InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Where in the world are we?! ❯ Chapter one ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 1
In the background you could hear the sounds of guitars and drums in a garage. A female standing tall that is about 5'7, wearing baggy blue jeans, a black shirt, and Converse sneakers stood fast. Her hair was out, with brick red highlights and light brown high lights in her dark brown hair. She wore glasses that hunched on to her nose. Standing next to her about 5'6, another girl, wore her hair out as well. Her hair was about a light dark brown-ish tone and stopped at her neck. Adorned on this girl was a blue blouse that bore up to her lower back, opened with a blue t-shirt that fit snug onto her body.
She was also wearing blue jeans, and white sneakers and in their hands were guitars; the taller one's colored black and hot pink, on the base of it the word `Sabrin' could be seen. The shorter girl held a dark green and white guitar, adorned with the name `A. Chan.'
Accompanying them was the drummist, who was tall and kinda chubby. He wore, a dark black shirt, imprinted on the shirt was `Korn'. He as well wore jeans, but unlike the two girls did not wear white sneakers. He was wearing Vans black sneakers. In his hands were two drumsticks, as he banged onto the drums.
Just then the garage electricity shut off, everyone groaned and looked at Azumaya Chan. She sighed and rolled her eyes. Her father turned off the electricity for the garage because it was `too loud.'
“So now what?” Lady Nesiko asked.

PhillyVampMike shrugged and leaned against the drum set, scratching his beard, as Azumaya Chan placed her guitar in it's case.
The tall girl swaggered towards Mike and hugged him, leaning against him, yawning. “I'm hungry…” Nesiko said absently.

“So am I..” Azumaya second-ed that motion.

“I'm not..” Mike added from Nesiko's embrace.
She let go afterwards and walks to the kitchen, followed by A.Chan and PhillyVampMike. While Azumaya Chan checked to see what her mother made, Lady Nesiko and Mike both settled down in the chair.
Just then Lady Nesiko's pocket started beeping. She looked down at her pocket and pulled out the small Nokia. She unlocked her cell phone, and clicked `Show message.' On the note `Call me,' could be seen in small black letters. It was from her Mom's-cell.
She sighed and dialed the number on the phone.
“Yes mother? I dunno…" Nesiko paused angrily then soon repeated herself again " I don't know.” Nesiko rolled her eyes. “Soon, mom. Bye.” She clicked menu and locked her phone back up again, and placed it in her pocket.
“What did your mother want?” Mike asked curiously.

