InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Can Live Forever ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter Two

-The Night Of The Concert-

Kagome's P.O.V.

This was the night; the night the judgment ended. I was allowed to tell him he passed the test. Only one thing I regret out of picking him; the fact that he would now be destined to pick up the cycle of life and death right where I had left off. For this I am sorry. But yet I am proud, very, very proud. He did the right thing unlike almost all of the others. He was perfect he did nothing at all wrong in the code all Vampires must follow. He, in all forms of the word, was perfect. He would be someone I would gladly spend the rest of eternity with. Though I doubt I would ever be able to tell him this.

You see when you become a vampire most of the human traits you had stick with you especially personality traits…


"Kagome!" Eri yelled after her young dark haired friend who was already on her way home after another brutal day in College. Kagome was 21 years old and about 5'6 in height with gorgeous grey blue eyes that tended to change colors with her mood. You see one moment they would be grey, then another they could be a light blue; the same blue as a warm spring day, then a dark blue; the same blue as the ocean's bottom, or a pale green color. Kagome turned around then stopping to wait for her friend.

"Eri, what's wrong?" she asked, with a sound of sincere concern evident in her voice.

"Kagome, Yuka, Ayumi, and I were just wondering if you were ever going to ask Hojo out. You had said you were. So… like yea…" Eri said as she scratched the back of her head nervously, just wondering how she got suckered into being the one to ask her best friend this question.

Kagome just sighed at her friends' antics. Kagome never really liked Hojo like that. Her friends just liked to assume things. And assuming she wanted to date people she didn't was one of the many things they assumed.

Kagome was always a shy girl everyone who talked to her knew that very well. A light wind blew by them slightly rising Kagome's skirt. "Eri…" she started then paused.'it would be better to bend the truth right now' she thought before she continued.”you know how shy I am I don't think I'll ever be able to ever ask him." she finished, the same soft wind still blowing around her, making her hair blow into her face a bit.

Eri looked at her sweetly "ok Kagome take your time. We-… I understand" she said with a wink. Understanding for the first time that Kagome hadn't ever really liked him. She turned slightly with a "well, I'll see you tomorrow Kagome." and then started walking in the direction of her home. Kagome sighed then, thankful that her friend was so understanding. She smiled; God was definitely on her side for once. And she was so glad of that.

When Kagome walked into her family shrine everything was quiet. "Mom?… Souta?… Grandpa?…" she was greeted by silence. 'Maybe they're out back' she thought heading toward the door in the kitchen that led outside. The moment she opened the door she knew something was wrong "Mom?…" she said again . Right then she saw something move near the well house. She didn't know why but she had this compelling urge to follow it. She slowly walked up to the well house and opened the door and took one step in as she was grabbed by the neck and thrown against the well house wall. It took her a moment to gather her wits enough to know exactly what was going on. There was a person, a man holding her to the wall. He glared at her.

"Well, well, well…" he said looking her over.”You- You are the one I have been searching for" he said with an evil looking smirk, after sensing her innocence. By now she was scared but she looked at the person examining him.

Sure she was scared but if she was to die she had to know who it was. She had always felt if she were to be killed she would need to see his or her face. Or she would walk the earth incomplete for eternity. This person had long silver hair, white robes, piercing amber eyes, blue-ish purple streaks on his cheeks and a crescent Moon on his forehead, and oddly enough fangs. He looked like a god he was perfect in appearance. However his aura made her very wary.

"My Dear," he started in his deep monotone voice. "You have a very important part to play in this little game." He paused. "I am quite sure you still have no idea what that part is yet but you shall find out when the time has come. But-" he paused again. "According to the will of the gods we mustn't let you continue to age. We must keep you 21 forever. And no family member is allowed to live while you live. So sorry to be the bearer of bad news but they have been eliminated." he said this all in monotone which scared her even more than he already had. Her eyes watered a bit at the news.

"Why…" she mumbled with a choked sob and sniffle, before he continued.

"Now," he continued still. "This part of yours is very, VERY important. It will take you many years to find who you are to search for but when you find him you will know. But for now you must search for the chosen one. However, in order to do so you must turn them. They will inherit your job also and will be responsible to help you find the chosen one. However there is a catch if the person does not follow the code of vampires fully you must kill them. The code of the vampires is to be perfect and fair," Kagome gave this man questionable eyes 'turn… them?' she thought. She made her thoughts vocal then.

"Now I am sure you can already tell I am not human. Am I correct?" Kagome nodded. "Well my dear," he said as he moved closer to her neck. "I am a vampire." he finished.

He immediately bit into her neck sucking most of her blood out before stopping and biting into his own wrist, drawing blood. Forcing her mouth open which wasn't very hard due to the lack of blood and letting several droplets go into her mouth. Turning to the door to leave he stopped and added. "And you will need these." as he threw 2 pristine rings toward her. She crawled over to them as quickly as she could; which wasn't very quick and put the smallest one on her left ring finger right before she passed out.

