InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ where is kagome? ❯ no title just pweeease read the a/n! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha yadda yadda yadda ….enjoyJ !

a/n: someone pointed out to me that I made a lot of grammatical errors all I can say is I'm sorry I've never been great at spelling. ^_^ *

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A brilliant blue light surrounded Kagome as soon as she stepped into the portal with sesshomaru. She felt a chilling breeze pass her by. she was starting to get cold and this trip through the portal seemed to be taking forever. Kagome was starting to shiver so she shifted slightly in order to be facing sesshomaru and pressed into him slightly while seeking warmth from his body. She expected him to push her away but to her surprise he did the opposite by bringing his arms to encircle her waist and pull her closer to him while also wrapping his tail over her shoulders. Suddenly she heard him clear his throat ,she looked around quickly. She noticed they were no longer in the portal but on top of a hill overlooking something that looked like an abbey.

She felt something being whispered into her ear so she turned her attention back to sesshomaru only to find is face a few inches from hers. She stuttered trying to ask a question but was distracted by the way his ever breath caressed her lips. Finally she asked, " w-what did you say?"

" Asked you if you would like to get going or do you plan on staying in this position a bit longer" He replied calmly.

Kagome blushed furiously when she realized that she was still holding on to him , he on the other hand had already released her. She quickly let him go and turned away from him trying to hide her burning red cheeks .

A/N: I just want to say I'm sorry but I've been having a lot of issues to deal with right now I have part of the next chapter don but I really need some ideas but I'm having a dry spell so ideas would be greatly appreciated and if I use your ideas I'll be sure to give you credit for it ^_^ a beta reader would be nice to J ! ok buh-bye for now