“What time do I want to go home…”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Else where, at Badgerman's campus, he just got out of class. He yawned to him self and walked down the hall of the school, he made a quick turn to the school library. He settled down in front of the computer and placed his books, notebooks near the keyboard.
He went into the site, moving his mouse to `Return to your site'. He clicked once on it, it took about like couple seconds load onto his page. He scrolled down to just far enough to click `new Weblog entry'. He started typing in what had happen to him today. ((Badgerman I hope you don't mind me using one of what happen to you on xanga on my fan fiction))
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Tales of a Blood-Gravy Zombie Taco
As the name implies, this is the story a man that found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time.  The place was a Resident-Evil style old building at 11 pm at night.  The man  I was part of a group pushing a late paper that had to be in by midnight, and seeing how I was in charge of the final draft I also was responsible to get the paper to the Professor at the given time.
Windy, windy night.  I tucked the draft into my jacket so I wouldn't lose it and walked cross-campus to the old building that used to be a dormitory.  The front door was...locked.  Unfortunately for me, lately I've been having the responsiveness of a tree so I found a door that wasn't.  Or rather, it was too old to lock right---I found that out when I found everything else locked up (it took me a while because I was preoccupied).  The familiar deserted hallways began to tell a story of their own, and I recognized that this wasn't too good.  I walked down the hall and crossed into another as I eyed the door numbers.  130...132...134...
I soon ran out of doors with no room 210 in sight.  There was a door at the end of the hall that would open from my side, but I knew it would lock again if I left it.  I did, however, take a peek at the sign on the opposite side of the door.  "Blah-blah-blah and Journalism".  I was in the right place.
I heard a door be unlocked and asked the young lady that came in where room 210 was located.  Baffled the hell outta her to a degree, but she told me of the secret staircase in the wing of the mansion *cough, cough; I mean dormitory* that I had my head poking out of.  And so I backtrack and find the staircase, slowly making my way up to find another series of numbers.   233...231...229...and at the end of the hall was 207.  No 206 or 208 was anywhere in sight but I caught sight of another staircase that led...down.  I could see it through the window of the door with the shiny brass doorknob (well, it wasn't that shiny) as I relived some RE staircase memories.
Matthew's response:  Hehehe...NO!
I have fond memories of creepy places like that (okay, it was better lit than the rest of the building, and the building was pretty well lit. [Hey!  I'm trying to create a mood!]).  Like hell was I going down that stairwell?  And so I cut down another hall, where I saw a lit room with a guy in it.  I guess he's the night watchman, and I was glad I found him before the hunters did (for the RE ignorant, they're giant mutant frogs that are 10x worse than a zombie---use the .357 magnum revolver on them if you have it).  I told him, "Follow me if you want to live." and we escaped.  And then the giant snake ate him right outside the doors.
Okay, okay, I gave him the paper and he told me he'd try to find the room.  And he also took my name (not my student #, though).  But, at any rate, my obligation was over so I high tailed it back to my room for what is commonly referred to as...sleep.  And South park was on (I am easily distracted, neh?).
My last thought walking away was, "I'm a blood-gravy zombie taco!"
---I B
Thought of the day!
Stubborn doors are actually locked.  I sure hope I didn't break it, but I just tugged on it for cryin' out loud.
Oh, and don't do drugs.
Currently Listening
By Rammstein
see related
As soon as he finished typing that, he clicked submit and sighed. He went onto his blogrings and started posting comments on his friend's pages. Then he went onto Lady Nesiko's site. He looked through it, mumbling a bit and chuckled.
It read `
Monday, November 28, 2005
Just grinning happy the Badgerman returned
Oki I'm sooo happy Badgerman return. I can now fill my head up with daydreaming of HIM! *Sighs happily* And I tell you. It was flucking scary of that BI dream.... But that just means I'm straight and how I react to something like that. Oh yeah I left of the part that I was chanting dun kiss me I felt like crying and fainting....'LETS GET RETARDED!! NOW!' Thankies A.Chan for the CD...I'm going jam to it and tell everyone to get retarded and stupid in here! Oh!!! I just that of a music video using that song, I need clips from excel saga, inuyasha, any anime clips WILL DO!! SEND THEM ALL! And I like to hail someone now...*puts Badgerman on a throne wearing Illzapzzo clothing*

Oki I'm acting stupid. Now...I went back to dreaming of males *sighs in relief* Dreaming something stupid...I woke up earlier today..(5 mins early then 5:45 am) I think If I wake up early every time I think I might start taking to showers a day....
I discounted love hina and a shirt...
And tired on a lingerie A buster ...And I think I if I ever get to meet Badgerman and be with him. I MIGHT ask him which color looks good on me. And see what he thinks of it on me (grins evilly) And I think I might do it to PhillyVampMike

Oki gonna go and read Badgerman post and read the rest of my love hina manga and do my work. And check xanga again
Posted 11/28/2005 at 9:32 AM - email it

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         A. Chan
Posted 11/28/2005 at 6:13 PM by Azumaya Chan - delete - block user
A smile greeted his lips as he saw her post, he yawned “Hmm, I'll comment later on this I think.” ((THAT IS AN ACUAL POST!)) He than clicked on A. Chan's picture. It took a little more longer than Lady Nesiko's to get on her site.
On the Monday post of hers, it read
Currently Listening
Trinity Blood
By Japanimation

see related
- Broken Wings
- Trust Left Out & Gone To Rust - Volume 1 -

Lately it seems that the friends I thought I had, really don't care for me... and I'm tired of hearing that whole " I care about you. I'm your friend, screw the other people" shit from all my "friends" Truthfully I only have about 5 decent friends, and that's degrading the other 10 people I thought were really my friends. Out of 15 people only 5 are really my friends... Ain't that sad....

I don't trust any of 'em any more and from now on, I kinda want to be alone...

They follow me around and pretend like they're my friends but behind my back I just don't know... Some of them come to me and tell me that the others were saying shit. And then the other people do the same. I just can't trust any of them any more!

