InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Wax Statue of Liberty ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry I took so long to update AGAIN. I've come to realize that I'm not exactly capturing the original bad boy attitude of Inuyasha who is very sensitive to certain subjects and refuse to call Kagome by the name that her mother gave to her. I hope you readers don't mind the change. Anyway, thanks to Lady Avalanche for reviewing; all y'all views are greatly appreciated as they inspire me to keep writing.
Read and Enjoy. Review also, please.
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Chapter 8 - WaxStatueof Liberty
Dr Hiten and Dr Myoga shoved the two adolescents in the back of a fully tinted metallic green Honda Civic, as soon as the scientists got into the front of the car the adolescents pulled the door and flew out as if thinking telepathically.
“Halt or I'll shoot” was the order yelled by Dr Myoga
Upon hearing this, the `escapees' stopped with their hands flung up in the air. Kagome though, peeked over her shoulder only to find Dr Hiten running towards them and Dr Myoga standing with his hand positioned like a gun.
“RUN” she yelled to Inuyasha “He's lying”
Inuyasha didn't need to be told twice. He ran like the wind, or at least as fast as Kaylie's feminine legs could carry him.
It was a little hard to run with their hands tied behind their backs but nevertheless the adolescents outran the middle-aged scientists.
Kagome and Inuyasha ran into a wax museum and sought refuge in the ladies bathroom. Both of them cooped themselves into one of the cubicles where they frantically tried to untie the ropes that had imprisoned their hands.
After a few minutes of failure Kagome suggested that they untie each other's hand and that proved to be successful.
While they made their way out of the restroom, Kagome and Inuyasha got some very suspicious glares. “This is not a motel” a plus sized woman declared “There are kids in here.”
Inuyasha turned around and worked up a rather suggestive smirk upon Kagome's face.
Almost immediately after they stepped their feet out of the restroom door Inuyasha spotted the scientist and after notifying Kagome headed toward the other direction.
The two could not find an opening of escape.
Then it dawned upon them; they were in a wax museum with life like wax figures all over the place.
On the sight of the scientists, the two retreated closer to the wall and stood in a motionless position. Like a charm, their plan worked; the scientists walked past them without noticing their existence.
Just as they were about to move towards the opposing direction a tour guide came along with a group of tourists.
“Robert Daninski even added a few anonymous persons along with the celebrities. Each of the anonymous persons was said to display a different message.
It was then that someone stood on Kagome's foot.
“Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” Kagome yelled in her head.
It was a man who seemed to be over 300 pounds.
“Can anyone tell me what message these two persons are displaying?” the tour guide questioned
“Get off my foot” Kagome blurted out
The tourist were taken aback (to see a talking wax figure) and the tour guide fainted.
Her fainting caught about everyone's attention including Dr. Hiten's and Dr. Myoga's.
“Sorry gotta go” Inuyasha announced as he grabbed `Kagome's' hand and sprinted toward the exit.
The scientists gave chase but the adolescents hopped onto a two storey bus to be driven to yonder.
Kagome and Inuyasha got off the bus at the next stop cause they couldn't afford to come to Paris and leave without a bit of the French fashion.
They flew into the first clothes store in sight; Kagome went to check out the female section while Inuyasha went to check the male section.
To Kagome's utmost disappointment there was no T-shirts to be found, just a lot of clothes that she was never bold enough to wear.
It wasn't after a few minutes that she realized that no matter what she chose, at this moment, she wouldn't actually be the one to wear it (At least not now anyways). That was when a black and silver dress caught her attention.
“Wow!” Inuyasha came up beside her with about fifteen different suits piled up in his hands “It's gorgeous”
“I'm not trying on ALL of those” Kagome returned
“Oh come on Kagome please” he pleaded “People were already staring at me suspiciously being a woman shopping in the men's department, what will they think when I try them on; besides they wouldn't fit on a YOUR body anyway”
Kagome let out a puff of breath and rolled her eyes.
Inuyasha turned to look at her “Isn't there anything that you want to buy?”
Kagome glanced at the black dress
“I'll pay for whatever you want” Inuyasha added
Kagome didn't answer though.
“Okay, how about this” Inuyasha suggested “You try these on for me and I'll try on some things for you - starting with that little black dress and if you'd like anything else I'd buy it for you.
“Fine” Kagome agreed flatly
After she tried on about the third suit Kagome realized `This is kinda fun'
Soon enough it was Inuyasha's turn.
At first he tried on some outrageous fashion flares which made Kagome want to burst out laughing but when he really got down to the modern day apparels, that was when Kagome realized that she really had a great body and her face was gorgeous beyond compare.
“Well…what do you think?” was Inuyasha's question as he came out in the little black dress.
It was breathtaking!
Kagome opened her mouth in `aaaww' just before a blushing-typed smile surfaced her lips. “It looks amazing.” The way the dress accentuated her curves in all the right places.
“Just so you know” Kagome declared after they finished shopping and was having brunch “I'm still angry at you.”
For accommodation, Inuyasha rented a room in a motel. Luckily for Kagome, the room had two beds but Inuyasha was rather disappointed, he definitely wouldn't mind cuddling. But who's to say that Kagome would allow him to touch her much less cuddle her.
Maybe he could do it in an innocent way - while pretending to sleep.
Well, anyways the first thing that Inuyasha did was to take a bath. Provocatively, he came out (after his bath) in a black push-up bra with a towel tightly wrapped around his waist.
“What do you think you're doing?” Kagome questioned him
He stood in front of the rectangular mirror on the wall. “Is it me or does your breast look a little bit bigger?” He started to fondle them.
Kagome opened her mouth in bewilderment “Stop that”
“Oh please!” Inuyasha responded “Like I haven't played with them before.”
Kagome froze. She started to blush. Then she realized something. “Hee! Hee! Hee!” she giggled then she threw back her head and laughed. The only time her breasts looks bigger is when… “Ha! Ha! Ha!” she burst out again
“What?” Inuyasha questioned felling a little embarrassed yet confused, wondering if Kagome had suddenly gone crazy.
“You'll find out soon enough” was all she decided to say
“Without a moment's notice Inuyasha's towel fell off.
Kagome stared at him in shock “you're wearing boxers”
“Sorry, I can't bring myself to wear a panty, it'll make me feel to gay”
“Sad! But I on the other hand don't have a choice” Kagome declared “This thing you have here cant hold in a panty. “Do you even have a license for it” She continued in a mumble but loud enough for him to hear “Cause I'm sure this size is illegal”
Inuyasha snickered to himself “I guess that I'm just well blessed.”