InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can Live Forever ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter One

Kagome's P.O.V.

'He was saved… what would he chose?' I couldn't help but wonder if I would have to destroy what I had created again. I didn't want to I never wanted to. But I had to, it was the will of god, the god that forced me to live this life. That forced me to save and then kill. I wondered all of this as I ran.


He should be awake by now. But the rules I am forced to follow clearly said I must let whomever I change go uninfluenced by me for one year, and that I must avoid them at all costs until that point. So I ran as fast as I could I knew where I would go.

America. The free lands the place where there were others like me wondering the streets night and day. I was already half way across Canada and almost to Illinois it would be only a matter of hours until I reached my destination. Philadelphia, a town in Pennsylvania, many had strayed from the path of decency and if I could not let Inuyasha live this would be my next place to look for a worthy candidate to save.

There was also one other clear rule. If the one you saved chose t continue on a righteous path you would not have to kill what you created. However, they in turn would have to save someone and repeat the cycle. If their `creation' strayed to evil they would have to end that very life.

'I have had this job for too long.' I thought as I continued to run faster and faster I wouldn't stop until I reached my destination.

'Inuyasha, please be different from the others, please.' I pleaded internally. 'Just set me free.'

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

It was only a few minutes before sunrise now, I had run looking for her the moment I made my decision, and I had no idea where to look for the dark haired beauty that had saved me. We could both walk the streets day and night so it would be incredibly difficult to find her quickly. In fact it was going to be nearly impossible to find her in the next few days but I had an eternity to look for her. 'I will find her, I will I swear on it… but how?' I thought. For all I know she could be in Mexico at this very moment 'cause only god knows when she ran off. I would find her and I would live a good life forever. She needed me to do that much for her I could already tell. I don't know how I knew but I did and I knew she wanted me to know.

"I swear I will find you even if I die trying" I said and started running as fast as my legs would allow. 'I could get used to this.' I smirked.

-345 Days Later-

The judgment period was almost over and needless to say I was impressed with his choices thus far. He had made quite excellent choices actually. He had chosen to feed off of the animals as much as he could. He very, very rarely drank a humans' blood which was something many of the others had not done. He then chosen to chase after something he really truly wanted, what that was I didn't know I had found out over the years not to attempt to read others thoughts for it alters their choices slightly.

Yes I could very well see the thoughts of others if I tried but I almost never used that power; what normal person would? Yes I knew I wasn't normal anymore but I had been and I truly missed it but I couldn't ever go back to that life now. It was impossible. But trying to stay even the slightest bit normal made me feel just as good.

Inuyasha was currently residing in Long Beach, California with a band he had joined. Their name was 'To Give a Life'. They would be in Philadelphia very soon actually. It was going to work out perfectly. The day of their first concert was the day I could say Inuyasha was free to live or to not. But from the looks of it he would get to keep this life and perhaps I could finally be free of this cursed task. I still had yet another task I had to complete.

'But he is still worthy of this chance at life.' I thought with a slight smile.

-Ten Days Later-

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

'I finally found her! But I can't go see her… Fucking tour dates!' I thought with a groan. I slouched down on the couch I had been moping on for the past hour and a half about this little dilemma of mine, when I suddenly sensed an object flying my direction and jumped off of the couch doing a flip and landing on the floor in front of the couch facing the annoyed person who had pitched my own cell phone at my head.

It was Sango.

"SANGO! What in the bloody fucking hell was that for?" I screamed.

Sango was the bands' manager, drummer and don't let me forget bodyguard. She proved that one everyday especially around the other band mates. She was constantly beating on our basest Miroku Houshi. But then again he sort of deserved it. He was always grabbing for her ass at every opportunity he got.

For a girl, Sango was just a little too strong. Rumor has it that her family originated from a clan of demon exterminators in the feudal era of Japan that had been almost completely whipped out by a demon. Her remaining ancestor had been tricked by a demon in their human form. This demon had killed her family and her village friends. She had been the only survivor and had sworn to avenge her family and friends, but on her journey to find this demon that had caused her so much pain. She bumped into an elderly looking man that had really been the very demon she had been searching for and had been deceived by the demon.

