InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ where is kagome? ❯ journey begins ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I own inuyasha ! That's right you heard me! He's mine! :: lawyers appear out of nowhere to drag author away:: ….um you see……what I meant to say was….I … d-d-d-d-on't own inyasha yeah that's what I meant! :: author gives cheesy smile:: …….:: mean looking lawyers magically vanish:: >_< ….ok so I don't own inu but maybe some day! :: inuyasha scoffs "yeah right" :: ::author throws a shoe at inu:: :: inu lay on the ground looking something like this @_@ :: ….enough talk read my fic …I command you! :: readers glare and start chucking rotten veggies at her (eeewww veggies >_<) :: ::author runs away as fast as she can while yelling "ill get you ! But I might forgive you if you review J ::

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chapter 5 ……………..right?………&he llip;……..

In our previous chapter: Kagome blushed furiously when she realized she was still holding on to him ,while he on the other hand had already released her. She quickly turned and walked away from him in an attempt to conceal her burning cheeks. (a/n: as you can tell I kind of changed it J )………………………&h ellip;…....

She had turned away quickly but not quickly enough . Sesshoumaru had seen her crimson cheeks before she walk away from him which brought smirk to his usually blank face. 'what wrong with me!' she thought. " where pray tell are you going?" interrupted sesshoumaru's voice . Kagome stop in her tracks ' where am I going ? I should I know but any where away from here is looking pretty good right now!' she thought. "ummm….. " unfortunately was all that past her lip…..'yeah that sounds really clever Kagome…' she chastised herself "look Kagome lets not start off on the wrong foot ok we have a long journey ahead of us, so let try to get along besides once you get settled and get to rin we will go back to retrieve your pup." ….surprisingly enough he sounded sincere . She turned to face him with a dazzling smile and replied " your right, lets go lead the way fluffy….."she only giggled as he lifted an elegant brow at her obvious new nick-name for him . " not again………" he sighed and slightly hung his head. "what was that fluffy?"

"nothing ……she used to call me fluffy too" slightly saddened by the memory. Kagome automatically new he was referring to his former love. " I'm sorry I'll stop if you want" was all she could say. " No it's ok I don't mind , follow me so we can get going ……I hope you can ride …." He said. Kagome followed him to a clearing as he explained to her what was going to happen. "…we are going to stop by a town to return a the horse I barrowed for you and while we are there we'll get you some appropriate clothes for this time from the on we'll share my horse Thor until we reach my camp were my men are waiting…." Kagome stopped in her tracks when she noticed they had reached a clearing. Yet that's not what had her in awe , instead it was the a beautiful creature standing in the clearing that caught her attention. It was a magnificent beast with a coat as black as sin with only a white star on it's forehead as a marking. Next to the might steed stood another although not as mighty looking it was a caramel colored steed obviously well nourished and strong. She heard someone calling to her but didn't quit catch what he said. " what was that ?" she questioned. " I asked if your ready to get going ?….. Come on I'll help you mount your horse" he came to her side and lifted kagomes slender form onto the caramel horse. Once she had her bearings he swiftly mounted his own horse. "ready to go?" "ready" she replied as they started down a well worn path out of the clearing.


A/N: what I miracle I updated!yay! I really need some ideas but I'm having a dry spell so ideas would be greatly appreciated and if I use your ideas I'll be sure to give you credit for it ^_^ a beta reader would be nice to J ! ok buh-bye for now