a good deal to offer. “I'll never ask you to do me another favor.” That's the best that he could have come up with, but he hoped that she'd accept.
“Fine” Kagome decided “If something bad happens - and we live, I wont be talking to you for a week.”
Kagome was in “aww.” The white leather interior and the smooth ridin' had impressed her. She had now become less suspicious of this perfect stranger.
“Excuse me sir” Kagome called out, knocking on the glass window that separated them from the driver. “Would you mind opening the roof?”
“Would you mind if we have some of your champagne?” was Inuyasha's audacious question
“Help yourselves” was the driver's polite response
Within the moments notice, after the roof slid open, Kagome stuck her upper body through the opening while Inuyasha popped the champagne and helped himself to one of the glasses that were located in a small crystal -like cupboard that was attached to a table situated in the centre of the two couched seats inside the vehicle.
“I really didn't think that you were serious about that” Kagome indicated peering down at him.
“Come on” he gestured “Our first ride in a limousine; don't you think that's worth celebrating”
Kagome just shook her head and giggled “Whatever”
She poked her head outside the top of the vehicle then retreated her head almost immediately. “Do we even know where we're going?”
“No” was Inuyasha's reply as he lifted his half-filled glass as if making a toast “Maybe he's just giving us a tour of his lovely country.”
“Should you be drinking so much? Is it alcoholic? You seem a little bit drunk already”
Inuyasha tilted his head back and laughed. “Why don't you come join me?”
“Maybe later”
Kagome poked her head back through the roof to watch nature fly by in a blur.
What was she thinking about? Hmm…
Well, she was wondering how all of this was happening to a nobody like her; having her body being switched with a hot rich guy; running away on a cruise to Amsterdam, `sleeping at Notre Dame,' she giggled at this one, and now she was cruising in a Limousine to -
“What on earth!” she exclaimed “Two miles to Paris? Inuyasha I don't-”
Inuyasha had passed out.
“Great!” Kagome went over and picked up the bottle “Contains 98% alcohol” was what she read “He just poured half a bottle of cheap alcoholic champagne down MY digestive system. Too bad he's not going to digest it.”
“Excuse me sir” she knocked on the window between her and the driver “Where exactly are you taking us?”
“No mo' questions” was his solemn reply
“OH DEAR GOD WE'RE BEING KIDNAPPED!” Kagome peeked through the heavily tinted window to see if there was anyone that could help. There were a lot of people out there; busily scurrying away to their business.
“Don't try anything” the driver warned “They can't see you, they can't hear you and the windows are shatterproof.”
“Why did I listen to him?” Kagome scolded herself “How stupid am I to accept ride from strangers in white stretched limousines. This is all your fault” she indicated to Inuyasha. Too bad he wasn't awake to share in the panic.
Before Kagome could even dare to think of an escape plan the car stopped. By peeking through the window she was able to conclude that they were in an underground parking lot.
“Did you miss me?” was the question that greeted her as she saw the window being rolled down. “I'm Dr Myoga, I don't believe we've formally met”
Kagome started to back away only to collide with Inuyasha.
The door flew open, a hand came out and grabbed her hand with such an aggressive force that she was yanked out of the vehicle in just one drag.
Next thing she knew, she was in a hotel room being tied to a chair with her back turned to Inuyasha being tied to another chair.
A groan escaped Jay's throat as he seemed to be reviving “My aching head” he complained “Where am I?... Kagome…”
“Yes Mr `I want to ride in a limousine with a total stranger,' we're in a hotel, being kidnapped by the scientists who chased us from London. Did you remember our deal, Oh that's right, I wont be speaking to you for the next week.”
“Thank you for your services” Dr Hiten expressed to the limousine driver
“No, no, no,” he protested “You owe me mor' for the champagne an' the extra twenty minutes that they used to decide if they should accept the ride”
“You cant be serious” Dr Hiten looked at the man in disbelief.
“I am very much” was his reply
“Fine” Dr Hiten decided as he pull out his wallet and handed the driver some type of currency that Kagome had never seen before.
“Thank you” the driver then replied before making his exit.
“Um sir” Inuyasha called out “ I need to throw up, may I go to the bathroom”
“Do it on the floor” was Dr. Myoga's blatant reply
“I'm serious” Inuyasha declared
“So am I”
Kagome flinched with mild disgust as she heard a heavy downpour of liquid hit the floor. “Be careful what you're throwing up, there are a few organs and blood vessels that I'd like to keep.”
“I cant believe you've never drunken alcohol before”
“I'm sorry” was Kagome's response to Inuyasha's statement “I didn't know that it was a violation of the law to have never consumed alcoholic beverages not even once in their life but by all means, feel free to punish me by vomiting out all my organs out of my body.”
“Okay, I'm sorry”
“Whatever, I'm just glad I'm not facing you with all that vomit on your breath”
“Ouch!” Inuyasha exclaimed
“Well, you deserve it; you consumed a lot of alcohol into MY empty stomach, that can't be good for my health”
“I said I was sorry”
“Well sorry isn't enough.”
“Come one we're ready to go” Dr. Hiten announced
“Go?” was Kagome's enquiry
“Yes, back to London” Dr. Myoga replied “You had us chasing you halfway across Europe and basically, we don't see the reason why we should stay any longer now that we've finally got you.”
“Can't we at least have breakfast?” Inuyasha questioned
“You'll eat on the plane” Dr Hiten finalized
“Dr Hiten grabbed `Kagome' while Dr Myoga grabbed `Inuyasha,' after they untied them from the chair, hauled them to their feet then shoved them to the direction of the door.
“Ow” Kagome yelled “You don't have to be so aggressive”
“Suck it up” Inuyasha insisted “You're making me look soft”
“Be quiet” she fired back at him
“Could you two be quiet” one of the scientists demanded
Dr Hiten peeked out the door to see if there was anyone in the hallway but unfortunately for Kagome and Inuyasha the hallway was empty.
Before they knew it, they were all in the underground parking lot, all three men and a lady.
To Kagome's and Inuyasha utmost dismay, there was absolutely nobody, and I mean NOBODY, who would even be as simple as a passerby, to be seen on their journey down to the parking lot, who would be as kind enough as to listen to them scream
`Bloody Murder.'