InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where I Belong ❯ Chapter 9 - Rejection ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 9 – Rejection

Inuyasha woke up the next morning, still feeling a little dizzy, but he had regained his consciousness and Kagome was very happy to see him awake.

“K-Kagome? What happened?”
“Hi…”, she said, brushing his bangs away from his forehead and smiling. “You went to a village with Miroku, to fight some yokai. You got bit by a spider. You were unconscious for a few days. You scared me, Inuyasha.” She leaned and kissed him on the forehead.
Inuyasha blushed. “I’m sorry, I… didn’t expect that many yokai. I was caught off guard. Too many spiders.”
“I’m just glad you are okay. Just be more careful the next time. For my sake.”
“Keh”, he said, blushing again.
“Inuyasha! You’re awake”, Shippo said, running inside the hut towards the couple.
“Hey, runt. Have you been taking care of those humans while I was out?”
Shippo puffed his chest. “Damn right I have. Don’t worry, everything is under control.”
“That’s right. Shippo has been very useful in taking care of everyone”, Kagome said, patting the kit’s head.
Shippo grinned. “Okay, I have to get back. The human children are bugging me. They can’t get enough of my tricks.” Shippo ran out of the hut and Kagome turned to Inuyasha.
“How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. Can we go back to our, er, your house now?”
Kagome smiled. “Are you sure you can walk all the way there?”
“Of course I can! Come on.”

Inuyasha sat up and tried standing up, but fell on his butt immediately.

“Uh… I think I should wait a few more hours.”
“I think you should”, Kagome said with a smirk.

After lunch, and with Miroku’s assistance, Inuyasha and Kagome headed to her house, walking slowly. The hanyou was truly feeling much better than in the morning and Kagome knew he would be 100% better the next couple of days. After helping Inuyasha to the bedroom and thanking Miroku, Kagome opened the windows and tried cleaning the house a little, since she hadn’t been there since Inuyasha and Miroku came home. Inuyasha called her after a few minutes and she stopped sweeping the floor and headed to the bedroom.

“Kagome, I think it wasn’t such a good idea coming here”, he said, sitting up on the bed, resting his back on the headboard.
“Why not?” She said, sitting on the bed.
“Well, I can’t sleep in here. And you can’t sleep somewhere else, this is your house. I’ll stay until after dinner and then I’m going back to Kaede’s.”
“No, you’re not. I’ve told you before, I don’t care what the villagers think. Besides… have you forgotten about our talk before you left?”
“No, of course I haven’t. But still...”
“Inuyasha, you want to be my mate, don’t you?”
“Of course I do!” He said looking down and blushing. Enough with the blushing, dammit! She already knows you want her, she wants you too. What’s the problem?
Kagome smiled. “Okay, so you’re staying. And not just for tonight. If we’re going to be mates, we will sleep in the same house, won’t we?”
Inuyasha looked up at her, eyes filled with love and wonder. “Yes, you’re right.”
Kagome gave him a wide smile and hugged him. “Good. Because you need to be here, to recover. And you need me to take care of you, don’t you?” She said smirking.
“Keh! I don’t need no wench to take care of me!” Kagome frowned. “But… I want you to take care of me…”
“Good”, she said, giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking out of the room. “I’m going outside to pick up a few herbs for dinner. You stay put!” She said from the main room.

Inuyasha snorted and laid down for a nap.

Kagome started dinner and Inuyasha was woken up by the delicious smell. I could get used to this, he thought. He slowly got up and headed to the main room. He was greeted by a bent over Kagome, who was poking at the fire, her behind facing him. Shit, not now…
He tried his best to direct his blood flow to his upper head and cleaned his throat. Kagome turned to him with a start and then got up, frowning.

“What do you think you’re doing? You can’t get up!”
“Not my fault, wench. I’m starving and I smelled food.”
“I was going to bring it to you, you should’ve just waited. Guess that’s somewhat impossible to you, isn’t it?” She said, getting two bowls from the cabinet.
“Glad to hear you know me well.”

They sat down on the table and ate in silence. Kagome then poured him some tea and told him to drink it up. Kaede had handed her a few herbs to help with the hanyou’s recovery. He took it, grudging, mumbling something about being fine on his own, and Kagome took the dishes to the large water bowl in the counter. She was washing them when she felt a pair of arms circle her slim waist, bumping her back on a hard chest.

“You know, since I’m staying here… do you think it would hurt if we… slept in the same bed?”
Kagome smiled and felt butterflies on her stomach. She turned to him, grabbing his strong arms, feeling a warmth slowly making its way down her body. “I guess it wouldn’t.”
Inuyasha nuzzled her neck, burying his nose in her hair. He took a deep breath and whispered in her ear. “Good. Because I think I wouldn’t be able to sleep in our bed without you.”

Kagome almost melted right there. Hearing him say that something was theirs, instead of hers or his, made her feel a jolt of happiness she had never experienced before. She was smiling and shivering because of his touch and his hot breath on her neck and snuggled his chest, rubbing her cheek on it.

