InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can Live Forever ❯ Summary-Preface ( Chapter -1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When You Can Live Forever - WYCLF

Author: ShadowInu19- previously: Inuyasha's GIRL 1415

Disclaimer: All copyrighted materials belong to their respective owners. Plot and some original characters are creations of my own imagination/experiences. Any similarity between OC's and existing fictional characters are coincidental. *Author is too broke to get sued*

Summary: Kagome has been searching for decades for `the one'. Constantly killing those off which she created. Can Inuyasha, an ex-mobster, help her end this senseless cycle of creation and destruction? In the end what will they choose to live for?

Fiction type: AU and slightly OOC

Genre: Romance, Paranormal, and Drama

Pairings: InuyashaXKagome, SangoXMiroku, SesshomaruXRin, KougaXAyame.


Normal P.O.V.

As he sat in the hospital on what was to be his deathbed; a girl was seated on the ledge outside his window hiding within the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to set her plan into action as she had so many times before. His name was Inuyasha; she had been watching him for days lying in this detestable excuse for a hospital dying slowly, very unbearably slowly. He was too young to die, he was only twenty-three for Christ sake. She knew, they all knew, and all she could do was watch and wait until they were sure he would die and then just leave him.

That day was today, and she knew deep in her heart she would have to save him yet damn him all at the same time. It would be better than to die painfully. However, there would be different ways to die when it was all through; she knew those ways all too damn well. She had seen them happen for many years to her friends, her first love, to everyone she had ever called family.

She knew what her plan of action had to be. She would take him somewhere secluded and do the deed of saving him from the painful death that would await him soon. Leave him with what he would need to live, and set him off to his own devices. She was set and ready to take action when the right time presented itself. All that was left to do was listen and to wait.

Sighing she stood. She had other things to attend to but she would be back. There was no doubt in anyone's mind about that. She fled never noticing the pair of golden eyes that observed her from afar.

-Three days later-

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

The pain was so unbearable, I didn't know how much longer it would take to get back to good health or if I ever would for that matter. But I had to keep hope; I couldn't let the sadness and the thoughts get to me. I just couldn't and I knew if they did I wouldn't make it out of this alive if I even had a chance to begin with.

I had been alone in this room for thirty minutes now, all the doctors had left. I knew they all thought I wouldn't make it out alive; that didn't help me either. I was sure I would die. I am curtain now but I figured I would try to see the sunrise one last time before it was too late. I waited and watched the solitary window for what seemed like hours. I had started to feel drossy when I saw a young, beautiful woman entering through the window.

'Am I imagining this?' I wondered to myself. I had to have been why else would such a beautiful woman be entering my room at this hour of the night and when I'm dying no less? She continued to walk over to me.

"Shush" she whispered. As she started to put her arms around me, I realized she was cold, ice cold, but I only had one thought on my mind. 'Who is this woman?' she lifted me up off of the bed with no problems, no grunts, and no painful expressions on her face. Just a sincere look of kindness that told me all she wanted to do was save every single person on the verge of death. Her mid-back length hair was jet black; her eyes were the same shade of blue as that of the bottom of the ocean. She smelled of flowers and cinnamon, and her face held the knowledge of a hundred years of life; but she looked to be barely in her twenties. That same question still running through my head as she headed to the same window I was just watching through. Jumping from building to building at an almost blinding speed I knew if I were to die this very minute I would be happy and not have a second thought about my death or how I had lived my life.

She started to slow her pace; which had made her look like she had just finished a nice brisk jog; she had a very faint layer of sweat and nothing more. She came to a complete stop in front of a very old looking weeping willow tree that seemed to be less beautiful and nowhere near as perfect as this woman was when compared. I still wondered 'who is this woman?'

She laid me down on the grass in front of the tree and leaned her face toward my ear and whispered, "Inuyasha, my dear fledgling, in this world you can live forever. Let us see what you will live for." she slowly put her mouth to my throat and then I knew. I knew what she was here to do and that she was not the average human. She was a vampire, an immortal one. I felt her fangs pierce my skin yet I wasn't scared I didn't try to inch away from her I just laid there as she sunk her fangs deeper into my neck. It pinched for a few seconds then all I felt was pleasure as she drank almost all of my blood, my eyes rolling back into my head at the sensation. She didn't take all of my blood, though I truly wouldn't have given a damn. I would gladly die at her hands. But what she did instead surprised me most, she bit her wrist letting several droplets of blood trickle into my mouth, before forcing my lips to the wound and letting it flow into my mouth as I drifted into a world of bliss. That I would always cherish no matter what happened.

I awoke several hours later to find some clothes hanging on a tree branch slightly to my right and a ring on my finger that said `the key to survival must never part when the sun dances away the day' things were slowly coming together in my head. She had come to save me, but there was no sign of her; she was gone. I tried to stand which was surprisingly easy; I walked over to the clothes that were hanging off of the branch. They were a pair of pin stripped dress pants and a grey dress shirt. She had bought them and she had left them for me, sticking out of the pocket was a note.

I snatched the clothes and the note up and stripped down while running to the edge of the woods while pulling on the black pin stripped dress pants that where on the tree and quickly unfolded the note she had left in the pocket of my new pants as I buttoned the grey shirt with my left hand. It was written in calligraphy, but I could read every word of it with ease.

'You are changed now I'm sure you realize you are no longer human you are anything but that now. However, you can still act as one. The ring on your finger will allow you to walk the world of the living during the day. Unless you wish death upon yourself do not remove it while the sun dances in the day sky. You will have to feed to get strong, animals blood will keep you alive and keep you at a moderate strength but you will not be the strongest of Vampires. Drinking the blood of mortal humans or another vampire will give you immense strength compared to what you would get from an animal, but those people will surely die at the hands of a newly formed Vampire they will not turn they will die, your thrust will be over powering at first to make you strong enough to continue living; but you will be able to control it very soon. You will learn more about the powers an immense amount of blood will give you as you drink and feed off of their life force. The choice is yours though. In this world you can live forever, what will you choose to live for? The powers, revenge, life, love; I'm sure we will meet again. When that time comes we shall see. Sincerely, -Kagome'

I stopped running then, 'what would I live for?' I didn't know. All of my life I had wanted power, I had wanted the strength to kill those who had hurt me all my life. I had wanted to live to never have to die. However, most of all I wanted love, I wanted to have the woman of my dreams. I thought for a moment. Was revenge worth all of the hassle? I had experienced what vengeance could do to a man. Did I really want that? I mean everyone whohad made my life a living hell would all eventually die anyway. Was immense power worth the death of others? I already had immortality, and that was all I really needed or wanted.

My mind was made up.

I knew what I would live for. I would live for the love I had always searched for, to travel the world in search of such a love. I would feed off of the animals of the earth. And I would certainly live to find the one called Kagome. In a world where I could live forever I would live to find the one I truly love, and claim her as mine and she would be mine. Somehow, I knew she would let me stack that claim, I just knew.