InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where He Belongs ❯ The Problem ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: So sorry about the long wait! The next chapter will be out much faster!
Chapter 13- The Problem
Inuyasha sighed as he emerged from sleep the next morning, the familiar and enticing scent of the Alpha filling his nostrils. The wolf's soft black hair was spread out on the inu's chest and with each breath, it tickled over Inuyasha's sensitive nipple. The wolf's tanned skin felt perfect against his own. Koga's morning hardness burned against his hip.
He stretched lightly and enjoyed the sensations on his body, feeling languid and boneless, only to freeze. What the hell? His skin? His hardness? My nipples? He looked down at his body and everything from the night before flooded into his sleep dazed mind. Koga pillowed his head on Inuyasha's bare shoulder, his fire rat hitoe still open and holding his arms to his sides. Lying partially on the hanyou, Koga was stretched out, completely naked, his arm wrapped around Inuyasha protectively, even in sleep. His cock was hard and throbbing against Inuyasha's bare hip. The Inu's hakama were untied and loose around his hips, revealing his own awakening cock.
Gods! What do I do now? he thought with not just a little trepidation. He hoped Koga would not wake up for a while, because he had no idea how he should act towards him now. Should he be mad? No one had ever touched him like that, and he knew it was a private place, but it had felt so good! He had never experienced such a sensation. It could not be bad if it felt that good, right?
His musings were interrupted as Koga began to stir from sleep. Squeezing his arm full of inu, he awoke and lifted his head, bracing his chin on his strong shoulder to look at the wide eyed Inuyasha.
“Morning, Pup,” he quipped, his voice raspy with sleep. He leaned up and gently captured the inu's lips.
Inuyasha relaxed into the kiss. Koga was not acting different, so maybe he did not have to be mad.
Breaking the kiss, Koga lifted himself up on his elbows to look down on his puppy. A sleepy smile spread across his lips, as he licked the taste of the hanyou from them.
“Mmm, Pup, you taste so good,” he smirked.
Completely out of his depth, Inuyasha turned to his old standby in times of confusion; hostility. “If you're hungry, you mangy fleabag, then get your ass up and get something to eat! And I ain't your damn pillow, so get the fuck off me!”
Koga chuckled, sending rumbling vibrations through his chest. “I don't know, Pup, it looks like both of us are enjoying me using you as a pillow far too much.”
He squeezed Inuyasha's now hard cock lightly, forcing a moan from the hanyou. Koga dipped his head and licked at Inuyasha's exposed neck, subconsciously imitating the act between mates of licking mating marks, and kissed his way up his jaw. Reaching his already swollen pink lips, parted and panting, he slipped his tongue in to taste the honey sweet mouth.
He ran his hands up and down the writhing inu's sides, luxuriating in the soft feel of his untouched skin. His hips bucked against the hanyou, his leaking cock pressing into the hollow of his hip.
Breaking the kiss for breath, the ookami licked his way back down the inu's neck. He sucked lightly on his collarbone, Inuyasha carding his clawed fingers through the wolf's wavy black hair.
Inuyasha sucked in a startled breath when the Wolf Chief kissed his nipples, still sensitive from the night before. He moaned deeply as the wolf moved down, tonguing his way down the inu's taught belly and dipping his tongue into his navel.
Koga stopped his ministrations and locked eyes with the panting hanyou. He drank in the delectable sight of his puppy, breath panting from between his pink kiss-swollen lips, his cheeks dusted with a blush of pleasure, hair tousled from sleep and writhing against the furs beneath them.
Inuyasha watched with pleasure glazed eyes as the wolf lowered his head above his twitching member. His eyes widened in shock as he ran his tongue up its length. “OOHHH!” he moaned.
“You like that, Pup?” Koga asked, his voice gruff with arousal.
“Y-You can't! That's… uhn!... that's dirty!” Inuyasha panted, undecided if he was horrifically embarrassed or about to slip into a pleasure induced coma, as the ookami continued to lick at his cock.
All argument fled from his mind as Koga lowered his head and engulfed his member into his hot, wet mouth and sucked.
“Oh, Koga! Mmm!” Inuyasha was lost in a sea of sensation. Koga continued to suck and lick at the inu's dripping member, while his hands strayed. He held the inu's bucking hips to the furs, swiping his thumbs over the sensitive skin on the inside of his thighs.
Feeling Inuyasha's cock throb in his throat, he lowered himself and laid his head on the inside of one thigh, freeing his hands from their hold on his hips. The ookami stroked furiously at his own cock as he lightly sucked on Inuyasha's balls, his fingers dipping into to the sensitive slit on his cock head.