“Inuyasha… I know we almost… became mates the other night”, she said, blushing. “And I do want to sleep beside you… on our bed. But… can we go slow, with the whole mating thing?” She paused and then quickly continued when she saw his frown. “I’m not having any doubts! It’s just that I’m… afraid, I guess. It’s such an important step, and I don’t want to ruin it.”
He smiled and kissed her softly on the lips. “I understand. We can wait for as long as you want. I just don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself if I’m sleeping so close to you. Since the runt is staying at Kaede’s until we tell him to move here, I’ll stay at his room, okay?”
Kagome nodded and gave him a sad smile. “Okay, if you think it’s necessary.”

Kagome was lying on her bed that night, regretting telling Inuyasha to wait. After they got closer and he got better from the poisoning, she felt even more attracted to him, like a force was pulling her to him. It was getting harder and harder to stay away from him. She was rolling over restlessly, trying to fall asleep and not think about the object of her thoughts next door.
What am I afraid of? I know he won’t hurt me and I know that it will be… pleasant. God, I almost gave in after that hug. I just can’t bring myself to forget everything that’s happened and relax. I’m afraid… of being left. What happened between him and Kikyo? What if she comes back and convinces him to go with her? No, I can’t think like that. I know he loves me, even though he hasn’t said it. I have to trust him. I just have to work on myself; I can’t let my thoughts go that way.

Kagome sighed and stood up. She walked to Inuyasha’s room and slowly opened the door. The hanyou was bare-chested, lying on his side, sleeping, and she smiled at his peaceful face. It was a rare sight, seeing him so relaxed, especially in his sleep. She felt the pull even stronger. She couldn’t help it anymore. She walked to him and laid on his futon, curling herself beside him, her face on his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin and smelling his manly, woodsy scent. She sighed happily and closed her eyes, not seeing the smile on his face.


Kagome woke up the next day with a deep breath and a soothing feeling. She opened her eyes and saw an arm around her waist, grabbing her possessively. She smiled and turned to the other side, facing a warm smile and gentle, golden eyes.

“Good morning. Slept well?” Inuyasha asked.
Kagome yawned and stretched her arms above her head. “Good morning. I slept very well, thank to you. How did you sleep?” She said, rubbing his arm.
“Never slept better”, he said, with a smile. “I feel much better, actually. I’m ready to go outside and take a look around. It’s been a while since I did a perimeter check. Care to tell me how you ended up on my bed?” He smirked.
“I, uh… I felt lonely on that large bed… Do you think you’re good enough to go outside? You weren’t doing very well yesterday…” She said, trying to change the subject.
“Keh, I’m much better. Just hungry, though”, he said, raising an eyebrow at her.
Kagome sighed. “Got the hint, dog-boy.”
Inuyasha grinned and followed Kagome to the main room.

The day passed without incident. Kagome and Inuyasha spent time in their house, talking and organizing a few things and made plans to go to the village Inuyasha got the furniture, to purchase a few other things. Kagome was impressed with his ways. He told her about the deal with the village’s headman and she was truly proud to know that her partner had the initiative and the skills to arrange such a thing.
They decided to travel the next day and told Sango and Miroku about their plans. The latter offered to go with them, to get a few things  that Sango had asked for, and she agreed to stay to take care of her children. Shippo wanted to go too, but was summoned by his kitsune fellows to resume his training.
Early the next day, after spending the night wrapped in each other’s arms, dressed, for Inuyasha’s frustration, the couple met Miroku at his hut and left to the neighboring village. The trip was quiet and quick, and Inuyasha went to the headman’s hut to ask what he wanted him to do, since he was there to acquire a few more items. The man greeted Kagome and Miroku cheerfully, happy to get to know the woman who was so important to the yokai, and told Inuyasha what he needed the hanyou to do. Inuyasha told Kagome that she could ask for anything she wanted from the village’s workers and told her he would meet them at lunchtime.
Kagome went to the seamstress, after the headman pointed the direction to her, and Miroku accompanied the miko. Kagome asked for a few yukatas and kimonos, since the only ones she had she had borrowed from Sango. After all, she didn’t bring anything with her from the other side of the well, and wanted to repay Sango’s generosity and have clothing of her own. Miroku asked the seamstress for some fabric, for Sango to sew some clothes for the children, and they decided to head to the woodworker’s hut, since Miroku wanted to surprise Sango with a bed of their own, seeing how impressed she was with the bed Inuyasha had purchased for Kagome.
After meeting Inuyasha for lunch at the headman’s house, they said their goodbyes and made their way home. They spent the rest of the day at Sango’s and Miroku’s hut, playing with the children and telling Sango about their trip, and then Inuyasha and Kagome went to their house for the night.

