InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do we go from here? ❯ Awaken ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Inuyasha. I do own Riomi and other significants. * Pats Fluffy on the head * (*_^)


A.N.* Hey! How's it going everyone? Me, I've been racking my brain with ideas for what I should write next. I'm so happy that I have made it to my fifth chapter. For the people who read and never review, please be nice and do so. *gets on knees and begs *



Chapter 5: Awaken

Kagome woke up to soft black satin sheets and feathered soft pillows. She didn't want to leave this soft warm place.

Then everything came back to her in a flash.

She sat upright in a panic.

"Where am I?" she whispered.

She looked down and noticed she was wearing a thin light blue silk sleeping kimono.

Kagome slowly edged off the massive futon. She cautiously looked around the enormous room amazed by how beautiful it was.

Wondering where her outfit was she made her way to a large closet.

A beautiful pink and white silk kimono caught her eye. She picked it up and turned around to be face to face with Sesshumaru's stoic expression.

"Who gave you permission to go through what belongs to you not?" Sesshumaru said expressionlessly.

"Sesshumaru! Where am I? Where is Inuyasha?" Kagome shrilled out while backing into a corner.

Sesshumaru stepped forward and said, "If I'm not mistaken I asked the question and I would like an answer."

Kagome was speechless, it sank in that she was in Sesshumaru's fortress, but she just didn't know why yet.

"I will answer your question if you promise to answer to tell me why I am here."

"I, Sesshumaru make no deals or compromises with humans."

"Fine, I was looking for my outfit." She let out sassily wishing she hadn't.

"That does not look like the garment you were wearing when I brought you here." Sesshumaru said looking at the kimono in her arms.

She let out an uncomfortable giggle and laid the kimono back down on the shelf.

"Sorry." She said with hands up innocently.

Sesshumaru looked at her with confused thoughts. 'Do I amuse her? Does she dare mock me?'

He disregarded his thoughts and informed her, "You are to bathe and you may wear that kimono. I will send one of my servants to accompany you. We will speak in my study after dinner."

Kagome was taken aback by his hospitality and she wondered why he hadn't hurt or killed her, yet. She knew something was up.

Before she could give thanks or ask him anything he left just as swiftly as he came.


Sesshumaru walked out into the hall and beckoned for his servant to assist Kagome promptly.

He went to his study and sat behind his desk. 'I shouldn't have been so nice to that wench. She was a bit impudent for a ningen to be in the presence of a high ranked youkai lord.' He recalled to himself.

He would put the young miko in her place tonight………


Inuyasha was left in awe. He ran to the scent of the others.

Shippou seemed to have just woken up but Sango and Miroku were still unconscious.

Shippou looked up and jumped back.

"Fox Fire!" he screamed.

Inuyasha dodged the spell easily and spoke out,

"You stupid fox, will you stop playing around and help me get the two to Lady Kaede's so we can figure out what the hell is going on."

The kitsune stared at him with confusion but reluctantly helped Inuyasha slump Miroku and Sango onto his back.

Shippou sprung himself on to Inuyasha's shoulder but to his dismay Inuyasha brushed him off.

"You have feet fox so run I have enough weight on my back." Inuyasha growled out.

Shippou let out a small whimper but followed Inuyasha toward the village occasionally falling behind.

Shippou suddenly remembered something. He gathered all his speed and stood in front of Inuyasha making the hanyou almost trip over him.

"What the hell is wrong with you, stupid fox?" Inuyasha said losing his composure.

"Where is Kagome?" Shippou yelled unaffected by Inuyasha's anger.


A.N. I know that cliffy sucked but please stick around. I don't wanna rush into the Sess/Kag thing but I promise it will happen. I need reviews. (^_^) Hmmm……… Tell me if I should put a dark lemon in or not, I wont if you don't want me to.

~*~ Riomi Yubanaga ~*~