I will NOT stick up for my friends like I did before. (I was willing to fight for one of my friends and the person I was protecting left me!!!) I will NOT waste my life, time, or advice on them. And I will definitely NOT hang around them that much any more... (They'll follow me anyway probably... = _ =)

There are even some people I liked that I found out the truly.... I hate them... That's right I hate them.... The same people I thought I liked I found out that I completely hated them! I hated what they are, what they pretend to be... everything!

Unlike those people's trust and loyalty, one thing is certain, Don't put your trust in just anyone, cause it may get soiled and rust into a useless tin. You have to put it in someone who will take care of it like it's gold.

                       &nb sp;               Dearly and sincerely,
                       &nb sp;                         &nb sp;    A. Chan

He read the rest of it and placed a comment inside.

`Trust is a two-bladed knife; the idiots that backstabbed you are also hurting themselves.  If you can't trust them, you can't trust them.  There is no denying that, but please try to keep an open heart and an open mind, though; most of these 'jerks' are only human.  Believe me, I've had my share of stupid betrayals, too.
At any rate; DON'T GIVE UP ON PEOPLE! 
---I B
He then went into his email and emailed back to Lady. Then exited out of the screen. He walked out the library and went into his dormitory.
Back at Azumaya_chan's house, PhillyVampMike, Lady Nesiko and Azumaya Chan went into were starting to leave her house. Since they just got a call a few minutes.
Lady Nesiko was grumbling darkly, about that “person who just called”. Argh, why the fuck do we have to go to his house? I don't want to see that stupid bum! Grrrrr…
Ah, I can't wait to see my lo—Huh? I wonder what's wrong with chief and going to Pyroknight's house…She shrugged and was fumbling excited about seeing her boyfriend.
I wonder who is this “turtle” Lady doesn't like, hmm…And what the hell is so special about him…Then he kinda got an idea to cheer Lady up. He went over to her and whispered something in her ear. She paused, a blush raised onto her cheeks her eyes widen. Then he gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat in the drivers seat of the car.
Stupefied, Lady Nesiko sat in the shotgun part of the seat. A. Chan, blinked then she finally spoke up. “Hey, chief what did he say to you,” she asked curiously.
“I..uh..he…ah…” the blush deepened when she felt something warm on her leg. HOLY MOMMA!!!! Shivers went up her spine, goose bumps went onto her leg, and
chest tightened. She closed her eyes tightly, she was so nervous as hell she felt like she couldn't move. Very soon, they were in front of Pyroknight's house.
Azumaya Chan was the first one to get out of the car and went into Pyro's embrace.
At that minute, Lady Nesiko sweat dropped and glared at the two, then sighed heavily. She crossed her arms an mutter. “Are we going in the stupid house or not?”
Pyro stared at her. What the fuck is her problem? Lady Nesiko gave him a announced look, as if she could read his mind. She said in her mind, YOU'RE MY PROBLEM, DUMB ASS!

He opened the door for them, Lady Nesiko stormed in first. PhillyVampMike was utterly confused by the scene before him, as Azumaya Chan told Lady Nesiko something. Nesiko just grumbled and continued on.
A couple minutes later, Azumaya Chan, PhillyVampMike, Pyroknight and his sister were playing Super Smash Brothers while Lady Nesiko watched them and deep in thought.
Why me? Why him? If I knew all this stuff would happen early on, maybe I would been so suckered into having him as a first. Damn you A.Chan for setting me up with some one YOU liked! She buried her face into her knees, and gave a sharp sigh. Why now do I still like him? Just pretend he's not here, and flirt with Mike more. Don't think of the past… And don't cry….But I want to cry, grrrrrr…She sighed again, and wiped a tear that was about to form. Or I can think of Badgerman! Yeah that's it!
Azumaya Chan looked over at Lady Nesiko. “Hey, what do you wanna play?” Every one stared at her, waiting for her to answer.

“Uhhh…” Started thinking of a good game to play, then blurt out the first thing cam to mind. “FFCC!!”

