InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where do your loyalties lie? ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one rally reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll thing I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one rally reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll thing I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one rally reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll thing I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one rally reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll thing I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one rally reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll thing I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting. I bet if I wrote this really small, people would squint and try and read it, but not that many because no-one rally reads these anyway and if it looks long they'll thing I have something really important to say, but I'm really just cutting and pasting.
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Kagome was resting when the men arrived. She had finished shopping early and put everything away, then took advantage of the quiet to lie down for a few minutes.
“Mummie?” She opened her eyes.
*Shoot, I was almost asleep.* “In here, sweetie.”
“Mummie!” The child ran in and threw himself across his mother as if he hadn't seen her in days as opposed to a few hours. “I'm tired.”
Kagome's eyebrows went up. “Really? If you're announcing it, it must be serious.” She sat up. “Well, then, let's go take a really little nap before dinner.”
He eyed her suspiciously. “You promise?”
“I promise. Only a little one.” He sniffed her slightly, trying to tell if she was lying or not, but she just smelled like Mummie.
“Okay.” They went into his room while Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, who had been watching from the door way laughed quietly.
“I have got to get one of those,” Inuyasha said, heading out the door.
“They only come in the colicky, poopy, 3AM feeding variety. It takes a while to get to this point.”
Laughing, Inuyasha waved and drove off. He needed to find Kikyo so they could talk. Sesshomaru closed the door and went to the mini bar. Whiskey in hand, he returned to the couch to await Kagome's return. She came back fairly quickly and curled up in his lap.
“He fell asleep as soon as I put him down. What ever you did to him, I want you to do it every day.”
He laughed and ran his claws through her hair, gently grazing her scalp. Kagome groaned softly, pleased with the attention.
“Father is after Inuyasha too.”
“I'm not surprised. Why is he doing this anyway? What does he stand to gain from all this?”
I'm not sure. It just seems very sudden.”
“Maybe its Tauron's doing?” Kagome suggested. Sesshomaru growled in annoyance at the mention of his second step-mother.
Inu-Taisho had mated the panther demoness to cement an alliance with the rival Panther tribe. That was 7 years ago. Inu-Taisho wasn't thrilled with his sons reaction to the woman, who was little older than Sesshomaru. The Taisho brothers put aside their dislike of each other and formed a new alliance over their mutual dislike of Tauron.
“Maybe,” he conceded. “But she really doesn't wield that much power over Father. He lets her think she does, but she doesn't. I praise Kami daily dogs and cats can't breed.”
He kissed Kagome's cheek. “My father is often wrong, and if he'd get to know you, he'd see that he's wrong on this.”
They sat quietly for a while, Kagome playing with the ends of his platinum hair. “What do I need for the ritual?” She asked softly.
Sesshomaru growled playfully and nipped her neck. “You need me.”
Kagome giggled. “I'll get Kazenatsu up early, so he'll be to tired to stay away after dinner. We'll have the whole night.”
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