“Huh! KOGA!” Inuyasha screamed as he came hard into Koga's hand, the sound drowning out the growl signifying Koga's own completion.
Koga climbed his way back up Inuyasha's body, licking away the cum on his hand, to rest his head back in the crook of his neck.
“So, what are you gonna do today?” The Wolf Chief smirked at the still flushed and confused look on his panting pup's face. He hoped he could wake up every day to that adorable look of innocence, embarrassment, and bewilderment in his wide golden eyes.
Kaishi looked up at Inuyasha with big azure eyes, a long stick in one hand and his light blue blanket held by the other, his thumb popped in his mouth. Squirt squatted on the floor next to him, using his long stick to draw pictures in the dirt at his feet. Kozue stood, her back straight and strong, her stick held tightly in both her hands, in the proper battle stance Inuyasha had taught them. Kingo's emerald green eyes were trained on Inuyasha, paying more attention to how to imitate how he was standing then to what he was actually saying.
Inuyasha stood before them, one hand on his hip, the other braced on his sword, which he had drawn and stuck into the ground, while he explained the basics of sword fighting to his little charges. The youngest Omega Ichijo, who had become over the last few weeks the closest thing Inuyasha had to a friend in the caves, had allowed all the cubs to gather in the Den where they were treated to an impromptu lesson on using the swords they have spent so much time hearing stories about.
“Well, I never been, you know, taught or nothin',” Inuyasha informed the group of gathered cubs, “but I find that it works best to just swing it really hard. I never found any use for any of that fancy stuff my brother's always doing.”
“Like this?”
The cubs devolved into a mass of stick wielding, screeching, accidents waiting to happen. Inuyasha looked on proud of his attentive students, wholly oblivious to Ichijo' frazzled panic as he rushed around, hoping to prevent anyone from getting hurt.
“Heya, Mutt,” Koga snuck up behind Inuyasha, circling his waist with his arms and resting his chin on his shoulder. “I see you've got your hands full.”
“Naw, Just teaching them how to sword fight,” Inuyasha said, leaning back into the wolf's warmth.
Koga chuckled, “I see.”
Inuyasha's attention was caught by movement out of the corner of his eye. To the side of the group of cubs, a group of adults had made their way over, sitting and working on their own daily duties and surreptitiously sneaking glances at the cubs in the hanyou's care.
As he leaned back into the comfort of the Alpha's arms, Inuyasha's ears swiveled on his head in the direction of muffled laughter. Looking at the crowd of adults, Inuyasha could see a couple of them leering at him with nasty sneers on their faces, half-heartedly trying to stifle their laughter, others making kissy faces at him.
Inuyasha's faces lit up in anger and embarrassment. They were laughing at him. Quickly he shrugged off the ookami's loving embrace.
“Stop manhandling me, dammit!” he growled in embarrassment, wrapping his own arms around his waist, mourning the loss of Koga's warmth.
“Alright, alright,” Koga said, giving the inu a parting squeeze as he was called across the room by some other wolves.
Inuyasha folded his arms into his sleeves self-consciously, knowing the wolves were looking at him and talking about him. A group of middle aged women, clearly there only to start a fight, pretend to walk by him. As they passed, one woman in a plain brown cotton kimono with stringy black hair, paused, her thin frame and hooked nose identifying her as the gang leader Tametoki's mother. She sniffed the air in an exaggerated and dramatic fashion.
“Why, it smells like someone has been marked as the Alpha's bitch,” she commented loud enough for all to hear. “So that's how hanyou filth wraps the Alpha around his finger; by spreading his legs.”
Several wolves howled with laughter as Inuyasha's face beamed red. He clenches his fists at his sides, trembling in anger. “Fuck you, wolf-bitch!” he exclaimed.
“Don't think we don't know what you're doing here, you dirty half-breed,” another wolf yelled, stepping out from the crowd. “We won't let you replace our princess with your filth!”
“How dare you!” screamed another wolf. “Inuyasha has done more for this clan that any other person outside of these caves! He has a right to be here as much as anyone else!”
“I'm not going to let my family be brainwashed by his evil magic!”
The group of wolves burst into a chorus of yelling and insulting, as Inuyasha looked on in shock. Across the room, he could see Koga trying to make his way over, having heard the commotion. The hanyou backed away from where the wolves were dissolving into a rioting horde, Ichijo gathering the cubs, escorting them back to the Cub Den and away from the potentially violent upheaval.
He stomped out of the cave quickly, trying to avoid being caught up in the fight. He was so embarrassed and angry. He had heard these insults before. When he was a child on his mother's hip, he would often hear the people throw such accusations at his mother. They called his mother the “Bitch of the Dog Demon”. Now they were leveling the same charge against him. He was terribly confused. Not knowing anything about sex, he did not connect the pleasure he and Koga had given to each other last night to the names that he was being called. He only knew that bitches were female canines and canine demons, and neither he nor his mother was one.