“Uh, I don't have any cords for it..” Pyroknight said matter-factory.
Then Ladynesiko shrugged and lad down onto the floor, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. PhillyVampMike went to sit next to her on the rug, placed his hand on her stomach and lead down to…..
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Back with Badgerman, he sat down in the seat with a sigh and looked into the window. I wonder if Lady is going to like this surprise. He thought with an amusing chuckle. A voice was heard on the intercom.
Please buckle your seat belt, turn off all electronic items and cell phones. And have a nice day going to Philadelphia!
The vehicle started to move down the drive, some of the people said `Here we go.' Then it went onto a certain lane, that's when it started picking up speed. It went 60 mph, and then the front started lifting off into the air, then the bottom. Mostly everyone was looking at the window, somewhere to busy reading something or napping. Badgerman, looked at the window, as the towns, people, the cars started to look like insects.
2 Hours later, he was in the Philadelphia International airport. He tucked his hair behind his ear, followed the signs to baggage's claim.
He eyed the bags as the moved along, the rotation thing. He grabbed both of his luggage's, and rolled them down to the escalator. While down at the final floor, he sauntered up to the desk. The lady looked up at him, with a most annoyed look. “Yes?”
“Um, I need a transportation for rapid rover.”
She sighed. “The phone if right there, it has the number you need to dial, tell me what number you are…”
He dialed the number the phone said, he waited for about 3 rings. He `uh huh'ed for a bit and hug the phone up and told the lady his number and went to sit down.
45 Minutes later, the lady called his number. He yawned and looked at his watch, and rolled his luggage out the door and across the street. The drivers place his bags into the trunk, along the other people's bags.
The trip to the hotel took about 45 minutes and he paid the driver handsomely. The luggage man took his baggage and crap, as Badgerman strolled into the main lobby. He talked with the hotel person for a while, got his keys to the room. He sighed to him self and rubbed his temple.
The trip was very long and tiring, so he decides he would at least take a nap when he got into the room. He opens the room and a smile greeted his lips. The room was very large, a plasma TV, a couch a King size bed, with red covers. The room looked fit for a king! He took of his coat, then his sneakers and went to the bed and slept right away.
Back at Pyroknight's house, everyone was getting ready to leave. Nesiko just got out the bathroom, yawning, PhillyVampMike was out side warming up the car. Just then, Ladynesiko something very terrible she didn't want to see. Her eyes widen, faced paled she stormed out the house slamming the front door so loud, Pyro's grandma could here it. A dark expression on her covered her face; she sat in the shotgun seat. Which is how Mike saw, her with a confused expression on his face.
Azumaya Chan was the last one out, she heard the door slam, she wonder what was up with Ladynesiko. “Hey, what's wrong?”
Took a sigh, to calm her self down. “Nothing..” forced a fake smile. “I'm fine….”

“Uh huh..” Not believing what she said, Azumaya Chan decided to let it go.
PhillyVampMike leaned over, and using a hat, he covered his and Nesiko's face, he gave her a peck on the cheek and nipped her `You will tell me what happened, will you?” He whispered to her.
“Yeah. “ Pouted and closed her eyes, keeping a emotionless expression. He leaned back and put the shift on “R” And looked back to see if any cars where there, and rolled back and turned. He places the shift on Drive and took off.
In Lady Nesiko's mind she wasn't thinking of Mike's sudden kiss yet. But the thing that just happened in front of her.

Don't think of what just happened back there, I'm fine I'm oki. I have no problem with it…She sighed and felt a shiver, just then as late her emotion was. She just realized PhillyVampMike kissed her on the cheek a few minutes ok and was talking in so hunky manner voice. Her eyes widen and looked at PhillyVampMike, he chuckled. “What the? Why the? Ouuuu you!!!!” She crossed her arms over her breast, the scene before forget, for now. As she was thinking how Badgerman was doing in the state he was in now.
Just to stop thinking of guys, love and all that wah woo.

“Hey A.Chan gemme your CD?”

“Uh, sure. Which one.”

“The song that has Gorillaz and Black eyed peas in it.”
Azumaya handed her the CD, PhillyVampMike gave a glance at the CD. She pushed it into the drive.
She skipped some tracks into it went to `Let's get Retarded' in here from the Black eyed peas.
Lets get here

“Oh no…” he groaned.
“Oh yes!” Azumaya and Ladynesiko chirped.