This demon claimed her family and friends' killer was on the western half of Japan heading toward the America's. She searched and searched for the demon but never found him. She eventually grew old and knew her time was running out so as she lay on her death bed. She made a vow with her last breath to return one day and kill the very demon that had killed all of her loved ones. Or so the legends say.

"Get the fuck up and go to the damn recording studio now! We NEED to practice as much as we can before any of us step foot onto that plane to Philadelphia in a week. We need to be our best it's our first real concert and we can't fuck it up! Do you hear me?" she screamed back at me. 'It's the stress' I thought as I walked toward where my cell phone currently lay on the ground in front of the television. I grabbed it and headed to the table where the keys to my motorcycle lay untouched. I made a slight growl of annoyance at her as I passed her on the way to the drive way. She followed but the moment we reached the outside she headed to her dark pink Cadillac CTS, got in and made her way to the recording studio. Why she chose that color I may never know.

I stepped over to my dark red Yamaha motorcycle and speed off towards the woods I was going to need some energy for this practice session I could already tell. It was defiantly going to be a long day.

I pulled off onto the side of the road by the woods after driving like a bat out of hell. I stuck my nose up slightly and sniffed for my prey I only needed a small snack. I could still very well eat human food but it did not satisfy my hunger.

I caught the scent of a small rabbit, turned and leapt at my fastest speed towards it grabbing it by the back of its neck and killing it before it knew what was coming. I sank my elongated fangs into it and drank it dry not that it noticed for it was already beyond this world.

I had long since finished my little snack and was speeding once again down the highway towards the recording studio to meet with the band to start our practice. I was almost there and I knew I was going to have my hands full tonight. If Sango was in a piss-y mood then the odds aren't in our favor of getting off too easy.

Sango knew where I was going to head first before we even left my cozy little beach house; she had actually come a little early to give me time to feed before our practice.

`How does she know' I'm sure you are all wondering. Well the answer is simple really, I told her I was a vampire as soon as I knew she could be trusted. She along with the rest of the band, knew if they were to expose me they would most certainly pay dearly for it. Now of course if they'd been entirely creeped out by the fact that their singer was a vampire I wouldn't make them stay but they had to swear to secrecy about it. Fortunately though, they all understood and they had all stayed and passed my own little test on whether or not I could trust them.

They had actually helped me find the mysterious women who had saved me from an early death, the woman named Kagome. She had been staying in a little town called Collingdale up by Philadelphia. Thus we had decided to make our first appearance at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia.

I pulled into a parking spot at the studio and got off of my motorcycle, locked it up, and headed in to find a very amusing scene. Miroku had once again attempted to grab Sango's ass and had failed and was currently receiving his beating.

I walked in right as Sango threw Miroku over her back and while he was down got a nice hit with her foot right into his little "treasures". And what a great scene it was too I just wanted to fall to the ground in laughter. But I controlled myself… somewhat. I was currently hunched over in laughter looking at Miroku's very, very, very purple looking face. He pulled one of his hands up that had been holding his crotch in pain and flipped me off. I just replied in between laughs.

"Wow Miroku I didn't know you went that way, but no thank you buddy." and just went right back to my own little laughing fit.

Next to me was Shippo Kitson our wonderful little annoying Keyboardist. He was currently shaking his head at this little situation, I could practically read his thoughts he was defiantly thinking something along the line of "grow the fuck up". He was the youngest of the whole band. However, he did his job well. In fact he was the one who actually found Kagome for me. Well the first signs of where she was anyway.

Next to Shippo, was Kouga Wolve our main guitarist cocky as he was he still always kept his word and always showed great skill. He was the first of the band to deserve my trust. But either way he is still cocky. The only thing I don't trust him about is not trying to steal Kagome when I find her. Believe me when I say I have my reasons for this. Needless to say when he saw the pictures Shippo had found he was all over them. I would defiantly need to keep an eye on him.

Miroku was standing now he still looked like he was in pain but nowhere near as much now; and I was finally done laughing. So we headed into the studio to start our practice session.

'If Kagome is there at the concert she is going to love this' I smirked at the thought as we walked into the studio.

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