He huffed as he threw himself against the outer rock wall of the cave mouth and rubbed his hands over his face in an attempt to calm himself. His shoulders slumped with the weight of the clan's hatred.
He jumped when he lowered his hands only to be face to face with one of the clan Elders. He had seen the old man around, but had never spoken to him before now. He had seen the looks the older youkai had often sent his way and thought the Elder to dislike him, like much of the others did. The old man now stood in front of him, smiling kindly down at him, his fire orange eyes looking on him with pity and his sparse grey hair blew around his head in the light spring breeze.
“What, jiji*?” Inuyasha guardedly asked.
It took all of Michinaga's restraint to keep from scowling at the rudeness of the hanyou scum. Instead, his smile widened as he tried to show a sympathetic look on his face.
“Now, young one, I am simply here to see if you are ok. They said some awful things back there,” he said kindly.
“Keh, it wasn't any worse than I heard before,” Inuyasha said sourly.
“Yes, your presence seems to cause trouble where ever you go, does it not?” Michinaga inquired lightly.
Inuyasha crossed his arms and sighed. “Yeah, that's why I like the quiet of the forest.”
Inside Michinaga grinned evilly; the hanyou was playing right into his hands. “Indeed I imagine the disruption you cause among normal people gets out of hand quickly,” he paused, as if trying to find the kindest words possible to say something unpleasant. “Like how your being here has agitated my clan.”
Inuyasha froze and looked up at the Elder with squinting eyes, the fierce look attempting to hide the fear and shame. “Well… it's not like I want to be here,” he claimed, falling back on his hostile defense mechanism. “I mean, I just have to stick around because of that bond thing.”
“Oh, of course. I have noticed, however that you have been wandering farther and farther from the caves and the cub during the day.”
“Well, yeah,” Inuyasha said, the fight draining out of him as he realized he was backing himself into a corner. “Choshi-baba said it would mellow out eventually.”
“Hmmm,” Michinaga pretended to consider this information. “You know, hanyou, that as an Elder, I must advise for what is best for my clan.”
Inuyasha nodded with wide vulnerable eyes.
“I worry that your continued presence here is having a detrimental effect on the cohesion of the clan. As you can see, you have caused much discord among our members,” Michinaga laid a gentle hand on Inuyasha's shoulder and guided him back to look inside the cave. “Why our poor Alpha has had to deal with so much more dissention and challenging of his position. You being here has become quite the problem for him. I doubt even you could see this as a proper way to pay him back for supposedly saving your life.”
Inuyasha looked on as Koga was in the middle of the group of hostile wolves. Inuyasha did not hear the clear tone of disgust and resentment that crept into the Elder's voice, as his thoughts swirled. He was causing so much trouble for Koga. He did not deserve it after all that the wolf had done for him.
He realized in one crystalized moment that what the Elder was telling him was true. There was no reason why he had to stay anymore. He knew that Squirt was safe and at home here. He had been going farther and farther in his tests in the limits of the bond. He could leave and serve his new family far better that way, than if he was there. He could do it. Living in the forest just outside of the wolves' territory, he would feel empty and incomplete for a while but eventually the bond would stretch and he could always slip back in to the boundaries unnoticed once in a while if the feeling became too unbearable.
He knew that, even if it did not work out so simply, he would have to manage, because he could not stay here and ruin everything for Koga.
He turned to the Elder, who watched the emotions warring across the hanyou's face, inwardly grinning in delight as he saw the exact moment he knew he had won. Inuyasha's determined face looked up to the Elder. He tilted his head in a silent thank you, before turning and running down the mountainside.
Watching that blasted hanyou disappear into the woods, Michinaga allowed a malicious smirk to adorn his face. Out of the shadows, three well-muscled and armed wolves emerged from where they had been hidden around the corner. Michinaga greeted them with a careless wave toward the forest below.
“Go. Find him. Kill him.”
A/N: So I know this is a little short, but it was the best place to end it . But there will be a lot going on in the next chapter so maybe it will be a lot longer. Oh! And, yes, I did mean the new moon instead of the full moon in the last chapter! Oopsie daisy!
*Jiji- old man (kind of a rude or informal)
Review Response:
Vyperbites- that's actually a great idea! I have previously said there wasn't going to be any Sesshoumaru in this, but reading your comment gave me an idea that I think I will probably use. So look for it in the next chapter!
Black Diamond07- yes I do have a MediaMiner account, as well as one on and I'm on LiveJournal. Look for the information on my profile page.