And the bass keeps Runnin runnin and runnin runnin
and runnin runnin and runnin runnin
and runnin runnin and runnin runnin
and runnin runnin and runnin runnin and..
That's when Azumaya and Ladynesiko started singing the words to the song, as they drove to Philadelphia. “In this context, there's no disrespect
So when I bust my rhyme
You break yo necks! We got 5 minutes for this to disconnect
From all intellect and let the rhythm effect!!!”

They continued on, trying to sing all gangsta like the guy in the song.
“Apt to lose this inhibition
Follow your intuition
Free your inner soul
And break away from tradition….”

Azumaya followed after in the song. Then both sung together and the song it's self.

Cus when we be out
Girl it's gonna be that
You wouldn't believe how
Wow shit out
Burnin till it's burned out
Turn it till it's turned out
Act up from north, west, east, south
Ladynesiko nudged PhillyVampMike gently. Mouthed sing along. He mouthed `no' She shrugged.
Everybody, (yeah) everybody, (yeah) lets get into it, (yeah) get STOOPID
(come on)Get retarded, (come on)get retarded,(yeah) get retarded
He groaned and turn off the radio. Two “hey-s” could then be heard from the two females in the car. “I don't like that song, nor them…” He grumbled. “Were gonna listen to Korn!!!”
Ladynesiko groaned. “I don't wanna listen to PORN!

“I didn't say Porn I said


“No—Grr…” He took out the CD, and placed in his CD.
It played

Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that
Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that
Y'all want a single say fuck that
Fuck that, Fuck that
Y'all want a single say fuck that
Boom Boom Boom Boom


“Ohh, I don't wanna list to that!”

“Well too bad!”

“Stop fighting!” Azumaya Chan cried out.

Ladynesiko turned off the Radio, glaring at it. PhillyVampMike turned it back on glaring at the road. Then yelled at a driver who made a careless mistake. She turned it back off.


These two are acting like a married couple…
Azumaya thought, blinking. As soon she thought that, that's when Mike's car pulled up infront of his apartment.
An hour and thirty minutes later, Badgerman woke up to a dark room. He looked at the clock tiredly and yawned. His bare feet met with the fuzzy rug. His stomach started growling, he placed on his socks back on along with his sneakers. He opened the door and walked outside, wearing a long black trench coat. Tucking his hair behind his ear again in annoyance. Grr, I really need to get a haircut…He walked into the lobby and looked around, he headed straight towards the restaurant part of the hotel.

((A/n: Grr, typing about food is making me hungry >_< ))

The waitress looked at him with a warm smile. “Take out for one.” She nodded and gave him, a take out thing. He got some rice, sushi, seafood, general Tso Chicken and dessert. He paid for his meal, and walked out the door. He entered the elevator again. Smelling the food he order was getting him very hungry.
He entered his hotel room again and placed his food on the table. He took off his coat, sneakers and left on his socks. He eyed the phone, and then looked at the clock. Hmm, I wonder what Nesiko is doing now. He picked up the phone and dialed the numbers to her cell phone; he placed the contraption next to his ear hearing it ringing.

“Hey Nesiko….” He was starting to feel a little bit nervous.

Um, who's this?

Badgerman sweat dropped. “It's Badgerman….”
((Oh I so wanna cut off right here but I don't feel like it..))

Oh Hey Badgerman….How are you?

He noticed her voice started getting softer and a little bit quieter.
She's getting

Um, how is it you're calling in a New Jersey number?

Not really paying attention. “Huh? Oh, yeah…that's part of my surprise?”


Mmm hmm, I'm at a hotel in New Jersey. He heard her gasp, and told someone she was with.

Oh shit I have to go, I can't waste my minutes. Um, I'll call you later, ok?

“Ok..” Then he hung up his phone and sat down his eat with a sigh. He got out his chops sticks and started digging in.
He started with eating his general Tso chicken and his rice along with it, whole he was deep in thought. He checked the clock again; it was late. He wonder what she was doing still out. He sighed and shrugged, with that he didn't even realized while he was thinking he finished his food, quickly. He got up; he turned on the TV and started skimming through the channels seeing what's on. Since it was late, adult swim should be at least on, he thought. Naruto was on; he crossed his arm over each other watching the show for a while.
As soon as it finished, he got off the bed and started taking off his shirt, revealing his lovely 6 pack. He looked at the mirror, and started at his body. Hmm... He didn't have the type of bulky muscles, like the men in the magazine. It was the normal type, his jeans looked like it still snug against his legs, his butt. His front was lean and hard he took of his glasses to check out what he looks with out them. He shrugged; he grabbed his Axel. He took off his pants along with his boxers and placed it on the toilet seat.

