InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When You Wish Upon A Star... ❯ Hentai Hanyou ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When You Wish Upon A Star...

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inu Yasha and pals. That credit belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. I do however own the story idea.

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: One again, thank you for all the reviews. They make my day, and it's nice to know you are all enjoying it. As always, I accept all suggestions but I can't guarantee their use. A special thank you goes out to kleptomaniac sam for pointing out that Inu Yasha is a guy after all. This is rated PG13 for mild language and some thoughts that our favorite hanyou just can't control. Enough from me, its back to the Feudal Era we go.... Please read and enjoy.

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CHAPTER THREE---Hentai Hanyou

They weren't going to reach the village that night, that much was obvious. The sun was already setting. Kagome was actually rather glad of that fact. She was going to put her plan into action tonight, and it would help if there were as few distractions as possible. As much as she liked them, Miroku and Sango definitely fell into that category. There were only so many smacks and whined excuses you could listen to before you wanted to rip your ears off, just so you didn't have to hear them any more. She had an idea that was why Inu Yasha was always in a tree...distance muffled the sound.

Inu Yasha finally called an end to their forced march. They set up camp not far from a small stream. Shippo ate a bag of potato chips and then crawled onto her sleeping bag. In a matter of a few minutes his soft snores could be heard. She looked down at him fondly and then began rummaging in her bag. It was time for a bath.

"I am going for firewood." That was all Inu Yasha growled before leaping off into the gathering darkness. He was still upset about the SIT she had given him earlier. It probably wasn't fair to sit him for things that hadn't even been said, but she had heard it. That was what mattered, right? Oh well, she could think about it while she bathed.

It was nice not having to worry about peeping monks. The bath was another one of those little pleasures she enjoyed, like watching the stars. This is where she got clean after another day of dusty travel or got rid of the signs of battle. In the bath she could relax and think her own deep thoughts. The stream wasn't warm, but it wasn't freezing either. She swam in the cool water for a few moments and then began to wash.

Her thoughts drifted to Inu Yasha. He was all that she ever seemed to think about any more. A sigh escaped her lips. How had she ever managed to fall in love with him still confused her. He was rude, inconsiderate, obnoxious and had a one track better make that two tracks---the jewel and Kikyo. I never forgot you Kikyo, not for an instant. Kagome grimaced at that memory. She was so deep in her own thoughts, she never heard the sound of Inu Yasha jumping into the branches above her.

She is so beautiful. For once that stupid monk gave me some good advice. She'll kill me if she ever finds out that I do this, but it might just be worth it. He smiled wolfishly down at her. Yeah, I'd take a thousand sits to see her like this more often. If only I could touch her smooth, pert... He was so wrapped up in his fantasy, that he never saw her stiffen and look up into his glazed eyes.

"Let me grant your wish, you pervert!" She yelled. "SIT, SIT, S..." Her eyes widened as she watched him plummet into the water and directly down to the sandy bottom, a stream of bubbles rising to the surface. Oops, she had forgotten that he was on a branch over the water. If she didn't stop, he would probably drown. Maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing her mind growled. She got out of the water, dried off and dressed. That sit spell should have worn off by now, but still he didn't surface. Uh oh, maybe it really had been too much.

Finally he made an appearance. After all, he could only hold his breath for so long. He was a dog-demon, not a fish. The cool water had done nothing to cool his flaming cheeks. Being caught had embarrassed him, but the flush was from the fantasy he had been living out, just before his cold shower. He looked around furtively and sighed in relief when Kagome seemed to be nowhere in the vicinity. Probably just as embarrassed as I was he smirked. Thank the Gods, at least I won't have to face her right away. Inu Yasha turned toward the bank and froze. She was standing there glaring at him. Damn, now I am going to have to make up some excuse. Hmmm...what are some of those things that the stupid monk says? I wonder if any of them would work in this situation?

"Flimsy excuses won't help you this time Inu Yasha. You were peeping! Not protecting me, not gathering firewood, nothing...but...PEEPING! All those times you made fun of Miroku and pretended to be all high and mighty, and you are just as bad! No, I take that back, you are worse! At least we know to expect it from him." Kagome yelled. She was furious. "Get out of the water, you look like a drowned rat." He blinked at the sudden change in subject.

How did she know? What is going on? Its like she is reading my mind or something....

"Just catching on to that now, are you Inu Yasha? Guess you really aren't the brightest crayon in the box." She was tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for him to get out of the stream so that she could sit him again. As tempting as drowning the hanyou...hentai hanyou, was at the moment, she might...just might...regret it later. Much later. "Now get out of that stream."

"What do you mean?" He asked warily. If she really can read my thoughts, I am in real trouble. That would explain her strange behavior though. How many times today had she said things that eerily coincided with his thoughts? The comment about the compliment...the helpless laughter. Oh this isn't good. I thought that she was possessed hy a laughter demon! His cheeks reddened again. He slowly waded to shore, and realized his mistake as soon as he saw her face.

"Was worth a thousand SITS Inu Yasha? I really don't think that a mere thousand SITS would be enough. Maybe I will SIT you until the hole is so deep that you can't crawl out of it." Kagome raged. "SIT, SIT, SIT!" Finally she stopped. Now there was just an Inu Yasha shaped hole in the ground. "Have you been taking lessons from Miroku or what?" His verbal reply was muffled by dirt, but she heard his thought clearly enough.

What do you expect, I am a guy after all.

"That's your reasoning?" Kagome's voice was incredulous. "You're a guy?"

"Yeah, that's my reason. Besides, there wasn't anyone else around." He cringed as soon as the words left his mouth. This was going from bad to worse. I must really like the taste of dirt.

"Okay dog-boy, are you trying to tell me that you were only watching ME because I was the only one here at the time?" He heard the danger in her voice and swallowed nervously. "So basically, you don't just watch me, but anyone that catches your eye? I never knew that you and Miroku had so much in common. Asked anyone to bear your child recently, Inu Yasha?"

I don't know how to answer that. Either way this hole is just going to get deeper. His ears twitched at the sound of her dry chuckle. Then he realized that she must have heard that too. Oh this is so not good. How do I get myself out of this one?

"What smooth, pert thing did you want to touch, Inu Yasha?" She inquired sweetly. Even his ears blushed with that question. He didn't have to be able to read her thoughts to know that was one thing he shouldn't answer. He tried to keep his mind blank, but he just couldn't do it. Once again his fantasy formed in his mind. Kagome was standing in a pool of silvery moonlight. He was behind her, trailing his clawed hand from her jaw, down her throat, over her collar bone and lower to capture...

Kagome blushed crimson and knew that she had to stop this thought immediately. "Inu Yasha, is that what you think of me? That I am some kind of play thing?" She squealed, and was relieved when the image faded. She had to put her plan into action now. If he was having those kind of thoughts, she had to know why. Was it plain lust? Was it love? What if he was just using her as a substitute for Kikyo because...what had he said... because she was the only one there? She would find out. If the answers weren't what she wanted to hear, well, she had no one to blame but herself, right?

"Inu Yasha?"

"What do you want?" he growled from the depths of the hole. The spell was just now wearing off.

"I want to know what you think. I am going to ask you a few questions. Where we go from there depends on your answers. I'll know when you are lying, so just try being hones with me, okay?" He lifted himself out of the hole but would not look at her.

"What do you want to know?" He whispered. Her serious tone worried him. Somehow he didn't think that he was going to be able to get away with a simple "Feh." this time.