InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do your loyalties lie? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Chibimethos, hereafter referred to as THE AUTHOUR, declaims any ownership, possession, or illegal use of Takahshi Rumiko's creations, hereafter referred to as INUYASHA for any purpose other than entertainment. All other copyrighted names, products, or their mention will be considered shameless plugs. The readers, hereafter referred to as THE READERS should proceed to the nearest store and/or car dealership and purchase the above products.
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Inuyasha glared daggers at his father even as his claws left scars in the wood of the desk.
“You . . .can't . . . DO this!” he finally shouted.
Inu-Taisho was getting sick of his sons telling him what he could and could not do. “It is done!” he roared, his eyes turning red. “You will meet her next week! End of discussion!”
“This is an outrage! Does Sesshomaru know?”
Inuyasha crossed his arms and growled. “Has he agreed to mate this woman?”
“He'll do as he's told and by the Kami so will you!”
Inuyasha stood and swept out of the room, grinding his teeth until his fangs hurt. *Kikyo isn't going to go along with this shit and Imoto-chan—* he sighed. *This isn't going to be good for Kagome.*
He paused on the front steps as the door closed. *I bet Sesshomaru didn't get to tell Father about Kazenatsu.* He laughed then, suddenly feeling much better. He continued down the steps, pulling out his phone.
*My brother will do anything for his pack. Father doesn't even know.*
“What?” Sesshomaru's voice sounded cold over the phone, but Inuyasha was so used to it, be just ignored it.
“Are you free, we need to talk?”
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“It's a bloody outrage is what it is!” Inuyasha hissed 45 minutes later when he joined his elder sibling at the park.
Both men were sitting on a bench, watching Kazenatsu playing while Kagome took the opportunity and ran to the grocery store. The child ran past and waved at his uncle, chasing something only he could see and laughing with innocent abandonment. Sesshomaru watched his son for a moment, then turned to look at his brother.
“For once, I agree with you, little brother. I have already told Kagome and she laughed. I envy you not the task of informing Kikyo.”
Sesshomaru and the elder miko didn't get along, but tolerated each other for Inuyasha's sake and because Kagome didn't want Kazenatsu to dislike the woman who would one day be his aunt.
Inuyasha snorted. “Yeah. It'll be a barrel o' laughs I assure you. The old coot doesn't know about Kazenatsu does he?”
“No. And at the rate he's going, he never will.” Sesshomaru cracked his knuckles as he flexed his claws. “I was 2 seconds from reaching across that damn desk and separating Father's head from his neck. I've never been that angry in my life.”
Inuyasha nodded. “He's threatening your pack.”
“Yes . . .that's what it felt like.” He looked at his bother for a moment, then the two men silently watched the child running and laughing.
*Was I ever that innocent and sheltered?* Sesshomaru wondered, envying the child slightly.
*I used to be like that,* Inuyasha thought. *No wonder Sesshomaru hated me so much.*
“He's going to be pissed off when he finds out,” Inuyasha finally broke the silence.
“Better pissed off than on. I'm completing the ritual tonight. I'm tired of waiting.”
“Hmm.” Sesshomaru stood up. “Kazenatsu, let's go. I think Mummies back at home by now.”
“Coming Daddy!”
Inuyasha sighed. “I envy you. You have a mate who's crazy about you and an adorable pup.”
“What's stopping you, little brother?”
Inuyasha bared his fangs at Sesshomaru and growled. “Kikyo's not interested in having pups.”
“Now or ever?”
“I don't know.”
“Hmm. Too bad for you.” Kazenatsu finally ran over and Sesshomaru picked him up.
“Daddy, I love you.” Sesshomaru kissed him on the cheek, and tickled him, causing the child to laugh and try to squirm away. “Daddy!”
Inuyasha tried to squash the surge of jealousy that went through him and followed his brother back to the house.
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