“I quite enjoyed the day, you know? It was good travelling with you guys, even though the group was incomplete. It reminded me of the old times”, Kagome said, smiling, while seasoning a rabbit.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I travelled with Miroku when you were… away. But having you with us made it much more pleasant”, Inuyasha said, sitting beside her on the floor, watching her skewer the rabbit.
“We should do it more often. I mean, when someone comes asking for help against yokai, I should come with you guys.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, wench.”
“Why not? I could help!”
“I would rather if you stayed home, safe.”
“Don’t you think I would be safer with you? I mean, who knows what might happen with me if I’m left here, all alone…” Kagome was looking innocent and he knew she was playing him but she had a point and Inuyasha knew it.
He eyed her with a fierce look. “You are a sneaky wench, do you know that? Keh, alright, you come with us. But you’ll have to train your archery and your defense skills. It’s been a while since you fought a demon.”
“Alright, duly noted. I’ll start my training tomorrow. Care to help?”
“Heh, how else would you be able to train?”
“I could get Miroku to help me…”
“Damn houshi can’t even defend himself! No, I’m training you.”
“Okay, boss”, she said smiling.

The next day Kagome and Inuyasha started training. She had borrowed a bow and arrows from Kaede, and told Inuyasha they should ask for a new set when they went to the other village to get her clothing. Kagome was practicing her archery, shooting at a tree, and Inuyasha would help her by gathering the arrows and returning them to her. After a while he helped her with her defensive skills, making her dodge his claws and feet, making sure she wouldn’t get hurt if she failed. She was doing very well for someone so out of practice, in Inuyasha’s opinion, and he praised her for her effort.

“Hey, do you think Miroku would help me train my spiritual powers?” She asked during a break, while they drank some water.
“Thinking of purifying your intended mate?” He asked, smirking.
“Maybe, unless you behave… no, I was thinking of asking him to teach me how to build a barrier. That could come in handy.”
“Hm, I think you’re right. I think you should ask him. I’m sure he’ll do it.”

Kagome smiled and they resumed their training.

A couple of days had passed and Inuyasha was getting increasingly frustrated with the lack of intimacy with Kagome. He was always happy to cuddle with her every night, and was glad that the villagers hadn’t said a thing about them or treated them differently after they started sleeping in the same house, alone. But he craved more, and it was becoming harder for him to suppress his needs.
Kagome knew she was pushing his boundaries by denying him anything beyond a little groping and snuggle, and she was also longing a more intimate touch from him. She was more relaxed about the whole Kikyo issue, and felt she was close to accepting the ultimate demonstration of love from Inuyasha. She decided to tell him she was ready that night, after they got back from the neighboring village to get their stuff. She had asked the seamstress for a special kimono, to wear for Inuyasha when the time came, and she was excited when she saw it had turned out exactly how she had pictured it.
It was red, with pink sakura flowers adorning the whole length. The obi was silver and it fitted her perfectly. She was beyond excited to show it to him and couldn’t wait for the night to come. Miroku had gone with them and when they returned, Kagome stayed at his hut to talk to Sango about her plans for the night, while Inuyasha went hunting for their dinner.
It was dusk and Inuyasha still hadn’t returned. Kagome was getting worried, since she knew he had no problem getting food, and Sango could sense the miko was thinking about Kikyo.

“Kagome, he told you he doesn’t want her. And you know it’s true. He only has eyes for you. He might even meet her and talk, but he wouldn’t do anything to hurt your feelings.”
Kagome was surprised to know how clear her feelings were showing and sighed. “I know, but I still don’t feel right. I wonder if Kikyo could do something to get him to go with her. Like a spell or something”, Kagome said and then bit her lip.
“I think Inuyasha is smarter than this, Kagome”, Miroku said. “Maybe he encountered a villager who needed his help. I’m sure he’ll be here at any moment.” He smiled at her affectionately and Kagome was glad to hear their reassurances.

Half an hour later, Inuyasha walked in the hut with a couple of fishes.

“Hey! I didn’t know you went fishing. I thought you were going to get rabbits or boar.”
“I-I changed my mind, if that’s okay with you.”
He was averting his gaze and didn’t look at Kagome even once. She was really worried now and couldn’t wait until they were alone to ask him what happened.
“Inuyasha, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
“No, everything’s fine. I’m not really hungry, so I’ll go home and wait for you there, okay?” He said, finally glancing at Kagome.
Kagome took a moment to snap out of her anguish and nodded. He nodded back and went outside. Kagome was looking at the floor for a few seconds, a defeated look on her face, when Sango spoke.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, Kagome-chan. Maybe he’s just in a bad mood.”
Kagome stayed silent for a while and then spoke. “He was with her, wasn’t he?”
Sango and Miroku stared at each other, speechless, and Kagome stood up. “I’m sorry, I lost my appetite. I’ll go talk to him”, she said while standing up, giving them a small smile and gathering her things.

On her way home, Kagome’s mind was at a hundred miles per hour. She was afraid to ask him what happened, but had really no choice. She opened the front door and didn’t see Inuyasha. She went to their room and he wasn’t there either. She was getting worried when she opened Shippo’s room and then saw him lying there, asleep. She almost cried right there, seeing his obvious rejection, and went to her room, holding the tears until she couldn’t anymore. She set her new clothes on her wardrobe, but left the red kimono in the chest, hoping she would get to wear it soon.