He turned on the faucet for the shower; he waited a while and stepped in. He grabbed his red rag, wetted rubbed his rag against the dove soap. He placed the rag against him self and started wiping and scrubbing. His large hand grabbed his member and scrubbed along side it, and wet his rag again. He stepped more in against the water to rinse him self off. He placed his rag aside and poured some shampoo into his hands, he applied the shampoo into his hair. As he raked through his hair, the phone rang.
He sighed; he decides to let the answer machine get it. But a second thought came in mind; he rushed through washing his hair. He turned off the water, and swiftly grabbed his towel and rushed out the bathroom-soaking wet. And picked up the phone, and barked out. “Hello?!”
Uh, hey Badgerman…. Um do you mind if A. Chan and me go over to your hotel room?

“Uh, sure…I guess..” He blinked. He was right it was Nesiko, he also wonder what for she need to come here for.

“Um, what for do you need to be here for..?”

Well A. Chan and I have nowhere to
go since, PhillyVampMike is at work and my moms at her boyfriends and A. Chan's parents went out somewhere. So please?

“Umm..Ok, I guess. The hotel address is Hard Rock Hotel, 23 Not real place Drive.”

After he gave her the address, he hung up. He started going through his suitcase for at least suitable clothing to wear. He placed on a black T-shirt, with some words that says `Mess with me, you mess with life' and blue denim jeans. Over his shirt, shrugged on a leather jacket.
Just then a knock on the door was heard, when he just got finished combing through his medium straight hair. Sauntered up to door and opened it wide enough to see two teenage girls standing there before him. One girl was about 5'7, wearing baggy blue jeans, a black shirt, and Converse sneakers. Her hair was out, with brick red highlights and light brown high lights in her dark brown hair. Glasses that hunched on to her nose. Standing next to her about 5'6, the girl hair out as well her hair was about a light dark brownish. A blue blouse that bore up to her lower back, opened with a blue t-shirt that fit snug onto her body.
“Hey there..Badgerman..Ohh don't you look fine tonight, I didn't catch you going on a date..” A light blushed raised to his cheeks and he shook his head `no.'

“Maybe he was getting all dressed up for you, chief…” said the female next to her. She blushed and placed on a yea right look.

“Ha, ha yeah right..” She walked right into his room, followed by other girl leaving a stumped nineteen year old boy in daze.


Ladynesiko looked all around Badgerman's room. “Hmm, not bad….”She eyed the bed and jumped on it. “Woo comfy bed..” She sniffed in his pillow, sniffing in his scent.
Azumaya nodded. “Yes, it is quite a good room…” She sat down on the floor. So what not, chief?”

“Um…we could watch a movie…” She grinned. Maybe during the movie Badgerman might make a move on me! She sighed in daze. Oh I hope so!
“Uh, I got some horror movies , anime movies and comedy movies on me…” Badgerman said, walking towards his suitcase once again.
“What's there names? Tenchi Muyo, Dawn of the dead, The Ring 2, Austin Powers Gold member, and spirited away..”
At the same time, Azumaya and Nesiko said. “Spirited Away!!” He chuckled , and placed the DVD into the DVD Player. As the movie was beginning to start, Badgerman got some Doritos, doodles and soda. Nesiko grabbed the coca-cola as Azumaya grabbed the black cherry. In the middle of the movie, Nesiko was leaning against Badgerman, as Azumaya was curled up a sleep in a blanket Badgerman gave her.
Nesiko was starting to get out of the bathroom, and just as she opened the door. She saw Azumaya and Pyro knight locked in a embrace, face and face together kissing. She twitched and stormed out the house slamming the door.
It's been couple hours since that happened. Sighing to her self. Oh well Not like I care about what happened back there…She looked up and was surprise to see Badgerman staring down at her with a different look on his face. “Badgerman..” she blinked, a blush automatically raised to her cheeks. He leaned down, his face close towards her and was just about to……….