InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do your loyalties lie? ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Chibimethos, hereafter referred to as THE AUTHOUR, declaims any ownership, possession, or illegal use of Takahshi Rumiko creations, hereafter referred to as INUYASHA of any purpose other that entertainment. All other copyrighted names, products, or their mention will be considered shameless plugs. The readers, hereafter referred to as THE READERS should proceed to the nearest store and/or car dealership and purchase the above products.
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“Really, Sesshomaru! I've grown to expect this sort of thing from Inuyasha, but not from you!” Inu-Taisho sat back and frowned at his oldest son across his office desk.
Sesshomaru Taisho tried to resist the urge to roll his eyes, but failed. “What sort of thing? At least I didn't marry a sadistic bitch.” His father turned to glare at him.
“Leave you mother out of this.”
Sesshomaru stood. “Tauron is not my mother.” He sighed in annoyance and went to the window. “Why have you called me here?”
“The Miko.” Sesshomaru stiffened momentarily.
“What about her?”
“I don't know what's wrong with my sons, but you keep chasing mikos.” Inu-Taisho sounded more like he was talking to himself that Sesshomaru. He sighed.
“End your involvement with this priestess now. I have taken the liberty of having a mate chosen for you. You will meet her next week.”
“You did what!?” Sesshomaru turned away from the window and stared at his father. “Now wait just a moment! You told Inuyasha and I both, in this very room, that we could choose our own mates.”
The dog general nodded sagely. “Yes. And I've seen the caliber of women you've chosen.”
Sesshomaru growled. “But they are our choices.” His father stood up.
“No more! End it now!”
Sesshomaru's face closed, emotionless mask back in place. “Does Inuyasha know of this?”
“Not yet. But he will soon enough.”
Irritated, Sesshomaru marched out of the room flexing his claws. *He cannot do this! Who the hell does he think he is? Mated to that cat bitch, alliance or no and he wants to tell me who I can be with? * He took out his cell phone and hit speed dial. It rang twice before it was answered.
“Sessho-kun, what's wrong? You never call me at home.”
Sesshomaru could feel himself calming instantly. Her voice always had that effect on him. “We need to meet.”
“Well, we were getting ready to go shopping. There's no food—”
“Now.” Sesshomaru ignored his father's butler in the foyer and yanked open the front door on his own, taking the stairs to the driveway two at a time.
Her voice took on a dejected note. “Your father doesn't approve of me does he?”
“I didn't get to tell him, but that is irrelevant. He claims he has chosen a mate for me.”
Her laughed rang like music in his ear as he opened the door and slid into his car. His younger brother, Inuyasha had mocked him when Sesshomaru, who was well know for his love of sports cars, traded his black two seater Lamborghini for a red Ford Expedition. Sesshomaru had put him off at the time by telling Inuyasha he needed the legroom.
“I should rather think that would be a problem.” She was still chuckling.
“Indeed, my mate. Let's meet at the restaurant near the house.”
“Okay. Half an hour?”
“Fine.” He hung up and backed down the driveway at a high rate of speed, swinging out into the street as Inuyasha's Porsche Boxer flew in from the other direction. Both brothers exchanged nods and accelerated towards their meetings.
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