***End Flashback***

That night I woke up still in the well house fully rejuvenated and ready to go. I knew things would be so much different than they had been and I was right. I had stuck the other ring into my bra and left. I ran as fast as I could which was faster than anything I had ever seen in my life. And I knew exactly what I had had to do. And this is where I am now. Waiting 'til the concert would begin. My eyes jet black. The only thing that changed were the colors my eyes changed to. It was 7:58 the concert would be starting very, very soon. The scheduled start time was 8:30 it was almost time…

8:20 P.M.

Inuyasha's P.O.V.

I was pacing and my stomach was churning. I was nerves. This was new. The concert would be starting very soon, in mire minutes actually. By the time this night was over I was certain I would know exactly where SHE was. I would have her she would be mine if that is what she wished, that is.

It had been a long year since I had last scene her I would be happy as hell to see her though. But how would I tell her how I felt about her? She would probably just turn me down but I had to try; but how could she ever love someone who spent most of their life killing and for a gang at that. I had been in the bloods for so long I hadn't known anything other than how to kill but she changed me. I don't know how but she did and she would be mine. I hoped anyway. I was still pacing as Sango came in to tell me to hurry up and get on stage.

I was behind the curtain now with the rest of the band waiting for our cue to get onto the stage.

"And now the people you all have been waiting for… TO GIVE A LIFE!" the announcer screamed as we all ran onto the stage with our arms in the air while heading to our designated spots. Mine was the microphone.

"Hey there Philly! How's it going?” I shouted into the mic right before the crowd started screaming louder than ever. "That's what I thought! Well here goes our first song! It's called Stupid Girl!"

The guitar started, then the drums, then the bass. Now was my turn I started singing into the mic.

"Wanna love ya , wanna bug ya, wanna squeeze ya, stupid girl, wanna touch ya, wanna take ya, wanna shut ya, stupid girl. I can't take this, born to break this. She's going away, (She's going away) what's wrong with my life today? She's going away, (She's going away) what's wrong with my life today? Stupid girl, Stupid girl" then I did a quick head bang to get more into the mood. Then I continued "I'm a loner, I'm a loser, I'm a winner, in my mind. I'm a bad one, I'm a good one, I'm a sick one, with a smile." I smiled, slightly revealing my fangs. Then out of the corner of my eyes I saw familiar ebony hair, and those eyes, those unrelenting eyes. It was her but I couldn't make a scene now. I had to continue with the show and I knew it. "I can't take this, born to break this. She's going away, (She's going away) what's wrong with my life today? She's going away, (She's going away) what's wrong with my life today?" I was head banging now. "Stupid girl, Stupid girl, Stupid girl, Stupid girl"

"Whoa" Kouga, Shippou, and Miroku sang.

"She's going away, (She's going away) what's wrong with my life today? She's going away, (She's going away) what's wrong with my life today? Stupid girl, Stupid girl."

'As the song finished I looked back where I first saw her. She was still there but now she was smirking at me with that all knowing look she seemed to have in her eyes. I was definitely going to try to make that smirk mine and only mine tonight.' I thought with a smirk of my own.

Kagome's P.O.V.

I knew he saw me during the song I had made him see me so he would know it was time for our meeting. He may not have known it but I did. I didn't know if he was the chosen one. I truly didn't and I still don't know. All I knew is he was bound for great things and great people, and I was none of those very things. Truth was I never would be especially if he was the chosen one.

"I'm a loner, I'm a loser, I'm a winner, In my mind. I'm a bad one, I'm a good one, I'm a sick one, With a smile." he sang with a smirk. I smirked as I saw his fangs. I had to give him credit. He pulled it off quite well. As the concert continued to go on around me I crept off into a dark corner where no one would ever think to look as the concert started to come to an end, and they played the last song which was called Wasteland.

"Change my attempt good intentions Crouched over You were not there Living in fear But signs were not really that scarce Obvious tears But I will not Hide you through this I want you to help them, please see The bleeding heart perched on my shirt" Inuyasha sang as he crouched down at the beginning basically acting out the song as he sang it.

"Die, withdraw Hide in cold sweat Quivering lips Ignore remorse Naming a kid, living wasteland This time you've tried All that you can turning you red Change my attempt good intentions Should I, could I Here we are with your obsession Should I, could I" he sang doing another quick head-bang before the next verse started.

"Crowned hopeless The article read living wasteland This time you've tried All that you can turning you red but I will not Hide you through this I want you to help" he sang leaning back slightly.

"Change my attempt good intentions Should I, could I Here we are with your obsession Should I, could I Heave the silver hollow sliver Piercing through another victim Turn and tremble be judgmental Ignorant to all the symbols Blind the face with beauty paste Eventually you'll one day know Change my attempt good intentions Limbs tied, skin tight Self inflicted his perdition Should I, could I Change my attempt good intentions Should I, could I" he finished. As the last part of the music was played he said "it's been fun we'll see you all next time!" Waving as he and the rest of the band walked off the stage.

'It was time.' I thought but little did I know there was another with the same thoughts as I.