InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do your loyalties lie? ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Chibimethos, hereafter referred to as THE AUTHOUR, declaims any ownership, possession, or illegal use of Takahshi Rumiko creations, hereafter referred to as INUYASHA of any purpose other that entertainment. All other copyrighted names, products, or their mention will be considered shameless plugs. The readers, hereafter referred to as THE READERS should proceed to the nearest store and/or car dealership and purchase the above products.
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Sesshomaru sat in traffic, claws tapping on the steering wheel. Two cars ahead of him, an elderly lady was waiting for the intersection to be completely devoid of cars ever before making her turn and the one directly in front of him was waiting for her instead of going around.
*Damn this country and its no passing on the right rules.* He groused silently as she finally gave up on there never being any cars ever and turned. He sped through the intersection on a yellow light, crossed four lanes of traffic without signaling, took a sharp left, again without signaling, and swung smoothly into the parking lot.
Her car was easy enough to find since she insisted on driving a mini-van. He parked next to her and went inside. Sesshomaru was greeted as he exited the car by the smell of grease and the sounds of shouting children. He went inside where it was stronger and found her sitting next to door to the play place. Good old McDonalds.
Kagome Higurashi wasn't considered a great beauty, even by her friends. She was pretty enough not to be plain, her blue eyes being her best feature. Still, Sesshomaru took a moment to admire the woman he had claimed as he own three years before. They were not officially mates yet, but as far as he was concerned, it was a done deal. Their friends treated them as if they were mates, and he always introduced her as if she was.
Now, he strode over to her and bent to kiss her neck. She looked up and smiled at him.
“Hello, Lover.” He sat down beside her and pinched a fry from the tray before her.
“My father . . . has lost what's left of his mind.”
“I'm serious. He told Inuyasha and I that we could choose our mates. I took him up on the offer—”
“And he disapproves your choice.” Kagome patted his hand and sat back. “And why not? You never did tell me why you came to the shrine. It's not exactly a place demons usually frequent without seeking pain.”
He laughed. “Honestly? I was driving past and saw you sweeping the steps.” He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “I suddenly wanted very much to corrupt that cute little priestess.”
She laughed and pushed his head away. “Stop it. Your father can try and mate you to anyone he likes, but you love me.”
Sesshomaru frowned. “He says I have to meet her next week.”
Kagome shrugged. “So meet her.” Sesshomaru's eyebrow slid up and he bent to nip her neck.
“I don't want to.” He sounded like a petulant child and she laughed.
“You should at least see what she looks like.”
“No.” He sat up and looked very serious. “Tonight, I want to complete the ritual.”
Kagome's eyes widened and she gasped, suppressing the excited flutter in her stomach. “No, Sessho-kun, I already told you; there's no obligation—”
“This Sesshomaru is not obligated. I lo—”
“Daddy!” Something small and heavy slammed into his arm. “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”
Sesshomaru untangled himself from Kagome and picked up the bouncing bundle of energy disguised as his 2 1/2 year old son, Kazenatsu.
“Kazenatsu, calm down.” The boy smiled, showing off his tiny white fangs and teeth, the fuzzy black ears on top of h is head wiggling in delight.
“Daddy, I played wif them.” He pointed to the children in the play place. Sesshomaru pushed the child's hand down, silently reminding him not to point.
“Really? Did you have fun?”
“Yeah.” He nodded enthusiastically. “And I ate chicken. Daddy, play wif me.”
Sesshomaru stood with the child still in his arms and the boy squealed happily at the sudden height. “Let's go home and play in the park.”
“Yeah!” Kazenatsu wiggled so much Sesshomaru had to put him down. He smiled at Kagome.
“Tonight,” he promised. She stood as well, gathering the child's shoes and her purse.
“You really don't have to.”
“I want to. We've waited long enough.”
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