InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do you go? ❯ Prologue: The Stench of Evil ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Stench of Evil!


[A/N- first ficcy uploaded, but enjoy! Reviewing will be appreciated, burns will be laughed at!]



A scream shattered the peaceful space air-without-any-oxygen. The source: a small, green figure, on his knees, hands trying to stem the tears of frustration streaming down his face.

"What's wrong? Talk to me!" asked the small green kami-knows-what-the-hell-this-thing-is's companion, in a growing state of desperation.

"She did it again, she did it again, SHE DID IT BLOODY AGAIN!!!!" was the only reply issued from the poor apparently-mentally-disturbed small green thing.

"Who? Did someone do something to you? Did what again?" the companion was at a loss for words, only wondering when to call the little-green-men-in-multicolored-coats.

"It's…it's…it's that damned KIKYOU!!!!" the distressed little man finally managed to cough out. "She kissed Inuyasha again, and now that poor selfless Kagome will get sad again!" He finally broke down into a huge fit of tears.

Meanwhile, the friend, [who is named Icklebobbidygumdrops by the way, but we'll call him Ick for short!] was very busy anime sweat-dropping and holding in his growing laughter. "That poor Kagome!" Ick finally managed to choke out. "But really, don't you feel more sorry for Inuyasha? After all, Kagome "osuwari"'s him ever so badly after seeing such a catastrophe conspire between those two!"

"How DARE you insult Kagome in such a manner? She would never injure the one she loves in such a manner as that!" said the very huffy [Rambledambleydingdong…Jub for short] green man.

"Well, why do you just sit there and cry your pupils out? With our nerdy science technology, we can go and give them a piece of our minds!" Ick cried, in a fit of passionate acting.

"Say, that's a good idea! Let's go!" Jub proceeded to rip of a piece of his over-large scull-and-contents, fully prepared to put it in a gift-bag for some unsuspecting Inuyasha gang members.

"Not like that you son of a ningen…" Ick sighed as they sped towards their destination: The Sengoku Jidai, Japan, Tokyo-known-then-as-Edo.



Nose to the air, our favorite inu-hanyou was growing more suspicious with every passing second.

He looked rather amusing to Miroku and Sango, seeing as he was still two feet into the ground from the effects of the recently-abused `osuwari' command, courtesy of the miko who doesn't look like she lived when the dinosaurs walked the earth.

"What do you sniff there, O Inuyasha Of Great Heights?" said the smart-ass Houshi who just had to make a crack.

"Now, now, don't make fun of him Houshi-sama! It's not his fault that he did something entirely unfair and unrational while Kagome-chan was watching!" said the taijya, making it clear whose side she was on.

"Shut UP you ningens! There's a bad scent out tonight…it reeks of catastrophe and bad smelling sandwiches!" growled the sore, poor hanyou who was finally picking himself of the ground.

Sango and Miroku just stared that that comment about sandwiches he had just made, unsure of what to say. Sango was the first to speak. "Inuyasha…what did she DO to you?!" she said weakly, staring at him, unsure whether to see if he had a fever or to burst out laughing, like a certain houshi was about to any second.

"I'm going to go get Kagome…whether she likes it or not! There could be a Shikon Shard nearby, without us even KNOWING it!!!" and with that, Inuyasha ran off into the night, completely disregarding his friends' dark warnings of the future.


Meanwhile, Space Shuttle number Schmiffty Two hurdled closer and closer to it's destination…


Well, end of that! I know it's a bit short, but it's my first attempt at something like this and I don't really have a lot of time left on my computer! Please review if you can! All suggestions will be taken into mind…but this is not supposed to make any sense at all SO ITS GONNA STAY THAT WAY!!!! …Well here's our glossary!:


Kami - the God's from the Shinto religion, if I am correct

Osuwari - Sit

Ningen - Human

Inu - Dog

Hanyou - half demon

Miko - loosely translated as priestess

Houshi - Monk [Miroku]

Taijya - Demon exterminator [Sango]

-Chan - a suffix used for couples, or close friends between women


Hope you enjoyed! R&R!