InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do we go from here? ❯ Shock ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters from Inuyasha. But I do own Riomi and other original characters. (Fluffy will come home one day though)

A.N.* Hello all! This is my first Fan Fiction so please be nice. I'm open to constructive criticism but please no flames. I would really like reviews. Enjoy!


Chapter One: Shock

"Kagome! Kagome!" The young kitsune tried frantically to wake up the sleeping Kagome. She reluctantly opened her eyes.

"Shippou, what's wrong? First calm down." She coaxed the kitsune."

It's Inuyasha he has the Shikon no Tama! He took it while you were sleeping. Sango and Miroku tried to stop him from getting it but he was too strong!" Shippou bellowed out in one breath.

It took Kagome a few moments to digest the information given to her. She brought herself to her feet.

'Why would he do something like this, there has to be something wrong' she pondered.

It was just the day before that they had completely found the last of the jewel shards; they decided to wait for morning to discuss how they would use it.

She glanced around noticing it couldn't be that late cause the fire hadn't yet burned out.

"Which way did they go?"

Shippou pointed towards a clearing exclaiming, "Sango and Miroku followed him that way but he was like in some kind of trance. He kept repeating 'I'm coming' over and over again."

"Come on we have to find him!"

So many 'what if's' and 'oh no's' were going through her head until she came to an abrupt stop, causing Shippou to bump into her from behind.

He was going to whimper but he noticed what brought Kagome to a stop.

Lying only feet away were Sango and Miroku. Sango's Hiraikotsu was split in two not far away. Miroku was battered badly with his staff lying above his head.

Kagome checked them closely thanking Kami that they were only unconscious.

"Shippou stay here with Sango and Miroku, ok."

The kitsune was about to interject but he saw the determination in her eyes that made him nod.

Kagome continued toward the force of the Jewel, but stopped again to see Kirara, the two tailed fire cat demon, frozen in her steps staring blankly ahead. Kagome touched her getting no response but could feel her heartbeat.

"Hang on Kirara I promise to come back."

She ran towards the clearing leaving the cat demon behind.

A bright light flashed and Kagome took refuge behind a tall bush. She peered around it to see something awful………


A.N. Ok I know it's corny but its my first time ever so please be nice I promise it will get better right now I'm just molding it into place. I hope my cliffhanger was good enough for you to want to continue. I wont continue till I get at least 5-10 reviews so I'm sure if anyone is even reading. So please review.

~*~ Riomi Yubanaga ~*~